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vibhavShould I write raring or raring-proposed in the changelogs?07:00
vibhav(As uploads to raring will go to raring-proposed07:00
slangasekvibhav: 'raring' is probably best07:16
vibhavslangasek: thanks07:33
zygahey, is the plenary session streamed with google on air?08:00
chilicuilzyga: http://video.ubuntu.com/live/08:01
zygavirtual jono, that's new :)08:03
zygavirtually watching virtual jono08:03
jonozyga, lol08:04
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jonoit kinda sucks being virtual jono08:04
jonono super-powers or anything08:04
zygajono: you've got the super power of timeshift!08:04
* ogra-nx7 waits for the veggie part08:04
jonoogra-nx7, ;-)08:05
vibhavhmm, the live strem aint working08:05
vibhavWhen will the keynote start?08:05
zygavibhav: it's on08:06
ogra-nx7after the video08:06
vibhav"The next live stream will begin at 13:55PDT/20:55UTC. "08:06
zygait seems to work here08:06
jonovibhav, works for me08:06
ogra-nx7"... in the unlikely event of a loss in cabin pressure,  oxygen masks will ....."08:07
jonoogra-nx7, LOL!08:08
ogra-nx7veggies !!!!08:13
zygadouble sabdfl!08:15
zygavideo has died08:27
lifelesszyga: I'm having lots of video hangs08:29
lifelesszyga: plays 30s / 1m and stops :(08:29
zygalifeless: I get nothing on my end08:29
chilicuilzyga: yep, it's a known problem, just keep refreshing x.x08:33
zygaI guess ubuntu is just very popular now ;)08:33
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chilicuilzyga: some ppl just setup a hangout for following the uds https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fd3477b9f2b99fb1b47751e6aab9c3951d3307d6?authuser=0&hl=en u may want to join08:34
zygaso what was happening with the android demo?08:34
zygadid it work?08:34
zygacool, looking forward to the movie after the live recording then08:35
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yofelhi, just to make sure I understood things right:09:30
yofelwhen I upload a package I don't need to upload to raring-proposed, but to raring, and launchpad will move the package to raring-proposed and tell me it's been accepted/rejected in raring-proposed?09:30
micahgyofel: yes, that sounds right (syncs have to go to -proposed though)09:34
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siretartmicahg: what do you think about uploading libav 9 to raring this week?10:14
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ScottKyofel: The trick is if you run syncpackage, that may need to point at proposed.10:34
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yofelScottK: I can live with that10:34
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ogra-nx7seb128, jasoncwarner_ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-rebuild-gl-games-for-gles11:23
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seb128_ogra-nx7, thanks11:29
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Andy80hi all11:37
Andy80following this howto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Python I'm trying the command: dh_make -c gpl -s -b -f ../terminator_0.14.tar.gz, but I get an error: Unknown option: b11:38
Andy80any idea?11:38
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zygawill there be a live stream during the plenary sessions after lunch?12:09
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zygahey, does anyone know if there are going to be streaming the afternoon plenaries as well?12:54
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ScottKIs there anyone at UDS from Xubuntu/Ubuntu Studio?13:11
astraljavaScottK: knome from Xubuntu, ailo from Studio.13:19
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johey#ubuntu is too noicy, so please excuse my offtopic question. I am having trouble with apt. I'm trying to setup a http proxy to redirect to official ubuntu repos. It works fine on http, but if I set the proxy to listen on https, apt-get update works fine ONCE, but the next time it gives 404 on packages files.13:49
joheyRemoving /var/lib/apt/lists/* solves the problem and let me update once more.13:50
infinityjohey: Why would you want to proxy the Ubuntu archive over https?13:51
johey(The packages files does not exist, so the 404 is correct, but it should not request it. Only the packages.gz exists.)13:51
joheyinfinity: Request from our clients. They won't open a non-encrypted connection.13:52
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infinityjohey: Anyhow.  Not sure what your actual issue might be, and it's definitely off-topic for here.  Still seems like an odd requirement to be meeting in the first place, since you're proxying an untrusted connection to a trusted one.13:53
joheyinfinity: It is just step one. We're setting up an apt-cacher when this is sorted out.13:53
infinityjohey: Which is still proxying untrusted connections to trusted...13:54
joheyinfinity: But I would say this is an apt bug, or at least a bad behavior.13:54
infinity(Not that the archive is untrusted, but it's verified by apt at the Release.gpg level, not at the https level)13:54
vibhavSince it is offtopic, dont disturb the devels, let them watch what pitti is saying :P13:55
joheyinfinity: Yes, the setup might sound odd, but it should be doable anyhow... If this is not the right channel for discussing potential apt bugs, then can you please suggest me a more suitable forum?13:57
vibhav!forums | johey13:58
ubottujohey: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums13:58
infinityjohey: If you're sure it's an apt bug, file a bug with reproduction steps to show how you're hitting it.13:58
JoeBlackenHi, is there any disk encryption tool/library with LGPL, MIT, or BSD license that works with Ubuntu?13:58
cjwatsonvibhav: There's no real point in discussing apt bugs on the forums.  The relevant developers are very unlikely to read it.13:59
joheyI don't mean web forums specifically. More like an IRC channel with people to discuss it, in order to find out if it is a bug or not.14:00
joheyIf it turns out to be a bug, I will make a report for sure.14:01
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menaceplease speak a little bit louder :) thx!15:27
menacewups, wrong channel15:27
YokoZarpitti: "Packages which have autopkgtest enabled will have their tests run whenever they get uploaded or any of their reverse-dependencies change."  <-- am I reading that right or should it read "dependencies"?15:33
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tsdgeosYokoZar: no, he means reverse-dependencies, i.e. if you upload glib it'll run gtk tests to make sure new glib does not break existing gtk16:04
cjwatsonYokoZar,tsdgeos: it should actually be dependencies - tsdgeos' description of the actual effects is correct, but think about the semantics carefully :)16:25
cjwatsonin "their reverse-dependencies", the antecedent is the packages with tests, not the packages that were changed16:25
YokoZarcjwatson: so in other words if I make a very expensive test and attach it to libc6 it'll run all the time and slow down the test rig :D16:27
YokoZarOr wait, no, nevermind16:27
YokoZarif I make an expensive test to a package that depends on everything that'll happen.16:28
cjwatsonLike we said somewhere - if we get to the point where this is a problem, that will be a great problem to have16:28
cjwatsonAnd then we can worry about filtering16:28
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anadonhey, I tried to install unity from scratch over the weekend, and I ran into a compile error with 'nux'.  The ends I'm hoping for is to run unity with a wayland backend.  suggestions to fix the compile error, and/or achieve the ends?  Note, this is from a base install of arch.17:31
armbarFolks, just upgraded to quantal, got problems trying to install swi-prolog. Is this the right venue to ask for help?17:59
anadonnope, that's #ubuntu17:59
armbargot it thanks17:59
peaceZhello all19:45
peaceZi am programing a utility to dump the rom of laptops's batteries and to flash in declared dead ones, to disable the programmed obsolescence counter19:47
peaceZi would need to find some documentations , a kind of list of batteries using BQ2040 BQ2042 BQ 2092 microcontroller19:47
peaceZsomeone can helps me about it a bit ?19:47
peaceZmost of laptops and mobile phones batteries are dead by pure wish of the industry only, because the electronic control decide do disable the charge dunction on much used batteries, many manual tests on electronics boards using an interface has been successfull but i can etablish now with the battery port it is possible to flash directly the micro-controler19:52
mahdyjml: hi19:55
mahdyjml: how can i user undistract-me with zsh ??19:56
peaceZau fait je vais créer une nouvelle page dans le wiki sur le control électronique des batterie beaucoup de gens ignorent encore le fonctionnement d'une batterie20:01
peaceZsorry mistake20:01
mlankhorstat the risk of blowing up your battery :/20:12
ChipzzpeaceZ: this channel is oriented towards the development OF ubuntu, not ON ubuntu (cfr topic). I think it's unlikely you'll find the expertise you seek here20:15
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orogori upgraded to 12.10 and i encountered an issue can we see this here?20:32
orogorapprently a boot script has some issue , maybe the fancontrol one20:32
orogorand the login process get stuck , ctrl-alt-f6 and used startx to open xchat and come here20:33
maxborogor: You'll find #ubuntu more receptive to general help requests and #ubuntu-bugs more receptive for assistance in crafting good bug reports. This is very much a pure development channel.20:46
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