
schmitt9531I was wondering if you could help me out with the qemu-kvm setup. I'm trying to help my friend with his ubuntu hypervisor. He currently has libvirt running to implement qemu-system00:58
schmitt9531I connected to qemu:///session it did not work, when I did qemu+ssh I got access denied, added myself to libvirtd, it worked but I got qemu system access00:58
schmitt9531instead of qemu session00:58
schmitt9531and it gave me access to qemu system which has root privs00:59
schmitt9531how do I properly use qemu usermode?00:59
schmitt9531or is that not supported in ubuntu00:59
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bearly230Hello, all I have what I hope is an easy fix question. I have a centos server with a group made, and users added to the group.  But my ubuntu 12.04 desktop clients can't access the folder over nfs. Any sugestions?02:09
bearly230Hello, all I have what I hope is an easy fix question. I have a centos server with a group made, and users added to the group.  But my ubuntu 12.04 desktop clients can't access the folder over nfs. Any sugestions?02:18
patdk-lapenable group usage on nfs02:42
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smoserlifeless, dhcp09:09
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orogormay anyone helps me with checking the trip size chunk size and whatever for ext4 over lvm2 over an mdadm raid10 array?10:34
hallynstgraber: so fwtw my problem turned out to be with upstart's mounted-dev.conf.  It calls /sbin/MAKEDEV console which recreates /dev/{console,ttyN}.  That needs to not happen in a container.10:35
hallynoh, nope, guess that actually comes from mountall10:59
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koolhead17lynxman, hey11:36
lynxmankoolhead17: hello11:37
koolhead17lynxman, where are you?11:37
lynxmankoolhead17: London11:37
koolhead17lynxman, not in UDS11:38
lynxmankoolhead17: nope11:38
roaksoaxSpamapS: any examples of a subordinate charm?11:39
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SpamapSroaksoax: one example of a subordinate is nrpe12:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1072744 in maas (main) "maas-cluster-controller depends on rabbitmq-server." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107274414:17
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iggi_Anyone here familiar with open-iscsi and mounting drives on boot? I have my startup to automatic yet my boot still hangs where it is waiting for the iscsi drive. I am able to go to the server and manually skip the waiting and it will boot where I can manually log into the NAS.14:34
iggi_I just want it to connect at startup14:34
iggi_and I would like to disable the waiting screen since I can't get into the system remotely14:35
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jpdsAnyone know why aftering upgrading my KVM host to 12.10, a 12.04 guest running cobbler can't give out DHCP addresses? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1315428/15:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1072772 in maas (main) "Package upgrade breaks rabbitmq communication." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107277215:11
fidel_anyone used to 3ware raid controllers? i am using a 9650SE-12ML on a freshlyinstalled 12.04 - 64bit. i executed the installer from the code-set-iso and selected cli & webinterface. tw_cli works to aks the controller status - but the webinterface seems NOT to be accessible at all on http/https & default port 888. Any ideas? or any other place you would recommend to ask?15:11
fidel_btw: netstat shows nothing with port 88815:13
ewookfidel_: long time ago I fiddled with 3ware cards, but the web gui was broken back then as well ;).15:15
fidel_ewook: hehe15:15
fidel_ewook: it worked for me in 10.04 days15:15
fidel_so it should be possible to get it working ...at least ;)15:16
fidel_bloody 3ware/lsi stuff15:16
RoyKfidel_: I've used 3ware controllers with linux for a decade or so, but never tried that webinterface...15:17
fidel_RoyK: so you stick to tw_cli only or the bios as well?15:17
RoyKnot yet tried with 12.04 either...15:17
RoyKyeah, it works15:17
RoyKtw_cli with nagios/icinga plugin is good15:18
fidel_sounds great ;)15:18
RoyKbut then, I guess I'll stick to software raid on future servers15:18
fidel_but well - as it worked in the past i am pretty sure one of the team is "in need" for the web-ui ;)15:18
udsslayerI don't suppose anyone who is at UDS could help me setup a guest VM with a public IP?15:18
fidel_apart from that: i know the rest works - i would like to get the webinterface working as well15:19
RoyKfidel_: they don't need it unless you tell them there is one ;)15:19
fidel_RoyK: it worked in the past - they used it .... doomed ;)15:19
RoyKwell, setup icinga for monitoring and they'll have an even fancier webinterface for monitoring far more than just the raid controller ;)15:20
fidel_thanks for the tips - but i am not asking for workarounds or other solutions. basically i would at least test for some more time if its possible to get the webinterface working15:21
fidel_sidenotwe: we are running nagios here ;)15:21
fidel_so - close to icinga15:21
RoyKI used to run nagios, but nothing much has happened to that codebase for, what, 5 years?15:22
fidel_pretty silent around nagios yep15:22
RoyKEthan chose to move to Nagios IV, being commercial15:22
RoyKthe Icinga people have rewritten quite a lot over the last 2-3 years15:23
RoyKnagios config files are still compatible, though15:23
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edveanyon knows a good alternative to landscape ?16:11
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RoyKedve: for what use? landscape has a few different uses (or a lot)16:13
skipp3rhi all, i want to send the output of a script under /etc/cron.daily/ to /dev/null, can i define the sdout inside the script? or how cna i send the sdout just of this script to /dev/null ?16:13
edveMonitoring , getting updated easily for some none linux user16:13
RoyKskipp3r: just create a wrapper script and run "yourscript > /dev/null"16:14
RoyKskipp3r: perhaps with "2>&1" if you want to get rid of stderr as well16:14
RoyKedve: for monitoring, there are several systems to choose from, for updating easily from outside the console or terminal, I don't know any, but it's easy to cron that part16:15
ubottuThere are many ways to monitor processes, here are a few: ps, top, htop, gnome-system-monitor, lavaps, wmtop16:15
skipp3rRoyK: the script is under /etc/cron.daily/ where are more scripts, i want to change the output just for a specific one16:15
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RoyKstupid bot16:16
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RoyKskipp3r: just move that script to /usr/local/sbin or something and create a wrapper script in /etc/cron.daily16:17
RoyKskipp3r: or modify the script to let the parts that create output redirect their output to /dev/null16:17
skipp3rRoyK: how can i modify it? can i somehow inside the script redirect the output to /dev/null ?16:18
RoyKskipp3r: editor /path/to/script16:19
RoyKit's just a script!16:19
skipp3rRoyK: yes, i mean i should just add >/dev/null inside the script? is that enough?16:20
RoyKjust find the noisy parts and add >/dev/null to them16:20
skipp3rRoyK: ok i will try that, thanks!16:21
recon_lapbit stuck trying to use sendmail , keep getting this error Oct 29 16:18:37 xxx-Aspire-V3-571 sendmail[5892]: My unqualified host name (xxx-Aspire-V3-571) unknown; sleeping for retry, just what it for testing a web site account verification system on my local machine. anyone able to give a hint what i need to configure?16:21
RoyKif they write to stderr, which is normal for errors, add 2>&1 after >/dev/null to redirect file 2 (stderr) to file 1 (stdout)16:21
RoyKrecon_lap: erm - do people use sendmail anymore? ;)16:21
* RoyK sticks to postfix16:21
RoyKsome people like exim as well16:22
recon_lapRoyK: I'm using it through SMTP from a web server for email address verification. not sure how postfix/exim relate to this16:23
RoyKif you don't have a personal preference for sendmail, I'd recommend using postfix (or perhaps exim, but I don't know that too well)16:23
recon_lapRoyK: it's just a development system, I just want it to work so i can test some code. not going to be uses as a production mail server, but I'll have a look at postfix16:25
RoyKpostfix is generally easier to configure for most stuff16:26
RoyKunless you're a sendmail wiz, I'd recommend switching16:26
recon_lapRoyK: lol, no whiz, it's just whats installed by default16:26
RoyKI don't think sendmail has been installed by default16:27
RoyKprobably exim16:27
RoyKdpkg -l | grep sendmail16:27
recon_lapRoyK: thx, I'm looking into it :)16:34
recon_lapthe bit I don't get is entering a FQDN(fully qualified domain name), I don't have one as far as i know, just using localhost.16:35
IdleOneRoyK: if you are inclined to write up a nice wiki howto page on wiki.ubuntu.com for icinga we can write a factoid pointing to it.16:36
recon_lapshould I just use my host name?16:36
RoyKIdleOne: ok16:37
IdleOneCool :)16:37
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bubu\ahi guys - I want to use logrotate. Whats the difference in putting in an entry in /etc/logrotate.conf17:18
bubu\aor creating a specific conf in /etc/logrotate.d/?17:18
bubu\ai want to rotate hourly...17:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #1072813 in puppet (main) "puppetd hangs/slow downs - already fixed in upstream" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107281317:21
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xslhello all ... i have a LXC/APPARMOR/INITSCRIPTS problem18:40
xslI want to use the funcionality of autostart a container wen its linked in /etc/lxc/auto but i get this error in syslog .. and the container does not start18:41
xslHelena Soares 17:23:3818:41
xslnão será juntamente com o salário, mas será este mês18:41
xslNunoSeita 17:31:0018:41
xsljuntamente ker dizer o quê? não é no "recibo" ou não é no mesmo dia?18:41
xslwrong paste18:41
xsl /shame18:41
xsltype=1400 audit(1351535408.081:10): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed type match" error=-13 parent=1384 profile="/usr/bin/lxc-start" name="/proc/" pid=1416 comm="lxc-start" fstype="proc" srcname="proc" flags="rw"18:42
xsli tried uncomenting in /var/lib/lxc/<container_name>/config the string lxc.aa_profile = unconfined18:43
xslbut with no luck18:43
Phibsis there any way to change to 1000HZ vs 100 in the kernel ?18:55
stiv2ki have a /dev/sdb mounted as my /home tree on my server and lately it keeps alerting me that /dev/sdb will be fsck'ed on next reboot. so I rebooted it but it still says /dev/sdb need to be fsck'ed. what do i do?20:00
maxbWhat's alerting you? the motd when you log in?20:11
stiv2kmaxb yes20:13
stiv2kand in dmesg20:14
stiv2k[   16.744800] EXT4-fs (sdb): warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended20:14
maxbOK. Check at reboot is controlled by a field in /etc/fstab. You could either ensure that's not zero, and reboot, and see if it checks then, or you could unmount sdb and check it separately whilst the rest of the machine stays up20:15
stiv2kmaxb, it has my /home tree, so i dont think i can unmount it right20:15
maxbYou'd need to ensure no normal users were logged in before you could unmount it20:16
stiv2ksounds like a catch 2220:16
maxbThough you could be logged in as root or as another user specifically created with a home outside /hoem/20:16
stiv2kill probably just do the first method20:16
maxbFind the line of your /etc/fstab that refers to /dev/sdb and paste it here?20:17
stiv2kmaxb, i made it really simple20:17
stiv2kUUID=66aa7d2b-2805-47a3-9f18-2b8d2ace60a2 /home         ext420:17
maxbhm is there no more? there should be more fields after that20:18
stiv2ki never added any20:18
stiv2kit just worked so i left it like that :S20:19
maxbstiv2k: After the ext4 add                          defaults   0  220:21
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stiv2kwhats the 2 for?20:22
maxbNot having a number in the sixth field probably is why it didn't get checked20:22
maxb2 is for check this, but do it after the root file system (which should have number 1 there)20:22
maxb'man fstab' for more in-depth discussion20:23
stiv2kah ok20:23
stiv2know just reboot?20:23
maxbJust to double-check, the entire fstab line should now look like:20:24
maxbUUID=66aa7d2b-2805-47a3-9f18-2b8d2ace60a2 /home         ext4   defaults   0  220:24
maxbAt which point, yes, rebooting ought to cause the drive to be checked20:24
briggzHey guys, anyone here a server admin professionally?20:34
briggzI'm looking for final project ideas for my intro to linux class.20:35
briggzserver specific area to study that would be useful for future admins.20:35
orogorsan ?20:36
orogorif you have access to the hardware20:36
briggzwhat's san?20:36
orogorstorage area network or something like that20:36
orogorstorage attached n...thing20:36
orogorzonning fiber  san switch , stuff like that20:37
bbhossAnyone have issues with runit not sending signals to the correct process when you use chpst? It seems like it is sending the signals to the chpst process instead of the process chpst runs20:38
briggzoh, looking more for software server side.20:38
orogornever had the courses at univeristy, you need to have like 10k€ just to make a single setup that not everyone will play with20:38
briggzlike we're doing samba stuff now.20:38
orogoryou want software only course?20:39
briggzit's not a hardware focused course.20:39
briggzit's linux operating systems20:39
orogorsoftware raid + lvm  is also usefull , and they need to grasp the lvm concept20:40
briggzlike I installed unbuntu-server20:40
orogorand you can do the course with commodity hardware20:40
briggzIm one of the 'they' I'm a student looking for ideas on my final project that I get to pick. I asked my teacher for ideas, he said look at a list of things that might benefit a career.20:42
orogorhow long the projet is?20:42
briggzI've got 8 weeks to do it20:45
briggzwe need to select a topic and start this week.20:45
briggzplus it needs to be approved.20:45
orogorsorry had to reboot to fix boot sequence :)20:51
briggzthat's ok20:51
orogorso , how long?20:52
briggzI have 8 weeks20:52
briggz to compete20:53
orogorgotta be networked or be usefull in any way ?20:53
orogorlike setup nfs/samba shares for roaming profiles for students would be nice maybe20:54
briggzit's got to be something that has to focus on server and/networks and more specifically Linux20:54
orogorno ?20:54
briggzwe're already doing samba this week20:54
orogorlike wherever you login your desktops and my document folder is always the same20:54
briggzwell, we're setting it up and playing with it20:55
marsjemy friend just upgraded from ubuntu server 10.04 to 12.04 and now it seems his dns settings are wrong... how can I see what is the current dns-server? how can I change it?20:56
orogorboot a computer and get it automagically installed20:56
briggzno specific tasks in it, something might come up in the coming weeks. but as of right now, we're making windows and our servers see each other, share, etc..20:56
orogorcat /etc/resolv.conf20:56
orogorvirtualisation is also good to play with if you never tried it20:58
briggzdone that. =)20:58
briggzI have my actual ubuntu server, my windows machine, and 4 virtual linux boxes on it.20:58
xslguys i need help with LXC/Apparmor ( get this error message: type=1400 audit(1351535408.081:10): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed type match" error=-13 parent=1384 profile="/usr/bin/lxc-s20:58
xsltart" name="/proc/" pid=1416 comm="lxc-start" fstype="proc" srcname="proc" flags="rw")20:58
briggzthey're even seprate networks.20:59
briggzis there something specific in security that you might think would be good to know more in depth?20:59
xsli tryed commenting out the line lxc.aa_profile in /var/lib/lxc/container_a/config with no luck20:59
orogorroles base access c..thing  rbac21:01
orogorsee apparmor21:01
orogornobody ever use configure this kinds of stuff however21:01
xsli didnt wanted to disable the profile, i been searching but i dont quite get it how to configure that "mount"21:02
orogorbut it s  the only real way i ve found to get a secure system21:02
xslthey just disable ? ... lack of security feature imo ... right?21:02
orogorbasically you start apparmor in profiling mode , run the system and makes it do all thge stuff it usually does21:03
orogorthen put the profile in enforce mode , and after that it can only do the things it could do while in profile mode21:03
xsland then i commit the changes21:04
xslyeah i see where your going to21:04
orogorxsl,  not speaking to you :)21:04
xslits easyer than writing myself the profile21:04
orogorbut you might learn as well21:04
xslyour not? ... but seems like the solution to my problem21:04
orogorxsl,  yhea  it maybe it21:04
orogorxsl, in fact afterward you slightly edit the profile and put * in some places , like for a cookie folder21:05
orogorelse it wouldn t be able to create cookie-zer3zer41ze5rzer4.txt  if this wasn t created during the profiling step21:06
orogorbut then that s only if you re creating your own profiles21:06
orogorelse it may means you re encountering a bug of some kind that you should report , or need an update cause it s already fixed21:07
orogorxsl, ?21:08
orogor:msg nickserv hi21:08
xsli have just a plain install of precise 12.0421:08
xslcreated my lxc container of a lvm21:09
xslat it gives me that error above wen i reboot the server and the container should start automaticaly21:09
xslim trying to boot the container manually in debug mode ... takes alot of time imho21:10
orogorhumm bug is marked as solved, odd21:11
orogorstupid question , why not try another virualisation solution ?21:11
xslmy goal is not rly virtualization21:12
xslits more like the jails in freebsd feeling i want21:12
orogorchroot ?21:12
xslchroot not that good as lxc imo21:12
xslcannot define mem limits and such21:12
orogoryou want really a loot of differt process in their own containers?21:12
orogora lot of21:13
xsl1 container just for mysql 1 container just for php 1 container just nginx21:13
xslsomething like that21:13
orogorwould be me it d all go ina  single vm21:13
xslcall me paranoid :D21:14
orogorand not a chroot or jail , but a  full vm21:14
orogorso your desktop upgrade won t break your carefully crafed vm config for php and nginx21:14
orogorand you can snapshoot and rollback dureing devellopement21:15
xslits a server21:15
xsland i can snapshot LVM21:15
orogornot the same thing21:15
orogorwell anyhow if you know lxc use that, and fix the apparmor issue21:18
orogorif it s single process completely isolated it s  not that bad to turn off apparmor i guess21:18
orogorelse report the bug to ubuntu or fix it yourself by doing the profile and enforcing it21:19
xsli think its an initscripts problem21:20
xsli can start the container manually21:20
xslonly the startup of the server fails21:20
briggzorogor:  I think I have a idea of my topic.21:33
briggzthanks for the help21:33
Zer0GlitchGood day, folks22:13
Zer0GlitchCan anyone recommend ideal RAID build for small apache/sql server?22:16
Zer0GlitchI'm thinking of using 6x 120GB SSDs22:16
Zer0GlitchAnyone registering this?22:20
Zer0GlitchJesus Christ, people. If you're going to occupy space in a help and discussion-focused chat room quit running bots/AFK and respond to inquiries or logout22:22
jeremydeiwell, i was gonna say.. 6xssd's sounds pretty screamin fast .. that's all i got sry :)22:23
Zer0GlitchLooks better in this: http://www.thermaltakeusa.com/Product.aspx?C=1156&ID=203122:26
Zer0GlitchRunning in one of these: http://www.antec.com/product.php?id=2149&pid=822:26
bbhossZer0Glitch: sounds like overkill. Also, nginx > apache22:29
Zer0GlitchHoss > Sounds like overkill, but I'm going to be running high IOPS because I'll be hosting a high-visitation site off of it. Combination of Wordpress & custom CRM. I'll have a larger fibre-channel rackmount for the media storage.22:31
Zer0GlitchLow latency, high uptime22:32
Zer0GlitchI want to minimize my maintenance and chances for hardware failure, so SSDs make sense22:32
Zer0GlitchSo again, anyone have any suggestions on primary raid setup for server? I was thinking Raid522:34
patdk-laphmm? raid5 is low iops and high latency22:35
Zer0GlitchFirst time raiding a server. Hence the question22:35
Zer0Glitch<-- clearly needs assistance22:35
Zer0GlitchI've been running off my home server and run into problems. Now making move to upgrade and need recommendations.22:36
patdk-lapgenerally, you use raid10 for everything, except if it's for streaming workloads, then raid622:37
patdk-lapbut high iops is normally always going be a raid10 config22:37
Zer0GlitchWhy Raid6 for streaming? A big part of the content is podcasts, but I'm moving it to Torrented distribution - first download originating at my site. Not streaming.22:38
Zer0GlitchSecondary distribution P2P22:38
patdk-lapas it sounds like podcasts and torrents should be streaming, they defently are not22:39
patdk-lapatleast when your user count is >422:39
patdk-laptorrent is inherently designed to be random22:39
Zer0GlitchI'm getting 10K hits/mo22:40
patdk-lapraid6 is only better for streaming, cause you gain extra space really22:40
patdk-lapwhere the performance of raid6 and raid10 could be close, just raid6 assumes your moving large amount of data per transaction22:41
patdk-lapand raid10 doesn't make that assumption22:41
patdk-lapraid5 is the same, just it's inherently unsafe, expecially the larger disks get22:41
jbrownehttps://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/query2 appears to be throwing 404s.  I know the existing format is to be deprecated, but the new format (from the announcement) is supposed to still live at that URL (per the examples).  Did I miss another announcement, or has it just broken as a part of releasing the latest refreshed Precise cloud images from last week?23:04
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blendedbychrisanyone decent at troubleshooting snmpd?23:20
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pmatulis!ask | blendedbychris23:40
ubottublendedbychris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:40

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