
AlanBellhttp://video.ubuntu.com/live/ UDS is starting up07:58
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ali1234AlanBell: black screen and loud buzzing noise?08:30
bb15hi all!08:30
AlanBellali1234: refresh, it is back now08:31
ali1234i get nothing now08:31
daubersI'll catch the keynote on the youtubes08:34
ali1234the year of ARM servers is like the year of linux desktop08:40
MooDoomorning all08:45
TheOpenSourcererafternoon all.08:48
TheOpenSourcerergah - half term :-(08:49
TheOpenSourcererMrs TheOpenSourcerer tried her new PC last night. Doesn't like the global menu (neither do I). Wants to have her shortcuts to various directories/apps etc. that used to live along the top bar restored. lol Told her that was "by design" and she had no hope.08:54
danfishTheOpenSourcerer: change to xubuntu?09:01
TheOpenSourcerermorning danfish. I am inclined to see if I can fix, or workaround, these limitations.09:04
andycI've just had a weird problem - Rhythmbox refused to play m4a files despite installing restricted extras.  This was resolved when I removed ~/gstreamer-0.10... What is kept in there that stops a file being played correctly?09:11
danfishI really really dislike Mondays09:11
andycOh no scrap that - the issue isn't resolved :P09:12
knightdroidHmmm  i an realy thinking about trying the google on a nexus thing09:13
andycknightdroid, What's that then?09:14
knightdroidWhat they showed at uds   running full scale ubuntu on a nexus 709:15
andycOh I saw a post on g+ from popey with an image of that09:16
andycCan it dual boot?  I wouldn't want to lose android if I had one...09:16
daubersdanfish: Have you ever played with the room thermostat controls on a boiler?09:16
hoovermorning all09:19
danfishdaubers: a little bit - what've you got in mind?09:20
knightdroidAn inger09:20
knightdroidSorry   fighting a small keyboard here09:20
daubersdanfish: Arduino, SSR, Xbee :)09:23
daubersdanfish: timer's failed in the boiler. Thought it would be a good time to "upgrade"09:23
danfishdaubers: sounds like a plan - have you tried programming the ATtiny84's with arduino - very cheap when you don't want/need a full arduino09:25
daubersdanfish: Yes :) Will eventually replace the lot with a specifically made PCB. Just throwing it together with what's around at the moment.09:26
ali1234andyc it does not dual boot09:45
ali1234it should be easy enough to implement though09:45
danfishgood job UDS is on this side of the pond!10:04
BigRedSHeh. I think every time I've flw10:08
BigRedSflown anywhere in the past few years I've had the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised at modern Linux printer support10:08
BigRedSbut it's odd that the only time I need to print anything is when I'm going to fly somewhere...10:09
czajkowskiBigRedS: when you here?10:13
BigRedSI arrive this eve and leave Weds morning. Apparentrly I'm to talk to people in suits at this enterprise summit, though, rahter than do anything particularly interesting10:18
BigRedSI'll be putting the hype in hyperscaling apparently; I will be winning ubingo.10:18
czajkowskimake sure you come say hi10:21
czajkowskiand poke Laney10:21
czajkowskigord: you alive!10:22
czajkowskiLaney: and how is your noggin10:23
* BigRedS fills in this valve-on-linux survey10:23
BigRedSreally hard to not think "Hm, which would make me an ideal test-case" for each question10:23
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:25
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BigRedSGood morning!10:34
brobostigongood morning BigRedS10:34
BigRedSmorning, how's thinks?10:35
BigRedSer, things10:35
hooverMorning BigRedS10:35
brobostigonBigRedS:  not bad, my eczema is irritable. and have my dermatologist to at the hospital this afternoon. and you?10:36
BigRedSNot bad. Got incredibly cold and wet on teh way home last night, still mildly bitter about having to come back up to The North from London every weekend10:37
czajkowskiBigRedS: joined 1638410:43
czajkowskiBigRedS: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad/+members10:43
BigRedSczajkowski: hm?11:05
czajkowskiBigRedS: join that team so you can read the notes from sessions11:07
BigRedSczajkowski: I thought as much, can't find a 'join' button... :)11:08
czajkowskiBigRedS: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad11:08
BigRedSmaybe I need to spend more time on lp11:11
davmor2Morning all11:11
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:29
davmor2morning bigcalm11:30
bigcalmmgdm: I'm going to be (at some point) working on a generic social club management system in Symfony2 and OS the whole thing. Think you might be interested in chipping in at some point?11:31
bigcalmHi davmor211:31
bigcalmdavmor2: I'm on holiday this Thursday, so won't be at the workplace day (will we ever have one again?). So I should attend the LUG on Wednesday11:32
mgdmbigcalm: possibly, keep me informed :)11:32
bigcalmmgdm: grand :)11:32
lornajaneis it rope-mgdm-into-more-projects day? Because I just did that too :)11:32
davmor2bigcalm: not at this rate although I'll catch up with moreati and mrevell  and see if they are going11:32
bigcalmI can't decide to do it under my own github account or start a new one for this project under my idophp name11:33
bigcalmlornajane: \o/ Fancy seeing you in here :)11:33
lornajanebigcalm: I only come here when I either need some sanity, or want something11:33
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bigcalmHaha, this is one of the more gentile channels...11:33
bigcalmlornajane: well, good to see you here for what ever reason :)11:34
mgdmyeah, hence the 'possibly' :)11:35
mgdmI've been meaning to learn SF2, just not quite had enough round tuits yet11:35
bigcalmA club that my father is in is in need of what they call an 'intranet'. I call is a generic social club management system. So I'm trying to get as many requirement details out of him before even considering coding11:37
bigcalmHaving a project with structure is a good way to learn a new framework I think11:37
mgdmI have a project in mind, too11:38
bigcalmI just wish I understood how to do ACL, for groups of clients, properly in SF211:38
bigcalmBut will it be OS?11:38
DJonesArgh..How difficult is it to get work done when you're working from home11:41
mgdmMine might be depending on how well I think I do it ;-)11:41
mgdmlornajane: any ideas about doing ACLs like bigcalm's talking about?11:41
lornajaneDJones: I work from home full time and find I enjoy the peace and quiet ... I have a good setup here though as I'm here all the time11:41
czajkowskiDJones: very easy.11:42
lornajanemgdm, bigcalm: I haven't done a lot with SF2 myself so although I know there are users/groups type permissions, I couldn't say more than that11:42
bigcalmDJones: you have to be committed to your work. There are lots of distractions here11:42
czajkowskiI wfh and have it set up nicely11:42
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: http://civicrm.org/11:42
DJoneslornajane: I will be doing 90% of the time, but as its just starting, I keep thinking I should be doing something else11:42
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: looked at it, too complex for what is required11:42
lornajaneDJones: shut the door until lunchtime :)11:43
DJonesJust feels strange to be sat with work to do, and to be at home, think it'll take a week or so to get settled11:43
bigcalmDJones: took me a couple of years11:43
lornajaneactually I do now run up and down the stairs putting washing in and things, but I started with quite a strict office routine11:43
bigcalmDJones: are you working from home full time now?11:43
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: Something probably will do what you need in here then: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/clients-a-communities11:43
lornajaneI was lucky and got to practice as a remote employee first, before I went self-employed, so I made office-hours habits11:44
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: joomla is in the wrong language for me11:44
TheOpenSourcererCommunityBuilder is very popular11:44
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: the point of doing this in PHP and SF2 is that it will aid my understanding for my day time job11:44
DJonesbigcalm: Yes, got made redundant, so started up as self employed, picked up a few clients to start, mostly working from home, occasional visit to the client, although most of it is dealt with through email/phone11:45
bigcalmDJones: wow, good luck with it :)11:45
mgdmbigcalm: wrong language? Joomla? It's PHP?11:45
TheOpenSourcererWhat services do you offer DJones?11:45
DJonesThanks, going ok so far, the dog loves the idea of me being home all day11:45
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: bookkeeping/accounts11:45
bigcalmmgdm: doh, I was thinking of something else :)11:45
bigcalmmgdm: is Joomla the one that seems to be used for education/training?11:46
lornajanebigcalm: that might be moodle11:46
TheOpenSourcererJoomla! is just the biggest CMS evah!11:46
bigcalmlornajane: you're right, it's moodle. Hated working with that :)11:46
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: I thought that was Drupal11:46
lornajanein my experience, if you think the answer is joomla, it probably isn't.  Look at drupal by all means, but if you want to make yourself a SF2 project, then go ahead11:47
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: Pretty much anything along those lines, anything from taxi drivers, security firms (bouncers), restaurants, pubsgrooming parlour so far11:47
lornajaneTheOpenSourcerer: wow11:47
ali1234a street fighter 2 project?11:48
TheOpenSourcererDon't believe the drupal hype. It's a great product yes, but so is Joomla!11:48
TheOpenSourcererJoomla! 3 is lovely :-)11:49
mgdmI did some work on a Joomla thing a while ago and that was not my opinion, but each to their own :)11:50
mgdmit might've been the particular extension I was using11:50
ali1234it can't be worse than drupal11:50
lornajaneI think I got burned by an old joomla version11:50
mgdmThis one had two models - one for the front-end, and another for the admin11:51
TheOpenSourcererIt has improved a lot since the 1.5 series.11:51
mgdmwhich I thought was *bananas*11:51
TheOpenSourcererHey - I like the separation between front and back ends ;-)11:52
lornajaneyeah but the models need to be shared!  Front ends need templates, back ends probably don't.  In fact, I think I'm really going to like django when I a) have some time and b) learn some python11:54
BigRedSDjango seems to be the one thing that nobody ever complains about11:56
mgdmI've used it a bit11:56
AlanBellI can complain about django12:06
AlanBelladding or changing a field is a heap of pain that I don't want to care about12:07
AlanBellneeds south and schema migrations and service restarts12:08
lornajaneall the full-stack PHP frameworks are going the same way though for that kind of thing12:09
BigRedSDjango seems to be the one thing that nobody other than Alans ever complain about12:09
* TheOpenSourcerer hasn't said anything since the only Django he knows is a deceased guitar player12:10
davmor2AlanBell: yeah but then you can find complaints about everything ;)12:11
bigcalmSlowly catching up on UUPC. Only 4 more until I'm up to date :S12:11
* TheOpenSourcerer hates half-term. Will need to go and feed the ankle biters shortly...12:11
bigcalmLoving that the presenters are slowly going insane12:11
einonmTheOpenSourcerer: Actually, I think Django is named after him12:12
davmor2bigcalm: slowly?!?!?!12:12
bigcalmdavmor2: yes12:12
bigcalmEach episode has them cracking up more and more12:12
TheOpenSourcerereinonm:  Him -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Reinhardt12:13
TheOpenSourcererYep: "The Django web framework is named after him, as is version 3.1 of the blog software WordPress.[35]"12:13
davmor2bigcalm: I think you'll find that popey and tonytiger haven't been sane for years ;)12:13
einonmTheOpenSourcerer: yup, the guy with less than the full amount of fingers. I think there's a naming scheme for modules that's jazz-music based because of it12:13
daubersbigcalm: I love Django \o/12:14
TheOpenSourcererFantastic guitarist. My Dad got me into him.12:14
einonmTheOpenSourcerer: He ws the reason Tony Iommi (sp?) got back into playing after losing a finger too12:15
TheOpenSourcererDid you all see that Parallela got the Kickstarter funding? :-D12:16
christelyah! :D12:17
TheOpenSourcererI didn't think they were going to make it a few days ago.12:17
* AlanBell is on a train12:23
daubersAlanBell: You'd be better off inside the train......12:24
bigcalmAlanBell is in India12:24
AlanBelland false :)12:24
bigcalmlubotu3: I missed you!12:24
daubersaq goes away and lubotu3 comes back??12:25
daubersaq is lubotu3 !12:25
AlanBellyou never see them in the same room together12:25
* daubers waits for lubotu3 to leave....12:27
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DJonesHas anybody installed dropbox from the repo's on 12.04 recently, when it starts its giving me a warning "Dropbox is running from an unsupported location" and wants to download & install the latest version from dropbox13:59
DJonesAh, known bug14:00
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bigcalmpopey: Amy Ferguson? (I'm catching up on uupcs)15:01
popeyfriend of ours15:02
bigcalmpopey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Ferguson ?15:02
jpdspopey: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-2003347115:03
DJonesARGH, getting fed up of "International incoming calls" asking to speak to someone who has never lived here15:47
popeyAlanBell, you around?16:18
einonmI seem to be having issues with pad.ubuntu.com - never used it before, is there anything special I need to do to login? I'm already in launchpad.16:21
davmor2DJones: simply ask for the company name so you know who to sue for harassment you'll be surprised by how quickly they a) hang up and b) never ring again16:25
DJonesdavmor2: I told them couldn't speak to the person they wanted because they died about 5 years ago, next thing I heard was the click as the call was ended16:26
davmor2DJones: Yes but they won't put that on the system to stop the calls.  If you threaten to sue them you're number gets flagged as hostile and they never ring again16:27
DJonesThat works with uk calls, doesn't seem to bother overseas call centres16:28
lornajaneI find most of the international callers have heard of the telephone preference service stuff and will vanish FAST when they find out they shouldn't have called you16:28
lornajaneI also report them if I get a company name16:29
DJonesI do that when I get info16:29
dogmatic69DJones: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/10/27/cold-calling-firm-success_n_2029425.html16:33
NET||abusei'm finally going to re-install ubuntu16:33
NET||abusefull disk encryption on 12.10,,16:33
NET||abusei've been away a year, anything worth knowing about :)16:34
dogmatic69I have home encryption on my one server and its pants. would not do it again.16:35
NET||abusehome encryption is completely different16:36
NET||abusethat's a stacked encryption, ontop of the filesystem16:36
NET||abusethis is block level encrytpion16:36
NET||abuseso the whole partition is encrypted16:36
NET||abuserigth, boot usb disk made, time to reboot16:44
NET||abusesee you soon if i survive "!:16:45
PendulumI've managed to scare off people twice this year with the absolute truth. Unfortunately they were both "legit" calls because they were from companies we actually use, just have no interest in upgrading/adding features.16:58
PendulumThe first was the evening of the day my grandmother died16:58
PendulumThe second was when I was in the acute hospital a couple weeks ago. (No one's tried since I've been in the rehab hospital yet)16:59
PendulumI always have this sense of satisfaction when they start apologizing16:59
NET||abuseyay,, ok, i'm up and running, but then I'm not..17:29
NET||abusefinished my install, now unity desktop wont' show up17:29
lornajanethat sounds like a feature to me17:29
* lornajane ducks17:29
NET||abusei login to my user, i just see the wallpaper, no toolbar17:30
AlanBellhi popey17:30
AlanBellon train now17:30
NET||abusethis is after trying to enable additional drivers17:30
NET||abusefor my nvidia card :(17:31
NET||abusehow do i disable that without being able to see the desktop :( i can switch to a tty terminal17:31
NET||abusearrrg, stuck17:33
lornajaneNET||abuse: when you log in, the screen where you have a username and password, you will have a choice of desktops17:35
NET||abusehi guys, nope17:35
NET||abusebeen searching all over that, there's no options17:35
lornajanetry a different one (desktops might not be the right term)17:35
NET||abuseyeh, there's nothing in any of the menus up the top anywhere17:35
NET||abusei have accessability, language, network, sound, power, clock and shutdown menu17:36
NET||abusethere's nothing to do with desktop options.17:36
NET||abuseI expected the little cog icon somwhere around my name for the login17:36
bigcalmNET||abuse: is there an icon next to your login name (where you enter your password)?17:36
NET||abusehow do i change the drivers from the command line17:36
davmor2lornajane: on 12.10 there is only unity3d unless you install another desktop environment17:37
NET||abusehmm, this blows17:37
NET||abuseUbuntu, you failed me17:37
lornajanedavmor2: I'm an XFCE user so I am sort of the blind leading the blind here :)17:37
einonmNET||abuse: For the X server, I think there's a file like /etc/X.org.conf17:37
bigcalmxubuntu \o/17:37
lornajaneI also haven't upgraded yet - only just back from mad conference trips, and upgrading in the middle of those never ends well17:37
lornajanebigcalm: actually it was kind of Mint and then ... yeah.  So now it's a bit of everything!17:38
bigcalmlornajane: Ubuntu 12.10 comes with PHP 5.4 as default. Was a bit of a shock and older projects don't like it :)17:38
einonmNET||abuse:  that tells the X server to use the nvidia driver....or you can just do a 'sudo rmmod <drivername>'17:38
davmor2NET||abuse: you can try sudo apt-get remove nvidia-<tab> till you get the right one and switch back to the neuvau driver17:38
lornajanebigcalm: yeah I'm expecting a lot of migration enquiries17:38
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NET||abusei tried the nvidia-current-updates so that broker17:39
NET||abusehave to chooose the other nvidia-current one with (current,tested) instead of just current)17:39
NET||abusedavmor2: cheers.17:39
* BigRedS is in Copenhagen17:40
NET||abuseright, got rid of nvidia-current-updates, login works again17:40
bigcalmBigRedS: give me your access to steam linux beta!17:41
NET||abuseahh, i signed up for that, I WANT17:41
bigcalmdavmor2: that's 4 peeps going to the LUG, I wonder if we'll get back to normal numbers any time soon17:42
BigRedSI've been using the steam linuxthing as an excuse to not bother looking for ethernet drivers for Windows for my laptop17:43
BigRedSfor about six weeks now...17:43
popeyAlanBell, will chat later, picked up some a11y stuff to do17:44
popeyneed your help :)17:44
popeyczajkowski, your tab is done17:45
NET||abusehmm, i installed the nvidia drivers and now my boot screen is all ugly.17:45
czajkowskipopey: thank you17:46
czajkowskiwhere are you now?17:46
NET||abusearrrg,, very supprised at this, the nvidia drivers not working on ubuntu,17:46
bigcalmNET||abuse: the ATI binary driver doesn't work in 12.10 either17:47
popeyczajkowski, in room, coming back down now17:47
czajkowskiok will be down in a bit do you want your bottle brought ?17:47
NET||abusebigcalm: so no-one has 3d accelleration yet?17:47
bigcalmNET||abuse: I have no idea. It's not something I care much for17:48
czajkowskipopey: want your bottle brought dwn ?17:48
popeynah, I'll grab it later ta17:50
* popey heads down17:51
czajkowskipopey: will grab my nexus tomorrow so17:52
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AlanBellNET||abuse: Intel works great, and the free drivers for nvidia and AMD should work for the desktop shouldn't they?18:18
ali1234i wouldn't want to use nouveau to run unity18:43
bootinfdsdsMy google plus is asking me to give them a phone number to verify ... Is there any way around this ?19:38
davmor2bootinfdsds: click on the cancel button19:38
bootinfdsdsdavmor2, there isn't one .. there is only a continue button to key in the pass-code.19:39
bootinfdsdsHas anyone got a spare mobile number that they haven't registered with google that I could use, just to get past this point, and then you can PM me the verification passcode (I think it is six or seven numbers) .. Let me know in a Private Mesage if you can help me out, Please.19:49
bootinfdsdsI only use skype these days.19:49
davmor2bootinfdsds: I don't know why it needs it, if you have a mobile I get it but there should be a cop out clause19:52
bootinfdsdsdavmor2, Right, exactly, I do have a landline, but why I should give anyone online - that number , I dunno !20:01
* bootinfdsds assumes the google-is-your-f'er position.20:03
* MartijnVdS returns from the land of ire20:28
BigRedSire or eire?20:39
yothsoggothAnybody got a figure for how much RAM a fresh Ubuntu install uses with no programs loaded?21:09
zleaptype free from the command line21:17
zleapas for a figure not sure21:17
AlanBellyothsoggoth: with a desktop started, or at the login screen?21:21
yothsoggothAlanBell: With the desktop started21:21
AlanBellcleanest vm I have is running 12.10 and was installed with accessibility so orca is loaded, it uses 587328 at the login screen21:22
yothsoggothThanks AlanBell21:23
AlanBellit is using 800000 at the desktop (varying a bit)21:23
AlanBellthis isn't a very meaningful figure21:23
AlanBellI gave it 1.7Gb of ram, it is using just under a gig of it because it can21:24
yothsoggothFair enough. I'm just pondering what distro to put on a 1GB netbook I have, obviously I want something with a fairly low minimum RAM usage21:26
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BigRedSI'd be more concerned about the DE than the distro that packaged it21:36
jpdsBigRedS: Ze Germans?21:37
yothsoggothBigRedS: Yeah, I've been looking at DEs too. I'm most likely gonna stick with XFCE.21:39
yothsoggothIs there any major difference between install Xubuntu or installing Ubuntu and then XFCE?21:39
AlanBellyothsoggoth: what netbook exactly?21:44
AlanBellcan it take 2GB?21:44
AlanBelland does it have a sensible atom processor and intel graphics that are not GMA500 poulsbo21:45
yothsoggothAlanBell: Samsung n220 Plus. It's an Atom N450, but unfortunately only has 1GB ram21:45
MartijnVdSBigRedS: Eire, actually :)21:47
AlanBellyeah, pop in 2GB for about £2021:47
MartijnVdSBigRedS: http://www.flickr.com/photos/treenaks :)21:47
yothsoggothyeah, I do plan on upgrading to 2GB eventually21:47
AlanBellor ask around and see if anyone has a 2GB stick lying about21:48
camason_any videos of the valve talk at UDS available?21:48
AlanBellcamason_: http://mirrors.tumbleweed.org.za/uds-r/ audio is here somewhere21:50
camason_thank you sir21:51
AlanBellthat said, I can't see it in the list21:51
camason_I found it21:52
AlanBelloh, right21:52
camason_ctrl+f -> valve = win21:52
* AlanBell listens to the IRC session and accessibility sessions21:52
MartijnVdSthey're still going on?!21:54
AlanBellrecordings :)21:54
MartijnVdSback in my day, UDS days stopped before dinner ;)21:54
camason_if Steam runs on Linux, the only thing still keeping me on a Windows host is Adobe21:54
MartijnVdScamason_: Adobe what?21:54
camason_photoshop / flash / illustrator21:55
AlanBellplay two at once and use pulse settings to send one to the left ear and one to the right \o/21:55
AlanBelltwice the listening speed :)21:55
MartijnVdSAlanBell: also, play at 120% sped21:55
AlanBellcamason_: gimp and inkscape ftw :)21:56
camason_no chance :)21:56
MartijnVdSAlanBell: wfm ;)21:56
MartijnVdSthough Rawtherapee is usually enough for me21:56
MartijnVdS\o/ Ireland pix ;)21:56
AlanBellcamason_: any specific reason, or familiarity?21:57
camason_huge part is familiarity, but the other part is compatibility21:57
AlanBellpersonally I have used gimp and inkscape for many years, I would have no desire to learn photoshop and illustrator21:57
AlanBellso I can see the issue going the other way21:57
camason_not that I enjoy paying for it..21:58
MartijnVdScamason_: Adobe do enjoy that bit though21:58
camason_I'm sure.21:58
* MartijnVdS went to Dublin.. and it was great! :)21:58
AlanBellyeah, compatibility can be an issue for some people, I never have had to collaborate with people on source files though21:58
camason_we're an agency that does all the time :/21:59
camason_oh, and InDesign21:59
AlanBellfair enough then :)21:59
camason_how could I forget.21:59
MartijnVdSgimp saves psd, doesn't it?21:59
AlanBellis that like scribus?21:59
camason_don't know. But the good thing is the adobe stuff runs pretty nicely in Vitualbox21:59
AlanBellMartijnVdS: yeah, I believe it can load and save adobe formats reasonably well22:00
MartijnVdScamason_: it might even run nicely in wine22:00
camason_no :(22:00
AlanBellbut I can also believe it is not good enough if you are doing it all the time :)22:00
camason_although, the latest version runs much better in Wine than other builds ever did22:00
AlanBellgenerally I am using Gimp to do simple image processing for website artwork22:01
AlanBellwhere we are given some graphics (maybe as an existing website or PDF) and have to adapt it to fit the shape required for the thing we are building22:02
camason_the biggest reason I'm hoping Valve succeed is better video drivers22:02
AlanBellso maybe chopping stuff up to make repeating sections for fluid width layouts or whatever22:02
camason_looking forward to the day when I can install Ubuntu and arrange 4 screens like I can on windows22:02
camason_valve working with the driver devs can only help that22:04
AlanBellit is OKish for me on intel graphics with laptop and external monitors22:04
AlanBellalthough it does my head in that it always wants to flip to mirrored screens22:04
camason_I know the biggest issue is the hardware vendors and their closed binaries.22:05
AlanBellone thing that can be an issue is that too much testing is done on matching pairs of monitors on a desktop22:05
AlanBellthis is an odd edge case for most people22:05
camason_my office setup is 2 Dell IPS panels on DisplayPort, 1 on HDMI, one of DVI22:05
AlanBellif you have a laptop with a 1366x768 screen it is *highly* unlikely that you are going to hook it up to an external display of matching resolution22:05
camason_getting that working at all on Ubuntu is a bit... tricky...22:06
camason_I often rotate one of the IPs panels into vertical mode. two clicks on windows to get it rotated22:06
AlanBelltwo clicks on Ubuntu22:07
* AlanBell rotates screen22:07
camason_two hours to even get the screen to display :(22:07
AlanBellactally that is pretty cool :O22:07
camason_that would be heaven though... all the Adobe suite, supporting my tablets, and all my screens working :D22:08
camason_Designing on Linux is like developing on Windows. Designing on Windows is like Developing on Linux.22:09
camason_with our workflow22:09
camason_nice :D22:10
AlanBellubuntu actually has good built in support for multi monitors and rotation22:10
camason_it does until you have more than 1 card22:11
AlanBelljust the binary drivers and proprietary controller applications are rubbish22:11
AlanBellover complicated and don't work well22:11
camason_yup :(22:11
AlanBellUnity isn't great for multi monitors, but that is a separate issue altogether22:11
camason_so I hope Valve's push will help improve the drivers22:11
camason_I'm having to use Gnome Classic at the moment. 3D accell in guests doesn't work in virtualbox for 12.1022:12
AlanBellin fact in my current configuration in the screenshot the geany menu is about 2000 pixels away from the application itself22:12
AlanBellyeah, that is a real pain22:12
MartijnVdSisn't that a bit .. useless?22:12
camason_isn't what?22:12
AlanBelldo you use mac OS devices camason_?22:12
camason_we do22:13
AlanBellis the global menu liked or hated?22:13
camason_but my main machine is Windows 7 host, Ubuntu guest22:13
camason_I don't use the macs day to day22:13
camason_are we talking about the header-bar merging into the desktop bar?22:14
AlanBellI think that is the one "feature" I will never get used to22:14
camason_that does wind me up22:14
AlanBellno, talking about menus being disconnected from the applications and put at the top of the screen22:14
camason_yeah, I know what you mean. I phrased it terribly22:15
AlanBellso not part of the application window22:15
camason_I dislike it on mac and dislike it on ubuntu22:15
AlanBellok, interesting22:15
camason_one of my devs couldn't stand unity, so switched to xfce22:15
bigcalmxbuntu \o/22:15
MartijnVdScamason_: yay freedom22:16
camason_indeed :)22:16
camason_but now I can't use Unity22:16
camason_so I'm back to gnome for now22:16
camason_what's most painful is one of our main projects has to talk with MS SQL Server22:18
camason_however, that's where virtualbox snapshots are amazing.22:19
bigcalmA database abstraction layer helps make that less painful :)22:19
camason_MS released a driver for RHEL, which does work on ubuntu with a couple of symlinks. That helps.22:20
camason_SQL server just makes things difficult. Paginate some data with WHERE and ORDER BY? Lolnope.22:20
bigcalmOne of my main projects runs on linux but uses MSSQL and MySQL databases on different machines. Was painful to set-up and I hate using RPD to administer the DB22:21
* daubers is slowly moving all his DB's from MySQL to Postgres22:22
MartijnVdS\o/ pgsql22:22
AlanBellcamason_: the ubuntu python-mssql driver is broken :(22:22
MartijnVdSwe just moved to PostgreSQL 9.1 at work22:22
daubersThe MySQL C libraries really really suck22:23
AlanBellas is the debian, but the upstream one is working fine22:23
bigcalmI like recording my pain for future tears: http://www.myrant.net/2012/02/02/symfony-1-4-doctrine-1-2-ms-sql-server/22:24
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1316572/ love this function in OpenERP22:24
camason_if you use Doctrine 2 bigcalm, I posted this today: https://github.com/CraigMason/DoctrineSqlServerExtensions22:39
camason_primarily to allow DISTINCT usage with individual columns, and proper fetch-join pagination22:39
camason_you use odbc?22:42
camason_we use FreeTDS with pdodblib22:43
bigcalmI've only used MSSQL with a Symfony 1.4 application. So it only has Doctrine 1.222:51
bigcalmIt does use FreeTDS with ODBC22:51
camason_gotta shoot. Evening.23:04
AlanBellhmm, wonder if the nexus 10 will run Ubuntu23:26
AlanBellhttp://www.google.co.uk/nexus/10/index.html the spec looks really good23:29

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