
bkerensaslangasek: so I have twitter set to tweet posts from the Planet and it tweeted your post on Secure Boot as a result someone replied saying the implementation in Ubuntu is insecure and likely to result in blacklisting by OEM's since kernel signature checking does not happen in Ubuntu?02:46
bkerensaslangasek: is that a likely scenario or is there anything insecure about the implementation in Ubuntu versus Fedora/SUSE?02:46
c_smithyay for Cinnamon 1.6! :D06:26
slangasekbkerensa: it's not insecure.  It doesn't provide certain guarantees that Microsoft might decide they're interested in, but that doesn't mean it's insecure.06:37
bkerensaslangasek: ok is it true without the kernel checking that OEM's could blacklist?06:38
bkerensaslangasek: how is Copenhagen btw? :)06:38
slangasekCopenhagen is 7:30am-ish06:38
slangasekthe rooms are crazy, what kind of a hotel doesn't give you glasses for tap water06:38
slangasekwhat do you mean, "OEMs could blacklist"?06:39
slangasekin the normal configuration, the OEM doesn't hold any keys that could be used for updating the blacklist directly06:39
slangasekwas this reply somewhere public?06:40
slangasekah, I see it now06:40
bkerensaslangasek: uhh no cups for tap water you say? so you have to just slurp from the faucet?06:41
slangasekso no, the hardware manufacturers aren't going to be blacklisting anything06:41
slangaseknah, I stole a paper cup from the coffee service06:41
bkerensatgm4883: hi07:41
bkerensatgm4883: u there now?07:41
tgm4883bkerensa, I've been trying to use my tablet in sessions17:29
tgm4883which is having odd issues with bip, so I login with tgm4883_tablet17:29
bkerensatgm4883: ah19:49
nathwillgreetings all!22:25
nathwilllong time no see!22:25
* bkerensa just ordered five dozen Firefox donuts22:52
bkerensanathwill: so when u need help?22:52
nathwillbkerensa, help/23:24

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