
philballewFound a problem with the schedule today.04:31
philballewseems to only do it on this event04:32
nigelbphilballew: what's the problem?04:32
nigelbThe only problem I see is summit not preserving the page breaks when you click through to the meeting page.04:34
nigelbOtherwise, the content is pretty much what's on the BP: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-r-query2-deprecation04:34
philballewnigelb, I see that to, and with this having so much example code in the thing you can not see who is attending because by scrolling down it gets ride of the thing04:35
philballewnigelb, for sure04:35
nigelbAha. Please file a bug.04:35
philballewnigelb, sure, and its under summit and launchpad04:36
* philballew is getting more lp karma04:36
philballewnigelb, your like my google there04:37
philballewdude, thats something to be proud of. I mean I pretty much said you know everything.04:38
nigelbWell, in regards to summit, I know most things. I've worked on it.04:40
nigelbHeck, I even ran aroud fixing summit live at two UDSes.04:40
philballewnigelb, nice! are you at this one now?04:47
philballewme either.04:48
philballewwhy are you not?04:48
nigelbI didn't apply for sponsorship. I have other commitments.04:49
philballewbusy person nigelb04:50
cjohnstonphilballew: the problem is that when someone puts a million line description, we can't really cope07:41
philballewcjohnston, Alright, that makes sense. Just figured I'd report. Better to be on the safe side.07:42
einonmHi there, I seem to have an issue logging on to pad.ubuntu.com with my launchpad SSO. I get 'Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again.' Is there something else I need to do to get access, or is it an issue?16:47
cjohnstoneinonm: you need to join the etherpad team on launchpad16:51
einonmcjohnston: Thanks. Is there a specific reason why that's a necessity?16:52
cjohnstonto make it harder for spammers16:52
einonmAn, fair enough. The error message could be a little more explicit as to the next action you need to take to get access..I spent some time chasing it16:54
einonmAn = Ah16:54
cjohnstonIt's an SSO error, not something we control16:54
einonmIt's just a suggestion. But the landing page at pad.ubuntu.com is controlled? something could be put there perhaps.16:57
cjohnstonAlanBell: ^16:58
cprofitthey cjohnston how are things in the Cop?17:04
cprofittCopenhagen - Cop17:26
cprofittCPH = the airport17:27
cjohnstonits good.. ive been busy since i got here17:27
cjohnstoneverything around town ive seen says cph for everything17:27
cprofittYeah... you are always very busy when things start17:27
cprofittcool... they use cph I will too17:27
cprofittfood good out there?17:28
cjohnstonI got saturday off17:28
cjohnstonI haven't yet found local food17:28
cprofittVery nice... to get time off.17:28
cprofittwhat about food at the venue?17:28
cjohnstonbreakfast sucks, lunch is ok... the restaurant is way too much $$.. its like 8USD for a beer17:29
cprofittwow... that is bad17:29
cjohnstonbudapest imo was the best place so far I've been due to the bar outside the hotel17:29
cprofittI have yet to make it to Europe17:30
cprofittperhaps next time... I can hope17:30
cjohnstonI started counting UDS's earlier.. then I stopped17:30
cprofittthis time two coworkers needed time off for family events17:30
cprofittI did get my passport in anticipation of Budapest...17:31
cprofittyeah... so I am prepared should the stars align17:31

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