
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Symmetriaexpect issues on the net in the next coupla hours04:09
* Symmetria has memories of the issues seen on the net post 9/1104:09
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:09
superflymorning Kilos07:09
psydroidmorning Kilos07:15
psydroidmorning superfly07:15
Kiloshiya psydroid hows things07:15
inetprogood morning07:17
psydroidmorning inetpro07:18
inetproSymmetria: Hurricane Sandy?07:18
Kilosmorning inetpro 07:18
psydroidKilos they're fine, I'm still barely awake07:18
psydroidand what are you up to these days?07:19
psydroidI'm going back to messing with Kubuntu later today07:19
inetpro29/10 06:09:07 <Symmetria> expect issues on the net in the next coupla hours07:19
inetprofor those who missed Symmetria's posting ^^ earlier this morning07:19
Kilosjust playing with 12.04 kde and learning more about making usb startup disks07:19
Kilosoh my inetpro thats not good07:20
KilosSymmetria, fix it07:20
plustwogood morning07:20
psydroidusing usb-creator-kde?07:20
Kiloshi plustwo 07:20
psydroidmorning plustwo07:20
plustwohi folks07:20
Kilosim using the creator on unity07:20
Kilosbut just twigged something. there is a block ticked that says save documents and setting07:21
psydroidI've had instances in which the creator didn't create correct flash drives07:21
psydroidso I generally use unetbootin for that07:21
Kilosmine has worked fine for installing but battled to get 3g working07:22
Kilosso just made a new usb and gonna check again when i get the energy07:23
Kilosi struggling some with a rather heavy dose of flu07:23
psydroidit looks like an ordeal to get it working after each installation07:24
psydroidoh, I see07:24
Kilosfeels like it wants to advance to kneemonia and smallcox07:24
psydroidbut isn't it spring in ZA?07:24
superflyhi psydroid, inetpro, plustwo07:24
Kilosyeah looking at it saving documents and settings on the stick means you gotta get it right first time07:25
Kilosyeah just past spring so dunno where the bug came from07:25
Kilossure the fly sent it up here07:25
Kiloshaving flu is like having supper to peeps in capetown07:26
plustwoany one playing with "arduino" in this room?07:26
tonberry352_i think Kerbero does it in his living room07:27
psydroidhoi Kerbero07:35
psydroidhi tonberry352_07:36
superflynice one Kerbero07:38
Kiloslo Kerbero tonberry352_ 07:38
* plustwo thinks of joining house4hack guys ...07:57
Kilosi go try kde again. wbb08:13
charlvnMaaz: coffee on09:13
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:13
charlvngood morning all09:13
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!09:17
charlvnMaaz: thanks09:33
Maazcharlvn: No problem09:33
=== zeref_Hidden is now known as zeref
zeref*crickets* *crickets* 14:57
Vince-0*ditto* *ditto*14:57
=== SmilyBorg_h is now known as SmilyBorg
KilosKevening all16:06
inetproguten abend16:10
inetproMaaz: coffee on16:10
* Maaz starts grinding coffee16:10
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro!16:14
KilosKhi inetpro 16:19
inetproMaaz: ta16:20
MaazDis 'n groot plesier16:20
KilosKwhats news on 12.10 dvd's?16:21
KilosKme and kde 12.04 have a love/hate relationship16:23
KilosKMaaz, seen Trix[a]r_za 16:23
MaazKilosK: Trix[a]r_za has been online on freenode since 2012-10-28 18:38:58 PDT16:23
KilosKinetpro, next meeting is kinda outa date methinks16:25
KilosKhmm pta on the map. highest drug monthly drug turnover per month in the country16:27
charlvngood evening18:09
charlvnit's been very silent here today18:09
charlvnmonday and everyone is busy :)18:10
Cantidehi :p18:11
Cantidesuch are Mondays ._.18:11
Cantide*shakes fist*18:11
Cantidehey Kilos '-'18:13
Kiloshi Cantide 18:13
* Kilos sulks18:15
* Cantide asks Maaz to make coffee for Kilos18:16
Kiloscant get 3g to work in kde anymore18:16
CantideMaaz: coffee on18:16
* Maaz washes some mugs18:16
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:16
MaazKilos: There's already a pot on. If you ask nicely, maybe you can have a cup18:16
CantideKilos, what about unity? '-'18:16
KilosMaaz, coffee please18:16
MaazKilos: Yessir18:16
Kilosim on unity now18:16
Cantideand is it working?18:17
Kilosdid a clean install of kde and cant remember how i got nm to work before18:17
Kilosya unity is trouble free here18:17
Cantidebut does it work in Unity at least?18:17
Kiloskde is on another drive completyely18:18
Cantidedo you prefer KDE to Unity by any chance?18:18
Kilosa bit yes. i was getting used to kde and then messed it up so did clean install and dunno how i got 3g working before18:19
Kilosworks to cell phone fine but cant see modem at all so no mobile broadband choice18:20
Cantidemaybe if you play around you will get it right again18:20
Kiloslol you mean more installs?18:20
MaazCoffee's ready for Cantide and Kilos!18:20
Kiloshee hee18:20
KilosMaaz, ty18:20
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:20
CantideMaaz, thanks :)18:20
Maazno problem, Cantide18:20
Cantidei mean play with settings and packages and things18:21
Kilosit doesnt even give me a choice to connect when installing18:21
Cantidebut i am no expert on nm and i have never used kde18:21
Cantideso i can't really be of help ._.18:21
Kilosits an experience18:21
Kilosvery different but got some great ways of doing things18:21
Cantidei'll try it out some day18:21
Cantideseemed a bit heavy for my liking18:22
Cantidebut now Unity is heavy, too18:22
Cantideso ._.18:22
Kilosya unity is a bit slow18:22
Cantidei should try lxde or something >_>18:22
Cantideactually there are many lightweight options18:23
Cantidebut unity is a little pretty18:23
Kilosi used a kde backup to unity and now i got 10 desktops to choose from18:23
Cantide10 virtual desktops?18:24
Kilosthat myunity never worked well for me18:24
Cantideor 10 different desktop environments?18:24
Cantide1 is usually enough for me18:24
Cantideso 4 is definitely enough18:24
Kilosi get lost with all the minimising18:24
Kilosnow each running app has its own workspace18:25
Cantidestrange solution :D18:25
Kilosi only got one working eye thats also a bit old so i find the easy way out18:26
Cantideah, cool :)18:26
Cantidedifferent solutions for different needs '-'18:26
Kiloshows the studies laddy18:26
Kilosmin dae18:27
Cantidethey are going okay :p18:27
Cantideexams start on Thursday, yay!18:27
Kilosgood is better than ok18:27
Cantidewell, the day before each exam, they will go WELL18:28
Kilosgood luck lad. do your best18:28
Cantidethanks '-'18:28
Cantideit's the final hurdle, so I am sure I will make it18:28
Cantidehave to :)18:28
CantideT.S. Eliot is not reading himself ._.18:32
Kilosisnt he dead yet18:33
Kilosim think i read books of his donkeys years ago18:33
Kilosbooks poems whateva18:33
Cantidei like his writing18:47
charlvngood evening Kilos, Cantide 18:56
Kilosevening charlvn 18:56
charlvni took lubuntu for another spin today but it definitely has an issue with wallpaper management when it's run inside vmware18:56
charlvnfurther it works brilliantly and very fast18:56
charlvni am still going to stick to the "plain" ubuntu for now though, just because it looks a heck of a lot better ;)18:56
charlvnbut lubuntu is great for its purpose (small, light-weight, fast)18:57
Kiloswhat is the plain ubuntu?18:57
charlvnstandard ubuntu i mean with unity18:57
charlvnnot with an alternative desktop18:57
charlvnthe only thing i noticed is that the launch screen is very slow under 12.1018:57
charlvnit used to be a lot faster even in vmware under 12.0418:57
charlvnbut all-round it works the best for me, even though i stick to gnome3 on my laptop on 12.1018:58
charlvnkubuntu 12.10 also works really really well and is very fast18:58
charlvnbut for some reason doesn't look that elegant18:58
Kilosthats what i wanna try next18:58
Kiloselegant is not always important18:59
Kilosya kubuntu18:59
smileE17chakra is the best (for KDE)18:59
Kiloskde 12.04 made me want to see more18:59
charlvnno of course not, performance is imho more important18:59
charlvnbut i have seen significantly nicer kde4 setups out of the box than kubuntu18:59
charlvnnot entirely sure what they are aiming for but it isn't bad though19:00
Kilosi just hope the got 3g sorted19:00
charlvnsmileE17: i actually tried the latest version of chakra inside vmware today but couldn't get it to boot19:00
CantidesmileE17, what about enlightenment? is it good?19:00
charlvnsmileE17: got some really strange errors about not being able to mount the boot partition or something19:00
Kilosi think thats my only complaint on 12.0419:00
smileE17Cantide: it's good :) if you choose a good implementation/theme/version19:01
smileE17I tried E17 a year ago, or so :p19:01
smileE17and it was crashy then :p19:01
Cantideseems your nick is still trying it :p19:01
smileE17but on Bodhi Linux, it isn't (anymore)19:01
smileE17I'm using it, Cantide :P19:01
smileE17Daily use :)19:01
smileE17Just used the Faenza icons instead of the disgusting default ones19:02
charlvni could never entirely get a grip on enlightenment19:02
charlvni think it's just something you have to get used to19:02
smileE17well it's not an easy desktop environment. A lot of options19:02
charlvnit feels to me like the "power user" version of a desktop environment on gnu/linux19:03
charlvnand because i spend most of my time at the command line i don't get too much out of it19:03
charlvnfor me it's just important to be able to start up applications easily and switch between windows19:03
charlvnand gnome3 does that really well for me19:03
charlvnif i can "deploy" a desktop for myself with minimal configuration hassles i'll go for it :)19:04
Cantidewhat about the application stack/19:04
Cantidethat's the one thing i worry about when changing desktop environments19:04
charlvnapplication stack? not entirely sure what you mean19:08
Cantidei mean the programs that can be installed19:09
Cantidedon't they differ depending on the DE?19:09
charlvnno of course not :)19:10
charlvnwhy would they?19:10
charlvnof course, themeing is another issue...19:10
Cantidei was just under that impression because many distros have different file browsers, web browsers etc19:10
charlvnyeah sure but that's just a default choice19:10
Cantideand they seem to have "alternative" applications19:10
charlvnyou can always customise that later based on your own preferences19:11
Cantidethen i am sorely misguided :D19:11
Cantidethanks '-'19:11
charlvnnp :)19:11
charlvna logical assumption19:11
confluencyYou can run any program in any desktop environment.19:16
confluencySome people are obsessive about only running applications that "match" their DE, which drives me nuts.19:17
Tonberrygtk in kde is kinda wobbly in 12.0419:17
confluencyIf there's anything that really "matches", it's the toolkit.19:17
Tonberryat least with the unity theme19:17
Tonberryoxygen theme19:17
confluencyWhat's "wobbly"?19:18
Tonberrywell, background colour is sometimes incorrect19:18
confluencyI've never actually run KDE, but I use all kinds of QT apps. They run just fine next to my GTK apps in Fluxbox.19:18
Tonberrylike when selecting something in nautilus19:18
Tonberryand eclipse has some issue with its tree lists on some machines19:18
Tonberrynothing too broken19:19
confluencyI've seen small theming issues, but nothing that actually makes the app not work.19:19
Tonberrygtk2 to gtk3 move is still not perfect in kde19:20
charlvnnn Cantide 19:20
confluencyThe theming?19:20
charlvnTonberry: if you do have some issues, mostly that can be fixed by installing a few extra packages19:21
Kilosnight can19:21
Tonberryi suspect it is better in 12.1019:21
charlvninconsistencies are unavoidable though19:21
confluencyI have successfully themed GTK3 apps without the GNOME settings manager running; you just need to write some files in your home directory.19:21
Tonberrysmall issues mostly19:21
confluencyI've had equal opportunity weirdness with QT and GTK apps because I run neither GNOME nor KDE. ;)19:22
Tonberryi can imagine19:22
charlvni used to run openbox for some time, i had some irritating issues myself but also nothing major19:23
charlvnand if i had one application that acted up i just replaced it with an alternative19:24
charlvnfor example, if my terminal emulator gave me hassles, well, there are a ton out there :)19:24
smileE17Enlightenment apps are ugly :P19:24
smileE17that's why I prefer their GTK counterparts :p19:25
smileE17byeee :)19:27
Kilostoods smileE17 19:28
charlvnciao smileE17 19:28
smileE17good night oom Kilos & charlvn :)19:28
charlvnhi Squirm 19:28
Kilosyo Squirm y19:29
smileE17good night, Squirm 19:29
Kilosnight guys. have a good night and sleep tight19:29
Kilossee youall tomorrow19:29
charlvnnn all19:33
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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