
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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gatoxgood morning!11:20
karniGood morning!11:36
gatoxkarni, hi11:51
karnihi gatox11:52
gatoxkarni, do you have time for a review? :D it's a qt related branch, i don't know if you feel confident with that, but you can ask me anything anyway11:54
karnigatox: Sure, I can try having a look at it in a moment :) Throw the MP at me.11:54
gatoxkarni, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/new-share-design/+merge/131397 thanks!11:55
karnigatox: maximum size, <height>16777215</height> - where did that value come from :)?12:08
gatoxkarni, that is just the default size in qt for maximum.... i enable the other property so it set that to that value that it means: as big as its needed12:09
gatoxthe designer set that i mean12:09
karnioh ok12:10
gatoxkarni, you will see it in some files12:10
karnigatox: what is the <bool>true</bool> within <property name="frame"> ?12:15
karniMan this XML is pretty verbose.12:16
gatoxkarni, yap..... that's what happend when you use the designer12:17
karnigatox: thix XML comes from the designer? Has it been modified manually as well?12:17
* gatox preffers to write the ui in code....12:17
karniOr can I just skip it and assume designer did write.12:17
gatoxkarni, is 100% designer12:18
karnigatox: I don't mind both, but when in XML - I write it by hand as well :)12:18
karnigatox: k12:18
karnihaha, omg ;) <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Search Results&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>12:18
karni272+PUBLISH_FILE = _('Publish file')12:20
karni273+PUBLISH_THESE_FILES = _('Publish these files:')12:20
karnigatox: I don't see why first line would not include ':' but the other would :) Just a super tiny detail.12:20
* karni reads on12:20
karnigatox: What's the -1 here? item.setSizeHint(FILE_NAME_COL, QtCore.QSize(-1, 35))12:23
gatoxkarni, because they are used for different things...... PUBLISH_FILE is just the text for a button, and PUBLISH_THESE_FILES is a label at the start of a list of files that can be shared12:23
karnigatox: ah, cool12:23
karnigatox: The hardcoded '2' worries me, could we have a constant making it clear what it means? 386+        self.ui.stacked_widget.setCurrentIndex(2)12:25
gatoxkarni, yes.... we can set some constants for the differents layout in the stackedlayout.... could you add that as a comment?12:26
karnigatox: And, what's the -1 in item.setSizeHint(FILE_NAME_COL, QtCore.QSize(-1, 35)) ?12:26
gatoxkarni, that is to specified that we want the size to be a minimum width and a height of 3512:28
karnigatox: +1 with a comment12:35
gatoxkarni, awesome.... thx! i'll fix that right now12:38
gatoxkarni, about the v12:38
gatoxincrement = 2 if current == 0 else 112:38
gatoxkarni, if you execute the control panel..... in the popup that appear in the share tabs you will see now the follow items: "Search for: foobar"..... "Publish these files:".... and the list of files12:39
gatoxthat increment what it do is to avoid the focus to be placed on the second element (Publish these files:) because that is just there to give a tip to the user, not to allow that item to be selected12:40
gatoxkarni, here is a live example: http://youtu.be/x7b3Z2r7SRQ12:40
gatoxat 0:0512:40
karnigatox: aha, so upon clicking a file on that list, it gets published12:45
karnigatox: and 'current' is?12:45
gatoxkarni, 1) yes....... 2) current is the current index of the item who has the focus before processing the key event12:46
karnigatox: Also, I've seen the clip already - very nice! :)12:46
gatoxkarni, thx..... and the version in the branch is nicer12:46
gatoxkarni, that was the first try12:46
karnigatox: In that case, I would go for something more meaningful like: headerLines = 2 if focusedIndex == 0 else 1. It conveys more meaning through the code. But I'll leave it up to you.12:48
gatoxkarni, +1 to focused_index..... not sure about headerLines... because that actually sets the next_index for any item in the list, not just related to the header12:50
gatoxi can call it next_index12:50
gatoxand give 2 and 1 a proper constant name12:50
gatoxso is going to be more readable12:50
gatoxwhat do you think?12:51
karnigatox: aah, you're right. (about any next item)12:58
gatoxkarni, ok.... i'll do those changes12:58
karnigatox: list_offset maybe :)?12:58
karniDoes that make sense?12:58
karnior it means something else?12:58
karniIt may, I may not be understanding this part exactly :)12:58
gatoxkarni, ahhhhh yes..... list_offset is better, because we are not setting the next_item, we are incrementing it12:59
karnigatox: perfect :)12:59
karnigatox: I understand it can be difficult to give names to 2 and 1, but it would be good. In any case, renaming "increment" and "current" is a good step forward already :) Thanks.13:00
gatoxkarni, yes, i'll try to use my creativity there jeje13:01
gatoxkarni, the branch has been updated with the constants...... just to let you know13:35
* karni has a look :)13:35
gatoxkarni, probably launchpad is not updated yet tough13:36
karnigatox: /me looks at the commit diff :)13:36
gatoxbriancurtin, just in time when i needed a second review! \o/13:37
gatoxbriancurtin, jejeje hi!13:37
briancurtinhi gatox, what's the review? i'll take a look13:37
gatoxbriancurtin, jeje sorry to bother you so early :P https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/new-share-design/+merge/13139713:38
karnigatox: The code reads much, much better now :) FWIW, I'd personally /s/AVOID_SECOND_ITEM/{DOUBLE|TWO}_ITEM_OFFSET && /s/NORMAL_INCREMENT/{SINGLE|ONE}_ITEM_OFFSET, but I don't want to be PITA, so +1 from me :)13:41
briancurtingatox: i'll start looking at it13:43
karnigatox: FYI, Have you seen that Ubuntu One Auto Pilot commet on this? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/search-shared-files/+merge/13101913:43
gatoxkarni, if you think is best i don't have any problem to change it...... i choose that..... because now if you read the code is something like: "avoid second item if focus index is equal to 0 else normal increment"13:43
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mmccMorning, folks13:44
karnigatox: I just don't think 'avoid' fit's there well linguistically (is there such a word :D?) but hey, I'm not the native speaker here :)13:44
karnimorning briancurtin, mmcc!13:44
karnigatox: I like this tab with new features. Very neat.13:44
gatoxkarni, me neither :P13:45
gatoxkarni, me neither about not being a native speaker :P13:45
karniYeah, I got that ;D13:45
gatoxkarni, yes..... i just saw the auto pilot comment..... annnndddddddd..... i think launchpad or tarmac or something hates me..... if you take a look at the file..... it says ALL TEST PASS!..... but it fails anyway.......13:45
karniuh :S13:46
mmccgatox, did you already notice those two pep8 errors buried at the end?13:56
mmccwe should probably have the test scripts print a header for the style checkers…13:56
gatoxmmcc, ahhhhh totally miss that..... i thought that part was just part of the clean message13:57
mmccyep, it's really buried13:57
gatoxmmcc, thx about that13:57
dobeyhey all13:57
karnihi dobey13:57
mmccgaotx, you're welcome! :)13:58
mmccmorning dobey13:58
dobeygatox: there are pep8 errors13:58
gatoxdobey, yes, mmcc already mention it13:58
gatoxdobey, mmcc, mmmm also.... the pep8 version of the script we are using seems to be old..... because that is not mandatory anymore13:59
dobeygatox: it's whatever is in quantal13:59
dobeyman this cold needs to gtfo already14:14
gatoxdobey, hehe here i'm trying to survive with the air conditioner..... too hottttt14:16
mmccstill sick? bummer. get well soon dobey.14:16
gatoxdobey, ahhhhh that kind of cold14:16
dobeyi'll see your air conditioner problem, and raise you a hurricane.14:17
mmccoh yeah, are you in the path? or too far south?14:17
gatoxdobey, oops.. :S14:18
dobeymmcc: well i don't think we'll get a direct hit this time, but plenty of wind/rain from the outskirts of the giganticane14:18
mmccthat's good - good luck…14:19
mmccI checked Pittsburgh forecasts just for old times' sake - sounds like they're in for a ton of rain even that far out.14:20
dobeyyeah. that nor'easter moving in up that way doesn't help either14:24
karnium.. DST shit15:01
karniI thought it was in 1 hour hehe15:01
rockstarOh, I didn't even notice we had DST rollback… I love technology.15:01
karniIt's 4PM here :)15:02
dobeyoh right. no wonder i feel even worse today15:02
rockstarI think that's it, right?15:03
rockstarEveryone else is unavailable?15:03
karniI think so, let's go ahead.15:03
rockstarTODO: continue work on the v2 api iOS work15:03
rockstarBLOCKED: No15:03
rockstarNEXT: briancurtin15:03
briancurtinDONE: setting up VMs and testing, also setup Q on my laptop15:04
briancurtinTODO: reviews, test XP and 7 with the new installer15:04
briancurtinNEXT: karni15:04
karniDONE: Reviews, e-mail catch-up, consulting sync with Derek (community)15:04
karniTODO: Was away on Friday. Continue previous work, shuffle + repeat15:04
karniBLOCKED: No.15:04
karniNEXT: mmcc15:04
mmccDONE: reviews, testing pyobjc — TODO: same — BLOCK: no — NEXT: dobey15:04
dobeyDONE: reviews15:04
dobeyTODO: preparing next stable branches15:04
dobeyBLCK: None.15:04
dobeygatox: go15:04
gatoxPropose and fixed a couple of branches for the new design and functionalities in the Share tab in control panel. Couple of reviews. Start working in the failing test in tarmac15:04
gatoxFigure it out why it is failing in tarmac.15:04
dobeygatox: you mean s/tarmac/nightlies/ in your standup?15:12
gatoxyap..... that15:13
* gatox lunch15:13
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
dobeyugh, this hurricane sucks15:27
dobeyso cold.15:27
karni" are backuped photos and files stored on a remote server.?? " umm.. :}15:28
dobeyi should get some lunch. bbiab15:52
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
gatoxdobey, is there any way to debug this as is running in nightlies?16:11
gatoxdobey, ah sorry.... lunch....... let me know when you are back16:11
mmccchanging locations, back in a little bit…16:59
briancurtingatox: two comments on that new-share-design branch. running IRL/tests right now17:41
gatoxbriancurtin, ack17:43
gatoxbriancurtin, will modified that17:45
gatoxbriancurtin, done17:48
dobeygatox: you can build the nightlies sources locally i guess17:50
dobeygatox: in a chroot with pbuilder or sbuild, i mean17:50
dobeygatox: or you can use bzr dailydeb and pbuilder or sbuild to build the recipe locally17:51
gatoxdobey, ok.... i'll try that..... because this is not going anywhere like this..... thx dobey !!17:51
dobeyanyone know anything about userContent.css in firefox?18:18
mmccnope, sorry…18:20
dobeyit would probably be faster for me to get a patch deployed to launchpad, than it would be to figure out how to use it18:21
mmccwhat are you trying to fix?18:21
dobeythe font size for launchpad.net/+apidoc18:22
mmccspeaking of the LP api, what's a good project to look at for examples of how to use the api? (for instance, how to get a list of active bugs for a given project)18:28
mmccI've been meaning to make the bzr zsh completion function actually useful18:28
mmccyou know, in that copious free time18:28
dobeywell, there's bzr of course; and lp:lptools18:30
dobeyand tarmac18:30
dobeylptools may or may not be great. it's sort of a jumble of stuff right now and not particularly well organized18:30
gatoxmmcc, there is a python lib to interact with launchpad.... but i don't know how much it supports18:31
mmccis that lptools or a different thing?18:31
dobeygatox: it supports everything in the 1.0 at least i'm sure; or at least, most everything18:32
mmccah, ok18:33
dobeyi'm actually writing a script right now; which is why the +apidoc page is annoying me18:33
gatoxdobey, cool........ mmcc someone even made a Unity Lens to interact with launchpad from the dash.....18:33
briancurtingatox: quick review to fix a failing share-related test: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-file_path-construction/+merge/13196618:33
gatoxbriancurtin, on it!18:33
mmccthanks guys. So I'm guessing most people using bzr use bash, judging by the bash-completion builtin command :)18:36
ask4ubuntuhow can i completely remove my ubuntu one account from the server?18:36
chaselivingstonask4ubuntu: Hi, could you submit the form at http://one.ubuntu.com/support/contact so we can get some more information from you?18:36
dobeyit's really annoying that the element inspector thing in firefox doesn't have a "save these changes to usercontent.css" button18:36
gatoxbriancurtin, +118:42
briancurtingatox: thanks, i noticed it when testing your branch. looks like your tests pass, testing IRL now18:42
gatoxbriancurtin, i don't know if i already told you this, this branch has been updated: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/new-share-design/+merge/13139718:43
gatoxbriancurtin, awesome, thx18:43
briancurtinah yeah i saw you updated18:43
gatoxbriancurtin, ahhh cool18:43
* mmcc goes to lunch…18:54
briancurtinanyone have a way to get past this without actually fixing it right now? https://pastebin.canonical.com/77395/ i can't test any of these branches and would rather not hold that up19:01
dobeybriancurtin: not sure, but i'd start by avoiding syncing of all extra shares/folders to that machine as a start; quitting syncdaemon, destroying metadata, and trying again19:19
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gatoxbriancurtin, if you have some free slot for reviews, please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/share-indicator/+merge/13197319:40
briancurtingatox: i'll add it to my list after i finish new-share-design and a few other things19:43
gatoxbriancurtin, yes, no rush..... thx19:43
gatoxeod here! see you tomorrow people20:15
dobeyyay script20:31
mmccgatox, so this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/share-indicator/+merge/131973 -- does it remove displaying incoming shares altogether? How does the user see incoming share requests now? (aside from in their email)20:42
mmccI am especially curious because I'm working on the equivalent version for the mac menu20:42
mmccOh I guess I missed him…20:45
briancurtinyeah gatox signed off about 30 min ago20:45
mmccI'll just add a comment to the mp then20:46
dobeyin general, i think having a bunch of menu items that all open the same thing, but to a different tab, is probably a bad idea anyway21:04
mmccwell, the thing that went away was a list of shares where each menu item sent you to the web page to accept that share…21:07
mmcc(went away in that branch)21:07
karnimmcc: Does the u1cp know about non-yet-accepted shares? It doesn't, does it?21:15
mmcckarni: at least in the menu code, it *can* know about them, but only if the syncdaemon has them in its current shares list… the menu doesn't refresh the SD's shares list from the server21:17
mmccthe folders tab is another story21:17
dobeyand winds are picking up here; so i should probably head off21:18
dobeylater all21:18
karnitake care dobey ..21:18
karnichaselivingston: I'm listening to the interview with you from supportops (or something) :)21:19
mmcckarni - the CP does show the not-yet-accepted shares in the folders tab, and it calls refresh_volumes before that, which *does* appear to refresh the list of shares (along with other stuff) from the server21:23
karnimmcc: Oh. Can you accept the share from within u1cp? I thought it was e-mail only.21:24
karniThis is strange, I'm almost sure they don't show up in the u1cp before you click the accept link in the e-mail :)21:25
karniThings changed around that lately?21:25
mmcckarni - it sure looks like you should be able to, but I haven't tried it, and I got the same impression as you21:25
mmccer, I mean I thought they were email only also, but the code looks like it thinks it gets a full list21:26
mmcclet me try something…21:26
karnimmcc: Share with me ;)21:26
briancurtingreat, now SD doesnt even start via u1cp.21:50
mmccbriancurtin from source? let me know if I can help21:53
briancurtinmmcc: i think it has to do with my metadata problem or something. ready to just delete everything again and start over21:58
briancurtincould also be the 110 failing tests21:58
mmccbriancurtin yow.21:59
briancurtini think i need to make jenkins louder when it fails21:59
briancurtini think its really just three failures, as the same thing happens over 100 times22:00
mmccmight be running out of battery here in a minute… looks like I'll be back later tonight.22:24
mmccWish I'd known the un-accepted shares list was always empty before I wrote all those tests for that stuff22:24
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mmccphoneLaptop just died, stuck away from plug for another 20 min. Will come back tonight22:37
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Krukohi, ubuntu one crashes when i try to install it on ubuntu 12.04 LTS23:01
Krukoright after i enter in my password23:02

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