
knomehey astraljava!08:04
knomeastraljava, i'll get you a few ping pong balls.08:05
astraljavaHey thanks! :)08:05
knomethe first plenary is on now08:05
knomeyou all might want to follow @Xubuntu on twitter for random updates08:06
astraljavaWill not join.08:06
astraljavaI've managed to follow Twitter only through cheezburger.com.08:07
knomewill be back later08:14
knomesee you!08:14
knomepleia2, where are you?08:51
ochosi_knome: when are the xubuntu-related sessions again?09:05
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knomeochosi_, scheduled for thursday right now but we're going to get them moved09:52
ochosi_knome: right, i thought there were two sessions? (or are both on thursday?)10:05
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knomeochosi, currently yes. the automatic scheduling is kicking in.10:06
ochosiknome: ok can't really promise i can attend then... :/10:11
knomeochosi, we'll definitely move the sessions10:14
knomeochosi, just tell us which times work for you10:14
ochosihrm, well the morning would work best10:15
ochosieverything <11.3010:15
knomeany day or thu only?10:16
ochosiwell tue and wed could also work fine10:17
ochosimaybe ewven better than thu10:17
knomesame time?10:18
ochositue and wed are better at most times of the day10:19
knomei'll try to get the sessions moved10:21
knomein the same room as dholbach now, so should work relatively easily10:21
knomeunless the automatic scheduling kicks in again10:21
knomepleia2, you probably want to send a tweet about this session10:50
knomei've been in a coma in the backrow10:50
pleia2I don't know how strictly applicable it is to us10:52
pleia2pretty general10:52
knomeyeah sure but just for the twitter feed10:53
knome[persia] follow up with product managers of flavors to decide on dates for flavor alphas (include Nick and ubuntu-release; must be done within a week of UDS)10:53
knomefrom the pad of the other foundations session10:53
knomejust FYI10:53
pleia2probably don't want to flood the twitter feed *all* week ;)10:53
knomeactually i think we do10:53
knomeat least one tweet per session would be good10:54
pleia2we don't actually do a ton of packaging :\10:54
knomejust write something like "attending a session about ubuntu development videos" then :D10:55
ochosii thought micahg and mr_pouit do quite a bit of packagin?10:55
pleia2alright alright10:55
knomehehe, thanks10:55
ochosiand hi pleia2 :)10:55
knomeochosi, yeah, but development *videos*10:55
knomeochosi, we most probably are not going to record videos to tell people how to package etc10:55
ochosiyeah, true10:55
ochosiwell it's not different from ubuntu, so why should we10:55
knomewe could if we had the resources but...10:56
pleia2bah, hashtags10:58
ochosii'd rather actually _package something_ than do a video about it :}11:00
knomeochosi, :)11:04
mr_pouitpackage the video then :P11:24
ochosimr_pouit: lol12:34
ochosiknome: have you made any kind of plans for what exactly will be discussed in the xubuntu-related meetings?12:42
knomeochosi, look at the blueprint12:42
knomethat's not exhaustive, and if you're able to participate remotely, feel free to add items12:43
ochosiright, i was wondering whether that's the plan12:43
ochosithat's why i asked right after i got an email about the changes to the bp12:43
knomeochosi, we moved the other xubuntu session to tuesday for now at least12:43
knomethat's it12:43
ochosiok, sounds good12:44
knomewe need to specify our release schedule soonish12:44
ochosiidea: UI-freeze one day before final freeze :p12:44
knomeprobably going for one or two betas only as far as the milestones go12:45
knomeochosi, haha12:45
knome12CET tomorrow12:46
knomeok, going to the next plenary soon12:53
knomewe should add that to our website14:54
knomethere's no youth session today.15:46
knomehey people20:35
pleia2tsk, beat me to it20:38
knomeso where are you?20:38
knomehotel room?20:38
knomei'm thinking of going to mine too, but i'm not sure20:38
pleia2I need to recharge my batteries, all this being around people is exhausting :)20:39
knomesomewhat yeah20:39
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