
nantouim trying to know if an old nvidia driver can be to blame for the broken graphics00:03
nantouin previous versions of ubuntu there was a drivers gui00:04
unheedingi think the app you are looking for is called jockey00:05
unheedingjocky-gtk is the package name00:05
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compaqoi installed 12.04 on a Compaq Presario 061 and i get a black screen whenever  i logoff. that is a major problem. can anyone help me?00:38
GridCubehow a black screen?00:39
David-Acompaqo: does it look like it is shutting down the operating system, but then it does not cut the power so the computer is still "on" but not doing anything?00:42
compaqono because i can do alt ctrl f1 and do a console login and use it in text mode which is not what i want because this a desktop pc. it is NOT a server00:44
David-Acompaqo: okay. (I don't know what it wrong.) Can you look in logs ~/.xsession-errors or /var/log/syslog if there is somthing suspect? Will the command "sudo shutdown -h now" shut it down?00:52
compaqoCan not shutdown my PC. I mean if i click on System - Shutdown  the PC does not power off. I encounter the same problem if  as root i execute : shutdown -h now . In those two scenarios, the system halts but does not power off so i have to press the power button on the PC to shut it down00:53
compaqoback in 5 min00:59
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MrBushidowhere are the mouse + keyboard shortcuts set? an app i'm using has alt + middle mouse click set to do things, but its also a system shortcut to minimise a window01:46
MrBushidoi cant see it under the window manager options tho :<01:47
MrBushidoahar, its to do with  window manager tweaks -> focus01:48
MrBushidothanks MrBushido01:49
xubuntu197hello, i have installed xubuntu 12.10 but in thunar al my partitions are showing duplicates like they are mounted multyple times03:15
suttiwithow can I have an icon  on the task bar where I can change the input method?04:44
holsteinsuttiwit: you mean, keyboard layout?04:45
suttiwityeah yeah04:45
suttiwiti mean  keyboard layout04:45
suttiwitenglish, spanish and thai04:45
holsteinsuttiwit: this is a little old.. and for unity i think, but scroll down and see if this is what you are looking for http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17508/add-keyboard-input-language-to-ubuntu/04:47
holstein"When you have multiple input languages installed, you’ll notice a new icon in your system tray on the top right" is that true for your setup suttiwit ? have you added the languages?04:48
suttiwitholstein, i have, but, nothing appeared04:49
suttiwitah wait04:49
suttiwitI think i've got it...04:49
holsteinprojects:panel-plugins:xfce4-xkb-plugin [Xfce Goodies]04:49
suttiwitdone now...04:52
suttiwitholstein, thanks... u made my mum happy.04:52
holsteinsuttiwit: anytime... enjoy!04:52
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Jiminihey there, I'd like to install Xubuntu via PXE. booting works, but after setting up language and keyboard layout, the setup tells me that it can't find the cd - what can I do?05:03
Yotsongood day all.07:48
nikolamhi Yotson07:52
Yotsonhi there nikolam.07:52
Yotson'investigating' harddrive activity atm. hd light blinks every second, same rhythm as mechanical clock here. iotop mentions some disk activity once in a while but nothing like the 1 sec. tick like the hd light.08:03
zrutyI accidentally enabled autologin at install. How to disable that?08:06
nikolamYotson, use lsof to see what apps are doing what on disk. maybe there is some logging or something.08:13
nikolamzruty, what is in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ? ( http://askubuntu.com/questions/113500/why-am-i-not-asked-for-password-at-startup )08:16
nikolamzruty, there is also "Asked on Login" under System>users and groups , User settings08:18
zrutymy username is in there for autologin-user08:19
zrutyI commented it out08:19
zrutynikolam: I found it in the GUI but that does not seem to listen to me08:20
Yotsonthanks for the pointer nikolam. hddtemp/sensorplugin is the cause. :)08:20
nikolamhi xubuntu94908:26
sideritcan i use MSoffice under Xubuntu?09:01
sideriti mean it works well ?09:02
xubuntu821is there any way to use xubuntu on a use flash drive11:09
TheSheepxubuntu821: yes11:13
telitiHello. I just wanted to play an audio cd with gmusicbrowser but it didn't work! Do you know is there a plugin missing in the default install? The xubuntu-restricted-format package is already installed.12:09
TheSheepteliti: "didn't work"?12:10
TheSheepteliti: what happened exactly?12:10
TheSheepteliti: generally, audio cds are not played by software, but by your cd drive directly12:10
TheSheepteliti: the software only tells it to start playing a track12:10
TheSheepteliti: for it to work, your cd drive has to be connected to your soud card with an additional cable12:11
telitiTheSheep: I tried to "Add music" and tried to add the audio cd. But it tells me that it couldn't add the folder.12:11
telitiOr in other words, its not playing my cd :-)12:12
TheSheepteliti: "add the folder"?12:12
TheSheepteliti: audio cds don't have any files on them12:12
TheSheepor folders12:12
telitiTheSheep: So ... is it possible to play audio cds with gmusicbrowser and if yes, how?12:13
TheSheepI don't knwo gmusicbrowser specifically (don't have it installed to check), but there should be a separate option to play an audio cd in it12:13
TheSheepmaybe someon else can help with a detailed instruction?12:14
telitiTheSheep: thank you for your effort :-)12:14
optrazhello , after upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10, the X cannot be started? where do i start troubleshooting13:17
ashNOPoptraz, first look to Xorg logs at /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:18
optrazokay, where can i paste the output of Xorg?13:19
ashNOPoptraz, pastebin13:20
ashNOPoptraz, had u try sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm start ?13:20
optrazim using gdm13:22
ashNOPoptraz, gdm on xubuntu?13:23
optrazyes, what is the problem?13:23
ashNOPoptraz, never mind, look like u need to install or reinstall video card drivers13:25
optrazhow do i reisntall the driver?13:25
optrazi dont have X now13:25
ashNOPu can use apt-get, and what's model of ur video card?13:27
optrazlspci show 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV710 [Radeon HD 4350]13:28
optraz01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV710 [Radeon HD 4350] [1002:954f] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])13:30
xubuntu864good afternoon13:31
xubuntu864I want to try Xubuntu on my Asus EeePC13:32
xubuntu864but I don't have the CD-ROM drive on it13:32
xubuntu864how can I do?13:32
MrHotsauceyou sir would be looking for a usb install13:32
ashNOPoptraz, sorry i never use amd/redeon cards, cant help u:(13:32
MrHotsaucexubuntu864: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ using that software you can create a bootable usb stick and install xubuntu onto your machine that way13:33
ashNOPoptraz, on 12.04 ur previous install what driver u use opensource or binary(blob)?13:34
optrazi dont know13:35
optrazi just enabled teh driver via gui13:35
optrazu know ubuntu has a feature and just click on the driver13:35
ashNOPyeah, try sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic fglrx-updates13:37
ashNOPoptraz, and then sudo aticonfig --initial --adapter=all -f13:37
optrazashNOP: http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/13:46
optraznot sure if my card is affected but it seem is within the series affected13:47
optrazit need fglrx legacy13:47
ashNOPoptraz, good for u , am not expert with redeon card:)13:48
optrazokay, switch back to lightdm14:24
optrazgot my X back14:24
optrazalthough the reso is low14:24
ashNOPoptraz, try to edit xorg.conf14:26
optrazyes, doing aticonfig --initial -f14:26
sveinseHi. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with Xfce4 installed from Xfce 4.10 PPA. I'm struggeling with the bug 1001936 (launchpad). Is this something which will make it into the 4.10 PPA at any time?14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001936 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu Quantal) "GTK3 Grab/Move Triggered on Mouse Click" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100193614:35
sveinseFor other reasons, I'm stuck at running 12.04. From the little time I used 12.10, it seems that it does not have this bug14:37
optraz[    33.300] (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules/extra-modules.dpkg-tmp/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules/extra-modules.dpkg-tmp/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so: undefined symbol: noXFree86DRIExtension14:55
optrazashNOP: ^^ not good14:56
ashNOPoptraz, hey, do u use ppa like xupdates-team or xorg-edgers?15:00
optrazno, i dont care about ppa15:00
optrazi dont trust those third party15:00
optrazbecause i want the system maintain15:00
optrazand his ppa is downgraded the xorg15:00
optraz:-s wtf15:01
ashNOPoptraz, http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/10/how-to-install-amd-catalyst-legacy.html15:05
ashNOPoptraz, home u can use www15:06
ashNOPoptraz, ?15:06
optrazwhat u mean home u can use www?15:06
ashNOPoptraz, *hope))))15:06
optrazwhat is www?15:07
optrazomg.. no X in ubuntu, and it break so many system.. and they dare to release the upgrade :)15:08
optrazcrazy ubuntu people, what are them thinking :)15:08
optrazthe funny part is, we UPgrade to 12.10 and told that to DOWNgrade the xorg...15:09
optrazthis si not funny :)15:09
ashNOPoptraz, if want to use driver,u  need to downgrade xorg, its all amd)15:10
Bronsteinim on xubuntu 11.10 and I'd like to mount my Sony Xperia st27i cellphone to copy music/photos etc. Anyone have an idea of where to start? lsusb finds the cellphone, fdisk -l does not.15:10
optrazBronstein: mount the cellphone as usb15:11
optrazashNOP: yea..pretty lame.. heheh15:11
Bronsteinoptraz, how do i do that? :P15:11
optraztaht's a godo question :)15:11
Bronsteinoptraz, lsusb gives me: lsusb ger mig: Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0fce:417e Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB15:12
optrazahh.. AB.. the swedish mudafaka! :D15:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:12
Bronsteinyes man :)15:14
Bronsteinoptraz, thanks for the help, will read and try it out and most likely come back when ive destroyed something ;)15:14
optrazBronstein: don't be.. not much help but anyway, it is good you said u will read cause i have been reading for linux for hte past 10 years.. it work :)15:15
optrazashNOP: so aroudn 2k fps15:17
optrazfglrx loaded15:17
ashNOPoptraz, downgraded?15:17
optrazyse, lame... though i successfully built the deb pacakges though15:17
optrazfor quantal15:17
optrazbut some how it just canot find the fglrx15:18
optrazso pft that15:18
optrazi jsut downgraded xserver-xorg15:18
optrazvery lame this release15:18
ashNOPi'm just happy with xubuntu 12.10:)15:19
optrazwell,, not if u have ati radeon 2k-4k series caard15:19
optrazit amke u cry15:19
ashNOP10 years im using only nvidia cards15:20
optrazyea, i bought that card because it is the LOWEST price ever with hdmi output at that time15:20
optrazi just use it for hdmi output....15:21
optrazok, now i can use back google earth15:22
optrazokay thanks ashNOP gtg15:24
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ashNOPoptraz, uw15:25
recon_lapanyone able to help get sendmail working well, when i try use it it just seem to have for ages15:36
recon_laphave to wait for *15:36
recon_lapseemt to get getting this hic-up :  Oct 29 16:00:01 xxx-Aspire-V3-571 sm-msp-queue[5574]: My unqualified host name (xxx-Aspire-V3-571) unknown; sleeping for retry16:01
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xubuntu480hi all16:56
ashNOP!hi | xubuntu48016:58
ubottuxubuntu480: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:58
xubuntu480thanks to all friends! u r very kind !16:58
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ner0xAny GUI app that tells me all my hardware specs with make/model?22:04
TheSheepner0x: no, use lshw in terminal22:08
ner0xTheSheep: That works.22:09
ner0xTheSheep: When the onboard memory says "size" does that mean maximum capable?22:11
TheSheepno idea22:13
ner0xThanks, I did get what I needed.22:13
ner0xTheSheep++ # being helpful22:13
lindenle_Is there a way to remove the network manager applet and replace it with wicd?22:15
David-Aner0x, come back, there is lshw-gtk with a gui, just for you22:17
nizzlehello, i'm getting "unable to launch startxfce4 x session" on start up. what to do?22:26
David-Anizzle: do you get a command line prompt? will the command startx there start a graphical session?22:35
nizzlea box pops up on start up22:39
ChaserHi, am using xubuntu 12.10. I have couple of tabs open in a terminal. However I am not able to figure out which tab I am on and its driving me insane. Is there a way to set current tab's title to bold or something ?22:40
nizzlescreen is gray after i click okay22:40
nizzleproblem solved, thanks22:53
David-Anizzle: is this when you boot or when you login? if login, can you choose a "failsafe" session? can you then look into the file ~/.xsession-errors.old for clues?22:55
David-Aok, good for you, wherever you are22:55
Mr_Freedomздаров народ23:01
Mr_Freedomесть кто рус?23:01
nantousome apps's gui dont respond to editing, like dictionaries I add to goldendict, or tracks I edit with rythmbox, tips? 12.10 recent upgrade23:11
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