
JontheEchidnaI lost internet for 5 hours due to the storm :s05:37
JontheEchidnaprops to the electric utility for keeping the lights on though05:37
udsslayerQuintasan_: coming to breakfast?06:21
ScottKRiddell: I think someone (probably you, since I think you understand it) ought to go to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21529/desktop-q-deprecate-language-selector/07:32
* udsslayer can't find the stickers that he gave to Marianna :P07:33
ScottKMaybe because you gave them away?07:35
yofel_good morning07:55
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
RiddellJontheEchidna: make it through the storm alive?07:58
ScottKHis computer was claiming he did.08:06
Riddellhow's this for dinner? http://www.lanovo.dk/alacarte.html08:08
RiddellScottK: that would leave someone else (you?) to drive the desktop-r-kubuntu-docs session08:15
ScottK can do it.08:15
ScottKSeems a bit odd to go get Italian in Denmark, but I expect Danish and vegetarian don't work so well together.08:16
RiddellI'm not sure denmark has much in the way of an ethnic food culture08:18
ScottKI guess it's fine.08:18
* jussi is in Munich08:19
udsslayerohai jussi08:19
udsslayerRiddell: where are you?08:19
udsslayeror rather, which session08:20
jussiudsslayer: hai! hows uds?08:20
udsslayerawesome awesome08:21
udsslayerJontheEchidna: we get Valve keys ;)08:22
udsslayerJontheEchidna: Drew announced that anyone with a Launchpad account attending UDS will be given Steam access through a beta key08:23
Riddelludsslayer: Staging ISOs before daily smoke testing ( QA )08:23
udsslayerRiddell: lol, you're sitting right next to me08:23
jussiif someone doesnt want their valve key....08:23
udsslayerRiddell: I managed to save 6 sheets of stickers08:24
tazzguys we already have a valve kde group 08:24
udsslayerthe rest of them were passed out 08:24
tazzif you guys sign in 08:24
tazzjoin us.08:24
udsslayerwe do?08:24
kubotutazz: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"08:24
tazzudsslayer, and other guys http://steamcommunity.com/groups/kde-gamers08:26
* udsslayer doesn't remember his password08:26
tazzalso if you guys need company / help with steam or whatever just ping me on steam or irc. http://steamcommunity.com/id/tazz-2004 <--- my steam profile.08:27
RiddellScottK: udsslayer also has something he wants to go to next hour, ok if I move "Kubuntu Documentation and community for Raring ( Desktop )"?08:29
yofeludsslayer: you going to the opt session? 08:30
* yofel will listen to that08:30
udsslayerlets see what they have to say ;)08:30
yofelI'm curious what they say about dbus08:31
Riddell** "Kubuntu Documentation and community" moved to B4-M7 at 11:0008:31
Riddellno,k wait08:32
Riddelludsslayer is being fussy and asking to be moved08:33
Riddellno pleasing some people08:33
udsslayerwe have Kubuntu raring development at 11 :P08:33
udsslayerthe only slots that are free today are 4-5 and 5-608:33
* udsslayer looks08:34
yofelkubuntu raring dev is at 1208:34
udsslayerI have LEGO Cuusoo at 11 :P08:34
Riddell** "Kubuntu Documentation and community" moved to B4-M6 10:00 on Thursday08:34
ScottKRiddell: Sure.08:37
jussiheh, I just noticed shadeslayer can be interpreted in 2 different ways - I always read it as shades-layer, like "bricklayer" :P but now with udsslayer, I realised it could be also shade-slayer :D09:01
udsslayerit's the latter09:02
Riddellit's because he brings sunshine wherever he goes09:03
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1073071] vlc cannot disable power management features @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1073071 (by Manuel López-Ibáñez)09:08
afiestasudsslayer it booted !09:14
Riddellafiestas: that sounds painful09:22
afiestasRiddell: what?09:23
Riddellafiestas: what booted?09:23
afiestasRiddell: NExus7 with active09:24
afiestastouch screen doesn't seem to be fully working09:24
afiestasbut it's something09:24
Tm_T...I suddendly Android, is it bad?09:24
* Tm_T accidentally installed android to their phone, will replace it with debian derivative soon enough09:25
afiestaswe relaly need to get this 100% fixed to blog about "If you installed ubuntu in you rNexus7 and you want to install something iuseful to it..."09:25
afiestasapt-get install kubuntu-active  :p09:25
Tm_Tafiestas: rock on09:25
afiestasQuintasan_: Riddell would be nice if we could contact with any of the ppl involve don getting the touchscreen working with ubuntu09:32
Tm_Tlooks like Kubuntu doc session got moved09:35
Tm_Tah, Riddell said it already09:35
afiestasRiddell: Tm_T Quintasan_ do you know where rohan is?09:39
Riddellafiestas: in the /opt session?09:41
yofelwhich is in b3-m109:41
afiestasoh, ok09:41
faboRiddell: yep, I'm around. I'll come to say hello :)09:41
Riddellfabo: tell me your shirt size for a kubuntu polo09:42
fabohehe, L :)09:42
jussiRiddell: you have a Kubuntu polo you can send me? 10:41
jussi(or give to Knome/Tm_T)10:42
Riddelljussi: should do, what size?10:57
RiddellTm_T, ScottK, afiestas, time for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-kubuntu-development11:03
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
RiddellJontheEchidna: yo11:19
jussiRiddell: as big as possible please - XXL/XXXL if you have one? 11:31
* yofel just found out why he doesn't see his jabber contacts:11:55
yofelktp doesn't connect because of an untrusted certificate - and doesn't tell me that. I need to open the settings to see that.11:55
* yofel looks for bug reports11:55
Tm_Tbah, so out-of-the-box vpn doesn't work yet12:05
Tm_TI recall I had tested it before12:06
apacheloggerTm_T: depends on the vpn and stuff12:13
apacheloggerIIRC vpnc is not on board for some reason12:14
apacheloggerI think udsslayer was to blame12:14
Tm_Tapachelogger: we were just discussing that, I have openvpn and it fails12:59
RiddellScottK: desktop-r-kubuntu-images next, do you think we should ask ogra to come for nexus?13:52
ScottKRiddell: He said he'd do it, so I'd think not.13:53
Riddellapachelogger: context needed, we actually are near other people this week looking over our shoulders13:57
* Tm_T dislike links without context13:58
Tm_Tin general, not just when being around other people13:59
Riddellhi simplew 13:59
Tm_Tsimplew: welcome to our den (:13:59
simplewi would like to contribute if possible :)14:00
yofelwelcome :)14:00
simplewyofel, Tm_T :)14:00
simplewRiddell: didnt we talked some times in private reagarding fedora?14:01
Riddellmm, I don't remember that but it's not unusual that I don't remember things14:01
simplewRiddell: ups, sorry, i have confused your nick :)14:02
udsslayerSooo boooring 14:02
yofeludsslayer: alone in the room?14:02
udsslayeryofel: plenary14:02
udsslayerby sponsors 14:03
yofelah, the HP one?14:03
simplewso what are the steps to become a packager?14:03
udsslayeryes 14:03
Riddellsimplew: he needs a wide-eyed picture saying "5 minutes left"14:03
udsslayerRiddell: xD14:03
yofeludsslayer: please go an prepend an s to your nick -.-14:03
Riddellsimplew: mm, good question14:04
udsslayerLolwot 14:04
yofelyou're breaking people's habits :P14:04
Riddellsimplew: I don't know if there's a good packaging guide to recommend these days14:04
yofelthe debian new maintainers guide is still pretty useful14:05
yofelthe ubuntu packaging guide relies heavily on UDD, which doesn't really fit well with us14:05
yofelubuntu distributed development14:06
yofelor how you do all your packaging tasks in bzr14:06
JontheEchidnagood morning14:06
yofelsimplew: start with http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ I would say, the ubuntu one would be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/14:06
simplewhum quiet big guides...14:08
yofelsimplew: don't hesitate to ask if you have questions14:08
simplewthanks :)14:08
yofelsimplew: you can also start by doing modifications to existing packages. Those guides ^ are howto's for packaging from scratch14:09
yofelgood to know, but maybe not the best thing to start with14:09
simplewyofel: i have been doing some changes and rebuilds to become familiar with the tools14:10
yofelthat is a good thing to start with ;)14:10
BluesKajHiyas all14:10
yofelhi BluesKaj14:10
BluesKajhi yofel14:10
yofelsimplew: another thing: do hang out in here when you have the time. We don't bite and you get a feeling for how we work14:11
simplewyofel: great :)14:11
yofelthis channel is also logged on irclogs.ubuntu.com if you ever want to look something up14:11
simplewyofel: thats handy in fact14:12
simplewtsimpson: time to burn kubuntu iso and do a clean install :)14:13
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
simplewtsimpson: should i use matches or a lighter?14:14
tsimpsontoo low-tech, use a lazer ;)14:14
simplewtsimpson: :D14:16
Riddellsimplew: most of us are in a session just now at UDS14:22
Riddellbut do stick around14:22
simplewRiddell: i have tried but i dont listen any14:22
apacheloggerRiddell: kde?14:23
simplewRiddell: impossible ti listen http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/b3-m5.ogg.m3u  in rythmbox...14:30
Riddellsimplew: try dragon or amarok?14:31
simplewRiddell: well im gg to do a clean isntall with kubuntu, i have installed first ubuntu and then kde with kde-full meta package and im having some issues like https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30923314:33
ubottuKDE bug 309233 in general "unable to run kde applications from dolphin as root" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:33
yofelsimplew: kde-full is not our meta package, use kubuntu-desktop14:34
simplewyofel: well im for a clean isntall :)14:34
yofel(I'm not blaming you if you're confused now)14:34
ScottKsimplew: kde-full is a Debian metapackage that we don't particularly adjust to work in Ubuntu.  You should install kubuntu-desktop.14:35
simplewyofel: strange that dd is not in the recommend tools to burn iso into a usb stick in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:37
yofel*shrug* - I use dd and it works, so don't ask me14:37
yofelyou just don't get any persistence14:37
yofelthen again, for most users dd is rather dangerous14:37
simplewi never heard that one...14:39
yofelpersistence or dangerous?14:39
yofeloh, you never accidentally used of=/dev/sda ?14:40
yofelwell, *I* did14:40
yofelI have backups though ^^14:40
SteveRileyit's because dd has a syntax somewhat different than other linux commands, and dd doesn't ask for confirmation before it Destroys your Data :)14:40
simplewnow i get the dangerous :)14:40
simplewisnt there a kde tool to create backups?14:45
ScottKyofel: Can't you use xvfb?14:52
yofelScottK: possibly, do you know a package that does that offhand?14:54
yofelok, thanks15:00
simplewyofel: by the way, how can i do to use local packages, how to add a local repo to synaptic?15:05
Riddellsimplew: we use muon in kubuntu :)15:07
Riddellsimplew: making a local archive is faffy, I just dpkg --install *deb for local packages15:07
simplewRiddell: yes but i want to have a local repo configured15:08
Riddelldunno, play with editing sources.list, maybe a path starting with / will do or maybe it needs a file:/// URL15:09
Riddellsimplew: I don't know of any up to date tool for backups, the trouble with backup tools is there are a load of different ways to do backups, the moderns way would be to use a cloud thing15:10
Riddellubuntu has one so putting a KDE frontend on that would be nice, but no small job15:10
Riddellfabo, tsdgeos: KDE dinner meet 18:45 at the hotel entrance15:13
simplewRiddell: yes im running ubuntu one, but i dont see any option to cancel an upload15:13
simplewRiddell: still missing severall features in ubuntu one...15:14
RiddellScottK: you're at the leadership thingy?15:16
yofelsimplew: hm, I have a reprepro install on my server for local stuff, but that's too much for your need.15:16
yofelsimplew: another thing that might work for you that I used before is15:16
yofelsimplew: putting http://paste.kde.org/585608 in your ~/.dput.cf15:16
yofeland add15:17
yofeldefault_host_main = local15:17
yofelto it too while you're at it15:17
yofelyou can then 'dput local <changesfile>' after you locally build something15:17
yofelmini-dinstall should then take care of making a local repos for apt15:17
simplewyofel: better try that after i do a clean install with kubuntu15:17
faboRiddell: sorry, can't make it :( this is team dinner evening.15:18
ScottKfabo: As long as you have Qt5 packaged it's fine 15:18
yofelsimplew: I haven't used that in months, so not quite sure how it works anymore, but it should be as simple as adding a file:/// url with the specified directory to apt15:18
Tm_TRiddell: yes we're here15:19
faboScottK: hehe, where are you atm?15:19
faboI see, leadership thingy15:19
Tm_Tfabo: leadership mini summit, b3m815:19
tsdgeosafiestas: Riddell: etc: are we having the kubuntu dinner today or what?15:20
Tm_Tsorry had to jump in and out on iso session, had video call from home15:21
Riddelltsdgeos: yep, "tsdgeos: KDE dinner meet 18:45 at the hotel entrance"15:22
tsdgeossomehow i didn't get the memo15:22
Riddelltsdgeos: it's a screen up in scrollback, it probably scrolled off your irc :)15:22
tsdgeosRiddell: send it to uds-announce?15:23
Riddelltsdgeos: ooh that sounds scary15:23
tsdgeosRiddell: :?15:24
simplewwhy the folders Documents, Downloads, Images, Music, Video  do not appear in dolphin in panel Local and neither appear in left side of the window to open files, i.e., in the window that appears after clicking "Save As" ?     in firefox "Save As" window they do exsit, so why not in kde?15:25
Riddellbut I should be empowered like the leadership summit wants me to be15:25
yofelfirefox uses the gtk defaults. What appears in dolphin should be a matter of upstream KDE defaults15:26
Riddellsimplew: different default settings in KDE vs GTK15:26
yofelI don't think we ever changed those15:26
simplewRiddell: yes i see that but i dont get why, i think would be better to also have a direct access to these folders when clicking in "Save As"15:27
simplewyofel: and thats very easy to patch15:28
yofelwe try to not diverge from upstream unless there is a good reason to15:28
yofeland upstream probably believes that the 'Home' item is enough15:28
Riddellit is the sort of question that should be asked to KDE rather than us15:29
simplewyofel: firefox isnt patched to include those dirs in "Save As"?15:29
yofelthat's a simple difference between gtk and kde...15:30
simplewRiddell: maybe kubuntu could take the lead and do isntead wainting for kde?15:30
yofelas Riddell said, different defaults15:30
simplewyofel: maybe kde didnt do it so far, because its more a distro thing?15:31
yofelwell, IMO something so visible should be really kept unified between distributions15:34
yofeland we do stick to KDE as close as we can15:34
yofelthat doesn't mean it can't be discussed15:34
simplewyofel: maybe instead done through xdg (freedesktop), but that would imply a change also under in all *buntu distros, unless creating a kde xdg specific package?  but i think that in gnome that already exists, i have that idea from running ubuntu...15:37
yofelwell, it's probably a Gtk setting. Then it would be shared across DE's. (and explains the firefox case)15:39
yofelwe use Qt though in KDE15:39
yofelso we share pretty much only XDG stuff with other DE's15:39
simplewyofel: but i have the idea that those exist in ubuntu (gnome)15:40
yofelnot that I'm aware of, but I don't know the whole freedesktop world either15:41
simplewyofel: i have userconfig installed but i dont any entry in kmenu15:43
yofelsimplew: what *you* can do, is send a mail to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com if you want the discussion to not be forgotten. Or start it on kde-devel@lists.kde.org 15:43
yofeluserconfig is started from systemsettings15:44
simplewi was told that there was an entry to run it from kmenu15:44
yofelif I search for 'user' in kickoff I do get the user management15:45
simplewyofel: i just checked in unity and those dirs do exist, take the nautilus example15:47
yofelI didn't say they didn't15:47
simplewyofel: for example gedit, the "Save As" window its the same for firefox15:49
simplewyofel: they only miss in kde :)15:49
simplewmean kubuntu15:49
simplewyofel: i dont think it would be a kde specific matter, in my view its more a distro specific thing15:50
simplewyofel: but ill join the ML after i do a kubuntu install and mail that so that it wont be forgotten :)15:51
yofelif you want to prove that it's a XDG setting, find something non-gtk, non-qt application that shows them15:52
simplewyofel: i remember that when i was using a rpm distro in xdg there were some settings regarding those distros, but i think that were added by the distro15:53
simplewyofel: but my point is that until that isnt done in a unified way, ie in xdg, meanwhile can be done and it would be a good improvement15:54
Riddellthe location of the directories is set by some xdg spec, it's stored in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs15:54
simplewRiddell: i have that idea also but they do not appear in kde so some still missing...15:56
yofelthey are set in KDE, just don't belong to the shortcuts in dolphin15:56
simplewyofel: its in dolphin Local panel and in kde "Save As" dialog15:57
Riddellwhether or not it shows up in the open dialogue is up to the toolkit used15:57
yofelsimplew: not in the kde "Save As" dialog15:57
simplewRiddell: it can also be patched in kdelibs :)15:58
simplewyofel: when you click Save As for example in kwrite they dont appear15:58
simplewyofel: i didnt interpreted well what you said, you were just confirming what i said :)15:59
yofelsimplew: ok, I think I mis-interpreted what you said16:00
simplewyofel: so they dont appear in the dolphin Local panel and also dont appear in kde "Save As" dialog16:00
yofelright, they won't appear anywhere in KDE16:00
simplewim going now for the kubuntu install, brb16:02
simplewyofel, Riddell it could also be cool adding by default a Home and Trash icon into the desktop16:04
yofelnot really, that should stay tidy as it is, the desktop folderview is plenty16:05
yofelclutter is evil16:05
simplewbut using folderview doesnt put any in desktop?16:06
yofelwell, dolphin isn't really far away. If anything it could go into the panel beside the pager and so on. But how often do people open Trash?16:07
yofeland dolphin opens in Home by default16:07
simplewyofel: yes i get your point, its simply because me and in a general way users are sued to get icons in desktop16:08
yofelyou can switch the desktop type to desktop, then it'll behave in the classic way with icons/files on desktop instead of widgets16:09
tsimpsonyou can add it if you want, KDE is customizable, but it's not something we should impose by default16:09
simplewtsimpson: yes of course, and i have them atm, i did add them, but instead have it by default :)  i remember that for example Opensuse puts a computer icon that offers a view of your machine with info also of the folders, and thats a cool thing16:11
simplewthat computer icon run sysinfo16:12
simplewthe kio slave sysinfo16:12
simplewweird, i dont see a package to isntall that kio slave...16:15
Riddellit's suse specific16:17
simplewRiddell: no, its a kde kio slave see http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KIO+Slave+sysinfo%3A%2B?content=5870416:19
Riddellyes, written by suse16:20
Riddellyou can package it if you like but it's unlikely to be used by default, we don't use konqueror by default16:21
simplewRiddell: dolphin runs konqueror kios, doesnt?16:22
simplewRiddell: i didnt knew was developed by suse, i was used to have it in mandriva and mageia16:26
Riddellsimplew: yes all KDE uses the same kioslaves but that one returns HTML which dolphin doesn't support16:30
simplewRiddell: its source http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/kio_sysinfo/16:34
Riddellyofel: any idea how the kubuntu-bugs list lets everything through even though the sender isn't subscribed?17:14
yofellaunchpad doesn't require you do be subscribed to the list IIRC17:14
yofelRiddell: "accept posts from any email address registered in a subscriber's Launchpad profile " from https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/MailingLists17:15
yofelwrong mailing list provider -.-17:16
yofelRiddell: wasn't it that you can enable/disable moderation for ubuntu mailing lists?17:17
udsslayerRiddell: I am waiting for you guys 17:40
Quintasanafiestas: lobby!!!17:47
yofelJontheEchidna: nice one :D20:48
JontheEchidnayou would have named it that too if you had seen what I had seen ;-)20:49
JontheEchidnayou'd get all of this merely by starting up muon-installer: http://paste.kde.org/586232/20:50
yofeljust how often does attica read one and the same config file?!?20:52
JontheEchidnaHmm, in ~/.kde/share/config/atticarc, you can see all the providers20:53
JontheEchidnathey seem to be duplicated a *lot*20:53
yofelthat file's empty here20:54
JontheEchidnaperhaps you've not used any attica? It's a new feature in git master20:55
yofelor rather it just doesn't exist20:55
yofelyeah, that would be it20:55
JontheEchidnaOr I should say, Muon only just recently starting using attica for a new feture20:55
JontheEchidnayeah, looks like Muon is the culprit, adding the same provider each time it starts up :s20:56
JontheEchidnaand here I thought it was attica being obnoxious20:56
JontheEchidnaif you count the instances of the providers in the log I posted, you can tell how many times I've launched muon-installer since that feature was added :P20:56
JontheEchidnaHmm, aleix wrote the KNewStuff backend, I'll throw this one his way20:57
JontheEchidnaI'm fairly sure that this line is causing it:20:57
JontheEchidnam_atticaManager->addProviderFileToDefaultProviders(group.readEntry("ProvidersUrl", QString()));20:58
JontheEchidnabut I'm not sure what that's trying to accomplish or what the correct way would be to fix it20:58
JontheEchidnawelp, all the reverse build-depends of libqapt in the archive have been ported to libqapt221:06
JontheEchidnanow if the i386 builders hurry up, I could actually announce QApt/Muon 2.0 alpha...21:07
yofelI wonder how fast that copy script actually is21:07
JontheEchidnafrom -proposed to release?21:08
JontheEchidnaseems kind of slow, qapt has been done and published on all archs for a few hours and it still hasn't copied over to release21:08
yofelwell, not causing any broken deps was another requirement IIRC21:09
JontheEchidnahmm, I can't imagine what it could have broken...21:09
yofelyeah, was just wondering either21:09
kubotuyofel meant: "yeah, was just wondering too"21:10
JontheEchidnait's co-installable with libqapt1 and everything21:10
yofelmeh, calligraauthor is getting on my nerves. It's currently not more than calligrawords with different defaults and shares lots of stuff with words.21:12
yofelNow I wonder just *what* is shared, as I either need to stuff both into the same package, or need to add calligrawords-common or so -.-21:12
JontheEchidnasounds like a pain21:13
JontheEchidnaof course, everybody installs our software by running "make install" :P21:14
yofelI had to add a patch to get calligraactive btw. Upstream believes there is no use case where you want to build *everything*21:14
yofelseems like active has a higher priority than everything else, so if you run make install, everything opens in active if that's built21:15
yofel... and installed21:16
markeyafter the upgrade to 12.10, I can no longer mount smbfs21:41
yofel... the calligra copyright file makes no sense at all... is this even allowed by dep-5? http://paste.kde.org/586274 (look at the Files: definitions)21:46
yofelhi markey21:47
yofelno longer mount as in: it doesn't mount, or you don't see the share?21:47
markeymount: unknown filesystem type 'smbfs'21:47
markeyalso, the smbmount tool is missing21:49
markeyI've read that it was moved from the deprecated package "smbfs" to "cifs-utils". but it's not in there21:50
yofelI was just looking there a bit, it seems like 'smbfs' was just dropped21:50
yofeldoes it work with cifs as fs type?21:50
markeylet me try21:51
markeyoh cool, this works 21:52
markeythanks yofel 21:52
yofelI remember someone telling me a year ago to just use cifs instead - without explenation21:52
markeyfrom what I gather, smbfs was just a wrapper around cifs anyway. still, it's a bit confusing that it's suddenly gone ;)21:53

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