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simplewmr-rich: havent tried, but i think would be better for just use skype00:04
mr-richsimplew: Telepathy requires Skype to be installed ...00:05
mr-richsimplew: How do I restart the Telepathy service?00:05
simplewmr-rich: so why you dont simply run skype?00:05
simplewmr-rich: ps aux|grep telepathy then kill the apps that apepar00:06
bobby_I'm having a problem with flash00:06
mr-richsimplew: I do ... Skype doesn't do spell checking on the fly, telepathy ..00:06
bobby_i install it again and again and it doesn't work00:06
bobby_with firefox00:07
bobby_it was working fine before00:08
bobby_but then i installed updates00:08
bobby_now its no good00:08
simplewbobby_: what dpkg -l|grep -i flash   shows?00:08
bobby_tell me what to do00:10
simplewbobby_: i asked to show that output00:11
simplewmr-rich: for hat i see when adding a skype assount in ktp it simply runs skype00:12
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zacariasHi. Does someone know if there is an official google support channel somewhere?01:12
SIR_Tacozacarias: for what exactly?01:25
OerHeksthere is an unofficial channel here on freenode.01:26
zacariasSIR_Taco: For asking if there is a way of deleting all Google contacts groups at once (my wife's account is permnanently creating empty groups, each time it syncs with Android, I think)01:37
SIR_Tacozacarias: in the context of?01:44
zacariasSIR_Taco: well, I think I explained before: I would like to delete the hundreds of contact groups google created for me (actually, for my wife), when auto-syncing with Android (lots of empty-groups with the same name). That's why I wanted to find a Google support IRC channel.01:47
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SIR_Tacozacarias: so on an Android phone the?01:50
xixor... android, lol01:51
Shaan7zacarias: I wonder if there even is such a channel. You're best asking on some android forum01:55
SIR_Tacozacarias: possibly try #android channel?01:55
xixoryo, so, I try to run bleachbit, which I think is a gtk app, with kdesudo, and I get Could Not Open X Display.  Anyone have any ideas?  Cheers01:59
SIR_Taco... bleachbit, lol01:59
xixorI just wanted to try it out02:00
xixorhm..... things like, kdesudo muon, don't work also02:00
xixormeh, I just use xhost + for now, then xhost -02:02
xixorwow, bleachbit cleared up quite a bit o space02:02
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SIR_Tacoxixor: you don't need to use kdesudo for muon02:08
xixorI know, I was just using it as an example to show that kdesudo muon itself wasn't working02:09
xixorer, that launching any X app, kde, or otherwise, with kdesudo wasn't working right, there is something up with my sudoers Xauthority perhaps, I dunno02:09
xixorwell, good night gents, later02:24
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inocentpcis anyone here a developer?05:13
inocentpcI'm not going to bore you with stupid questions. Just want to talk with a developer for a min. honest!05:15
inocentpcwhen would be a good time to get on IRC to meet a developer?05:18
inocentpcso far, no answer05:18
inocentpcis there a 1-800 number to talk to a developer?05:20
inocentpcso why was this IRC channel created if I cannot get in touch with a developer?05:22
inocentpcI guess I quit. thanks but no thanks for your lack of replies.05:24
bazhanginocentpc, why do you need to speak to a developer. just ask your support question here05:32
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ahmetTÜrk varmı07:50
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Ahox_Hi, I have some problemsn with openvpn - when using it through the networkmanager libcrypto keeps crashing - any idea why?08:35
Ahox_I put up the relevant syslog at http://paste.kde.org/585380/ .08:36
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altecnologicGood morning, I need to get only the URL you type in the squid10:06
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DoNotKNowCarlieHi. I just upgraded my packages on 12.04 and rebooted, now I'm getting blank screen. it's an i7-2600 machine.11:51
DoNotKNowCarlieI added nomodset to the boot options but then the resolution is fixed to 640x48011:52
yud1zgood evening everyone11:52
bazhangDoNotKNowCarlie, in  kubuntu? ubuntu? you are posting to both channels.11:52
DoNotKNowCarliebazhang: kubuntu but I guess it's X/driver problem so what's the difference11:53
bazhangDoNotKNowCarlie, its the same helpers in both channels...11:53
DoNotKNowCarlieoh I see..anyway I'm stuck and a little bit in panic11:54
bazhangwhats the card11:54
DoNotKNowCarlieno card, it's the on CPU  GPU . I don't know how they call it11:55
bazhangthe video card11:55
DoNotKNowCarliei7-2600 , the machine has no "card" it's on bord, lspci shows  intel core integrated graphics controller11:56
DoNotKNowCarlieso it's intel11:57
bazhangDoNotKNowCarlie, would you mind paste.ubuntu.com with the output of lspci11:57
bazhangDoNotKNowCarlie, this is not an optimus? only the intel?12:03
DoNotKNowCarliebazhang: optimus ? there is only one hdmi port on the back of the machine12:04
DoNotKNowCarliebazhang: there is no other card. and the screen is attached with a small  hdmi to vga converter12:05
torbjornhow do you actually apply the network changes to set in network manager?12:05
bazhangthe converter might be the issue12:06
torbjornI set some ip addresses and some routes, but nothing happened12:06
bazhangthere is a PPA you could try though: http://islandlinux.org/howto/update-intel-video-driver-latest-version-ubuntu   DoNotKNowCarlie12:06
DoNotKNowCarliebazhang: but it worked fine until the last apt-get upgrade12:06
DoNotKNowCarliebazhang: anyway, now that I booted with nomodset, X starts normally but at 640x480 . how can I change that?12:07
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marcellus_hi. I am running Kubuntu 12.04 with Kernel 3.6 and Muon shows me to upgrade the Kernel to a lower one. Should I ignore it or just install it anyway? I know the Kernel 3.6 will be still running...12:26
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simplewin 12.10 running "kdesudo dolphin" does allow to run other KDE applications from it? does kwrite runs when double clicking in a text file from dolphin root?12:53
lordievadersimplew: Yes if you open a file from dolphin, when dolphin runs under root, kwrite will also run under the root user.12:55
simplewlordievader: did you tried it? because here DOES NOT run12:56
lordievadersimplew: I didn't try it with Kwrite, but I know Kate will open under root if you use dolphin under root. Else you can always open Kwrite under root with kdesudo kwrite.12:58
simplewlordievader: so you have n12:59
simplewlordievader: so you have NOT tried12:59
simplewlordievader: i know what i can do, im trying to report an existing problem12:59
simplewanother problem, runing kuser to add a new user does add to sudoers, thus when entering in a session with new user and running for example "kdesudo dolphin" will report that the users does NOT belong to sudoers13:01
lordievadersimplew: Ofcourse not, you do not want to give a user root, not even temporary.13:02
lordievadersimplew: I have just tested your problem, kwrite is running as root.13:03
simplewlordievader: so i do NOT see an option allowing to set the new user as an administrator, and that should exist like it happens in GNOME13:03
simplewlordievader: are you running 12.1013:03
lordievadersimplew: 12.0413:03
simplewlordievader: aH!13:04
lordievadersimplew: System Settings -> User Management13:04
simplewlordievader: thats a gnome tool!13:04
simplewlordievader: and that entry does not appear when running KDE13:05
tsimpsonsimplew: it's a KDE tool, I see it in front of me now13:05
simplewtsimpson: show me a screenshot, if its a kde tool it should be kuser and that i dont believe it is13:06
lordievadersimplew: On my 12.10 install kwrite also runs under root.13:07
simplewlordievader: im trying to understand what triggers this problem13:07
simplewlordievader: because im not simply inventing this13:07
simplewtsimpson: System Settings -> User Management  its not a KDE tool13:08
lordievadersimplew: Does the terminal throw you an error when you run something with kdesudo?13:08
lordievadersimplew: Also how do you check under which user kwrite is running?13:09
simplewlordievader: of course13:09
simplewi said root13:09
tsimpsonsimplew: yes, it is: http://ubuntuone.com/52y3Qtq13bydJQr3Rft5gD13:09
simpleweven if u do "su -" it will hapens the same issue13:09
tsimpsonsee the "KDE Control Module" titles13:09
tsimpsonI don't have Gnome installed, so it's certainly not a Gnome tool13:10
simplewtsimpson: yes it is, ubuntu install certain tools by default that are gnome13:10
lordievadersimplew: Perhaps I'm failing to understand you. What is exactly your problem with kdesudo?13:10
simplewtsimpson: seams you dont know how to distinguish its difference13:10
tsimpsonsimplew: please do enlighten me13:11
simplewlordievader: i didnot said was specificially with kdesudo, read this https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30923313:11
ubottuKDE bug 309233 in general "unable to run kde applications from dolphin as root" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:11
edgyHi, where does klipper stores it's history?13:12
simplewtsimpson: i dont have time for that, i know your trying to help,but im far from being a newbie user13:12
tsimpsonsimplew: it's odd you say that, because "kcmshell4 userconfig" launches that, and that's not a gnome tool13:12
lordievadersimplew: I'm still not clear, does kwrite run at all or does kwrite run as a normal user?13:13
simplewtsimpson: i dont have such module running13:13
simplewlordievader: as regular user all runs as expected13:13
tsimpsonthat's what launches when you go to System Setting -> User Management13:13
simplewtsimpson: so what package instlal that13:14
lordievadersimplew: How does that answer my question?13:14
tsimpsonsimplew: userconfig13:15
simplewtsimpson: thats a tool i never saw in all years i run kde, but indeed shows some things not available in kuser13:17
tsimpsonit's part of the default install13:17
simplewtsimpson: i did installed ubuntu and then isntalled kde packages13:18
tsimpsonwell it comes with kubuntu-desktop13:18
simplewtsimpson: im now installed the meta package kde-full that will trigger to install all kde packages13:19
simplewlordievader: i think it does13:19
tsimpsonsimplew: you should get kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-full to get the default packages13:20
tsimpsonit won't be in kde-full13:20
lordievadersimplew: Start it from a root dolphin session, and run in a terminal "ps aux|grep kwrite" that will tell you under what user kwrite runs.13:21
simplewtsimpson: kde-full triggers to install all kde packages13:21
lordievadertsimpson: Isn't it part of the KDE software compilation?13:21
tsimpsonbut not all Kubuntu default packages13:21
simplewtsimpson: already told ya im not a newbie, i know exactly what i do13:21
tsimpsonlordievader: no, it's a Kubuntu project13:22
lordievadertsimpson: Didn't know that, good to know, thank you :)13:22
tsimpsonsimplew: still doesn't mean you'll get userconfig from kde-full13:22
simplewtsimpson: still this tool does not run with kdesudo, to do so i need to run: kdesudo `kcmshell4 userconfig` and still does not appear allowing to modify admin users13:22
simplewbut thats not the main issue, the issue is that dolphin as root is not allowing to run kde apps13:23
simplewand in dolphin root i can run non kde apps like gedit, strange isnt it....13:24
tsimpsonkdesudo `kcmshell4 userconfig`?13:25
simplewtsimpson: unbelievable, "kcmshell4 userconfig" it only allow to modify admin users if only running it with sudo, thats shows thats a tool very well developed...13:25
tsimpsonsimplew: running "kdesudo kcmshell4 userconfig" allows me to modify system users just fine13:26
simplewtsimpson: kdesudo kcmshell4 userconfig  does not run13:26
tsimpsonit does here13:27
lordievadersimplew: I have a feeling something is very funky about your system, the userconfig allows me to edit admin users, no problem.13:27
simplewthis is going even better...13:27
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simplewthe only thing i did in /etc/sudoers was to set it to NOPASSWD13:28
simplewto stop to allways prompting the user pass13:29
tsimpsonI have NOPASSWD in my sudoers too, it's not an issue13:30
simplewof course its not13:30
simplewi was simply saying that was nothing funky in my system, its all default13:31
simplewso something is causing all this mess in KDE/su13:32
simplewi think it will be better to simply get kubuntu iso and do a clean isntall...13:32
tsimpsonfirst you should try installing the kubuntu-desktop package, see if the problem persists13:33
simplewdoes the kubuntu install allow to install in encrypted LVM partitions? ot its the same as in ubuntu install?13:33
tsimpsonit would be the same as ubuntu, they use the same backend for installation13:34
simplewi really dont get how ubuntu still continues using such an installer that does not allow to install encrypted where the other main distros have it, im referring to OpenSuse, Mageia, Fedora...13:36
simplewwell lordievader and tsimpson thanks for the support13:38
lordievadersimplew: No problem.13:39
simplewwho maintains kde-full package?13:42
simplewthe only thing i can see in the package info is Maintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>13:44
simplewbut this way we cant know which packager is13:44
tsimpsonsimplew: the Kubuntu Developers team manages it, not a single person13:46
simplewtsimpson: certainly theres a guy who maintains and not the all team13:47
simplewtsimpson: like it uses to happen in all distros13:47
tsimpsonthe entire point of a team is that there is no one single person responsible for everything13:47
tsimpsonthe "bus problem" does not apply13:48
yofelsimplew: as you can see in the changelog, various people contribute to that13:49
tsimpsonthe bus problem: only one person does X in a project, that person crosses the road and gets hit by a bus, now no one does X13:49
yofelsimplew: as for kde-full though: that package is mostly just taken from debian, it's not changed much in kubuntu13:49
simplewtsimpson: for exmaple in mageia when you query a package it uses to show the packager, for example in Mandriva when quering a KDE package it shows mandriva kde team, and that doesnt mean its a team that meanages all packages, there are packages maintained specific packages13:49
tsimpsonthere aren't specific maintainers for specific packages, just the person who happens to make a change or upload the package13:50
simplewyofel: still didnt look to changelog, im quiet new to debian packaging/quering tools, im used to rpm, but this http://www.pixelbeat.org/docs/packaging.html is helping me muc13:50
yofelsimplew: there's 'apt-get changelog <package>' or you can open /usr/share/doc/<package>/changelog.Debian.gz13:51
yofellatter only if the package is installed13:51
simplewso anyone who belongs to kubuntu packaging team can do changes without asking anything?13:51
simplewat least for me is, im used to see speciffic packagers, and when one wants to do a change first speaks with the packager in question, thus preventing any conflicts13:53
yofelhere we trust people to not do stupid things - or to ask if they're not sure about what they're doing13:54
tsimpsonthe packages are maintained in bzr branches on launchapd, so it's collaborative but still accountable13:54
yofeland the changelog says who did something13:54
simplewtsimpson: having a changelog doesnt prevent conflicts from happen13:54
yofelas tsimpson said there are bzr branches too, and those usually do prevent that13:55
simplewyofel: but if it has worked so far its because its also a good way i believe :)13:55
tsimpsonbzr is a distributed VSC, and having it on LP keeps it centralized13:55
yofelif someone doesn't use them then he did something wrong13:55
simplewyofel: im not familiar with bzr and launchpad...13:56
simplewby the way whats the steps to become a packager?13:57
tsimpsonyou join #kubuntu-devel and say you'd like to help13:57
simplewtsimpson: isnt there some wiki explaining the steps?13:58
tsimpsonprobably, but I don't know it off-hand13:58
yofelsimplew: there is the packaging guide, but it then depends on the team how you procede after that - for kubuntu do as tsimpson said13:59
simplewyofel: yes i have joined devel channel :)13:59
BluesKajHiyas all14:10
lordievaderHey BluesKaj, how are you?14:11
BluesKajhey xixor, lordievader ..doing fine thanks , and you?14:12
xixorooh, not bad14:12
xixornot digging the weather14:12
lordievaderBluesKaj: Doing good too :)14:12
BluesKajsnow there, xixor ?14:12
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BluesKajjust rain and wind here14:13
mamounHi, How can I install a source package from kde-look?14:19
mamounI'm a casual linux user, and I have no idea how to compile this package as it was said when I tried to google for answer14:20
mamounThe package is a begeneric kwin effect package14:20
BluesKajmamoun, is it a theme?14:25
mamounBluesKaj: No, it's a kwin plugin/effect14:25
frederickhi, nepomuk consume so much ram14:26
BluesKajfrederick, if you don't need nepomuk , turn it off in systemsettings>desktop search14:27
xixorNeopomuk shouldn't consume that much ram though, right?14:28
xixorisn't it set at 50mb by default?14:28
frederickBluesKaj, thank if i do it, but should be best eficient14:28
BluesKajxixor, it does because it's linked to akonadi14:28
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xixorI've never understood what akonadi did14:30
BluesKajno factoid14:31
xixorI've never even figured out how to use desktop search in KDE14:31
xixorso I just disabled it all14:31
BluesKajakonadi is the dtabase server for kmail, kontact and the PIM package14:31
xixorlol, kmail14:33
BluesKajxixor, most home users don't need it unless they need to save thousands of emails and conatacts etc14:33
xixorI tried to use kmail... I have zero faith in it.  Having it randomly send replies to work emails with my personal account was unacceptable14:33
BluesKajuhm , no kidding14:34
BluesKajI tried kmail , but it just segfaults after a few days14:35
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BluesKajthunderbird does what I need just fine14:47
yuri__can anyone here help me?14:56
BluesKajyuri__, depends on your issue , just ask your question14:57
yuri__im trying to install kubuntu to my friend's computer14:57
spawn57yuri__: cool14:58
yuri__but unlike my pc, when i go to the installation there is no option to choose how much % of the hard disk the kubuntu will use14:58
yuri__in other words, my friend has only 2 partitions14:58
yuri__which is c: obviously and his disk14:58
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lordievaderyuri__: If you are confident you can do a manual partitioning.14:59
yuri__how can i Install kubuntu to only lets say 20 gb of that hard drive14:59
yuri__and if I am not?14:59
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:59
yuri__and whats the downside on manual partitioning?14:59
yuri__in order to manual partition ill need to take some space of c:/ which means formatting it?15:00
lordievaderyuri__: It is slightly more complicated, but you get a more flexible install. The automatic doesn't make a seperate /home partition.15:00
BluesKajno formatting , just resizing15:00
lordievaderyuri__: What BluesKaj says.15:00
yuri__just resizing?15:00
spawn57yeah resize it only, format deletes data.15:00
yuri__yeah i know, but i thought that in order to change the partition sizes, it will have to format15:01
spawn57and you only format the _new_ partition that you make, not your existing partition15:01
yuri__so i just go to manual partition, take some space out for kubuntu15:01
yuri__then install it there?15:01
lordievaderyuri__: You create 3 partitions in the 20gb, one that mounts to /, one that mounts to /home and a swap partition.15:02
yuri__when i installed kubuntu in to my pc, i just had to drag my mouse and decide how much gb to give up for kubuntu, why isnt it the same with my friends pc?15:02
BluesKajlordievader, is it necessary to defrag windows before resizing anymore15:02
lordievaderBluesKaj: No idea.15:02
yuri__<lordievader> - that is too complicated for me, i think ill have to find a diffrent approach15:02
lordievaderBluesKaj: I think not, never did that before resizing ntfs partitions.15:03
BluesKajyuri__, you don't need to have 3 partitions altho it's more efficient for data preservation if you have root partition known as / for the OS and /home partition for your data, and of course a swap partition15:06
yuri__I see, thanks for the help guys15:06
lordievaderThen again swap is also debatable if it is necessary.15:07
lordievaderIf you have enough RAM and do not care for a /home partition you can make do with just one partition.15:07
BluesKajor swap file could be made later , they work pretty well too15:09
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KvakzIs Pulse Audio good at syncing multiroom audio (multiple computers / network sinks)?15:18
xixorBluesKaj: I need more ram.  16Gb is not enough15:18
BluesKajxixor, heh15:19
xixorI've been eyeing a new system for a while... the i7-3770k looks tempting, but only 32Gb of ram... not sure if it is worth upgrading.  The LGA2011 3820 or 3930 look good, but a bit expensive, but can handle 64Gb15:21
BluesKajKvakz, what are you using to stream the audio , or do you mean network access to the audio on one pc15:21
BluesKajxixor, that's a ridiculoius overkill of RAM , unless you have tens of apps all running simultaneously15:22
BluesKajunless it's a multi networked server15:23
HorusHorrendushi ... some days ago I got an google alert and found this: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+build/393356515:24
HorusHorrendusI'm really bad at deciphering what happened wrong ... anyone can help me?15:24
BluesKajwhy the URL ,whynot just tell us what your issue is, HorusHorrendus15:25
HorusHorrendusBluesKaj: why the build failed15:26
HorusHorrendusbut it seems I already found the diff: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/121418774/libmygpo-qt_1.0.6-0ubuntu1_1.0.6-0ubuntu1.1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1.diff.gz15:26
tsimpsonthe build failed because of the error in the buildlog15:27
HorusHorrendusdiff between working version and version that failed to build ... anything I can do here as maintainer15:27
HorusHorrendusor just a packaging error15:27
xixorBluesKaj: Nah, I write some high performance scientific computing algorithms that will take as much ram as you have15:27
HorusHorrendus(maintainer of the lib, not of the package)15:27
KvakzBluesKaj: I was thinking about sticking a small computer to active speakers, run linux and pulseaudio on them, and have them serve as "wireless speakers". Syncing audio between then (from one source) would be greate, for playing the same music in multiple rooms.15:27
xixorBluesKaj: So you combine that, with a few VMs, and throw some KDE bloat on top, and the amount of ram needed is quite large15:27
HorusHorrendustsimpson: yeah reading that build log isn't easy, just says sth about symbols file and so on15:28
tsimpsonHorusHorrendus: it's sating that debian/libmygpo-qt1.symbols is out of date, so it's a packaging issue15:28
Steve132I'm trying to add a skype account to telepathy....I installed and configured skype, then installed pidgin-skype package, then added my skype account in telepathy15:29
Steve132my skype is logged in15:30
Steve132and it automatically starts skype when it loads15:30
Steve132but telepathy just says "Connecting..." forever on the account manager page15:30
Steve132and skype never recieves an api connection request over dbus15:30
Steve132on kubuntu 12.04 with kopete, skype would recieve an api connection request and allow you to authorize kopete to use it15:31
Steve132but telepathy doesn't seem to trigger that15:31
Steve132any thoughts?15:31
BluesKajxixor, some ppl use CUDA option on their GPUs rather than rely on RAM for computations and number crunching15:32
BluesKajSteve132, only one , telepathy is buggy15:34
xixorBluesKaj: Yes, that is something I'd like to explore, but the problems I am solving, but the problems themselves do not lend themselves to easily being solved on GPUs, and are too large to fit in GPU memory15:34
Steve132lol, thats sorta unhelpful "The default IM doesn't work right"  "Well, its buggy"15:35
Steve132any ideas how to fix it?15:35
BluesKajthe GPU does thw CUDA work xixor, not the memory15:35
xixorBluesKaj: This https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1781062/shot1.png  is a relatively small run, only takes 16Gb of ram and running 100% on 12 threads of a 24-thread machine (dual hexcore)15:35
xixorBluesKaj: If the problem is too large to fit on the GPU memory, the amount of time it takes to move data back and forth diminishes any processing speedup of teh GPU15:36
tron71hi there15:38
Steve132xixor: that depends on what you are doing15:38
BluesKajSteve132, it's difficult to solve a problem when the text fields disappear an reappear in differnt parts of the acts page , and that's my experience with telepathy15:38
tron71has anyone managed to get the KDE widget mublog (aka microblogging) work for twitter?15:38
lordievaderxixor: Isn't all that a bit offtopic?15:39
HorusHorrendusyofel: do you think the Ubuntu package of libmygpo-qt could be integrated into debian? ;)15:48
HorusHorrendusohh and also btw could you fix the ppa package ;)15:50
yofelHorusHorrendus: the package builds have a bug there, but I'll try to fix the PPA at least15:51
HorusHorrendusyofel: where do they have bugs?15:51
yofelHorusHorrendus: as for debian, *I* don't really want to, but that doesn't mean nobody will15:51
HorusHorrendusyofel: well if you could find someone ...15:52
HorusHorrenduswith every release I write to the amarok-packagers but no idea who is the debian packager for amarok15:52
HorusHorrendusbut that could probably be a good start15:52
yofelI can ask around sure, and at least file an RFP. I just have no intention in maintaining that in debian15:53
HorusHorrendusyofel: no problem, no idea what a RFP is but thanks for any help ;)15:53
HorusHorrendusthat could help me convince the Clementine Devs to drop the integrated version of the lib ;)15:54
yofeldebian request-for-package15:54
HorusHorrendusyofel: ahh thx15:54
yofelHorusHorrendus: debian maintainer for amarok is the debian kde extras team (pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org)15:55
HorusHorrendusyofel: thx, will write them the rfp then ...15:55
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stefan877hi, I want install Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 on Kubuntu 12.10, this works with official download from openoffice.org, but OpenOffice looks like Windows 95 style. How to repair that?17:04
BluesKajstefan877, use libre office , it's the replacement for OO17:05
stefan877BluesKaj: LibreOffice has some bugs that are not into Openoffice17:06
stefan877With ubuntu 12.04 and Unity the style is ok17:07
stefan877but with KDE are there problems...17:07
genii-aroundstefan877: Use qtcurve to make it look more integrated to Kubuntu17:08
BluesKajstefan877, perhaps you could explore themes for libreoffice .I'm not very knowledgeable about it17:08
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genii-aroundstefan877: After you install qtcurve, in System Settings... Common Appearance and Behaviour...  Application Appearance    ... there will be settings you can tweak for GTK apps under KDE17:10
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stefan877genii-around: other GTK apps look like KDE apps without qtcurve, too17:11
BluesKajone would think libreoffice for kde would come with integratiion in the installer17:11
stefan877genii-around: gtk2-engines-oxygen and gtk3-engines-exygen are already installed17:11
stefan877genii-around: does qtcurve work in an other way?17:12
genii-aroundYou can specify in the sections GTK+ Appearance and GTK+ Configuration  to use the KDE icons, fonts, etc. May need kde-config-gtk17:13
genii-around( to get those options in System Settings )17:14
stefan877oh there a some errors:17:14
stefan877(soffice:6020): Gtk-WARNING **: /opt/openoffice.org3/program/../basis-link/ure-link/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/liboxygen-gtk.so)17:14
stefan877genii-around: with QTCurve it works, ent the Gtk-WARNING is not there17:17
stefan877genii-around: but evince looks very bad wit QTCurve17:17
stefan877I have solved the oxygen problem:17:33
stefan877sudo mv /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.4/ure-link/lib/libstdc++.so.6 /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.4/ure-link/lib/libstdc++.so.6.def17:34
stefan877sudo ln -s  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.4/ure-link/lib/libstdc++.so.617:34
stefan877so the Warning is gone and Windows 95 style, too ;-)17:34
stefan877genii-around: and bad look with QTCurve was caused by wrong font setting, with the right QTCurve is ok, but I like oxygen more...17:36
andyman1Hello. I'm getting a brief 'chirp' or crackle of static at the start of every sound playing. For example, if a notification plays, i'll hear *static*"ding". Any ideas how to resolve this?17:57
BluesKajandyman1, do you have suystem sounds turned on in system settings>application and system notifications>manage notifications>player settings ?18:04
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stefan877thank you...18:07
andyman1i believe so18:08
BluesKajandyman1, do you want kde sound system , if not choose the "no audio" option...this is just fir system sounds , it won't affect your media audio players etc18:12
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andyman1Yes, I'm fine with the default KDE sound system. And it was working fine up until a day or two ago when I upgraded to 12.10. The sounds still work fine, it's just that weird static chirp at the beginning that's a problem18:23
BluesKajandyman1, is the volume at 100% ?18:25
BluesKajturn the vol down to where the chirping is not apparent . I haven't heard of this problem before so i haven't got a clue how to fix it18:29
andyman1I fiddled with that, doesn't seem to work. Thanks for the attempt though. I appreciate it :)18:31
BluesKajandyman1, well ,if the chirping bothers you enough to drop system sounds then you know what to do :)18:35
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cab00tHello all, I have a question: How do I get my wifi connection to stay connected to the internet when connecting to wiered network (eth0) as well?20:51
lordievadercab00t: Do you have a laptop?20:57
cab00tA wifi card on it connected to an AP, and ethernet trough a router to another pc.21:01
cab00tAP is for the internet obv.21:01
lordievadercab00t: Often on a laptop there is a setting in the BIOS that does this.21:01
cab00tSomething like...?21:01
lordievadercab00t: Look in your bios for a wlan/lan switching option.21:01
lordievadercab00t: Do you know how to edit the bios settings?21:02
cab00tAlso, what is this under ipv4 / routes / "Use only for resources"?21:02
cab00tYes ofcourse.21:02
lordievadercab00t: It's not so natural. Where do you see that?21:03
cab00tConnections in the lower right corner of screen, then "Manage Connections",21:03
cab00tThen settings of a connections, then under IPv4 then Routing tab.21:04
cab00tIt's being mentioned in a forum post regarding what I need.21:04
lordievadercab00t: Hmm, I'm not sure, perhaps someone else knows?21:05
cab00tI'll be online if someone can help,21:06
cab00tThank you very much for  your time lordievader btw. )21:06
lordievadercab00t: No problem, perhaps you can find the answer online...21:06
cab00tYep, on it in meantime. :)21:06
BluesKajcab00t, my laptop auto disables the wifi connection when an ethernet cable is plugged in .21:13
cab00tIt's the same case I suppose, but do you know how to disable that?21:14
BluesKajI think the setting is called auto connect , there might be an option to run both at once , but I haven't checked that21:14
cab00tI think that means you automatically connect if a known network is available?21:15
BluesKajunfortunately the laptop is elsewhere atm21:15
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cab00tTrying this one thing, might get dc. :)21:16
lordievadercab00t: I already told you, you need to go to the bios and change the setting.21:17
cab00tAlright, I found it,21:17
cab00tNo, there's another way,21:17
cab00tYou need to edit the "Wired Connection 1" or however it's called, and go to IPv4 / Routing / "only use this connection for resources on its network" .21:18
cab00tThat's it, I'm connected to both atm. :)21:18
lordievaderOh well on my laptop, it is that setting, with it turned on the wifi gets hard-blocked.'21:18
lordievadercab00t: But I stand corrected, good to know though :)21:19
cab00tWas probably something more specific, thanks for suggesting it anyway. :) Ye, something new every day, esp with Linux I guess...21:20
cab00tMy browser seemes to have stopped working though... :\21:21
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uglyoldbob_how can I use ffmpeg to convert from 15 to 30fps, and not have the video be twice as fast?22:28
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