
=== Fersure|A is now known as Fersure
ActionParsniploving the new release.Got rid of lxpanel and am running xcompmgr to run docky (looks like a mac)14:16
holsteinhehe... lets see a screenie ActionParsnip .. sounds cool14:17
holsteinim using xcompmgr too.. in openbox14:18
ActionParsniplet me make one:)14:18
bioterrorI'm not14:20
bioterrorwaste of 3D resources for nothing14:20
holsteinyup.. unless you need simple 3d14:21
bioterrorI rather want my OpenRA and AssaultCube to run smoothly :-)14:21
bioterrorhorrible orange icons14:26
ActionParsniporange and brown go together14:27
bioterrorI can share mine: http://ricecows.org/video.png ;)14:30
ActionParsnipbioterror: don't you find the cyan burning with all the black?14:30
bioterroronly google.com burns :D14:31
ActionParsnipunless its mail.google.com ;)14:32
bioterrorI have tweaked my facebook from white bg ground color into gray14:32
bioterrorI can stalk people even when lights are out!14:33
ActionParsnipusing beautify facebook?14:33
ActionParsniplooks ok14:37
mika__hi guys, I'm migrating from kubuntu to lubuntu on and old pc (kubuntu is just killing it)... quick question, what should I use for download pictures from the camera (gui app) and for open presentations (the bad old ppt/pptx)?14:43
ActionParsnipmika__: does it show in pcmanfm?14:44
mika__ActionParsnip: the camera? I don't know, I'm currently downloading the lubuntu.iso14:45
holsteinmika__: if you are "migrating", just use the kde app for now14:46
holsteini usually just open the device as a hard drive, and pull the files over14:46
mika__holstein: I was hoping for something like digikam (it's my mom's pc)14:47
mika__without having to install all the qt and digikam dependencies :)14:48
holsteinmika__: i dont know what digikam is or does, but we have lots of apps.. do you have a screenshot? or can you eleborate as to what work flow you are looking for?14:48
holsteinmika__: i would just use digikam14:49
holsteinshould be less deps than what you would get with a kde app14:49
mika__it shows you the various photo and you can simply select and download them, without doing any copy-paste from the filemanager14:50
holsteinmika__: shouldnt be much more than what i woud expect installing a large monolithic app with this functionality14:50
infectedorganismwhich would everyone say is more integrated with lubuntu, lxde, and pcmanfm.. ubuntu one, or dropbox?17:25
holsteininfectedorganism: i have used both.. i usually go with dropbox since i use it more... i looked at how crunchbang was implementing dropbox17:27
infectedorganismokay. i'll also take a look at how crunchbang implements dropbox17:28
tweakstersince Lubuntu is continually getting updated whenever I have automatic updates set to occur, why does the version number not change from, say, 12.04 to 12.10 after all the updates get applied?19:42
holsteintweakster: there are updates to 12.04.. you are still on 12.04. just with updates19:43
Oe_edenI was just wondering why obkey isnt included in lubuntu or even in the debian repos20:35
Oe_edenbecause it is awesome20:35
Oe_edensnap windows works like a charm (partly thanks to obkey): https://plus.google.com/103155108926231686421/posts/ScNZCzGyfX720:36
holsteinOe_eden: i think its just too new? not sure.. you can file a "feature request" bug... i would go right to debian though, thats the quickest way to get it in20:37
Oe_edenactually it is kind of old I think: http://code.google.com/p/obkey/20:37
Oe_edenThe latest version is 1.0 (looks stable). Development is halted.20:38
holsteinOe_eden: maybe thats whey... if its vapor ware and no one takes it on for maintenance20:39
Oe_edensince its MIT license one is free to fork it ;)20:39
Oe_edenbut say I file it as a FR with debian20:40
holsteinif its dead, its dead.. they wont take it on likely20:40
Oe_edenbut how does something like that work normally:  say  obkey should become part of the start menu under preferences20:42
Oe_edenadd it to the debian repo (debian folks)20:42
Oe_edenand than lubuntu folks ?20:42
holsteinOe_eden: debian would put it it, then we get it.. you can get it put in ubuntu too, but the prefered way is debian to ubuntu20:42
holsteinlubuntu is ubuntu20:42
Oe_edenhmm I have never asked myself this question before: but what line in my /etc/apt/sources.list makes lubuntu, lubuntu?20:45
Oe_edenit are all just regular ubuntu repos20:45
Oe_edenoh wait20:45
Oe_edenthat is the installer file20:46
Oe_edenafter that it is all regular debian/ubuntu repos20:46
holsteinOe_eden: ubuntu has "official" repos.. lubuntu uses them20:48
holsteinall the lxde and lubuntu stuff is in there20:48
holsteinyou dont need lubuntu specific sources20:48
Oe_edenyes so therefore i was wondering where/what it is that makes lubuntu -> lubuntu20:49
Oe_edenbut that is all in the installer i guess20:49
holsteinthe lubuntu desktop20:49
holsteinlxde.. all the apps... alsa only instead of pulse20:49
holsteinthe theme20:49
Oe_edenyes exactly, specific choices20:49
OpenSorceHaving trouble getting a stylus to work in 10.04. It's a fujitsu stylus, I've done the setserial and installed fpit. I know the device is working because when I do cat /dev/ttyS0 and move the pen on the screen I get output. Any help?21:06
holsteini might load up a 12.04 live CD and see if it works. and if so, how it is getting support21:07
OpenSorceHaving trouble getting a stylus to work in 10.04. It's a fujitsu stylus, I've done the setserial and installed fpit. I know the device is working because when I do cat /dev/ttyS0 and move the pen on the screen I get output. Any help?21:20
Gosy-how do i identify myself on freenode :$21:35
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tweaksterI would like to prevent the Power Management program from running at startup. I see reference to it in "/etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart", where I see a line like this: @xfce4-power-manager. Is there any reason I cannot simply use a text editor to remark that line out with a hash mark (i.e., #) at the beginning of the line? Or would there be somewhere else to change also?21:40
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