
coolbhavijvrbanac, hey08:17
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, hey08:17
jvrbanacgood morning08:17
coolbhavijvrbanac, good morning just had a look at the cuckoo alarm package update08:20
coolbhaviare you targeting the update to quantal?08:20
jvrbanacfantastic! Yes I am. I included a few minor fixes as well.08:21
coolbhaviok I'll upload to quantal then08:21
coolbhavirather than precise08:21
jvrbanacIs there a way you could upload it to both08:22
coolbhavicwayne, hey08:22
coolbhavihave to just make some changelog modifications08:22
coolbhaviajmitch, good morning!08:23
cwaynehey coolbhavi08:23
coolbhavicwayne, in which room are you?08:24
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, if it helps, both the quantal and precise versions are in the Cuckoo PPA. If there is some other change you need for me to make, I can get that done in a few minutes.08:26
cwaynecoolbhavi: b3 something, how about you08:27
coolbhavijvrbanac, thanks.. I'll have a look08:28
cwayneagh, i wanted to go to "App Developer Upload Process Feedback" but im leading another session at that time08:28
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, awesome thanks for your help! Nothing like staying up all night to listen to some of the sessions :)08:31
coolbhavijvrbanac, no mention08:32
ajmitchcwayne: quick question, where'd you get the github logo from for the lens?08:32
cwayneajmitch: i think google images08:34
cwayneajmitch: shall i find a new one?08:36
* ajmitch was looking up what logos are available on https://github.com/github/media but they don't have a monochrome one that I could find08:39
cwayneajmitch: yeah, i was just looking there as well08:41
ajmitchthe most problematic thing with apps to integrate with webservices seems to be licensing of logos, it's a real pain08:42
cwayneajmitch: well, crap08:42
cwayneajmitch: i can replace the item icons with one of those easily enough (although itll look like crap due to transparency not working)08:43
ajmitchI don't like it either, I'd rather just use the images you have because they look good :)08:43
cwaynenow the only issue is what i can do for the lens icon08:44
ajmitchlens icon can be colour, but it looks out of place :)08:44
cwaynebut it also say please don't use github logo for your application's icon08:45
* cwayne is stuck, not a graphic designer08:46
ajmitchsorry :(08:46
cwayneajmitch: not your fault :)08:46
cwayneajmitch: i just put out a call for help on google+, maybe someone following me can make an icon :P08:48
coolbhaviyes I thought you got it from the repository and gave it a +108:49
coolbhavithe lens is really cool btw08:49
ajmitchwe probably haven't always been consistent with checking on logo terms, I don't know what the legalities are for these logos,since it's more trademarks than copyright08:49
cwaynecoolbhavi: hey, are there any ARB-related sessions tomorrow?  I'd like t get to to go at least one of them :)09:04
ajmitchcwayne: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/track/appdev/09:06
cwayneah right, that'd do it09:06
cwaynethanks ajmitch09:06
ajmitchthe 12:00 session is pretty ARB-specific, you could come along09:06
cwaynethanks ajmitch09:10
coolbhavijvrbanac, in d/copyright i find a binary line.09:28
coolbhaviwhat does it specify?09:29
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, hmm not sure, apparently that was put it with the quantal version of quickly using package --extras.09:36
cwaynecoolbhavi: can one entry in myapps be published for preicse and quantal?09:40
coolbhavicwayne, yes I guess since its targeting 2 different versions09:41
coolbhaviand changing the extras prefix should do it09:42
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, I haven't found anything that say what that is or why that was put there. You want me to remove it?09:46
coolbhavijvrbanac, I can do that for you and upload it in some time10:47
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, ok fantastic! Just let me know if you need for me to do anything! Thanks a ton!10:49
BerndSchis there someone who could check the lastest comment on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/548/feedback/ and get in contact with me at uds?14:44
cwayneajmitch: check out lp:~cwayne18/ubuntu-app-reviews/unity-lens-github :)15:44

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