
=== mkv is now known as m4v
uros1hi all, requesting ubuntu cloack for https://launchpad.net/~urosldp08:55
uros1requesting ubuntu cloack for https://launchpad.net/~urosldp09:53
IdleOneAlanBell Pici Tm_T Fuchs topyli uros1 would like to request his @ubuntu/member cloak.10:25
uros1yes please10:26
IdleOnefunkyHat ^ not Fuchs10:26
IdleOneuros1: be patient and someone will get to it soon10:26
uros1ok cool10:26
AlanBellyup, that all appears to be in order :)11:26
AlanBellstaff can we have an ubuntu/member/uros1 cloak please11:26
FuchsAlanBell: a Bit limited, poked my colleagues, Else i will Do it later12:49
Fuchsgheraint will take care of it :)12:55
Fuchsconcratulations, uros113:03
IdleOneCongrats uros1 * uros1 (~uros@ubuntu/member/uros1) has joined #ubuntu-irc13:04
uros1thanks guys13:06
=== Barebone is now known as Tanvir
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj

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