
pmatulisi notice on 12.04 there is no prompt during install time when setting up raid whether to boot into a degraded mode.  is that right?  the default is also to _not_ boot in such a state.  is that what we want these days?00:07
patdk-lapthe default is only an option when the root is on raid00:08
patdk-lapif it isn't, the option is never presented00:08
patdk-lapbug has been filed a long time ago00:09
Gallomimiabriggz i'd like you to make a piece of software that will allow networked systems to share symbolic links and treat them as if they were hard links. maybe that will fill up 8 weeks of time. file integrity checks, hash checks, and in the case of text files versioning00:23
Gallomimiaah he's not here :(00:24
vicTROLLAHaving trouble with a PXE setup. My preseed file is failing because the OS I'm installing over has LVM data that spans both physical drives. For some reason the installer doesn't want to delete this data. Any ideas?00:30
vicTROLLAhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+question/200964 :(00:31
briggzerI'm tring to install bind9 and samba, I keep getting errors and it says failed to start service, am I in the right place?00:38
briggzeri'm using ubuntu-server00:38
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bfortifiedFinally setup NFS at home, My wifes account is able to manipulate files she doesn't have permissions for with out using root. Is this because she has an administrator account or because of a weak NFS? setup?01:11
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lerianhi guys06:47
leriani'm looking for someone for this http://pastebin.com/zpCTvK64 (could be remote or on site, it's flexible)06:48
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stgraberhallyn, utlemming: ubuntu-cloud still downloads 20121017 for quantal instead of the new build, so I doubt I'll get a /dev (still downloading)08:05
lerianlooking for a system engineer > http://pastebin.com/zpCTvK6408:07
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hallynstgraber: gah08:14
hallynstgraber: no wait, quantal as fine.  it's precise that had no /dev08:14
hallynwhich is downloading release-20121026.1 fo rme08:14
stgraberhallyn: gah, right08:15
leriani'm looking for a system engineer http://pastebin.com/zpCTvK6408:16
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lerianthe refferer will get 200 euros http://pastebin.com/zpCTvK6408:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1073077 in cloud-init (main) "zsh complains about locale_warn on launch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107307709:16
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1073082 in cloud-init (main) "Login always warns about fsck, but doesn't actually fsck on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107308209:26
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xslcan someone help i get this error wen starting lxc container manually type=1400 audit(1351593348.376:10): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed flags match" error=-13 parent=17347 profile="lxc-container-default" name="/var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs/" pid=17362 comm="ureadahead" fstype="debugfs" srcname="none" flags="rw"10:37
xsland the same happens at startup10:38
xsltough manually the container is up10:38
xslbut at startup the container does not start10:38
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xslstgraber your there? can you tell me if this bug is sorted?10:48
stgraberxsl: it's not a bug, it's intentionally blocked10:54
bsdmaneveryone super happy with ubuntu server 12.10?11:06
bsdmanI am. :-)11:06
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xslstgraber, but apparmor is preventing me from starting containers at host powerup wen i link the container in /etc/lxc/auto11:17
xslmanually the container starts up ok , even tough the error on syslog11:17
xslbut wen the host server reboots the container does not come up11:18
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xslstgraber, http://pastebin.com/H3EhX6Ds11:24
xslsorry if im bothering you11:24
xslbut i dont see information on the web about this problem, only a bug on launchpad11:25
allegremHi everyone !11:26
allegremI've a little problem with udev which fails to mount a key when i plug it11:26
allegremhere are all the informations : http://pastebin.com/nPyFk8KP11:26
allegremthanks in advance for your help !11:26
xslthe info changes from "failed flags match" wen i manually start it to "failed type match" wen i try it at linking in /etc/lxc/auto11:35
xslanother thing i see is that the container tries to come up before eth0 is up at boot... can that be a problem ?11:36
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xsli'm so sorry stgraber to bother you ... i found the issue ... i was doing the symlink wrong11:42
Aisonwhy do I have got such strange network interface names with 12.10? p10p1, p9p111:45
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1073159 in tomcat7 (main) "tomcat7 7.0.30 (or newer) should be backported to precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107315914:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1068405 in tomcat7 (universe) "catalina.properties use hard references to /var/lib/tomcat7/" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106840514:32
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1073204 in cloud-init (main) "ssh-authkey-fingerprints fails on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107320415:43
roaksoaxjamespage: ping15:47
roaksoaxjamespage: why do relation hooks get executed twice, or so it seems?15:47
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hallynstgraber: success!  I'll have to re-test once everything is in ppa.  there are some oddnesses, but basically not only does it work, even sudo works :)18:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1073273 in keystone (main) "keystone package has incorrect dep on python-keystone (= 2012.1-0ubuntu1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107327318:26
stgraberhallyn: wow!18:30
hallynstgraber: nice talk :)18:31
stgraberhehe, thanks. The usual, please use LXC and talk to us if you need anything ;)18:33
highvoltageyou gave a lightning talk stgraber?18:34
stgraberhighvoltage: yeah, at the testing in ubuntu event on using lxc for development18:34
stgraberwith a good 30s preparation time, so was pretty basic ;)18:35
highvoltageyeah i got here very late :-/18:35
stgraberI saw Adam and a few others arriving just after I was done, I guess you arrived around that time too18:36
highvoltagei arrived around 3 mins ago18:36
hallyndrat, there is at least one complication from the userns stuff (thoug i'll ignore that when i blog about it :) - i have to move the cgroup setting stuff around.  actuall yi'll probably move that to the parent of lxc-init.  no reason for init to do it itself as it currently is!18:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1073287 in tgt (main) "tgt-admin fails to read configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107328719:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #1073289 in nova (main) "nova-common has an incorrect dep on python-nova (= 2012.1-0ubuntu2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107328919:16
_jmedinahi there19:18
roaksoaxjamespage: ping19:18
_jmedinaIm testing packemaker in 12.0419:18
_jmedinaim reading the document pacemaker from scratch, and Im in the stage where I requiere to install the pcs tool for management, I already installed pacemaker but dont see any pcs package, anyone knows if is supported?19:19
mjampalahi guys, need some help on process D state19:22
mjampalasnmpd gets stuck in in seq_read() of the seq operation in seq_read.c19:22
mjampalahile reading /proc/net/dev19:23
mjampalahis happens once in every 15 days19:23
mjampalarepro'ing this is not easy and I am basically panic'd with this19:23
mjampalaDoes anyone run into this19:23
_jmedinaroaksoax: afaik you were working in the cluster stack, am I right?19:24
jmedinaabout my problem with pacemaker in 12.04 it is because Im reading a recent version of the document clusters from scratch19:32
jmedinaI think Im going to search for a document that works with the version of pacemaker and corosync that ships 12.0419:33
roaksoax jmedina that document is based on pacemaker 1.1.8 in preise we ship 1.1.7 which uses crm shell19:34
jmedinaroaksoax: thanks, that is what I just relised19:34
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roaksoax jmedina http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1-crmsh/html/Clusters_from_Scratch/index.html19:35
jmedina1.1.7? I just checked and is 1.1.619:35
jmedinaroaksoax: now I reading the third edition19:35
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roaksoaxyeah sory quantal has 1.1.719:36
jmedinaroaksoax: is there documentation specific for ubuntu server?19:43
jmedinaroaksoax: I few years ago I read you tesis, but now everything changed19:44
roaksoax jmedina https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClusterStack/Natty  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClusterStack/Precise19:48
jmedinathank you, I see it still uses cman19:50
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jmedinaroaksoax: Im following the document for precise, I think it lacks a few details, I hope I can contribute21:14
jmedinaroaksoax: did you ever worked with CLVM?21:19
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semiosishi all... is there an easy way to prevent post-install/upgrade scripts from running when i update a package?  specifically, prevent a service from being restarted on upgrade?21:36
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maxbsemiosis: There could be various ways to achieve it - which package?21:55
semiosishm, it was a question from a friend... i think in his case it was mysql-server.  is there a general solution?21:57
maxbNot fully general, no21:57
semiosismaxb: ok, i found something about policy-rc.d but didnt really understand it & didnt find any easy examples in a few mins of googling21:58
maxbThe closest you get to a general solution would be to use the policy-rc.d control over invoke-rc.d, but as some things move away from rc.d-based control to things like upstart jobs, that's not really a guarantee21:58
maxbYeah, policy-rc.d is not well documented21:58
semiosisok that makes sense21:58
maxbThe most common / basic use of policy-rc.d is in chroots, when you want nothing daemonish to run22:00
maxbIn that case, it's common to create /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d as a trivial shell script which just runs 'exit 101'22:00
semiosisah, but would that prevent one from starting daemons manually also?22:01
semiosisin addition to preventing package scripts from doing it?22:01
maxbIt prevents anything going through the invoke-rc.d layer22:01
semiosisok so calling /etc/init.d/... scripts directly could still work22:01
semiosiscool, thanks!22:02
maxbIn the case of the mysql server packages currently in Ubuntu, they do use initscripts via the invoke-rc.d layer, so policy-rc.d is a potential solution22:04
maxbThe other being to simply alter /etc/init.d/mysql to enforce policy22:04
maxbDocumentation for policy-rc.d is at /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d.gz if you want to look into writing a small script to use there to do the job22:08
semiosismaxb: right, the tell apt-get to keep the installed script.  that would work too22:08
semiosiss/the tell/then tell/22:09
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stgraberhallyn: fixed lxc published to quantal-updates23:02
nielhello, can anyone help me port forward incoming connections on port 54201 to
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gletobHey is bind9 installed when you do apt-get install lamp-server^ ?23:31
gletobOr more importantly, does it serve any other function than being a DNS server?23:32
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maxbgletob: I'd be very surprised and call it a bug if bind9 was included in lamp-server task23:56

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