
bkerensapleia2: you make it to Denmark?04:29
* bkerensa slaps philballew 05:20
bkerensawhat time are we going live today?05:20
philballewIm free anytime05:20
philballewid say 11:30 to 12:30 sometime05:21
bkerensaphilballew: well considering nothing starts till 1am our time lets aim for 12:45am?05:21
philballewah, I thought it started 12.05:21
bkerensaphilballew: btw did you get the feeling that people ignored remote participants on irc05:21
philballewi was mistaken05:21
philballewbkerensa, Yes I did. How many sessions did you go to>05:21
bkerensaIt seemed aside from the Roundtable session nobody really joined irc on the other sessions and ignored questions05:22
bkerensaI went to three05:22
bkerensanobody answered questions from irc on the two after roundtable05:22
bkerensait was disappointing05:22
philballewokay. I went to three or four and found the same, but I was able to sing up for a few work items as well05:22
bkerensaIt was more like remote listening then it was remote participating05:22
philballewId be down for a google hangout to bring up in05:23
philballewI got 15 ubuntu/linux books to hand out to my san diego ubuntu people/scale people today05:25
philballewwell i gtg to some college stuff. be back 12:3005:30

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