
len-dtI can't tell you a workflow though... just what I have heard from others.00:00
MikasiI have been trying Open Studio and Kdenlive. Just wanted to know what others thought.00:02
MikasiI have to take off with the g/f, but thanks for the help and I'll catch ya later - maybe on the FB page!00:03
UberMusikMikasi:  Final Cut, Avid, or Autodesk Smoke (if you have lots of $$$)00:21
bjrohanI am having serious issues with video capture and converting, ffmpeg and ubunut people tried but couldn't help and referred me here. Can someone help a noob?02:18
czjsHello everyone02:25
czjsIs it okay if I ask some completely stupid n00b questions?02:26
bjrohanI asked one and still waiting. Give it a go I will hear it but don't know much02:31
charleyfoxtrotis there a performance difference between ubuntu studio and xubuntu06:36
chorusofweaselsIf this is IRC, it's my first time EVER on IRC. Still not sure what it is.09:30
chorusofweaselsIs it not on the world wide web?09:30
chorusofweaselsThis looks like a chat board, except nobody's saying anything but me.09:31
chorusofweaselsI see dozens of users listed in a vertical column at the right, but there's no indication they're currently on; it might be a history.09:32
chorusofweaselsI feel like I'm lost in the wilderness.09:32
Unit193Nope, that's users.  Some may be sleeping as this is early morning US time, and UDS as well.09:32
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 29th October - 1st November 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/  - Looking to participate remotely? http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/ -  For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/09:32
chorusofweaselsI don't know how to use this.09:32
chorusofweaselsAnybody wanna try to hip up a newbie with a current state of Duh?09:33
Unit193May as well as whatever you need.09:33
chorusofweaselsIs this IRC?09:33
chorusofweaselsIs it not part of the www?09:34
Unit193Different protocol, did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat ?09:34
chorusofweaselsI don't have time right now to read articles. This window came up as part of an install ation of Ubuntu Studio. The system is waiting for input.09:35
chorusofweaselsSo I'll scoot. But thanks anyway.09:35
contrapunctusWhat was that? I don't even?09:55
Unit193contrapunctus: Yes?09:55
contrapunctusReferring to chorusofweasels, lulz.09:56
rickbolcan anyone recommend a mini-pci 802.11G/N wifi card that works well with 12.xx ubuntu. Neither bcm4311 nor intel 4965 work in my Dell D63011:40
holsteinhey rickbol14:09
holsteinrickbol: why does the intel not work?14:09
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:09
holsteinfor my broadcom chips, i plug into internet and use sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer14:11
rickbolholstein: the intel wouldn't get or stay connected. Maybe swcrypto=1 would've helped, but now I've reinstalled the 4311, which pukes under heavy load.15:19
holsteinrickbol: pukes?15:20
rickboldisconnects, and fails reconnect.15:20
holsteinrickbol: i would check for and apply all upgrades.. see if a kernel upgrade helps15:20
rickbolif I flip the hw swithc for the wifi, it reconncs (so far).15:21
holsteini would test that the hardware is "good"15:21
holsteini would try with some live CD's15:21
rickbolwork flawlessly on AVLinux5.x15:21
rickbollive CDs same prob15:21
holsteinrickbol: then, make a note of that kernel and the module av is using15:21
holsteinrickbol: its likely just a little older than the 12.10 one15:22
holsteinrickbol: i would look for a regression bug in ubuntu15:22
rickbolit's old. debian squeeze15:22
holsteinrickbol: i would go to a more generic support avenue, such as xubuntu or ubuntu...15:22
rickbolOh, I've found bugs a plenty.15:22
holsteinrickbol: yeah? more hardware support "bugs" ?15:23
rickboljust can't isolate whether I'm seeing the EXACT same thing, plus, nobody's doen anything about for years.15:23
holsteinrickbol: you can always ask intel or broadcom to address those "bugs"15:23
holsteinrickbol: no one can do anything about it15:23
holsteinrickbol: what would i do?.. i would make a note of the kernel and module that av linux is using that is working15:24
holsteini would look for or file a bug with ubuntu/debian15:24
holsteini would maybe try the mainline kernels and try and get the future releases to support that harware if possible15:24
rickbolwell, it kinda odd that it works perfectly on an older kernel, but not the newer. I haven't verified firmware versions across kernel versions.15:24
holsteinrickbol: regression bugs are quite common.. especially with hardware that we dont have any way of supporting15:25
holsteinim not kicking you out of here by any means, but this is not an ubuntustudio specific issue either15:25
holsteinyou would need to go at least upstream to ubuntu.. but you might want to test and report in debian15:26
rickbolwheezy will probably have an older kernel than ubuntu's 12.xx?15:26
holsteinrickbol: i would load them up and see15:26
holsteinrickbol: i would just make a note of what is working, and use it15:27
rickbolI've gor a pretty consistent repro, so that's a good idea (although I need vlc for the repro)15:28
holsteinrickbol: repro?.. you mean repo? ppa?15:28
holsteinrickbol: i would try with live CD's.. default install15:28
holsteinyou can add a ppa with firmware that can break functionality15:28
rickbolno, I can make the card puke.15:28
holsteinyou can also try the windows driver with ndisgtk15:29
rickbolI don't think I could sleep at night using an ndis wrapper.15:29
holsteinrickbol: yeah?.. its just as proprietary15:31
holsteinrickbol: you could test and learn something, from troubleshooting... and undo it afterwards15:31
holsteinrickbol: you should be open to trying all possiblilities... and nailing down terms like "puke".. so that the volunteers where ever you end up getting help will be able to help you better15:32
rickbolholstein: ndiswrapper would be my absolute last resort.15:33
rickbolOn the bugs, I wanted to add a "me too", but couldn't figure out how.15:33
holsteinrickbol: it would be something you could try right now, in a few minutes.. and have another test case15:33
holsteinrickbol: you create an account and click the "add me" or "me too" button15:34
rickbolI've got a bcm4322 coming. And it works fine w\12.04 on my netbook. I may try the intel again w\the swcrypto=1, but it doen't work in AVL5.x15:34
rickbolI was trying to migrate from AVL to UbuntuStudio15:35
holsteinrickbol: i dont and havent used wifi in ubuntustudio15:37
holsteinubuntustudio is ubuntu though, as far as support15:38
rickbolubuntustudio does use the pae kernal though, and I could understand that changing somethings about wifi from the generic kernel15:38
holsteinrickbol: shouldnt change hardware support15:39
holsteinrickbol: you are adding a module anyway15:39
rickbolI'm thinking interrupt timing on the bus, etc,... but that probably doesn't have anything to do with these issues.15:40
holsteini wouldnt expect it would15:40
holsteinyou can also just go for the vanilla ubuntu install for now.. take the variants out of the equation15:40
holsteinyou can get more help that way too... and support15:40
holsteinrickbol: the team will never address 3rd party driver support directly15:41
rickbolone of the recent ubuntustudio updates put in a generic kernel. that's what I'm running now.15:41
holsteinthe best i can do is point you to the larger community and suggest troubleshooting steps15:41
holsteinrickbol: shouldnt have done that automatically15:41
holsteinrickbol: if you added the generic, and upgraded, the upgraded generic could be newer than the lowlatency one15:42
holsteini would try the generic anyways.. i would try the mainline ones.. i woud try different modules.. i would try ndis15:42
rickbolI was wonderinig if there was a "holy grail" wifi card that had great support and no proprietary goo15:43
holsteinsure... but both of yours used to work15:43
holsteinfunctionality can break anytime15:43
holsteinbut f the harware use to work, it can be made to work again15:43
rickbolI would think so15:43
holsteinits all open... it *can* be made to work if it once did15:44
holsteinthe question is, how challenging is it to add that support? and what else might that break?15:44
holsteinsupport is routinely removed from the kernel for older hardware... like that intel card.. that might be the one i would be looking at15:45
holsteini would just try live CD's..15:45
holsteinmake a note of the module that is being used in AV, and use that same one15:45
rickbolit uses b43, but I don't know which firmware blob.15:46
holsteinrickbol: i would just fire up that version of av that is working and answer all those questions... which blob.. which driver package.. why, when, how... what kernel... who made the kernel? anyone else using that hardware?15:48
holsteini lierally install the broadcom blob and all is well15:48
holsteinrickbol: i have one that is supported by the new open driver, do you?15:48
rickbolnew open driver? isn't that b43?15:48
holsteinrickbol: i had a similar issue where it "pukes"... and i blacklisted the open one, and use the other blob.. all is well15:48
holsteinrickbol: nope.. that is not b4315:49
holsteinrickbol: there is an open one, that is just included in the kernels now.. that could be what the newer kernel is loading.. i had to blacklist it on one card15:49
rickbolthere's bcmwl, which is broadcom's, and that worked gret back in Maverick?15:49
holsteinrickbol: are you in maverick?15:50
holsteinrickbol: i would just go with what i constructive and relevant to you15:51
rickboland bcmwl (i.e, wl)  was the default for ubuntustudio when I installed, but many bugs said swithc to the opensource b43-fwcutter15:51
holsteinrickbol: that version of AV linux works.. maverick is EOL15:51
rickbolno, but good 'ol maverick... everything worked... perfectly.15:51
holsteinlol.. load it up then15:51
holsteinrickbol: or grab that kernel15:52
holsteinthe kernel cant carry forward the same support all the time15:52
holsteinregressions in hardware support will happen15:52
rickbolAVL is a squeeze vintage kernel built by one of the distros devs15:52
holsteinrickbol: grab that kernel15:52
holsteinrickbol: bcmwl is the other blob15:53
holsteinblacklist bcma15:53
holsteinblacklist brcmsmac15:53
holsteinblacklist brcmutil15:53
holstein^^ those reference the new openones15:53
rickbolI think it's too old to support some of the new alsa\pulseaudio\ffado etc stuff I need for the audio stuff I need in UbuntuStudio15:54
holsteinbcmwl is the other driver as referenced in15:54
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:54
holsteinrickbol: i argue you dont need networking in ubuntustudio, but you should be albe to troubleshoot this issue15:54
holsteinlets just keep talking about the facts15:54
holsteinthe sta drivers are the bcmwl ones.. proprietary blob option 115:55
holsteinthe other one is the b43 ones15:55
holsteinalso proprietary blob... option 215:55
rickbolthat was ubstud's default at install. I removed that and went to b43.15:56
holsteinrickbol: so,the open ones, included in the kernel could be loading for you, and not working, just ast hey did for me15:56
holsteinrickbol: neither of those proprietary blobs are or can be default for any ubuntu15:56
holsteinor official ubuntu variant15:56
holsteinrickbol: they are just not present... driver for broadcom devices15:56
rickbolright. the updater listed STA for my hardware.15:57
rickbolI installed it15:57
holsteinrickbol: i used the b43s.. but i would try both15:57
holsteinrickbol: i would be trying both in 12.04, or 12.10.. which ever you are using15:57
holsteinrickbol: i would look for the other open modules i listed above, and blacklist them if needed15:57
rickbolI've installed 12.04. I've booted a 12.10 CD15:58
holsteinrickbol: you can try from the live CD's, but i would try all of the above suggestions from the 12.04 install15:59
holsteinrickbol: if you havent tried both drivers... i usually just run "udo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer"16:00
holsteinthough, on this certain hardware case, i need to blacklist the above modules16:00
holsteinbcma, brcmsmac, brcmutil... though brcmsmac was the one i noticed was loading16:00
rickbollsmod | grep bcma   lists:  "bcma                   25651  1 b43"   but no brcm16:01
holsteinBCM4313 802.11b/g/n i what i have16:02
holsteinrickbol: i would try both drivers16:02
holsteinrickbol: i would also try the windows one16:02
rickbolholstein: what does   "lsmod | grep bcma" return for you?16:03
holsteinrickbol: i dont have the same card16:04
holsteinreturns nothing16:05
rickbolholstein: hmmm, same for my netbook running a bcm4322 !!! Where do I blacklist bcma?16:08
holstein/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf is where i added those16:12
holsteinblacklist bcma16:12
holsteinblacklist brcmsmac16:12
holsteinblacklist brcmutil16:12
holsteinyou can then try the other 2 modules... i had good luck with the b43 one16:12
rickbolshould I stick with 12.04 or move on to 12.10?18:02
holsteinrickbol: should?.. im still running 10.04 on my studio machine18:02
holsteinwould i? if i needed something from 12.10, i would18:03
holsteinnothing in ubuntustduio is really all that different18:03
holsteinxfce is a bit different18:03
holsteini usually stick to the lts' on mission critical machines18:03
rickbolholstein: lts is what I was thinking.18:04
rickbolbtw, regarding wifi woes (thanks for your help and encouragement)...18:04
rickbolwhen I stripped the drivers out, etc, and started clean, when I flipped the wifi hw switch...18:05
rickbolthe hard drive got busy and it popped up the notification that I had drivers for my hardware to install.18:06
rickbolthen, i looking at what was suggested, it listed the STA drivers (which should support the 4311). However,18:07
rickbolwhen I installed them and rebooted, it wouldn't activate the hardware. The "enable wireless" was checked, but it wouldn't scan for APs.18:08
rickbolso I removed STA and installed b43 (still blacklisting the one you mentioned previously). These ultimately worked (but still fail under heavy load, and still loads bcma even though its blacklisted.18:10
holsteinrickbol: i would look at how you have blacklisted it18:11
holsteinrickbol: it does not load for me18:11
holsteinrickbol: i have no failures under any loads..18:11
rickbolYou have the 4312, which is supported by the LP-PHY version of firmware - different than mine.18:11
holsteinsure, but is that device supported or not?18:12
holsteindid it used to work? it should work again18:12
holsteinif broadcom updated the blob and broke it, let them know18:13
holsteinwe are not allowed to see that blob really18:13
rickbolThe failure revolves around "ieee80211 phy0: wlan0: No probe response from AP 00:14:d1:c6:00:04 after 500ms, disconnecting."18:13
rickbolThat's the MAC address of my AP18:13
holsteini would try other AP's18:14
holsteini would try the windows driver in ndis18:14
rickbolso my AP isn't responding fast enough to a probe? Hmmm, but it doesn't happen under other boots18:15
holsteini would try just a bunch of options.. isolating variables til something works18:15
rickbolIs the 802.11N supported with current kernel\drivers?18:15
holsteinrickbol: mine was buggy18:16
holsteinrickbol: i troubleshooted with the above suggestions for days18:16
rickbolthis is a B\G\N AP, that I have working only in G\N mode. I'd like to go to N only. Any AP recommendations?18:17
holsteindifferent drivers.. modules.. different ap's... different channels18:17
holsteinwith g/n18:17
holsteinwith wpa18:17
holsteinndis... sta is not supported18:17
holsteinthe open driver the b43 one18:17
holsteinrickbol: i have lots of routers laying around, so i just set them up and test18:17
holsteinrickbol: i take it to coffee shops18:18
holsteini still find i have to disable it on the keyboard and re enable sometimes..18:18
rickbolgood idea. I'm think under normal loads (email\chat\etc) this current state will be satisfactory. Streaming ATSC won't cut it... but I'll try the 4322 when it gets here (it uses the STA driver).18:20
holsteini wouldnt buy anything from broadcom18:20
holsteinthough, they are trying to be open18:20
rickbolthen maybe see if I can find other APs to try.18:20
holsteini would google around and see who has what working.. and i still would save reciepts18:21
rickbolholstein: but you plan on sticking with LTS?18:21
holsteini plan on keeping 10.04 on my studio machine til i need something else18:22
holsteinim running all other supported ubuntu version on other machines18:22
holsteinand i test the upcoming releases as time permits18:22
rickbolI'm just at a good point to reinstall if I were to move on to 12.10.18:22
holsteini never upgrade18:23
holsteini test upgrades18:23
holsteinbest case secnario with an upgrade.. it only takes about 6hours and everything is supported18:23
rickbolbut I want stability over bleeding edge. I may have to compile some critical things, but that's on an as-needed basis18:23
holsteintakes me about 10 minutes to download an iso. and another 10 to install.. and i shoudl have my date already backed up in either case18:23
holsteinrickbol: i wouldnt call 12.10 "bleeding edge".. nor unstable18:24
holsteinjust not lts18:24
holsteindepends on what you want18:24
rickbolwhat was 10.04? Was that the last gnome before unity? That release still rocks!18:25
holstein10.10 had gnome18:25
holsteinrickbol: they all have gnome18:25
holsteinrickbol: ubuntu is doing what it always has.. release the most current version of gnome with ubuntu... just not by default anymore18:26
holsteinrickbol: gnome2 is not keeping back at 10.0418:26
rickbolthere's some fork of gnome2 I read about the other day.18:27
holsteinxfce is quite nice.. and argubly more appropriate for US18:27
holsteinrickbol: sure. try them out live.. mate and cinamon18:27
holsteinim not missing gnome2 anymore18:27
holsteinlinux mint has a nie live CD that boots all of those18:27
rickbolI like lxfe as well. I don't need eyecandy and whistles.18:27
rickbolright !18:28
holsteini use openbox often... which LXDE uses as well18:30
rickbolI think I'll stick with 12.04 and see what doesn't work that I want\need, and what it'll take to fix it.18:30
rickbolby the time I figure that out, they'll be another ubuntu release18:31
ray12683spricht jemand deutsch?20:53
holsteinray12683: /join #ubuntu-nl20:55
ray12683can you speak german?20:55
holsteingerman would be #ubuntu-de20:55
ray12683can you help me?20:55
holsteinray12683: i speak english.. you can state your support question here for myself and the other volunteers20:56
ray12683i search help for ubuntu Studio in german. wher i can find it?20:57
holsteinray12683: you'll just install it, and set the language20:57
ray12683i have a german version from studio. my questions i will see it in german in  this talk. my  english is not good21:00
holsteinray12683: you can set the language21:01
ray12683i search thank you21:05
gaetanoholstein: hello! i have installed ubuntustudio 12.10...why i cant watch viedos such as youtube? do i have to get updates!?21:29
holsteingaetano: you can just install ubuntu-restricted-extras, or just search for what you are wanting to play, or refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats21:46
holsteinthe "why" is due to licensing21:46
gaetanoholstein: thanks!21:48
gaetanoholstein: how can i confirm that im actually using the version 12.10?21:50
GridCubelsb_release -r21:52
gaetanogridcube thank u21:53
gaetanoholstein: to install ubuntu-restricted-extras do i need to type in the terminal sudo apt-get install restricted-extra!?21:58
GridCubegaetano, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:19
GridCubeor xubuntu-restricted-extras maybe22:19
GridCubebut im sure they are the same22:19
holsteinGridCube: thanks!22:23
GridCubeno problem P: i could help so i did22:24

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