
zrutyIn Gnome there is gdm, in xfce (Xubuntu) there is what ...?00:48
zrutyAh, cool. That should help... thanks!00:49
David-Azruty: in xubuntu 10.04 it seems to be gdm too, in xubuntu 12.04 it's lightdm00:51
xubuntu462New apps are no longer appearing in the xfce 4.10 menu for 1 user (me), works for other user01:05
zrutyDavid-A: unheeding: Thanks! I think I can figure it all out from there... Had to do with custom resolution settings...01:07
unheedingno problem01:08
unheedingrely on us, the experts01:08
=== UnknownFork__ is now known as UnknownFork
xubuntu462apt-get install playonlinux does not add pol to the menu for me, but does for 2nd user, any clues?01:10
xubuntu605Will there be a non-pae 32 bit kernel available for this release?01:21
karetii have a problem. the notification area shows up all the time and the key board will not take continious input04:13
karetican any one help me please.04:13
nicekiwiis there a master file somewhere containing the full UserName for my system? As in my personal name used in the logout menu? I accidently made a 'case' typo and now I cant fix it09:09
koegsnicekiwi: /etc/passwd09:09
nicekiwikoegs, ty09:13
gourrecently i moved away from arch and tried for a short period of time pc-bsd (9.1rc2), but decided to return back to linux and installed linux mint (xfce)..however some user asked me why not ubuntu which might have more support and i wonder what is the relationship of xubuntu with ubuntu? saw there was some issues within xubuntu community in this year (according to wikipedia article)09:20
Unit193Xubuntu uses the same core, repos, and such as Ubuntu, just different default applications, settings and of course DE.09:23
nikolami have too many application crash reports upon installing fresh 12.0409:23
nikolameather reports now better catch previously unnoticed applicatoin crashes, or too many apps are untested09:24
nicekiwinikolam, do you notice which apps crash?09:24
nikolamtoday it is filezilla. Worked fine for a job, except that it put like 2 crash reports in between. I suppose its not big deal..09:25
nicekiwinikolam, so far for me only tumblr and thunar crash (alot), but not badly.09:25
nikolamI have found 2 solutions for tumblrd , eather using newer xfce from repo or upgrading to 12.10 or using apparmor09:26
nikolam(to tell him stop indexing optical drives)09:26
gourUnit193: so, all the packages/PPAs available for ubuntu are ready for xubuntu?09:27
nikolamxubuntu and ubuntu are basically the same thing, except xubuntu use another set of default packages for gui etc09:27
gouri used gentoo & arch for >10yrs and now i want something that just works 'out of the box' without too much tinkering and it's not too old like debian-stable09:28
Unit193gour: Well, that would depend on the quality of the package, and if it depends on Unity or gnome.  But otherwise it should work exactly the same.09:28
nikolamif yiu add packages depending on some GNOME parts , it will install them throug dependencies.09:28
gournikolam: that's ok..i think about things like cinelerra etc.09:28
nikolamwhat about cinelerra ? I told you that is same thing. You use synaptic or software center to install. xubuntu and ubuntu use the same package repositories09:29
gouri meant stuff which is in 3rd party PPAs09:30
nikolamagain. same thing. And they also have dependencies descriptions included in packages, that install required parts automatically.09:30
nikolam3rd party PPAs usualy have 3rd party PPA manuals and support.09:31
KhuduZulunicekiwi: sweet..another kiwi09:43
KhuduZuluhas anyone encoutered this error: error calling cwap(1)09:48
nikolamKhuduZulu, where and when09:50
KhuduZulutrying to load xubuntu on old-ish laptop09:52
nikolamKhuduZulu, how much RAM?09:52
suttiwithi there all09:54
KhuduZululo suttiwit09:54
suttiwitis ncurses (I need the library file in /usr/include) in the repository?09:54
suttiwitis it in the repo?09:56
TheSheep!find ncurses-dev09:56
ubottuFound: libncurses5-dev, libcunit1-ncurses-dev, libghc-ncurses-dev, libkaya-ncurses-dev09:56
TheSheep!info libncurses5-dev09:56
ubottulibncurses5-dev (source: ncurses): developer's libraries for ncurses. In component main, is optional. Version 5.9-10 (quantal), package size 208 kB, installed size 840 kB09:56
nikolamKhuduZulu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu#System_Requirements09:57
nikolam12.04 seems to require 512MB09:57
nikolamxubuntu should not quite count as "light distribution". Maybe as ubuntu with a smaller memory footprint and more classic and user manageable xfce09:58
KhuduZuluI gathered that much, however the http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ site states that it will run on 256...09:59
KhuduZuluis there an even lighter version?09:59
nikolamKhuduZulu, well, install from alternate cd. I use alternate for raid support anyway10:00
nikolamKhuduZulu, there is one with lxde10:00
nikolamor you can install ubuntu with no GUI and add just what minimal you want or some other WM10:01
nikolamit is called lubuntu, one with lxde10:01
KhuduZuluok, so I am fairly new to linux(or should i say, recently converted)10:02
KhuduZuluI am downloading lubuntu now, and will try that.10:02
KhuduZuluthnx for help10:02
nikolamthats all right, because ubuntu is like windows in linux world :)10:02
nikolamhttp://lubuntu.net/, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD  but I rather more like to use xfce, it is most powerfull for its footprint.10:03
KhuduZuluI have always been on windows, but are sold on ubunty...recently converted my house(4pc's) to ubuntu10:03
nikolamso, I choose xubuntu. You can start with 256 and later add more RAM10:04
nikolambut i sugge install from alternate CD.10:05
nikolamAlso there is more free software kernels ,systems and distributions, too.10:06
nikolamKhuduZulu, see distrowatch.com to me amazed :)10:06
KhuduZului will check it out...thnx for the help10:20
foobar55hi all10:58
foobar55installed elvis but it needs  courier-medium-r10:58
foobar55someone know the package10:59
nikolamthis climboard manager for xfce - clipman does not respond timely when clicked in tray. it is selected 50 for history12:15
nikolamalso if often happens that when an app does not respond to a click , neither other respond in a short period of time12:18
nikolamlike 7-8 seconds and then they start working12:18
nikolamI observed it when starting Thunar with desktop icon double-click.12:19
nikolamAfter that it opens like, 6 thunars after waiting for 8+ seconds12:19
ewethi, I cannot find the xfce4-taskbar-plugin package anymore. is it hidden in a bigger package or is there a ppa?12:59
SPRUCEDanyone out there able to get the mic mute button working on lenovo thinkpad x120e in xubuntu 12.04 64-bit14:27
holsteinSPRUCED: mic mute?14:29
holsteinSPRUCED: i would look at a larger XFCE support concern.. that would just trickle in14:29
holsteinSPRUCED: i havent noticed a "mic mute" button that has ever worked14:29
holsteinSPRUCED: no one here, or envloved with XFCE, or linux are preventing lenovo from providing support for that feature though14:30
Yotsonnice polite wording there holstein. :)14:31
holsteinSPRUCED: i would probably fire up the main ubuntu vanilla live CD running unity and test... and maybe check a few other live CD's and search around and see if anyone has that feature working on anything14:31
holsteinYotson: thanks :)14:31
SPRUCEDThanks for response, this is the first question I've asked on IRC. Are you suggesting I try another channel?14:32
holsteinSPRUCED: the question is, can it be suppported? or is it just something that is a little "odd" in xfce14:32
SPRUCEDseems like it requires osme tweaking14:32
holsteinSPRUCED: you can.. i would want to know, will it work on *anything*.. not just xfce14:32
Yotsoni would have said that most manufactures don't give a -ahum- about linux users. XD14:32
DonnieUpdated and now I'm stuck at the splash screen for "Configuring network".. How do I get around that14:32
holsteinDonnie: i usually wait it out... have you tried waiting?14:33
Donnieholstein: I waited it out for about 2hrs once14:33
holsteinDonnie: :/ ...lemme look for what i used once14:33
GridCubeSPRUCED: you can try editint the action of the fn key using keytouch editor14:33
Donnieholstein: thank14:33
GridCube!info keytouch-editor14:33
ubottukeytouch-editor (source: keytouch-editor): create keyboard files for keytouch. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0~beta-3 (quantal), package size 89 kB, installed size 388 kB14:34
mneptokSPRUCED: where is the mic mute on the x120e?14:35
holsteinDonnie: entry 24 is suggested.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/811441 ..i would research a bit more before running those commands14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Fix released]14:35
SPRUCEDIt on F4 I beleive14:35
mneptokSPRUCED: F4 on my x120e is "Sleep"14:36
mneptokSPRUCED: NA/US model?14:36
SPRUCEDOK it must be F3, sorry I am on a different thinkpad right now14:36
mneptokSPRUCED: oh, yeah. it looks like an "X" until you get really close and see that one of the crosspeices has a wind bulb at the top :)14:37
Donnieholstein: thank you. Now time to read :D14:37
SPRUCEDI tried this post #346 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1699238&page=35 and its toggled the pulseaudio mixer a couple of times and then stopped working14:39
mneptokSPRUCED: xev doesn't even register the keypress14:40
mneptokoh, ew. there's a specialized thinkpad_acpi module. ick.14:41
SPRUCEDmneptok: this registered the key press when I tried acpi_listen says Fn+F314:41
mneptokSPRUCED: try that module, i guess.14:41
SPRUCEDI did and it allowed the vol up/down to work14:42
mneptokSPRUCED: just be sure that this functionality is really inportant14:42
mneptok!info tpb14:42
ubottutpb (source: tpb): program to use the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.4-2.3ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 55 kB, installed size 264 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)14:42
SPRUCEDI was just going to say...its not that important14:42
SPRUCEDthanks everyone.14:43
mneptokSPRUCED: this is a nice x120e accessory - http://www.amazon.com/Perixx-PERIBOARD-804-Wireless-Bluetooth-Keyboard/dp/B005MJ6F8014:44
ner0xIf you're using 12.04, how does one upgrade to 12.10 ?14:48
holsteinner0x: you can change the preferences in the "upgrade manager" to accept the (arguably) developmental releases, instead of just the lts releases14:51
mneptokner0x: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade14:51
holsteinner0x: you can back up your data (as you should anyway) and fresh install, after trying the live CD14:51
ner0xSo you don't trust the 12.10 ?14:51
mneptokner0x: you may need to force the last command to get an non-LTS14:52
holsteinner0x: i didnt mean to imply "trust".. 12.04 is an LTS, and do you need 12.10? or do you need the LTS?14:52
ner0xholstein: Everything is put on a separate hd so backup is fine. And for the other box, it's a fresh install.14:52
GridCubener0x: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade14:53
holsteinner0x: i only do upgrades to test.. i *always* do a fresh install after trying the live iso14:53
mneptokGridCube: welcome to #Xubuntu14:53
holsteinbest case scenario, after waiting for all the packages to download (maybe like 6 hours), there is no changes that has broken functionality, and the upgrade works14:54
ner0xholstein: Better off just reinstalling?14:54
mneptokner0x: why do you need 12.10?14:54
ner0xholstein: I'm not actually upgrade my main box at home, I don't really need it.14:54
holsteinotherwise, i download an iso in like 10+ minutes, and a fresh install is like 10 minutes..14:54
holsteinner0x: i prefer it. thats all im saying14:54
GridCubemneptok: do you know that xubuntu is just ubuntu with xubuntu-desktop, all non-xubuntu things are the same as ubuntu14:55
ner0xholstein: I would do the same.14:55
mneptokGridCube: seeing that i worked for Canonical, yeah, i do. :P and the very first instruction will fail because there is no Dash in Xubuntu.14:56
ner0xmneptok: I don't on my main box, it works as-is so I'm not upgrading that one. Another box I am, because of LTS. Third box is a blank HD anyway, so it's fine. Kernel 3.2 vs 3.5 though, differences?14:56
mneptokner0x: if you want LTS, do NOT upgrade. 12.04 will have support far longer than will 12.10.14:56
GridCubemneptok: alt-f2 its basically the same14:57
ner0xmneptok: Oh, I thought that was the opposite. No big deal either way. I always fresh install.14:57
mneptokGridCube: no, because the dash lets you search. ALT-F@ requires you know to tyupe "gksudo update-manager"14:57
mneptokGridCube: also, those instrustions will not work from 12.04 to 12.10 unless default prefs get changed.14:58
GridCubegksu its not needed, and that what you want to write its given by the instruction14:58
crash__so xubuntu 12.04 is only supported for 3 instead of 5  years like the standard ubuntu? So xfce4 bugs is not fixed after 3 years but core bugs is fixed after that?14:58
GridCubeok, thats good to know mneptok, but its not the same as what you said first14:59
mneptokGridCube: you cannot say "press the windows jey is the same as alt-f2" when you do not know the experience level of the user.14:59
GridCubegood point14:59
mneptokGridCube: please, refrain from just pasting URLs to Ubuntu documentation in #xubuntu, unless you have reviewed them.15:00
mneptokGridCube: effort is appreciated. results were just not optimal. :)15:00
GridCubemneptok: they just usually work, and in this case they should aswel15:01
ner0xSo for a fresh install would everyone recommend using 12.04 ?15:14
holsteinner0x: if i wanted the LTS, i would do 12.0415:15
holsteinner0x: i would recommend trying the live CD for either first, for hardware compatibility check15:15
ner0xholstein: It's a brand new machine either way. That's fine.15:15
holsteinfor me, sometimes i take the path of least resistance.. and 10.04 is still "on the table"15:16
hhhzzzarnner0x: don't do 10.04.15:16
holsteini wouldnt mind 10.04.. if the support was easier/better15:17
holsteinbut i would try 12.04 first15:17
v1adimirguys if anyone's bothered, i'm too thick to figure out WTH is going on, but netstat -g is showing me all-systems.mcast.net and i'm getting constant ~1KB icoming traffic that seems to be IGMP (v3); but I removed the second LAN card that seems to have instigated the whole thing (never had it b4, same pc) and today, after a cable-modem reset from my ISP, it came back (flashing the Network Monitor non-stop15:21
v1adimir, Xubu 12.04.1)15:21
v1adimir.. I've reinstalled, so it's not that; & I'm having trouble understanding / seeing what's that all about (n00b) :f15:22
ner0xI'm just going to do 12.10 lol15:23
v1adimirner0x: there are some 'problems' with 12.1015:23
v1adimiralso the Indicator Plugin is non-existent (btw)15:24
DonnieXubuntu refuses to load. Have drive installed as slave to my windows system. Not showing in MyComputer. Need it to, so I can transfer my media from it to my windows drive, and start over with linux. How must I go about?15:27
ner0xActually, I'm just going ot use 12.04 since it's LTS15:27
v1adimirDonnie: do you have a livecd / usb, can you run it from there?15:27
holsteinDonnie: making window read the filesystem ubuntu is on15:27
holsteinyeah.. using a live CD to transfer is easy Donnie15:27
DonnieI could, but is there a way to just mouth the drive?15:28
v1adimirDonnie: also if you had windows installed prior to xubuntu, you can boot from the windows cd and go to recovery command prompt only and use 'bootrec /fixboot' and 'bootrec /fixmbr' to get your windows loader back and bypass xubuntu15:29
Donnievladimir: It's 2 separate drives15:29
v1adimiroic :S15:29
holsteinDonnie: you can add the funtionality to windows to read ext4 or whatever you used15:29
ner0xYeah, can someone explain to me how to make a 12.04 USB boot drive?15:29
v1adimirner0x: do you have a free usb stick?15:30
Donnieholstein: No idea how to do that15:30
holsteinDonnie: well, i would just use the live CD. or try http://www.webupd8.org/2011/08/access-ext4-ext3-or-ext2-partitions-in.html15:31
ner0xv1adimir: I do.15:31
v1adimiroh 'usb boot drive' lol i didn't read it.. once you boot from the cd and start xubu, just go to system - startup disk creator15:31
v1adimir@ ner0x15:31
ner0xv1adimir: Sorry, usb stick would be a more accurate description.15:31
v1adimirner0x: yeah, cool.. startup disk creator should see the usb drive and make it for you automatically15:32
ner0xThat's pretty awesome.15:32
Donnieholstein: Nice. so it's just a tiny download and it'll read? That's cool15:32
v1adimirif you run into a problem.. there's another cool util15:32
holsteinDonnie: i would just use the live CD.. but you will not have out of the box support for ext4 (which is what i assume you are trying to read) from windows15:33
v1adimirner0x: should be this one.. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-the-easy-way/15:33
v1adimirbut startup disk creator should work: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu && https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick15:34
Donnieholstein: Yeah. I just wanna read, transfer, unmount my windows drive, then format and redo linux. It' still stuck at the network, I did recovery mode and it says that Grub 3 can't be found15:34
holsteinDonnie: i would just fire up a live CD.. that is capable of reading ext4 and ntfs.. and copy.. or you can read aobut and add ext support to windows... if you prefer to and insist on moving the files inside the windows OS15:35
v1adimiryeah it might be better to access the *nix file-systems through *nix and avoid the windows plugins / utils15:36
v1adimiralthought i never had problems with total commander15:37
v1adimir(whatever that plugin is called, there are a couple for it)15:37
hhhzzzarnnerox: I have 12.1015:49
nitroxichi everyone15:59
nitroxicim preparing a usb stick with UNEbootin to install in an old POS system15:59
nitroxicAt a certain point i asks for the cd-rom16:00
holsteinnitroxic: the live CD? which iso?16:01
nitroxic12.04 alternate16:01
nitroxici read somewhere that i could ad / change a parameter "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true" but i dont know where....16:03
holsteinhttp://demtrex.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/work-around-the-cd-rom-detection-issue-when-installing-ubuntu-server/ might help16:04
holsteinnitroxic: can you just use the live cd?16:04
nitroxicnope, not in this case :P16:05
nitroxicits an old POS with a celeron and 256MB ram16:05
nitroxicno optic drive, but internal hdd16:05
nitroxichave to install java based application with local database... so hdd is the best bet16:05
holsteinnitroxic: can you use the live ISO via the USB stick, is what im asking16:06
nitroxican usb stick / live cd is too slow with java VM and database16:06
nitroxicand i still do not know how big the database is going to get16:07
holsteinnitroxic: right.. using the usb stick method that i know you are stuck using, can you use the live CD iso instead of the alternate cd iso?16:07
nitroxicunless i can install it, like a live cd, directly in the hdd... is that possible?16:07
holsteinnitroxic: its all open, anything is possible.. lets try and detiermine what migh tbe easiest16:08
nitroxici need to strip down the installation to its minimum16:08
nitroxiconly 256 MB ram ,and the app running eats up from 32 MB up :P16:08
GridCubenitroxic: why not using the minimal iso and installing xubuntu-desktop from the net?16:09
holsteinyeah.. im suggesting, nitroxic , to use a more "usb" friendly iso...16:09
nitroxicdoes it look for the cdrom as well ?16:09
nitroxicah... i see16:09
GridCubeit looks for a network16:10
nitroxicim trying now to use the ubuntu server workaround you sent me holstein16:10
holsteinnitroxic: i have always ran into that with te alternate isos, though i though it was fixed16:10
nitroxicnope... still a bug :P16:10
nitroxicjust started a new installation....16:11
holsteinwell, its not really a "bug" as far as i see it.. unet is 3rd party and the iso works as intended.. but it could be addressed16:11
nitroxicbut if i need a minimal ISO, where can i get it? ftp? or directly from mirror? I think i didnt see one in the portuguese mirror16:11
nitroxici consider it a "bug", since ease of installation has allways been a standard in Ubuntu releases, and optical drives are getting out of machines nowadays16:13
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:14
holsteinnitroxic: there is no "usb iso" though... it is an alternate cd image.. though i agree it should be addressed16:14
nitroxicthanks for the help Holstein, GridCube and ubottu :)16:15
GridCubeP: the bot says thanks16:15
nitroxici'll give it a go and see if i can make it run in this prehistoric POS16:15
nitroxicand again thanks everyone for the help16:17
DonnieMounted linux drive as slave on xp. Trying to export FF bookmarks. Folder is NOT located at /home/user/.mozilla... where else could it be?16:59
v1adimirDonnie: should be there :-017:01
GridCubeit should be17:01
Donnievladimir: Not there.17:01
GridCubeDonnie: explain how you mounted the drive? are you sure you are in the correct /home/user/?17:02
DonnieGridCube: I only have one folder of my username and it's not in it17:02
GridCubeDonnie: how you mounted the disk?17:03
holsteinDonnie: i would probaby just export. or use the sync17:03
DonnieMounted with that ext4 program17:03
DonnieFound it. had to manually type the path in17:06
Yotsonhmm. i somehow made the browser window transparent. Any shortcuts to get rid of that?17:32
Yotsonbit lame but i have difficulty looking for the answer myself now. hehe17:32
knomeYotson, you probably "rolled it up"17:33
knomeYotson, try pressing the small arrowish icon on the top left of the titlebar17:33
knomeYotson, is that your problem?17:33
Yotsonnope. i can see vague shadows of a web page.17:33
ashNOPYotson, try to Alt+Scroll17:34
ashNOPwith mouse wheel17:34
Yotsonpfew. thanks ashNOP, knome.17:34
knomenp. enjoy!17:34
Yotsontouchpad here. somehow, accidentally.. lol17:35
knomethat's too easy these days17:35
ner0xIs there any way to remote desktop connection your way into a xubuntu server from windows?19:28
toraxI´d use ssh but if terminal is not enough, then VNC19:32
ner0xVNC from windows?19:33
ner0xOh yeah, that's pretty cool.19:34
xubuntu626I have problems to finish installing xubuntu ... stays in the apt-clone19:38
xubuntu626anyone can help me?19:38
=== Remi is now known as Guest5616
utiutiGreetings. Fresh install +Dropbox +KeePassX +GIMP +Chromium...19:55
utiuti... anything I forgot?19:55
Noskcajutiuti: xubuntu-restricted-extras20:10
AdmiralSausageFeeling really stupid but can't google the answer: how do I get past the display manager in 12.10 "Try Xubuntu"?21:09
holsteinAdmiralSausage: from a live CD? its hanging when you choose that?21:10
holsteini might reboot the live CD.. tap shift after the bios screens.. look for the F6 options at the bottom and toggle "nomodeset"21:11
AdmiralSausageholstein: yes, a live cd. Not hanging but it's asking for a login and I don't have a usernam/password21:11
AdmiralSausageholstein: OK sorry it's under a VM21:11
holsteinwhat virtualiation? what host?.. virtualbox typicaly just works21:12
AdmiralSausageall the other distros I know auto login21:12
AdmiralSausagelibvirt and kvm21:12
holsteinauto login?.. you mean, get to a desktop?21:12
holsteinAdmiralSausage: i might confirm the md5.. or try nomodeset... i would look at the guest settings21:13
AdmiralSausageholstein: yes, in live cd mode, that's what I've come to expect..21:13
AdmiralSausageholstein: md5 confirmed. that was the 1st thing I did21:13
AdmiralSausageok will try nomodeset hang on21:13
holsteinAdmiralSausage: sure, im just tring to differentiate between "not audio login" and crashing21:13
holsteinthose are quite different.. and i am assuming its hanging and not proceding, and ether crashing there, or just not moving on. has nothing to do with the live user not logging in... or that my assumption21:14
AdmiralSausageOK nomodeset made no difference21:16
AdmiralSausageit's not crashing21:16
AdmiralSausageI have a fully interactive display manager asking me for my credentials21:16
AdmiralSausageI can read the release notes in firefox21:16
AdmiralSausageI just can't log on!21:16
AdmiralSausageI can even ctrl-alt-f1 to a prompt21:16
AdmiralSausagewhere 'xubuntu' is auto-logged on21:17
AdmiralSausageI just can't get a decktop21:17
AdmiralSausagedesktop even21:17
GridCubeAdmiralSausage, you put you password and then it just comes back to the greeter?21:20
AdmiralSausageGridCube: I don't have a password. This is a live cd21:20
AdmiralSausagebut it's my 1st time with xubuntu - is there a password I'm supposed to know?21:21
GridCubenot in the livecd21:21
GridCubeAdmiralSausage, what do you mean then by: I have a fully interactive display manager asking me for my credentials21:22
AdmiralSausageGridCube: There is a login manager asking me for a password, to chose bewteen "xfce session" and "xubuntu session" etc21:22
AdmiralSausagelightdm I think21:22
GridCubebut... thats not a livecd feature21:23
GridCubeyou just get the desktop21:23
AdmiralSausageGridCube: very odd then21:23
GridCubeAdmiralSausage, how did you obtain your iso?21:23
AdmiralSausagef5f80e22cb1c80232efcbd8e2c5955f8  /home/pete/Desktop/xubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso21:24
AdmiralSausageThat's the md5sum21:24
AdmiralSausagezsync from a UK ubuntu mirror21:24
GridCubethatf5f80e22cb1c80232efcbd8e2c5955f8 *xubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso21:25
GridCubethat sounds correct21:25
GridCubeAdmiralSausage, you then burned it to a cd/dvd or turned it to a usb booteable21:26
AdmiralSausageGridCube: No it's a vm21:26
GridCubeoh... thats even weirdier21:27
AdmiralSausageGridCube: I am going to nose around in the lightdm logs and if that fails stick it on a usb pen21:27
AdmiralSausagebut I'd prefer the VM21:27
GridCubeAdmiralSausage, how much video memory have you given to the vm?21:27
AdmiralSausageNone explicitly it's on vga21:27
GridCubemaybe it needs more than 12MB21:27
AdmiralSausagethink 9mb is default21:28
GridCube12mb its the default on vboxes21:28
GridCubeand it works fine21:29
AdmiralSausageGridCube: Oh genius21:29
AdmiralSausageIt was actually set to "cirrus"21:29
AdmiralSausagethat appears to be the default for libvirt's VMs21:29
AdmiralSausagesetting it to VGA did the trick21:29
AdmiralSausagestraight to a desktop21:30
GridCube:D excellent!21:30
AdmiralSausage1st day on xubuntu but also 1st day on libvirt too :-( it's convenient but maybe I should stick to command line qemu!21:31
AdmiralSausagethanks anyway21:31
AdmiralSausageI'm off for a play in 12.1021:31
ner0xIf I wanted parole to play mp3 files, what would I install?22:28
ner0xThank you.22:28
ner0xAnd the *-addons is what?22:28
GridCubejust do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras22:29
ner0xI got that, I just noticed another xubuntu-restricted-addons.22:29
ner0xNevermind though, I figured it out.22:30
GridCube!info xubuntu-restricted-addons22:30
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-addons (source: ubuntu-restricted-addons): Commonly used restricted packages for Xubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 12 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 27 kB22:30
GridCubeoh... i guess extras adds it anyway22:30
ner0xYeah. GUI app to make Fat32 partitions?22:40

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