
alkisg"[stgraber] Get some progress information into the langpack installer: TODO" ==> I thought supporting ssvnc fixed that part... what else remains?05:03
alkisgErr sorry wrong copy/paste, here's the correct one:05:03
alkisg[stgraber] nag alkis about epoptes that doesn't run on ARM: TODO05:03
alkisg[alkisg] tablet/utouch integration for epoptes: TODO  ==> would need to boot ubuntu on zatab for that, or a nexus tablet... :(05:05
stgraberalkisg: I need to check the whole vnc situation again, I vaguely remember ssvnc not being the best solution as it's currently pulling java and some other crap we'd rather not have on the tablet07:25
alkisgstgraber: does the workaround I mentioned last in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/1072711 sound ok to commit?07:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1072711 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT causes firefox crashes" [Undecided,New]07:30
highvoltagestgraber: did you have a chance to take that pic?07:30
stgraberhighvoltage: yep07:48
stgraberalkisg: hackish but not a big deal on LTSP as nothing's persistent, so probably a reasonable temporary solution07:50
alkisgstgraber: Will do, if you have someone you can ping about solving the nouveau bug please do so07:50
alkisgstgraber: what does LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT actually do?07:51
alkisgFor remote clients, isn't software rendering always used?07:51
stgrabernope, with that variable set, hardware rendering will be used for any software that's able to use indirect rendering07:52
alkisgEven over the network? Sounds cool, although I've never seen it actually work...07:52
alkisg(trying with glxgears for example)07:53
stgraberyep, even over the network07:53
stgraberI last tried by playing openarena over the network on my netbook and it worked fine, was getting 30-40FPS07:53
stgraberhighvoltage: http://www.stgraber.org/download/DSC05065.JPG07:55
highvoltagestgraber: I complaied about the amazon stuff at the "Discussing PS-related product processes" session09:18
highvoltagestgraber: feedback was quite ok, rickspencer3 said he'll do his best that something like that doesn't happen again09:19
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stgraberhighvoltage: good11:04
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highvoltagestgraber: I added skaet to the edubuntu-website team, she's going to help us do interviews, documentation, etc17:23
vmlintuhow are things in the uds world?18:01
esmeraldaI install edubuntu through Wubi on Windows 820:50
esmeraldaIt installed successfully20:50
esmeraldaBut I couldn't connect to internet through ethernet, only wifi?20:50

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