
doomlordis there a command to maximize a window across multiple monitors ...06:46
jasoncwarner_didrocks: moved session08:08
seb128jasoncwarner_, which one? (just in case it impacts my schedule)08:08
jasoncwarner_seb128: battery life/ram moved from today to tomorrow at noon. (didrocks request)08:09
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
seb128jasoncwarner_, ok, I need to be there as well, that slots works for me so all good08:21
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BactaHi all - what sort of information would I need in order to submit a bug report for Wifi issues I've been having with my laptop?09:09
=== jhernand1z is now known as jhernandez
fincanhi, I have problem with intel+amd hybrid g570 laptop catalyst install, when I install catalyst from additional drivers, black screen appears after the install both fglrx and fglrx-update. There was no problem with 12.04 and when I installed catalyst beta from amd website. Deskop opens without unity interface. Still I could not find a solution. Any idea?09:29
sbtepitti, is there anything I can do to help fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emesene/+bug/105035809:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1050358 in emesene (Ubuntu) "emesene crashed with SIGSEGV in tupledealloc.24592()" [Critical,Confirmed]09:56
sbtewe get a lot of complaints, because nobody is able to use emesene in Quantal09:57
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
tsdgeosis there an easy way to get all the packages that are included in the 12.10 iso that get installed by default?10:11
cyphermoxtsdgeos: what do you mean by get? a list or to download them?10:15
tsdgeoscyphermox: a list10:15
tsdgeostried googleing for it but failed miserably10:16
didrocks11:02:23      didrocks | jasoncwarner_: thanks! (yes, this is really asynchronous ;))10:16
didrocks11:05:50      didrocks | jasoncwarner_: can you schedule that one please?10:16
didrocks                       | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-ps-uife-ffe-sru (as we didn't get to that point in the10:16
cyphermoxLaney: fast.10:16
didrocks                       | other ps related session)10:16
didrocks11:06:03      didrocks | jbicha: suscribing you to this one ^10:16
didrocks(really asynchronous discussion as I hit some timeouts :p)10:16
* Laney shoots from the hip10:16
jasoncwarner_didrocks: doing it now10:16
didrocksexcellent, thanks!10:16
tsdgeosLaney: so all in there is in the iso and all of it gets installed?10:17
jasoncwarner_didrocks: done...should get scheduled here soon10:17
didrocksjasoncwarner_: awesomeness ;)10:17
Laneywell, it's all that's installed in the live environment10:17
Laneysome stuff like metacity gets removed by the installer10:17
tsdgeosLaney: ok, thanks :-)10:18
mptmterry, what design will you use for the Background panel for Unity?10:37
jbichathe same appearance panel as 12.10, right?10:38
mterrympt, my work item was just about using different ones, not changing background panel10:39
mterrympt, sorry that wasn't clear10:39
mterrympt, just using different ones in different sessions10:39
mptmterry, that much is clear, but what ones specifically?10:39
mterrympt, in Unity, I was not planning to change anything10:39
mptchange anything from what? :-)10:39
mterrympt, upstream's Background panel in GNOME, our Appearance panel in Unity10:39
mterrympt, right now we patch it I believe10:40
mptmterry, oh, so keep the 12.10 panel? ok10:40
mterrympt, instead of using a different plugin for the control center10:40
mterrympt, this just lets jbicha use upstream's panel easier10:40
fincanhi, I have problem with intel+amd hybrid g570 laptop catalyst install on ubuntu 12.10 64bit, when I install catalyst from additional drivers, black screen appears after the install both fglrx and fglrx-update. There was no problem with 12.04 and when I installed catalyst beta from amd website. Deskop opens without unity interface. Still I could not find a solution. Any idea?10:54
=== attente_zzz is now known as attente
DasWuHi I want try to do the gnome-settings-daemon bug from the bitesized section11:08
DasWuby now I want to find the code for that can anyone point me to it?11:08
DasWuwould be that bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-indicator-mods/+bug/88713911:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 887139 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Middle clicking the keyboard layout indicator has behaviour inconsistent with other indicator applets" [Low,Confirmed]11:08
jbichaDasWu: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu11:09
DasWujbicha: the source folder of that branch seems to be empty...11:14
jbichayou can use bzr bd-do for that (it's mentioned in that long wiki page I posted)11:15
DasWuokay I check that link11:16
DasWualright now I am pretty much confused... what I did so far is bzr branch on the code link the checkout however does not contain code (or I am to stupid to find it)11:26
DasWuthe wiki confuses me a lot since i have no idea in which of the described situations i am in11:27
DasWuthe bd-do gives me an error11:27
jbichawhat's the error?11:28
DasWubzr: ERROR: unknown command "bd-do"11:28
jbichaDasWu: install ubuntu-dev-tools or packaging-dev11:28
jbichaspecifically, you need to have bzr-builddeb installed but those other packages are useful11:29
DasWualright that seemed to have worked11:32
didrocksRAOF: hey! howdy? ;)11:43
DasWujbicha: do you whether the indicators are really part of the settings daemon?11:47
didrocksRAOF: there is a rendering glitch with latest unity version in proposed, this is now fixed upstream. Cherry-picked and in the queue right now (should be easy).11:47
jbichaDasWu: I'm logging off in a few minutes, but yes some indicator code is in gnome-settings-daemon but that is planned to be removed this cycle11:49
DasWuoh is there somebody i should talk to then before i start?11:50
jbichaif you have questions about contributing fixes to gnome-settings-daemon for Ubuntu, you 're in the right place; just ask your questions :)11:51
DasWuwill i am not exactly sure where it is to be fixed11:51
DasWuits the keyboard indicator11:51
jbichaeven for indicators, this is a good place11:52
DasWui am not sure whether its different in unity as it is in gnome11:52
jbichayeah, I believe the keyboard indicator is currently just in gnome-settings-daemon for Unity11:52
DasWugreat than i need to figure out how to register a middle mouse button click with an action :D11:53
jbichaDasWu: ah, you may want to wait until the keyboard indicator gets split into its own separate package in the next month or two11:53
DasWuoh sure great11:56
DasWuhow can i stay updated on this progress?11:56
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
didrocksjasoncwarner_: I don't see the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-ps-uife-ffe-sru scheduled automagically13:20
didrocksjasoncwarner_: tomorrow 10:00 - 10:45 CET seems to be the best set to get some people from fundations/release team coming13:21
=== attente is now known as attente_zzz
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== notgary_ is now known as notgary
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
sbtewe get a lot of complaints, because nobody is able to use emesene in Quantal15:17
seb128sbte, why not?15:20
sbteseb128, sorry, I pressed the wrong key, that was just something I told pitti earlier15:20
sbteit's about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emesene/+bug/105035815:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1050358 in emesene (Ubuntu) "emesene crashed with SIGSEGV in tupledealloc.24592()" [Critical,Confirmed]15:20
seb128seems like a pitti question indeed ;-)15:21
sbteI want to help fix that bug, but I have no idea what to do15:21
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
kenvandineLaney, ping16:10
kenvandineLaney, gstreamer-1.0 in b4-m616:10
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
dupondjecould someone take a look @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1073649 ?17:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1073649 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm visible on tty1, and console visible in lightdm" [Undecided,New]17:11
mitya57dupondje, apport says your lightdm.conf has been modified, did you try with unmodified conffile?17:37
s9iper1ursinha: pin18:59
dobeys9iper1: she's at UDS19:01
s9iper1need assistance19:02
s9iper1dobey: this bug is the telepathy bug right ?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/107269319:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1072693 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy does not connect accounts, Facebook, Google, Outlook" [Medium,Incomplete]19:02
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley

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