[09:41] pleia2, I see the city is very mad that you are not there today... [09:41] https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/c66.0.403.403/p403x403/10498_3924392117303_994369825_n.jpg [09:41] Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [48018] [09:42] hah [09:42] I will miss the parade :( [09:42] and halloween! [09:43] Yeah, my brother is currently driving up from sd for it. Great day for the city tomorrow. [09:49] pleia2: they dont celebrate halloween in Denmark? [09:49] Probably like Thanksgiving or something. [09:51] huh [09:51] gnight folks [09:51] Halloween is mostly an American thing [14:50] * Chocks happens to know they *do* celebrate Halloween, a little, in Denmark [14:54] "a little" is why I said "mostly" :) [14:55] last night I saw people dressed up in the city, but then they talked an they were all americans [14:55] at least they weren't Germans ;-) [20:29] boo!