
claydohQuintasan: pong, but I probably won't be around much the next 36 hours :(01:55
claydohSteveRiley: afiestas nice teatime :)01:55
ScottKJontheEchidna: I don't know.02:17
ScottKI can ask.02:17
JontheEchidnaScottK: debfx pointed me to this: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html02:36
Tm_Tgood morning07:19
ScottKTm_T obviously went to bed earlier than ScottK if he thinks there's anything good about morning.07:55
Tm_TScottK: I went to sleep a bit before 010008:05
Tm_Tand woke up before 070008:05
ScottKThat was several hourse befor I did.08:06
SteveRileyclaydoh: thanks! it was fun.08:07
SteveRileyafiestas: enjoyed the interview, thanks for the invitation08:08
afiestasSteveRiley: :p08:08
SteveRileyafiestas: where are you? your "office" is conspicuously empty08:11
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1073845] qt application did unexpect action when maximize @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1073845 (by 孙渊汇)10:08
yofelbah, missed the session10:16
Riddellyofel: SteveRiley volunteered to do everything10:22
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Riddelludsslayer: bounced on e-mail about kdevelop packages to you10:33
* udsslayer isn't sure what xdebug does tbh, but I'll have a talk with the KDevelop people as to what can be done10:36
udsslayeryofel: ^ you know php stuff right?10:37
yofelit tries to print a backtrace in the error log, instead of just the failure message10:40
SteveRileyRiddell: somebody's gotta take on the boring shit^H^H^H^H documentation so that the rest of you guys can keep cranking out kick ass software10:41
yofel+ some other things10:41
SteveRileybesides, i like to write. yes, i am a freak.10:41
udsslayerQuintasan_: you need to be in B4 M910:54
* yofel goes to listen to that too10:55
yofelexcept that they have no microphone there :(10:56
* yofel listens to b3-m1 instead10:57
SteveRileyheard in b4-m7: "hybrid graphics should work, for some definitions of 'work,' modulo bugs"11:02
udsslayerI told you :P11:03
Quintasan_udsslayer: I do?11:08
Riddell** Kubuntu group photo, 13:00 on the hotel 1st floor bridge11:08
Quintasan_udsslayer: I was kind of counting that agateau would wake me up when he did get up but that sort of did not work11:08
udsslayeryou're still in your room?11:08
udsslayeror did you just arrive ?11:09
Quintasan_well, I went to bed at 5 in the morning11:09
Quintasan_udsslayer: room, looking for my Kubuntu shirt11:09
udsslayerQuintasan_: good thing I didn't stick around :P11:10
udsslayerwould have not been able to attend anything this morning11:10
Quintasan_actually I find it rather beneficial but that's a whole different topic11:10
udsslayerScottK: ^ we need someone in the B4 M911:10
kubotuudsslayer meant: "ScottK: ^ we need someone in  B4 M9"11:10
udsslayerQuintasan_: beneficial to the hotel, yes :P11:11
Quintasan_udsslayer: I can go there right away11:11
udsslayerQuintasan_: oh ok11:11
udsslayerQuintasan_: I asked ogra how they got arm ppa's and how we can get one of those as well11:12
udsslayerQuintasan_: apparently the arm build is build as the root user on actual hardware11:12
udsslayerso it's unpossible at the moment for someone to get ARM for a public PPA11:12
yofeludsslayer: well, worst case we can just use raring-proposed, if Scott doesn't kill us11:17
Quintasan_udsslayer: why do you need android iso ?11:17
udsslayerQuintasan_: for N711:18
Tm_Tmy dear friends11:18
Quintasan_Tm_T: ?11:18
Tm_Twhat do you say about the idea of having ubuntu classroom session about Kubuntu community?11:19
Tm_TI would be willing to do it if need be11:19
udsslayerTm_T: at UDS or sometime later on?11:19
Tm_Tsometime later on11:19
yofeldidn't we sort of have that already during open week?11:19
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Tm_Tyofel: but outside those events too11:19
yofelhm, I was thinking that those events gather people. But on the other hand we would at least have interested people listening if we do it outside the schedule11:20
Tm_Tnot replacing, but as an addition11:21
Tm_Tit could be from development POV, documentation POV, or whatever we want11:21
Quintasanudsslayer: this is totally not interesting11:27
Quintasanall I learned is that you need to package some tools and the resulting image won't be that much different from ac100 image11:28
Quintasanalso, jenkins integration but that was done in ac100 so it's perfectly replicable11:28
Quintasanudsslayer, Riddell: We're in a little bit of trouble11:31
Quintasannvflash does not accept anything bigger than 670mb because of some sort limitation11:32
Quintasanthe tarball itself is 546mb11:32
Quintasanbecause after unpacking it adds some inodes etc11:33
Quintasanand it makes the whole thing be like 670mb11:33
Quintasanso we can't have more that 550 mb of data11:33
Quintasanthat's what I undertstood11:33
QuintasanI believe we want to have a core system there and install everything later11:34
mikhasQuintasan, didnt find you near the conference registration booth @ 11am11:37
Quintasanmikhas: I believe I'm in the left side of the same room :P11:37
Quintasanmikhas: jokes aside, sorry for that11:38
mikhasonly it's no longer 11am11:38
QuintasanI stayed up for unreasonable amounts of time11:38
Quintasanand kind of assumed my roomate waking up would wake me up as well11:38
Quintasanbut that turned out to be quite ineffective11:39
Quintasanmikhas: If that's okay, I'd like to get this done after lunch11:39
mikhasright, let me check after-lunch sessions11:39
QuintasanI believe those are lightning talks on the last day11:41
Quintasani.e go up the scene and say whatever the hell you want :P11:41
mikhashow about 3pm then, after the lightening talks?11:42
mikhasconference registration booth again11:42
udsslayerQuintasan: oic11:43
Quintasanmikhas: Okay.11:43
udsslayerthat seems a bit of trouble :(11:43
Quintasanudsslayer: come to the damn android images room before the session ends11:45
Quintasanudsslayer: mfisch offered to explain that stuff in detail11:46
Quintasanand I want someone else to hear that as well11:46
Quintasanto make sure I'm not making things up :p11:46
Quintasanudsslayer: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:51
SteveRileyquintasan: what do you need?11:51
SteveRileyoh, a second listener11:51
QuintasanSteveRiley: I just want to push stuff on shadeslayer instead of doing everthing alone :P11:52
mikhasthe sweet secrets of delegation11:54
SteveRileyon our way for photo12:01
udsslayerQuintasan: coming 12:02
udsslayerwhere are you 12:02
Riddelludsslayer: photo!12:06
RiddellScottK: !12:06
Riddellmikhas: coming for a photo?12:07
RiddellTm_T: photo!12:07
mikhasRiddell, where? when?12:07
mikhasI am looking a bit sick though.12:07
mikhasgot the ubuflu12:07
Riddellmikhas: just now on the hotel 1st floor bridge12:07
mikhasuh ok, give me 3min12:08
BluesKajHey all12:54
Tm_Tagateau: I might need that mascot back btw13:06
Tm_Tor toy or whatever13:07
Tm_Tok, has anyone seen sabdfl today?14:48
Tm_Tshould we do guerilla attack, one distracting him, one putting some Kubuntu sticker(?) in front of him and third taking a picture or something like that?14:48
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xnox<xnox> ScottK: notes about ubiquity are in the pad, please discuss =) highlight me on irc if you are typing a question for me =)15:07
JontheEchidnaall of qapt's rdepends are transitioned to qapt2 in -proposed, but it still won't move to release :(15:16
Riddellxnox: is manual lvm, crypt etc in 12.10?15:18
highvoltage    from PyKDE4.kdecore import *15:58
highvoltageanyone know what provides PyKDE4.kdecore?15:58
udsslayerhighvoltage: pykde?15:59
highvoltageah seems like it was python-kde415:59
highvoltageagateau: did you have some initial kidmp packaging already?16:08
highvoltage(working on some know and was just hoping that I'm not doing duplicate work)16:08
highvoltageagateau: well, I at least have a lintian clean package for kidmp :)16:22
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1074033] Menu from menu button in titlebar opens in wrong position/direction on multiscreen setup @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074033 (by mlx)16:28
ScottKhighvoltage: pykde4 is the source package.  python-kde4 is the binary (we fixed the binary naming for python3 - that's python3-pykde4),16:30
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highvoltageScottK: ah thanks16:41
* apachelogger stumbles in and mumbles things about bugs everywhere16:46
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udsslayerapachelogger: fix them16:54
apacheloggertoo depressive16:54
* apachelogger merges kubuntu settings16:54
Quintasanmfw when udsslayer attempts to convince apachelogger to do something16:55
apacheloggerkubuntu-netbook-settings vs. kubuntu-settings-netbook?17:00
apacheloggerno opinions?17:01
yofelapachelogger: didn't we decide to just merge it into -desktop ?17:08
yofelI mean, it won't have an effect anyway unless you run plasma-netbook17:09
apacheloggernot like I care17:10
apacheloggersay we add artwork to one of them that is not relevant to any other17:11
apacheloggerto that extent I'd totally have a base-settings package upon which everything cascades17:12
yofelthey all end up on the same image... so that sounds like heavy over-engineering17:18
yofelwell, at least if you then plan to still keep desktop and netbook seperate17:18
yofelmight make sense for active17:19
apacheloggeryofel: for desktop and netbook merging would make sense17:23
apacheloggerhowever the point of base would be to have less unrelated crap for active17:24
apacheloggeralso low-fat17:24
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1073071] vlc cannot disable power management features @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1073071 (by Manuel López-Ibáñez)17:32
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yofelJontheEchidna: any reason why you made libmuonprivate1 depend on kdesudo?18:53
JontheEchidnait invokes the binary to run software-properties-kde18:53
JontheEchidna*libmuonprivate1 invokes kdesudo to run software-properties-kde18:54
yofelwell, shouldn't sofware-properties-kde rather depend on kdesudo? Or would that conflict with gksu?18:54
yofelsee the discussion in #kubuntu for why I'm askin18:55
JontheEchidnasoftware-properties-kde itself doesn't need kdesudo, and libmuonprivate1 is actually calling kdesudo, so it would seem proper that libmuonprivate1 would invoke it18:55
JontheEchidnasoftware-properties-kde just needs to run as root18:56
yofelthe complaint was that muon is removed once kdesudo is removed 18:58
yofelalthough the issue with kdesudo is something I'm not even sure should be fixed...18:58
yofelJontheEchidna: wouldn't a recommends be enough?18:59
yofel(or did users break stuff with that?)18:59
JontheEchidnaif it wasn't there, the menu item to launch software-properties-kde wouldn't work18:59
JontheEchidnaI'm not particularly sympathetic to that case at any rate, kdesudo could fit on a floppy 10 times18:59
JontheEchidna(the menu item within Muon, I didn't make that clear)19:02
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bulldog98yofel, Quintasan: did you guys found out if my revisions were causing that problems?23:00

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