
yofelsimplew: pong00:00
andybrinelol useless.... mmm !hyperthetically. Same here ot a fan of macs or iphones either00:00
simplewyofel: just a minute00:01
andybrinewhat bs lol, im off00:02
yofelsimplew: re your other ping: I live in Europe, so pinging me at 5AM during the week is probably futile ;)00:05
PeabotHow do i chat?00:25
calwigyou write!00:27
Peabotoh great00:27
Peaboti have a question about ubuntu?00:27
Peabotkubuntu actually00:27
PeabotIm assuming the number of names to the right is not an accurate indicator of people present in chat00:29
yofelPeabot: just go ahead and ask your question, if someone is here and knows the answer they'll reply00:30
PeabotOk. I dont currently have a USB or writable disk handy, and instead reformatted an external HDD connected to my USB, should this work? I have not had success booting from USB.00:33
calwigIve tried it once, like using it as a hard drive you mean?00:33
calwigUSB external hard drive?00:33
PeabotYes but its a SATA drive, not USB flash per se00:34
PeabotI am going to try one more time.00:36
simplewyofel: hi00:36
simplewyofel: still there?00:37
yofelsimplew: yes, but not for long00:37
simplewyofel: i haveperformed a kubuntu install, that the problem in dlphin root persists, isnt possibleto run KDE apps unde dolphin root, but it does non KDE apps, like for example libreoffice00:38
simplewyofel: in dolphin root when trying to open a test file with kwrite or kate appears a msg error about KDEINIT00:39
yofelsounds like something is unset, and it ends up being unable to connect to the running KDE instance00:40
simplewyofel: lie you know i did open a bug report in bugs.kde.org, would it be better to open a bug report in launchapd also?00:40
simplewyofel: are you running 12.10 lean install?00:41
yofelnope, meshed together 13.04 system. I would need a VM to really debug this00:43
yofel-> tomorrow00:43
yofelsimplew: you can file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug kdesudo' if you want00:43
yofelProbably nobody tested this. We don't really have many applications that require kdesudo00:44
yofelsimplew: give me the bug # when it's done, maybe I'll find some time to look at it tomorrow. I won't promise anything though.00:45
* yofel is off to bed00:45
simplewyofel: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30923300:46
ubottuKDE bug 309233 in general "unable to run kde applications from dolphin as root" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:46
simplewyofel: good sleep00:47
intelikeyissue with gmail...   kmail reoports "unknown transport protocol unable to send message"  and evolution says "unable to authenticate to smtp server \n bad athentication response from server "    both of them "fetch" mail just fine, but can't send.  and i have checked and rechecked the settings/port,address,name,password... several times.   anyone have thoughts on this ?01:29
DarthFrogintelikey: What port are you using for smtp?01:46
DarthFrogI'm using port 587 with encryption.  Works for me with Thunderbird.01:49
intelikeydarthfrog just learning how to switch channels in this irc client 0.o   but yes 587 and it should work   but the error message suggests that it's on my end not the server01:51
DarthFrogTry this command at the command line: "sudo iptables -F" and try sending again.01:52
intelikeydarthfrog checked the filter nothing blocked01:52
intelikeysame error "unrecognized transport protocol..."01:54
DarthFrogAny chance your ISP is blocking access to the Gmail server?  Mine won't let me connect to port 25 on any machine but their mail servers.01:55
intelikeycould be    but the test  telnet gmail.com -p 587  connects01:56
intelikeyerrr   partial ^01:57
DarthFrogHehe, that was what I was about to ask you.01:57
DarthFrogCan you do an ehlo?01:57
intelikeyehlo ?01:57
DarthFrogDo the telnet command, then "ehlo <your FQDN>"01:57
intelikeydarthfrog yeah it's working fine.    so my smtp protocol ?    errr can i actually have a problem with smtp ?02:03
DarthFrogintelikey: Here's my SMTP settings in Tbird:  http://imagebin.org/23411902:03
DarthFrogWorks ferpectly.02:03
intelikeydarthfrog yeah that's very much like my settings     it's crazzzie i know.02:06
DarthFrogintelikey: I'm fresh out of ideas, sorry.  Not out of wine, though, fortunately. :-)02:13
intelikeyhehe   cheers.   ty for the thoughts02:13
DarthFrogOne more thing just occurred to me:  have you ruled out it being a problem with your router?02:14
xixoryo, so whenever I click "Configure software sources" in muon, it simply updates the packages list, but it doesn't pop up a dialog allowing me to configure the sources02:24
xixorhas anyone seen this type of behaviour?02:24
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john_buffalo2012having problem with ati driver in kubuntu. can anyone help?04:22
john_buffalo2012have ati driver problem. wont install if i download driver and do myself04:27
nine_are u downloading an exe file?04:29
john_buffalo2012its a zip file for linux04:30
JaySeeis there any way to install an old version of ia32-libs that actually works on 12.04?04:30
rsolmahow to install propriatary drivers kubuntu04:31
rsolmano drivers avaiable04:31
nine_john, there are many linus distro's04:31
nine_it may  be a zip for rpm04:31
john_buffalo2012kubunt12.4 i believeu04:32
nine_can u find any files in there that are .deb?04:32
rsolmahardware drivers show no option to install fgrlx04:32
john_buffalo2012i unziped it in terminal then chmod a+x04:32
john_buffalo2012sh run it executes then says something when i pick a install version04:33
nine_does x run ur drive well right now?04:33
nine_I assume u have tried the extra driver installer tool?04:34
john_buffalo2012yea bt i cant play certain games well with out the third party driver. distro offers alternative driver but its not the same.glxgears doesnt run well04:35
nine_i have a feeling that driver is incompatable with ur current Kubuntu...04:36
john_buffalo2012glxgears runs fine with default install driver but game doesnt run well with it04:36
rsolmahmm seems others cant install propritary drivers eaither04:36
john_buffalo2012in the past, the game worked fine with the driver download (ubuntu 8 and previous versions)04:36
john_buffalo2012ubutnu 10*04:37
john_buffalo2012i cant install drivers from the site. had this problem the last two year with ubuntu. works fine with other distros just not these ones04:38
nine_yea, have u tried the upgrade to ubuntu 12.10?04:38
nine_there was lso a fix version that came out 12.04.104:38
john_buffalo2012not yet, but i assume i would have the same problem based on previous experiences upgrading with previous versions these last few years04:39
nine_i have seen new long terms break what was once good...04:39
nine_part of the licencing junk04:39
nine_u maybe sol  my friend04:40
john_buffalo2012i can try upgrading. a friend said his system was fine after upgrade.04:40
nine_mine is04:40
john_buffalo2012i have faith in the new kubuntu04:40
nine_actually Kubuntu is working better than Ubuntu 12.10 at the moment04:40
nine_on my systems04:40
nine_me too :)04:41
nine_I hope u find an answer, but if it stopped working i am sure its cause the driver became not available to the Ubuntu world anymore04:43
john_buffalo2012in the past i downloaded all ati drivers from the site and instaled themtion of ubuntu and kubuntu,  manually. worked in older distribu04:45
john_buffalo2012these last few versions of ubuntu have been very unstable for me04:45
john_buffalo2012window users are impressed with this new kubuntu version04:46
nine_yea John, I have seen things work in older and break in newer, as well as backwards...  there os so much that goes on behind closed doors to keep Linux down04:50
Marius80does anyone here know how to set up a wifi connection only using the CLI ?04:50
Marius80iwconfig failed for me,  using /etc/interfaces also did not work out04:50
Marius80and wpa_supplicant  could be the last solution but I'm kinda disappointed04:51
nine_what wifi chip u have?04:51
john_buffalo2012i think your right nine. skype works better now that microsoft bought them out.04:51
nine_Marius80, is ur wifi broadcom?04:52
Marius80nine_, I just try to find an anwer04:52
Marius80fact is, I've got no clue :(04:52
nine_what laptop?04:53
Marius80broadcom = dhcp?04:53
Marius80yes, it's a toshiba laptop04:53
john_buffalo2012when i was using a broadcom, i used madwifi drivers sometimes and they worked04:53
nine_broadcom is the chipset that sends receives wifi signals04:53
john_buffalo2012that was 4 years ago04:53
Marius80nine_, he goes the syslog04:56
nine_Marius80, u may need to contact realtek  and get a wifi driver04:57
Marius80nine_, actually it has worked before04:57
Marius80I installed a driver using ndiswrapper04:57
Marius80then I could connect to wifi's04:58
nine_before what?04:58
Marius80before I moved into my new flat04:58
Marius80in this flat,  I could not connect to the wifi04:58
Marius80so I uninstalled the network manager in KDE04:58
Marius80and installed wicd04:58
nine_so in gui ur wifi still see's available connections?04:58
Marius80since wicd also produced errors,  I decided going back to the good, old shell04:58
Marius80yes, the GUI shows me everything04:59
nine_oh  haha04:59
Marius80and I can connect to wifi at my workplace04:59
Marius80and school04:59
Marius80just not at home :)04:59
FloodBotK1Marius80: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:59
Shaan7Marius80: its not homesick then :P04:59
Marius80Sorry FloodBotK104:59
nine_that'a an ip issue04:59
nine_I bet its not in ur laptop nor Kubuntu but in a setting inside ur Wifi router05:00
nine_t sounds very much like an IP conflict05:00
Marius80might be,  but it works from windows and mac os05:00
Marius80and I cannot tell my room mate to change it :)05:01
nine_so u have no control over it hey05:01
Marius80nine_, how comes that mac os and windows can connect?05:01
nine_depending on the setting, there are many reasons it will not accept a connection from ur linux, including computer name05:02
Marius80lol, is my router a racist?05:03
Marius80nine_, can we check if I did it right?05:04
nine_lol, i'd have to know what protction settings he hhas on that router to tell u that answer05:04
nine_1 more question05:05
Marius80/etc/network/interfaces contains:05:05
Marius80auto lo05:05
Marius80iface lo inet loopback05:05
Marius80auto wlan005:05
Marius80iface wlan0 inet dhcp05:05
Marius80    wpa-ssid name_of_the_network05:05
FloodBotK1Marius80: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
nine_find out if he is running 802.1g, or 802.1n05:05
Marius80nine_, http://pastebin.com/dFBSt8yX05:06
Marius80then I only do  "ifup wlan0"05:06
Marius80is this wrong?05:06
nine_check on  line google to see the format that the specific router is running, Linux has no ability to connect to 802.1n at this time05:06
Marius80is there anything missing?05:06
nine_doesn't look  like it, I am sure its a setting on his router05:07
nine_or its only broadcasting in 'N' format05:07
nine_specially if its working fine other places05:08
nine_it has nothing to do with ur computer05:08
Marius80so I need to find out the router name at first05:08
Marius80one moment please05:09
Marius80nine_, I just found something out05:10
Marius80maybe I always used the wrong SSID05:10
Marius80is the SSID what I see as name of the available networks?05:10
Marius80or is the SSID what the router tells me at the bottomside?05:10
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nine_i am rusty at the technical side05:11
nine_1 minute05:11
nine_no the ssid is the name u need to connect with05:12
nine_then u have to maaake sure what broad cast format he is using like wep05:13
nine_if he's using wpa enterprise05:14
nine_or personal05:14
Marius80I am looking up the modem05:14
Marius80one moment please05:14
Marius80nine_, cannot find any further infos about the modem05:16
Marius80is my /etc/network/interfaces file correct?05:17
Marius80how would you connect using the shell?05:17
nine_again, if the format isn't correct u won't be able to connnect any way but direct wire05:17
nine_how smart is he in wifi security?05:18
Marius80my room mate?05:18
nine_he may  have it set up in ways only licenced OS's can connect05:18
Marius80oh my goodness05:18
Marius80actually he does not have any clue about PC's05:19
nine_or again if he is broadcasting only in 802.1n then u will not be able to connect05:19
Marius80I try what happens if I use a cable05:19
Marius80will be back soon (hopefully)05:20
nine_Apple now used 'n' as a standard, but not even son ps3's use the "n" standard yet05:20
john_buffalo2012well after the ungrade no improvment in the propriortary driver install. i will try to mess with it tomorrow05:33
ashesi installed kubuntu on my file server. i use x11 forwarding as a login to it, to open konsole. i'm wondering if i can disable loading kde on it on boot, to save ram, if that's possible05:46
asheskdm even05:47
ashescan i load xorg on boot instead of kdm?05:47
ashesi'm new to this x11 forwarding. i'm not sure how it all works05:47
almoxarifeashes: simple enough to check, kill kdm from ssh connection,05:48
almoxarifeashes: unless you need to drive 100 miles if things go wrong, then don't05:48
asheshow would i set this up on boot though?05:48
ashesno. it's in the same room with me05:49
ashesi think i want to load xorg instead of kdm05:49
almoxarifeashes: kdm is being called from ???? brb05:49
ashesand see if that wrks05:49
ashesi didn't set up kdm. kubuntu did05:49
almoxarifeashes: xorg loads kdm05:49
almoxarifexorg > kdm05:50
almoxarifei think05:50
ashesi understand that05:50
ashesbut i am not familiar with the ubuntu or debian /etc configuration files05:50
almoxarifelet me see where kdm is loaded on my end ashes05:50
almoxarifeashes: i figure in the end they all basically do the same thing05:51
ashesyes, but the boot scripts load different files05:51
ashesi'm a bsd person05:52
ashesif this was bsd, i wouldn't be asking any questions05:52
ashesdebian is very different to me05:53
almoxarifeashes: well then for starters, install 'recoll' , think of it as 'google for the system' , have it index the key config dir/folders, then search in recoll for key words, too simple05:56
ashesif i search for kdm, it will get a lot of hits though05:57
almoxarifeyou are on bds and i am on opensuse, so you are still out of luck05:57
almoxarifeashes: true it would, but only certain ones matter, the ones in conf/rc/etc like places, and the ones that point to the 'man' for kdm even05:58
almoxarifeashes: this will work with little overhead and less pain, install another display manager, say 'openbox'  , light as it gets, have the server come-up on openbox, that will reduce overhead and still allow for a ssh -x session06:01
ashesi want kde06:05
ashesi want konsole06:05
ashesif kdm has to run, that's ok. i was just hoping to save a bit of ram06:05
ashesjust for efficiency06:06
ashesi'm not familiar with anything else06:06
almoxarifeashes: sure, konsole from ssh should run regardless of the other sides dm, i ssh into a ubuntu server from a kde on opensuse, i get gnome on this end, i don't have gnome installed on this end06:07
almoxarifeashes: but i don't have full blown out gnome install on the server, get it?06:08
ashesi understand i don't need kde on the client end, but i run kde on all ends because it's what i am familar with. i'll typically install the same apps on all machines06:08
ashesi'm not trying to save disc space, only ram06:08
almoxarifeashes: fine, on the server, install qtrazor, its about as light kde as there is, the server should then run light with all the options avail to run bloated,06:09
ashesbut with kde, i'm guessing that apps depend on other kde apps running06:10
almoxarifeashes: i have been talking ram bloat06:10
almoxarifeashes: the apps bring up what they need to run, as long as they are avail06:10
ashesi use this server as an android build system, and file server. ram is valuable06:11
ashesit has 4gb06:11
almoxarifeashes: i just rooted and installed android on a kindle 6.3.1 , so you know android/>?06:12
ashesi know toolchains. i am learning android06:13
almoxarifethat was my first experience with root and android06:13
almoxarifei can't say i know any of it06:13
ashesi have built a native kernel, built on my arm box, and booted it on my phone06:13
almoxarifei can't find the reset-default on android eveb06:13
ashesandroid is difficult, because half of it is closed source06:14
almoxarifeashes: really? who owns it?06:14
ashesbsd source can be closed source06:14
ashesand so android roms can be closed source06:14
ashesmaking something great from android source takes a lot of work06:15
almoxarifeso far i am liking android on the kindle tablet, with google store its wonderful, lots nicer than a kindle-fire stock06:15
ashesand finding full discloser developers is not easy06:16
ashesi stopped using google market. i use f-droid because all apps are open source06:16
almoxarifeashes: i assume i can do the same, how would i? web site?06:17
ashesit's a market replacement06:17
almoxarifei don't want to replace, can't add another?06:17
ashesyou can add it06:18
almoxarifewe should move over to #android, someone is going to throw a fit here soon06:18
ashesf-droid is a free android app store06:18
ashes /j #android06:19
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Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, mein Kubuntu froze yesterday with the nividia-current.07:53
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Teo_Hello! If someone, not english-spleaking, downloads Kubuntu, and install its... he sees all the messages in English. This didn't happen in previous Kubuntu versions because the DVD had other languages inside. Is this way or only happens to me?09:55
hateballTeo_: you can press F6 when the DVD boots and change language09:58
hateballYou should be able to change language when you choose to install as well, even if you initially booted in English09:59
Teo_hateball: Yes, they you can choose another language. But when the installation is complete, you reboot your computer and then you see all the messages in English.09:59
Teo_As I know some English, I can look for options to install another language files, but people that doesn't know English, can they install Kubuntu?10:00
lordievaderTeo_: That shouldn't happen if you selct a different language during the install.10:00
Teo_Maybe I should fill a bug?10:01
hateballTeo_: actually you only need to press any key what so ever when the DVD boots to change language10:01
Teo_hateball: This was that way in previous Kubuntu editions, with the DVD. But now, without a 4 GB edition,  everything is in English after rebooting10:02
hateballTeo_: Well it's possible that if you don't have an internet connection during install it wont download the language packages10:02
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Teo_hateball: Yes, I installed it without an internet connection10:03
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yofelTeo_: depends on the language, there are some languages shipped on the image, the rest needs an internet connection10:19
yofelotherwise you need to install them later10:19
Teo_yofel: I tried to install Kubuntu in Spanish and when I rebooted, I saw all the texts in English. Maybe there are no other languages than English. Anyway, thanks for confirming that you need an internet connection for installing language files10:20
hateballGoing into the language config post-install (with internet connection) should trigger downloading the missing language packs10:21
hateballOf course that depends on reading english well enough to find that10:21
Teo_Yes, I'm afraid that billions of people can't do that :-(10:22
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hateballwell then either you install with internet, or make a custom DVD with languages included10:23
Teo_I would like to note that, in previous Kubuntu versions, people hadn't to do those things, because they had a 4GB DVD edition. Does someone think this is a new bug?10:26
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RiddellTeo_: we're missing the notifier "language packs not entirely installed, should I install them?" in this release, it's tasked to add it back for next one10:28
Teo_Riddell: Thanks, it happened to me, too.10:29
hateballTeo_: well there is a 3.2GB DVD... isnt spanish on that?10:30
Teo_hateball: Wait, where is that?10:30
hateballI havent done a new install on 12.04 with anything other than english so I dunno10:30
hateballTeo_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/10:30
Teo_hateball: That's for "precise" :-)10:31
hateballTeo_: oh! I'm behind the times :>10:31
* hateball usually just runs LTS10:31
Teo_hateball: The situation for the latest Kubuntu seems to have changed, and I found it a little weird10:32
hateballTeo_: Yeah I see that now, sorry10:32
Teo_You are helping as much as you can :-) . Thanks, anyway!10:32
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kRush_derp, i just hid the menubar in quassel. how do I get it back?11:06
kRush_nvm, ctrl+m11:09
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discoveredAnyone Can help me for backtracing the konsole please? I don't why it is crashing today when i am trying to select text on it11:20
yofeldiscovered: doesn't the crashhandler (drkonqi) start when it crashes?11:24
discoveredyofel, I installed the minimal kde , So i am not sure if that package installed11:24
yofelit's part of kde-runtime which pretty much has to be installed.11:25
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yofeldiscovered: does your ~/.xsession-errors have any useful information?11:26
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discoveredyofel, http://pastebin.com/hGXvYsWu11:32
discoveredI copied last lines11:32
yofelprobably the X Errors. But I have no idea how to debug those right now :/11:34
discoveredPerhaps the same problem https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=303390 but for me it is happening when trying to select any text from knosole.11:37
ubottuKDE bug 303390 in general "Konsole crashes when selecting invalid unicode character." [Crash,Resolved: fixed]11:37
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discoveredyofel, crashhandler is a packager?11:43
yofelno, drkonqi is the kde crash handling application, I was just wondering why that wasn't triggered11:44
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alex______ho appena installato kubundu :)12:17
alex______c'è qualcuno che mi da qualche info al riguardo?12:18
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KvaksI update with muon updater whenever there are available updates. Quite often, it tells be a reboot is necessary. Any idea which packages are causing this? It's annoying and feels a bit like I12:44
Kvaks... like I'm in Microsoft land.12:44
ubottudiego: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:47
luc4Kvaks: commonly a kernel update requires a reboot. But you can delay as long as you want.12:49
BluesKajHey all12:54
Kvaksluc4: Ok. Maybe there should be a way to exclude kernel updates unless they are critical.12:54
lordievaderKvaks: In many package managers you can lock the version number.12:55
yofelor he could remove the kernel meta packages. That won't remove the kernel, but will prevent future updates12:56
yofelKvaks: most of the time it's easiest to just ignore the reboot notification though12:57
yofelor you can hide it in the tray12:57
KvaksYeah, I guess. Keep the kernel updates and only reboot when I would reboot for other reasons?12:58
lordievaderAgreed have been doing that for many days now on my server :)12:58
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, what were you doing when your system froze? Also take a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors12:59
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, it was two days ago or so. I do not know what I did but it happens randomly.13:02
Graf_WesterholtXorg.0.log says [    50.002] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory13:03
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, that's just your direct rendering which your system can run without in desktop effects.That error shouldn't freeze anything13:10
BluesKajI think there may be a bug in kwin13:12
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, but why cannot I switch to the terminal with CTRL+ALT+F1 ?13:17
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, is your KB locked ?13:19
Graf_WesterholtWhen Kubuntu freezes? It seems so. I cannot switch tho the terminal.13:19
Graf_WesterholtI pressed CTRL+ALT+F1 and after that I pressed CTRL+ALT+DEL. I guess Linux should reboot then, but it did not.13:20
BluesKajno , I mean when you try to switch to the TTY13:21
Graf_WesterholtI can do it now.13:21
Graf_WesterholtCan log in at TTY.13:21
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, , ok seems you need an xorg.conf file , at the TTY , sudo service lightdm or kdm stop, then sudo nvidia-xconfig , then startx13:23
Graf_WesterholtWhy do I need an xorg.conf?13:24
xixoryo, anyone tried the preload package with kubuntu/kde?13:25
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorg.conf13:25
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I know what the Xorg.conf is, but I thougt today you do not need it anymore.13:26
BluesKajread further , some nvidia products do13:26
BluesKajxixor, preload package ?13:27
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I guess Xorg.conf will not help, because it runs fine, just freeze a few weeks or days.13:27
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, besides it can't hurt to have one13:27
Graf_WesterholtSure, I'll try, but I guess it will not help.13:28
yofelwait, what driver is even being used? (from dri/card0 it sounds like nouveau)13:28
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, how do know it won't help13:28
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, feeling. ;)13:28
Graf_Westerholtyofel, I installed nvidia-current.13:28
yofelthen you need an xorg.conf I believe13:29
yofelor it'll still try to use nouveah13:29
yofelI think13:29
Graf_Westerholtyofel, I had the nouveau before the nvidia-current and it froze.13:29
yofeldoes it use the nvidia driver?13:29
Graf_WesterholtIt uses the nvidia.13:30
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, run , glxinfo | grep OpenGL13:30
yofelhm, then the driver should be fine at least13:31
Graf_WesterholtI guess it is not the driver. But what can freeze the system?13:31
Graf_WesterholtOpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation13:32
Graf_WesterholtOpenGL renderer string: GeForce 9300 GE/PCIe/SSE213:32
Graf_WesterholtOpenGL version string: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 304.4313:32
Graf_WesterholtOpenGL shading language version string: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler13:32
Graf_WesterholtOpenGL extensions:13:32
BluesKajwell you have the nvidia 304.43 driver alright13:33
BluesKajthen the xorg file should help keep things stable , but since it happens so seldom it could be a kwin anomaly bug13:34
Graf_WesterholtIs there a log-file for kwin?13:35
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, i think it will show in the Xorg logs13:39
BluesKajdon't see a kwin log13:39
Graf_WesterholtI try the Xorg.conf and wait.13:39
Graf_WesterholtGoing to create the xorg.conf. Bye!13:41
BluesKajnvidia-xconfig , Graf_Westerholt13:42
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, sorry?13:42
BluesKajthat's the command , with sudo13:42
Graf_WesterholtYes, you wrote that. :D13:43
Graf_WesterholtGraf_Westerholt, , ok seems you need an xorg.conf file , at the TTY , sudo service lightdm or kdm stop, then sudo nvidia-xconfig , then startx13:43
BluesKajok good13:43
Graf_WesterholtBut I have to log out from KDE, right?13:43
BluesKajthe TTY13:43
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, what do you want to say?13:45
xixorBluesKaj: preload is a daemon that watches which applications you run frequently, and preloads the application and their dependencies into memory so that those applications start much faster.  Similar to the prefetch in windows.  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Preload13:46
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BluesKajGraf_Westerholt,  I already said it , the post you quoted , just follow that.ctrl+alt+F1 or 2 to drop to the TTY.13:52
BluesKajxixor, i see a package called preload in synaptic that seems to fit what you described.13:58
xixoryes, it's there13:59
xixoryou use synaptic? not muon?14:00
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, now I have a nice litte xorg.conf.14:04
BluesKajxixor, yup I prefer synaptic , muon was buggy and i don't mind a few gtk-libs ...mostly use synaptic as a reference for packages , seldom use it to install , but I do use it to purge stuff14:04
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, cool , let's hope it keeps your desktop and Xserver stable now14:08
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, maybe you can help me with this, too: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq14:08
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xixorBluesKaj: I haven't had a chance to try this preload yet. I am mainly interested in seeing if I can speed up the launch time of dolphin and konsole14:10
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt,  what's the problem there ?14:11
Graf_WesterholtWith 176 I cannot restart the X Server with ALT+PRINT+K14:11
Graf_WesterholtI can set it to 1 in the sysrq but at the next boot it is back to 17614:12
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, 176 is the default14:13
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, right, but disables the X Server restart.14:13
Graf_WesterholtWhen it freezes.14:13
mad-leighhello, new to this irc chat.. just gonna kick back n watch for a while.. no issues yet... though I am using Tux By Frank Pieczynski Based on graphics of the game "pingus". and I would like a option to have about 20 Tux's on my screen doing there thing, kinda like a see through screen saver ... cheers ..14:13
simion314anyone here can help me troubleshot a microphone problem?is more complex then unmuting the mic, I already spent a lot of time trying many thngs14:14
mad-leighwas it this room I was just in a few mins ago?14:20
mad-leighbooted myself14:20
xixormad-leigh: you're irc client appears to have quit approximately 40 seconds ago14:21
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xixormad-leigh: what's a Tux by Frank Pieczynksi?14:23
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BluesKajsimion314, is the mic connected to a headset , if so that's a hit and miss problem14:32
simion314BluesKaj: yes it is on a headset, and it worked sometime ago on same kubuntu version14:33
BluesKajsimion314, which app were you using while connected , skype or an IM ?14:34
simion314BluesKaj: i tried audaicty at first, then arecord(or similar) also no meter levels in pavucontrol14:35
BluesKajsimion314, does it show as an input in alsamixer14:37
simion314BluesKaj: yes, front and rear but neither work ,sometimes I get noise..14:38
simion314so the device is detected, it detects when I plug it in front or rear14:39
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BluesKajI have to ask , is the switch on the line to the headset turned on and turned up ?14:40
BluesKajsimion314, that's about as much as I know about mics and headsets , since I seldom use mine anymore14:43
simion314BluesKaj: thx for your time14:44
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BluesKajsimion314, is it possible the mic is muted in pavucontrol ?14:55
simion314BluesKaj: no,it is not muted14:55
BluesKajsimion314, which soundcard ?14:57
simion314BluesKaj: it is an inegrated card that uses this chipset VT1708S14:58
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simion314BluesKaj: I googled it, most results are from the past  not relevant now,I tried a lot of stuf like adding options in alsa-base.conf15:00
BluesKajsimion314, did you reload the kernel module , sudo modprobe snd_hda-intel ?15:01
BluesKajor snd-hda-intel rather15:02
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BluesKajsimion314, when you run the command there will be no output in the cli when the module loads properly15:06
simion314BluesKaj: no error15:08
BluesKajanyway I have some stuff to do , so I'll BBL15:08
Guest66753is there a launcher widget for only specific category? for example i would click my Multimedia launcher and it would display only amarok, dragon player, k3b, and kmix?15:12
tomattoplease, in main repositories is not midnight commander?15:47
xixortomatto: it's there, the package name is: mc15:51
xixortomatto: sudo apt-get update;  sudo apt-cache search midnight15:51
tomattoxixor: i tried sudo apt-get install mc, but nothing15:51
xixordoes it say that it can't find the package?15:52
tomattoxixor: yes, it is reason why i am asking for15:53
tomattoi am going to try that search15:53
tomattoxixor: it is now called mc in repository, nice surprise. sorry and thanks15:57
ovidiu-florinhello is there an application that can backup my system so I can restore all my settings and preferences after reinstall? preferabily to back-up on a remote computer?16:12
xixorovidiu-florin: all the application settings are in your home directory16:13
ovidiu-florinxixor: if I tar.gz my home, and restore it after reinstall, all the settings and preferences will stay the same?16:13
xixoryes, they should16:14
ovidiu-florinany problems if my new system is 64bit and the previous was 32?16:14
xixorfor this reason it is nice to have your /home directory on an entirely separate partition.  This way you can re-install linux, and your data and settings remain16:14
xixormost settings should be fine16:14
ovidiu-florinfor example I use many computers, and I want to copy all settings on all of them, is there a way to automate this?16:15
xixoryou could probably write a shell script to automate this, probably definitely.  Is there a GUI-wizard to do this in a point and click easy way?  I dont' think so16:18
ovidiu-florindoesn't nepomuk do something like this?16:18
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Check out rsync, rsync is great for such tasks.16:18
ovidiu-florinor at least just create the backup16:19
xixorI don't know if nepomuk does this16:19
xixorI've never really used nepomuk, so cannot comment on it16:19
xixoryes, rsync is a good suggestion for this type of thing16:19
ovidiu-florinI'm trying nepomuk right now16:19
ovidiu-florinok, I'll research on rsync16:20
SIR_Tacoovidiu-florin: nepomuk indexs file names, meta data, contents of files, emails and their contents, etc. for easy searching16:20
ovidiu-florinthank you xixor and lordievader16:20
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Mount all the targets on one machine and let rsync do all the work.16:20
ovidiu-florinlordievader: to have something like a centralised server that syncronises all machines?16:21
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Not really, but you could compare it to something like that. Though the mount is just temporary. You only need to do it once right?16:23
ovidiu-florinnot necesarily16:23
ovidiu-florini'm thinking at a system that keeps the same DE and settings on all machines at all time16:24
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Oh well it doesn't matter, you use something like nfs/smb to mount the network drives. And then you write a script that syncs all the (wanted) directories.16:24
ovidiu-florinsomething like dropbox, but for my desktop not just my files16:24
mad-leighsorry for not replying til now, was side tracked.16:25
ovidiu-florinit would be a lot easier to just sync my desktop than use remote desktop connection every time16:26
ovidiu-florinand it would almost be like working on the same machine all the time16:27
xixorI would say that things like that sound good in theory, but are difficult in practice16:27
lordievaderxixor: What?16:27
ovidiu-florincan you give me an example why?16:27
xixorsyncing all linux desktop settings and dot-files across multiple machines16:27
lordievaderxixor: It's one command?16:28
DarthFrogxixor:  Unless you have your home directory in the cloud. :-)16:28
lordievader(per machine...)16:28
xixorthe probelm is with differences in configuration.  Lets say you then put it on a 12" laptop, and the keyboard configuration is slightly different16:28
ovidiu-florinDarthFrog: that's exactly what I'm talking about16:28
xixorso now your config on one machine is slightly different16:28
SIR_Tacoor if they're all stationary, and you have a network mounted /home16:28
lordievaderxixor: Ah yes there you are right, but you could track those settings down and put in an exclude for rsync.16:28
DarthFrogovidiu-florin: That's a return to thin-client, fat server computing.  i.e. the Unixen workstations of the 80's.16:29
ovidiu-florinDarthFrog: I haven't heard about that16:29
xixorMy solution is to put my various rc/dot files into a mercurial repository.  .bashrc, .vimrc, .irrsi/config, .xinitrc, and then check them out.  If I need to make a per-machine configuration tweak, then I fork the repository16:30
DarthFrogovidiu-florin:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_client16:30
xixorIt takes about 5 minutes to setup KDE to my liking, so I don't bother syncing the ~/.kde folder16:30
ovidiu-florinit takes about 30 minutes to configure and install my KDE16:31
ovidiu-florinat least*16:31
ovidiu-florinDarthFrog: this is not what I have in mind16:32
xixorwell, installation time shouldn't be added to the 'time' estimate.  Because if you have some sort of complicated settings synchronization, the installation time will still be there16:32
ovidiu-florinyes, but it spears me of tha time standing in front of the computer tweaking16:33
ovidiu-florinDarthFrog: I'm talking about a normal Desktop/Notebook that just sincronises the desktop and applications settings across devices16:33
ovidiu-florinI like xixor's Ideea about forking the settings on each individual machine16:34
PasNoxhi, i would like to create a small service for my ubuntu but i don't really found usefull docs for that. i hve good knowledge of bash script. the probleme is mostly how i can i create the service script so stop / sstart works. and i would like to start before all logging services16:35
PasNoxany hint please?16:35
DarthFrogovidiu-florin:  Well then why not put your home directory on a NAS box and NFS mount it?16:35
xixorovidiu-florin: It's very elegant.  I use bitbucket to store the mercurial repositories16:35
xixorovidiu-florin: It's free, very fast, uses ssh-keys for authentication, and uses git, or mercurial, and allows for unlimited private repositories16:35
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xixorovidiu-florin: all of my source code, latex documents are also in this repository.  My pictures and a bunch of other stuff is in the cloud.  Easy to transfer between computers16:36
ovidiu-florinI have a personal server and sftp for that16:37
xixorI've been thinking of adding an off-site entire partition backup with tar+gz/rsync to an offsite server as well16:37
ovidiu-florinWhat I want is something that can run like a service or an application, and does this automatically, preferably before login, so that all settings apply when I login16:39
lordievaderovidiu-florin: So make a startup script that mounts and syncs.16:40
DarthFrogovidiu-florin:  That's what /etc/rc.local is for.16:40
ovidiu-florinPasNox: hope this helps: http://conscs.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/creating-a-service-in-ubuntu-12-04/16:40
simplewRiddell: ping16:41
simplewyofel: around?16:41
yofelsimplew: yes, but off to dinner, I'll be back in ~half an hour16:41
PasNoxovidiu-florin: thanks u.16:42
simplewyofel: ok16:42
simplewyofel: dinner at this time???16:43
yofelit's almost 6PM?16:43
simplewyofel: exactly16:43
simplewisnt too soon to dinner?16:43
yofelwell, I didn't really have lunch today, that's why16:43
PasNoxovidiu-florin: hm looks like there is nothing special relate to startup like, start before another service etc ?16:44
simplewyofel: ok :)16:44
xixorovidiu-florin: What is the number of unique installations you work on?16:44
DarthFrogPasNox: Startup order is determind by the S# of the script.16:44
ovidiu-florin5 at the moment16:45
DarthFrogPasNox:  i.e S10<scriptname> will be started before S20<scriptname>16:45
PasNoxDarthFrog: hm i'm reading other service script file and it looks there is dedicated content for that too ?16:45
DarthFrogPasNox:  have a look at the files in /etc/rc2.d  They are executed when entering run level 2.16:46
PasNoxDarthFrog: things like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132404616:46
PasNoxok, thanks.16:46
xixorovidiu-florin: between 4 different computers across 2 different time zones, I'm at 11 different installations.  1 OSX, 1 Win8, 3 Win7, 2 Debian, 3 Kubuntu16:47
ovidiu-florinxixor: 5 kubuntu16:48
ovidiu-florinxixor: and seldom 1 xp16:49
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xixorlol, I forgot to add an XP laptop too16:49
xixorwhich is used daily16:50
ovidiu-florinxixor: are you just bragging ? :P16:50
xixorI was actually just curious,  I hadn't added them all up16:50
ovidiu-florinxixor: do you try to close windows on OSX throu the right upper corner of the window? :D16:51
xixorHm.. no, not realy.  cmd+q all the way16:52
ovidiu-florinaaa, keyboard fan16:52
xixorthe only problem I have is going from the macbook pro, to other PC laptops, as the macbook pro's trackpad is sooo nice, that using the Thinkpad or the HP laptops feels like I am using a machine from the stone age16:52
ovidiu-florinxixor: lol16:53
xixordoes KDE support 4 finger gestures I wonder?16:53
SIR_Tacomost OS's have supported 3 finger gestures for quite a while now16:54
ovidiu-florinI plan to buy a MacBook and put Kubutnu on it. Any opinions on that?16:54
udsslayerovidiu-florin: don't16:55
udsslayerovidiu-florin: its a PITA to get it to work properly16:55
ovidiu-florinudsslayer: PITA?16:56
ovidiu-florinudsslayer: oh, got it16:56
udsslayerpain in the a**16:56
ovidiu-florinudsslayer: you only have to do it once16:57
udsslayerbut still...16:57
xixorI tried to use both kubuntu, and debian on my macbook pro... I wouldn't recommend it.  Run the linux in a VM16:57
DarthFrogovidiu-florin: Why not get a notebook/laptop with Ubuntu pre-installed?16:57
xixorwell... if your machine is going to be a stationary machine, hooked up to the same external display all the time, and not being a "mobile" machine, then I think kubuntu/linux might be alright16:57
xixorbut if you want to have a "mobile" laptop, then I would say keep OSX.  Why?  OSX is an *amazing* mobile OS.  Open the lid everything works, close the lid, it hibernates instantly, open it up, wifi, graphics, external devices, all come up, all the hot keys work, battery life is phenomenal, the 4 finger gestures on the trackpad are amazing16:58
DarthFrogxixor: The only trouble with that is it's Apple.16:59
xixorwell the problem with kubuntu is that it's linux16:59
ovidiu-florinDarthFrog: good point16:59
ovidiu-florinxixor: I don't see that as a problem17:00
DarthFrogxixor: And how is that a problem?   <not a snarky question>17:00
xixorLinux is great.  I love deciding which of the dozen forks/half-written pieces of software to choose for any given task17:00
ovidiu-florinsimple, make your own :P17:01
DarthFrogxixor: Ah.  you want someone else to choose for you.  Got it.17:01
xixorovidiu-florin: anyhoo, if I were to buy a mobile machine that was to run linux, then I'd get a system76 machine17:01
PasNoxxixor: i'm working daily on a macpro mahcine.17:01
PasNoxthis thing is all but usable.17:01
SIR_TacoDarthFrog: ;)17:02
PasNoxif my boss would allow me, long time i will have deleted this crappy os.17:02
PasNoxin 2012 an os that does not allow to cut / past files/folders is incredible.17:02
PasNoxbut it's what mac os x is.17:03
PasNoxresizing a windows from everywhere, it's what they finally copied in 2012.17:03
PasNoxwhat an amazing os :)17:03
xixorremember 6 months ago when kubuntu with kde 4.8 couldn't run for more than half a day without crashing?  that was sweet17:03
PasNox4.8 has always been stable for me, even 4.717:04
PasNoxbut before that, i agree kde was not so stable.17:04
PasNoxregarding kubuntu, i admit, looks it's not the best distro for kde.17:04
* PasNox point his eyes to chakra.17:04
ovidiu-florinxixor: never had that problem17:05
ovidiu-florinPasNox: any recommendations?17:05
PasNoxovidiu-florin: recommend kde distrib ? no i will not recommand anyone as i never really use something other than kubuntu until the last years.17:06
PasNoxmandriva was a more bad thing ;)17:06
xixorI like kubuntu17:06
PasNoxi tried chakra recetly i was liking it, but  package systeme rebut me17:06
DarthFrogxixor: So why are you running Linux at all, then?17:06
xixorDarthFrog: my stance is that all operating systems suck17:07
xixorDarthFrog: Some just suck a little bit less at a few things than others17:07
ovidiu-florinxixor: comment to that: I can put my picture on KMenu17:08
DarthFrogxixor:  no disagreement there. :-)17:08
ovidiu-florinxixor: can OSX do that?17:08
xixorDarthFrog: rather than getting evangelical about it, I use OSX, Windows, and Linux on a daily basis, and just choose the best/most appropriate tool for the job17:08
ovidiu-florinxixor: (just a joke, no offence meant)17:09
xixorFor instance, OSX is great for graphics.  I know it's cliche to say it, but supporting native PDF copy and paste between applications is really handy17:09
xixorovidiu-florin: OSX doesn't have a "start" menu the way that windows or KDE has17:09
yofelsimplew: re17:09
BluesKajxixor, wish I had the freetime on the job that you seem to have , when I was still working  :)17:10
DarthFrogxixor: I agree with you: Operating systems are tools, not religious choices.17:10
yofelpeople around here believe that operating systems are religions. Sadly I haven't yet found salvation even though I've been on linux for a few years17:11
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: that reminds me... back to work17:11
yofelif anything it's the OS that annoys me the least17:11
xixorDarthFrog: I've used linux since 1997, with it as my sole installed OS for many years17:11
BluesKajovidiu-florin, :)17:11
DarthFrogxixor:  Linux since 1994.17:12
ovidiu-florinLinux since 2007. :)17:12
SIR_Tacoyofel: every Saturday I sacrifice some old EDO ram to the Linux gods :P17:12
xixorBluesKaj: well, my job is programmer/scientist, and I run my own company.  Choosing the right OS for the job is simply a matter of time savings and/or delivering the best deliverable17:13
yofelthe only EDO DIMM's I have are in theoretically still working IBM boxes that are lying around17:13
yofelcan't get myself to throw them away T_T17:14
SIR_Tacoyofel: in all fairness... the only EDO DIMM I have left is on my keychain ;)17:14
xixorDarthFrog: which distro did you use back then?  I got started with Red Hat 4, then moved onto Debian a year after that17:15
DarthFrogxixor:  I first tried SLS but couldn't install it.  I finally succeeded with Slackware.  I ran Slack until Slack '96 before switching to Red Hat (4.0).  I tried many, many distros. :-)17:17
DarthFrog<-- ex-distro whore.17:18
BluesKajok guys the offtopic cops will interrupt this discussion soon , best to carry this next door to #kubuntu-offtopic17:18
ovidiu-florinLinux since 2007, born in 1991, almost at the same time with Linux :D17:18
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simplewyofel: as i have told ya, i did a kubuntu install, and the problem about running KDE apps from dolphin as root do continue existing, but it continues to run other applications, for example right clicking in a text file and select to open it with libreoffice goes ok, it simply doesnt run KDE apps, says KDEINIT cant open the kde app17:28
yofelwait, give a few minutes to make a VM, I can't debug this as long as it works here17:29
simplewyofel: your running what?17:30
yofelquantal with about ever bit of KDE installed that you can find in the archive17:32
simplewyofel: but seams you didnt a new clean isntall17:33
yofelno, this was installed around 11.04 or so17:34
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borg-queeni am having trouble mounting my windows ntfs drive and fdisk does not see the harddrive either.  I am running kubuntu which is installed on a SATA Raid 5 PCI controller card (no problems here) and I have Windows installed on a seperate physical harddrive (only ntfs partition on it) which is connected to my motherboard's SATA Port.17:46
simplewyofel: yes, so this is a bug that apparently is new to 12.1017:51
BluesKajborg-queen, have you run sudo update-grub on kubuntu since installing it17:53
xixorborg-queen: I have a similar setup, my ntfs drive could be mounted in dolphin without any intervention on my part17:54
xixorborg-queen: I assume you have ntfs-3g installed.  Have you tried looking to see what gparted sees?  Does it show the NTFS disk?17:54
xixorborg-queen: also, does the disk appear in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ?17:55
borg-queenxixor: gparted cannot find it either17:55
SIR_Tacoxixor: does gparted not get its info from fdisk?17:55
xixorSIR_Taco: no idea. I  just like gparted17:55
xixorborg-queen: what about cfdisk?17:55
BluesKajborg-queen,, I hot connected my sata drive and it showed up in dolphin without a reboot17:56
borg-queenxixor: cannot find cfdisk17:56
xixorhm.. ntfs-3g isn't a kernel module.  I'm not sure how to tell if it's working/loaded correctly17:57
SIR_Tacoxixor: no, ntfs-3g is a program that uses the fuse kernel modules17:57
xixorHm... I'm not sure which package cfdisk is in.  if gparted doesn't see it, I don't think that cfdisk will see it either17:57
xixorSIR_Taco: How does one check if it's loaded?  lsmod isn't listing fuse for me.  I haven't had to debug ntfs drive problems in like 5 or 6 years... I don't really know where to go from here17:58
BluesKajborg-queen, run sudo blkid  and sudo update-grub17:58
yofel os-prober won't find it either if fdisk doesn't17:59
BluesKajanyway bbiab ...checking post/mail17:59
yofelborg-queen: you could check 'dmesg' for the disk initialization messages, and check if something's odd there17:59
SIR_Tacoxixor: I do believe that fuse is built-in, not a module18:00
borg-queenBluesKaj: I just ran those... gparted still cannot find18:00
BluesKajborg-queen, close then reopen gparted,18:02
SIR_Tacoxixor: no, sorry... fuse is still a program not a module, my mistake. you'd require 'fuse' fuse-utils' 'libntfs10' 'ntfsprogs' 'ntfs-3g'18:04
xixorSIR_Taco: oic18:04
xixorSIR_Taco: I guess that is the whole "user space" part of the fuse name, eh?18:05
SIR_Tacoxixor: yes18:05
SIR_Tacobut, regardless, if it's not showing up in fdisk, it's nothing to do with those programs18:06
borg-queenyofel: I just looked through dmesg and I am not sure what I am looking for.  I cannot tell what is referring to harddrive identification or something else18:07
xixorI wonder if there is an atapi/ide bios setting involved here?18:07
xixorthough, changing that might wreak havoc with the raid array18:07
yofelborg-queen: for the SATA disk something like this usually: http://paste.kde.org/58793618:08
simplewhave you managed to check?18:09
simplewyofel: managed to check?18:09
yofelVM finished installing, will have it on in a sec18:09
simplewyofel: ok18:09
borg-queenxixor: now one thing to point out regarding my bios...I do have to go to the bios and tell it to change the boot up harddrive between the raid controller and my standalone windows drive to switch between the operating systems18:09
BluesKajbor then you should have grub installed on / in kubuntu so it picks up the windows drive18:11
SIR_Tacoborg-queen: do you have a pci card running your raid drives?18:11
yofelsimplew: bah, lemme do a completely fresh install. I tried to use vmbuilder, which crashed for quantal, so I made a mini-install for precise and upgraded that18:11
yofelsimplew: but now I can open kate fine from dolphin as root :(18:11
simplewyofel: do this, open kcmshell userconfig and add another group to the user18:13
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simplewyofel: and then set sudo with NOPASSWD18:13
simplewthose are the things i did related to the user18:13
borg-queenBluesKaj Xixor yofel: Here is my dmesg output http://paste.kde.org/587942/18:13
yofelok, trying18:14
yofelsimplew: what group did you add?18:14
simplewyofel: let me check18:14
simplewyofel: the group "Use scanners"18:15
yofelbah, userconfig is buggy as hell *-.-18:16
borg-queenBluesKaj Xixor yofel: Essentially I trying to simply copy some files off my Linux drives and paste them on my Window Drive (the files are music, docs, pictures, etc.) and then I am going to wipe the RAID drive clean.  The RAID drives where originally on a seperate computer with this Kubuntu install and Windows was never installed on that box.  That motherboard took a bite and so I just installed the Raid drives/conroller on this18:18
borg-queenbox which does have windows installed on the seperate harddrive18:18
BluesKajdemsg won't tell us much ..what's listed in grub will18:19
xixorborg-queen: Well, if you just want to grab some data, you might try just using explore2fs from windows (http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs).  Not pretty, but it might do what you're after18:19
xixorborg-queen: not sure if it's the best solution for you though.  Might be better to get grub going properly so you can dual boot18:20
yofelBluesKaj: dmesg shows a few IO_ERROR's on the ata devices, but I don't have time to look at this closer ATM18:20
yofelsimplew: ok, bug reproduced o.O18:21
borg-queenxixor: Yea I tried that and it sees most of the Linux files but not the user files in the home partition ???.. I am trying to find grub so I can paste its contents now18:21
simplewyofel: so this problem was caused by adding anew group to the user???18:22
simplewyofel: but i did removed that group and then the problem continued existing18:22
MySystemhello is there a way to change offline audio stream volume because stream is a short sound and then disapears in micxer18:22
eegoreI lost my kwallet password, is there anyway to reset it?18:23
eegorerunning 12.0418:23
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yofelgreat, now I logged out and in again and it works again18:25
simplewyofel: but here logging out doesnt fix the problem18:25
simplewyofel: here i have removed the group again, and theproblem continues exisitng18:26
yofelI think NOPASSWD breaks it18:26
swexhi is there any person whos notification area icons shaking?18:26
yofelwhen it worked just now I had removed NOPASSWD from the admin group which the user was also part of18:26
yofelso... seem like kdesudo needs the password dialog to work properly @_@18:27
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simplewyofel: so this problem is caused by sudo, since xhost sets are like they should be, see /etc/X11/Xsession.d/35x11-common_xhost-local18:29
borg-queenBluesKaj Xixor yofel: OK I just reinstalled Grub and updated it.  Here is my menu.lst file: http://paste.kde.org/587948/    It does not look like it found my WIndows drive either18:29
simplewyofel: but i dont get why in previous kubuntu versions worked ok18:29
simplewyofel: and now doesnt18:29
simplewyofel: anyway ill remove NOPASSWD to see if the problem disappears18:30
simplewloggin out18:30
swexoh sorry for prev, Is anybody have this bug when notification area icons shaking?18:31
simplewyofel: fu*, now dolhpin root runs kde apps fine18:32
simplewyofel: its really caused by NOPASSWD, so how can this be fixed?18:32
SIR_Tacoswex: KDE 4.9.2 ?18:32
yofelno idea? Someone would have to debug this.18:33
swexSIR_Taco: yes!18:33
simplewyofel:  can you comment https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30923318:33
ubottuKDE bug 309233 in general "unable to run kde applications from dolphin as root" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:33
SIR_Tacoswex: there is a bug report submitted, it has been fixed (from what I can tell) and the next update of KDE should address that issue18:34
swexSIR_Taco: can you give me link to this bug? Googling didn't give me anythign18:35
SIR_Tacoswex: yea, give me a minute18:35
yofelsimplew: no, not a KDE bug. kdesudo isn't KDE software. File a bug on Launchpad please18:35
yofelubuntu-bug kdesudo18:36
simplewyofel: but listen this, if i do su -  and run dolphin from there and i have NOPASSWD set, the problem exists, so this isnt realted to kdesudo18:37
xixorkdesudo isn't KDE software?18:37
borg-queenBluesKaj Xixor yofel: have you had a chance to look at my Grub yet?18:37
simplewyofel: this is not related ith kdesudo18:37
swexone more annoying bug: http://www.quakelive.com/forum/showthread.php?28421-(k)ubuntu-12.10-X-input-bug18:38
xixorhm.... interesting.  Does ubuntu sponsor launchpad?18:38
xixorborg-queen: No, sorry18:38
xixorborg-queen: grub scares me18:38
yofelsimplew: I know that at least command line su/do resets the environment, try 'sudo -E'18:38
yofelrunning GUI apps with cli su/do is rally broken18:38
yofelby design though18:38
simplewyofel: i have just uinstalled kdesudo, and im gg to test how it goes18:39
yofelborg-queen: sorry no, how many disks is the system supposed to find again? From what I see it sees 3 (sda, sdb, sdc - each with 1 partition)18:40
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simplewyofel: i have set NOPASSWD again (now that kdesudo was uninstalled) and im gg to logout to test it18:41
yofelthe first 2 are only 4GiB and 1GiB large though. Flash drives?18:41
yofeltry it, kdesu might work18:41
SIR_Tacoswex: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=306992 that's one... can't find the Ubuntu related one, unfortunatley.18:41
ubottuKDE bug 306992 in widget-systemtray "After update to KDE 4.9.1 icons in system tray are blinking and changing their places when changing or rewinding song in Music On Console" [Normal,New]18:41
yofelany luck with kdesu?18:43
simplewyofel: well running dolphin root runs kde apps from it18:43
swexSIR_Taco: thx18:43
borg-queenyofel: There are 4 physical harddrives all together.  3 are setup as a Raid 5, single disk, with 3 partitions (sda, sdb, sdc) using a MegaRaid PCI controller, and then 4th physical drive has windows installed on a NTFS partition directlly connected to one of the SATA ports on my Motherboard18:43
SIR_Tacoswex: it has to do with the Kmix system tray  program... it constantly restarts... some have had success removing the Kmix system tray program18:43
simplewyofel: i dont use to type kdesu or kdesudo to run dolphin as root, i have simply copied /usr/share/Aplications/kde/dolphin.desktop into dolphinsu.desktop and simply add this line X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true   to allow to run dolphin as root18:44
swexSIR_Taco: mb but I need that)18:44
BluesKajborg-queen, I was looking for the output from the command , sudo update-grub ..it's simpler and gives more relevant info18:44
simplewyofel: thats one way to run dolphin as root, but the result is the same as runing it from "kdesu dolpppppphin", or simply "su -" and run dolphin from it18:45
borg-queenBluesKaj: Here you go :)  http://paste.kde.org/587978/18:45
simplewyofel: so as you see i was not using kdesudo to run dolphin root, thats why i said was not related with kdesudo, but now that kdesudo is uninstalled the problem is also gone, so yes, the problem is related with kdesudo18:46
simplewyofel: xiii, kdesudo uninstall also uninstalled muon, how can this be possible?!?18:47
yofelkdesudo has to set a bunch of things to make the applications still work, I would guess that something of that is tied to the UI, which never opens if you don't need a password18:47
yofelbut I'm really clueless here18:47
simplewhow the hell one has put muon dependant on kdesudo?!18:48
simplewthis is really bad packagement18:48
yofellibmuonprivate1 depends on kdesudo18:49
yofeldon't ask me why18:49
yofelit doesn't even use it18:49
simplewyofel: can you show me that?18:49
yofel(the person responsible for muon does know what he's doing that though)18:49
BluesKajborg-queen, that's pretty old kernel and install , 8.04 is EOL ...i wonder if an upgrade to the next LTS with new grub version wouldn't pick up your windows drive18:50
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yofelsimplew: http://paste.kde.org/587990 see kdesudo in the depends18:50
BluesKaj!EOL |  borg-queen18:50
ubottuborg-queen: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:50
simplewyofel: this was add by the packager18:51
yofelBluesKaj: hardy isn't EOL on servers till April 201318:51
simplewyofel: like i said, bad packagement18:51
simplewmuon doesnt need kdesudo to run18:51
yofelwell, no18:52
simplewyofel: some packager did add this required: phonon, kdesudo, software-properties-kde    and this is WRONG; muon doesnt need that to run18:52
yofelbut it depends on software-properties-kde, which needs it and doesn't depend on it18:52
yofelso... workaround I assume -.-18:52
simplewyofel: it could be addded as recommends but never as requires18:52
yofellet's just ask jt18:52
BluesKajyofel, ok , I guess i missed something ..didn't see anything about it being a server version18:53
simplewyofel: jt?18:53
yofel-> -devel18:53
borg-queenBluesKaj: yea I was hoping not do have to do that since I was going to wipe it afterwords... Do you think I should plug my windows drive into my open SATA port on the RAID controller since kubuntu sees the RAid controller?18:53
yofelBluesKaj: all releases have multiple desktop, and a server edition. While KDE3 is EOL since long ago, the server edition is still supported18:54
BluesKajborg-queen, sata is hot pluggable18:54
BluesKajI mknow servers are 5yrs yofel , i just din't see anything about borg-queen's install being a server18:55
simplewyofel:  whois jt18:55
yofelsimplew: JontheEchidna18:55
simplewyofel: can you ask him to fix that?18:56
BluesKajborg-queen, is your install aserver edition ?18:56
yofelsimplew: calm down, let's first figure out what really needs to be done here before just running through the wall18:57
borg-queenBluesKaj: the original computer that the RAID controller was plugged into was, but not this one... so I would have to shutdown18:58
simplewyofel: yes but that also needs to be fixed, those requires are simply wrong and are triggering software to be wrongly unistalled when one wants to just uninstall kdesudo18:58
simplewyofel: they need to be set as recommends, not as requires18:59
borg-queenBluesKaj: I think I can set it up as a stand alone logical drive, though I self taught so I am not sure but I saw a setting earlier for this when I was looking at the RAID controllers BIOS18:59
simplewyofel: and phonon shouldnt even be set as recommends since its already triggereeeeed by other main packages, and muon is not in any way needing phonon19:00
yofeluh, actually it does need it for something I believe19:00
borg-queenBluesKaj: If I am not mistaken I would set it up as RAID 0 as a new logical drive and it should not delete any content????19:01
simplewyofel: phonon its for sound, package management does not need sound19:01
simplewwhat a mess19:01
yofelit might need it to suggest audio plugins from gstreamer if they're needed19:02
simplewyofel: but those cant be realted with muon19:02
yofelthings depend more on each other than you seem to realize19:02
BluesKajborg-queen, how many drives are we dealing with on the raid array ?19:02
simplewyofel: its not the case19:02
BluesKajborg-queen, HDDs that is , not partitions19:03
yofelsimplew: ok, so, about kdesudo again: muon needs kdesudo to open software-properties-kde, without kdesudo the menu entry to do that doesn't work it seems19:04
* yofel goes testing that19:04
[GuS]Hi guys. I want to know if current amarok (2.6.0) can sync with and iPod 4G ? i've connected it and doesn't do anything19:04
yofelsimplew: yup, requires kdesudo19:05
simplewyofel: it should be as recommends, unisntall kdesudo should not trigger muon to also be uninstalled19:05
SIR_Taco[GuS]: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:IPod19:05
borg-queenBluesKaj: The RAID 5 array has 3 HDDs that have this Kubuntu installation and the filed I need (plugged into a PCI MegaRaid controller -i have one spare SATA port), and my windows HDD is currently plugged directly into the first SATA port on my motherboard19:05
yofelsimplew: not even if removing kdesudo breaks a menu entry in muon?19:05
yofel(yes, that justifies a dependency usually)19:06
simplewyofel: what menu entry?19:06
yofelSettings->Configure Software Sources - in the Software Center19:06
yofeldoes nothing without kdesudo19:06
simplewyofel: other distros that dont use sudo they dont need kdesudo, and they do have muon, just think on that19:06
yofeland which ones are that?19:07
[GuS]SIR_Taco: already saw that page19:07
simplewseverall distros that dont use sudo, mageia, fedora, suse19:07
[GuS]ahh no... thats new19:07
[GuS]i saw one very old19:07
yofelsimplew: well, we on our hand can't use SU by default19:07
[GuS]SIR_Taco: thanks, i will look at it19:07
yofelsimplew: so we're stuck with something that uses sudo19:07
heathjshey guys, any idea on how to get a list of flags a package was compiled with?19:08
simplewyofel: yes but it should exist as recommends to not trigger other apps to be uninstalled that dont really need kdesudo to run19:08
simplewyofel: but im still confued to what your referring to a menu entry19:09
yofelsimplew: lemme re-read the relevant section of the debian policy just to make sure I'm not talking nonsense here19:09
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  care to clarify what you are seeking?19:09
heathjsdpkg-buildflags --dump isn't quite what i'm looking for, i'm looking to see if vim was compiled with the --with-features=big19:09
simplewyofel: what software center?19:09
yofelkickoff -> computer -> Muon Software Center (or muon-installer as command)19:10
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  you could probably dig up the makefile from the source package, but i'll do that work for you if you want19:10
* TheLordOfTime is digging around other packages' source now anyways19:10
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  which version of the operating system?19:10
heathjsTheLordOfTime: if you care to tell me how you do it, that's what i'm really after, so i don't have to rely on someone helping me next time :)19:11
simplewyofel: i dont have that19:11
yofeldidn't you just uninstall muon?19:11
heathjsyofel: myself?19:11
* TheLordOfTime digs around in the source package19:11
yofelheathjs: sorry, was meant for simplew19:11
simplewyofel: yes but i did installed it back19:11
yofelthen install muon-installer, it's installed by default but was removed too19:12
simplewah yes Muon Software Center, its simply muon, not muon-installer19:12
simplewyofel: so what that menu entry has to do with kdesudo?19:12
yofelsettings -> configure software sources19:12
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  for the record: TINYFLAGS+=--with-features=small19:12
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  the quantal version is compiled with the --with-features=small system19:13
SIR_Tacojust call him the Doctor19:13
simplewyofel: thats inside muon? im really failing to understand what you mean19:13
* heathjs is already well on his way to compiling a custom version19:13
heathjsthanks TheLordOfTime19:13
yofelsimplew: did you run muon-installer or muon?19:13
yofelit's not in muon19:13
BluesKajborg-queen, so grub is installed on the kubuntu drive. If you still have the live-cd , you can reinstall grub using it and once booted into the live-cd , open a terminal and do, sudo grub-install /dev/sdX , X being the designated letter given to the drive it resides on.19:13
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  i went to the source package page on Launchpad (https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim)19:13
yofelor wait19:13
yofel it is19:14
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  then i went into the code branch for Quantal19:14
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  then i hit 'Browse Code', and then went to debian/19:14
yofelsimplew: just open your software sources settings19:14
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  then i read the rules file19:14
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  which is where the build rules usually lurk in19:14
yofelsimplew: then run 'sudo dpkg -r --force-depends kdesudo' in konsole and try again19:14
BluesKajborg-queen, reinstalling grub should pickup the windows drive19:14
simplewi did runned "pat-get install muon" to have muon back, currently theres no binary named muon-installer19:14
yofelsimplew: just use muon19:14
simplewok im in muon, and now?19:15
yofelclick on settings, then on configure software sources19:15
simplewok im on it19:15
yofelgood, it opened right?19:16
simplewyofel: yes, but with muon, as you know kdesudo is also isntalled19:16
yofelnow run this in konsole: sudo dpkg -r --force-depends kdesudo19:16
yofeland try again19:16
heathjsmake --with-features=big doesn't seem to be a thing you can do19:16
* heathjs tinkers19:16
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  you can if you fork the package19:16
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  any reason you want it to be built with --with-features=big ?19:17
simplewyofel: i did but nothing new was isntalled19:17
TheLordOfTimethere's probably a good reason its not as taht :P19:17
borg-queenBluesKaj: ok let me give that a try19:17
yofelsimplew: -r is remove19:17
heathjsTheLordOfTime: the powerline plugin requires it19:17
simplewyofel: ah yes19:17
borg-queenBluesKaj: Thank you for your help :)19:17
yofelsimplew: and --force-depends tells dpkg to ignore and dependency issues19:17
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  i can fork the package and dump it into a PPA for you if you want19:17
heathjsdo you have to fork it?19:17
simplewyofel: ok im gg to try now19:17
heathjshg clone isn't sufficient?19:17
heathjsi don't mind building it locally19:17
* TheLordOfTime doesn't know what that command would do :P19:18
yofelsimplew: looking at the debian-policy, it's a borderline thing. It's needed, but doesn't really provide a major part of the functionality19:18
heathjsTheLordOfTime: if you build it, i'm curious which commands you used to successfully build it19:18
simplewyofel: yes in fac that doesnt apppear anymore since kdesudo was uninstalled19:18
yofelsimplew: so what I see here that you can do: file a bug about the kdesudo issue with 'ubuntu-bug kdesudo', then file another one with 'ubuntu-bug muon' about the dependency19:19
yofelthen we can continue from there19:19
yofeljust talking here won't get anything "fixed"19:19
simplewyofel: indeed :)19:19
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  we should continue this discussion in #kubuntu-offtopic, to leave support for here and our ramblings separate19:19
simplewyofel: could you show me that you wwwwwere reading about debian policy19:19
TheLordOfTimeyofel:  speaking of debian packaging policy, got a link to those?19:20
yofelsimplew: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps19:20
heathjsmake -j5 TINYFLAGS+=--with-features=big19:21
TheLordOfTimeheathjs:  nope19:21
TheLordOfTimewell that'd *workU*19:21
TheLordOfTime*work* *19:21
TheLordOfTimebut i'd actually change the packaging parameters itself19:21
TheLordOfTimemakes for an easier fork :P19:21
yofelTheLordOfTime: I think you can work things out from ^ :)19:21
simplewyofel: i need to set some flags to the kernel module of my wifi card, it there a GUI for that?19:21
TheLordOfTimeyofel:  yup, thanks.19:22
yofelsimplew: not that I know of19:22
yofelbut I never looked for one either19:22
simplewyofel: in mageia theres a gui that allows to control alal system options, like it also exists in opensuse...19:22
yofelsimplew: well, we hvae a KCM for grub2 settings, but I'm not sure if there's one for generic module parameters19:26
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yofelsounds like something that would be nice to have (not sure if installed by default)19:26
Guest12553hi all19:27
simplewyofel: no, thats just for grub2 parameters, and deosnt allow to change many things19:28
simplewyofel: after i create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ i just need to modprobe the module, right?19:29
yofelwell, that's the only thing that got packaged19:29
yofelyeah, should work like that19:29
simplewyofel: my mouse has been stoping without any apparent reason, is there any bug reports about?19:34
yofelfirst time I hear about that one19:36
yofelunless X froze19:36
simplewyofel: the mouse stops working if i change the ips parameter on my realtek wifi card...19:39
yofelwell, if dmesg and the X log don't show and error I'm clueless19:40
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ubottuGuest41679: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:51
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uneivihi, everybody. I want to know where are the amarok track progress icons, does somebody know?20:41
simplewyofel: i have found the REAL problem and have fixed it, now is possible to run kde apps from dolphin root20:46
simplewyofel: wana know what the real problem was?20:47
simplewyofel: still kdesudo still needs a fix in the source code...20:47
SIR_Tacosimplew: if you explain it, it may be useful to others aswell20:49
yofelsimplew: sure, but do still file a bug and explain it there as well20:52
yofelgreat, floodbots are crazy again20:52
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
simplewyofel: its like this, if in /etc/sudoers i change the %sudo line to ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL    it will not be possible to run kde apps from dolphin root, but if instead i change it to ALL= NOPASSWD: ALL     then will be possible to run kde apps from dolphin root21:05
lordievaderikonia: You around? FloodBots are flooding, ironically enough.21:05
yofelsimplew: ...21:05
simplewso kdesudo isnt able to understand the format if theres no space between =  and NOPASSWD21:06
simplewyofel: understand now?21:06
yofelyeah, parsing bug21:06
simplewyofel: indeed21:06
simplewyofel: where the apropriated place to create the bug report?21:07
yofelsimplew: do you have a launchpad account yet?21:08
yofelyou'll need one21:08
simplewyofel: yes i have21:08
yofelok, then please run 'ubuntu-bug kdesudo' in konsole21:09
yofeland follow the instructions21:09
PasNox_Hi, i'm tryiong to add dependencies of my service, and look for good documentation on the Required-Start keyword, any hint please ?21:11
PasNox_where i'm supposed to gett the service name to add ?21:11
simplewyofel: what title i should give to the bug report21:24
yofelgood question21:24
yofel"Wrong parsing of sudoers permission definition" maybe?21:26
simplewyofel: how about: unable to recognise formattation if space isnt provide21:27
SIR_Tacobetter than brokey no worky21:28
yofelsimplew: Unable to recognise permission format if space is missing21:28
simplewyofel: yes, that appears better21:29
yofelSIR_Taco: I would have to look at the bugs that I marked invalid, but I do believe there was at least one that contained 2x "Doesn't Work"21:29
yofeldoesn't happen as much these days though21:30
SIR_Tacoyofel: Back in my tech days... when we got bored and it was obviously a circuit problem... (the receiving end wouldn't understand a circuit problem unfortunately)... we'd just say "brokey no worky"  :P21:32
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger21:33
yofelsorry for the ping, but would one of you guys be kind enough to make the Floodbots shut up?21:33
yofelThanks in advance21:34
simplewyofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdesudo/+bug/107415921:38
L3topyofel: the floodbot exists for a reason. If someone has to pipe down... it is not the bot. Don't call a channel emergency because you don't "like" the guidelines.21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1074159 in kdesudo (Ubuntu) "Unable to recognise sudoers permission format if space is missing" [Undecided,New]21:38
=== Kvakz is now known as Kvaks
yofelL3top: ok, sorry. I was referring to the constant mode changes they've been doing for a while now21:39
L3topah... misunderstood... you can disable entrance/leave notification you know...21:40
yofelthat would've been an option too, yeah -.-21:40
yofelsorry again21:40
axolotlGreetings all. Just installed kubuntu 12.10 on an old desktop, very impressed. Haven't used KDE for years21:48
axolotlCan't get Flash working though; worked on old xubuntu 12.04 install. Any ideas?21:49
L3topnvidia card?21:49
axolotlDefinitely installed, shows as Firefox plugin. Rekonq crashes on Flash page21:49
axolotlYes, 6600GT AGP21:49
L3toplspci -nn | grep VGA21:49
axolotlL3top> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600 GT] [10de:00f1] (rev a2)21:49
axolotltried old FX5200 too, both nouveau and nvidia drivers21:50
axolotltried Flash-Aid Firefox plugin to no avail21:50
=== Kvaks is now known as Kvakz
axolotlL3top: why the question? Is there a known issue? System is 32-bit i386 (Athlon XP2400+)21:56
simplewaxolotl: what notebook is that21:56
axolotlIt's not a notebook, it's a desktop21:56
simplewaxolotl: what you mean by "System is 32-bit i386 (Athlon XP2400+)"21:57
L3topThere is always an issue with nvidia and flash... I believe it might be rooted in that flash no longer uses acceleration, it may still be selected by default... so... I would try and check that... but that is a total guess. I am on LTS without issue.21:58
axolotlsimplew: I was asking about Flash not working and L3top asked if it was an NVIDIA card in the machine. I was adding a bit more detail as I know there have been 64-bit problems with Flash.21:58
axolotlL3top: thanks, have tried with and without in /etc/adobe/mms.cfg21:58
=== david is now known as Guest25392
L3topaxolotl: which driver did you install or how22:02
axolotlL3top: didn't work with out-of-box 12.10 nouveau or jockey-installed nvidia-current22:02
L3topaxolotl: what is the output of apt-cache policy nvidia-updates | grep stalled22:04
L3topaxolotl: what is the output of apt-cache policy nvidia-updates | grep andid22:04
axolotlL3Top: no nvidia-updates; for nvidia-current, I get "Candidate: 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu1"22:06
L3topaxolotl: what is the output of apt-cache policy nvidia-current-updates | grep andid         sorry22:06
axolotlL3top: 304.51-0ubuntu122:07
L3topI would wait for other advice before I took my own in this case.22:08
L3topYou are going to have to try different drivers or downgrade your flash to test I believe. I downgrade flash to the last version with accel... but... that is probably not the preferred answer. I would just test things. Uninstall nvidia-current and go for nvidia-current-upgrades... in case it happens to deal with your issue...  (but then I find apt-get faster than reading boring old changelogs.22:10
axolotlL3top: thanks for your help. I think I've tried most things except a Flash downgrade; and nvidia-173 is not installable on 12.10 at the moment.22:12
L3topI could give you 260-glx if you wanted...22:14
L3topthat will install...22:15
axolotlL3top: thanks for the offer, but I can do without Flash if it means hacking old non-repository GPU drivers in.22:20
keithzgAny ideas about how to surpress or solve the "WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /home/user/.cache/keyring-blahblah: No such file or directory" messages when using programs like virsh and virt-manager?22:42
keithzgNo ideas? I'll try adding KDE to the OnlyShowIn= line in /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop, see if that does the trick.22:49

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