
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
odin_hello, how do I make a recipie again... I'm sure there was a dialog in the web UI for it04:24
wgrantodin_: You'll find a link on the branch page04:25
wgrant"Create packaging recipe"04:25
odin_ah yes thanks found it, I really should get a launchpad expert to look over out project to explain how to clean it up better04:31
odin_how do we get old PPAs properly deleted?04:31
odin_2 are greyed out, and 2 others can be removed, to keep just the 104:32
wgrantIt's not currently possible to entirely get rid of a PPA. The history of a deleted PPA remains visible to the owner.04:32
odin_in bzr is it possible to point a branch at the current commit without commiting anything, "bzr push --create-prefix" action seems to make a new commit number04:36
odin_I use pristine upstream in / and then overlay launchpad project into /debian04:37
wgrantbzr push doesn't commit04:37
wgrantwgrant@lamuella:/tmp/a$ bzr push /tmp/b04:38
wgrantCreated new branch.04:38
wgrantwgrant@lamuella:/tmp/a$ bzr revno04:38
wgrantwgrant@lamuella:/tmp/a$ bzr revno ../b04:38
odin_I have a script that edits the debian overlay files, and does a push per Ubuntu release to its own branch (containing just /debian/**)04:38
odin_the I can respin my project on all ubuntu releases04:39
wgrantpush pushes the latest commit. You can't push uncommitted changes04:39
odin_ok maybe no is not the best time for me to look properly..  have pushed a packaging fix (filename changed), and added raring target, no I just wait one test builds on raring/quantal04:41
odin_before manually starting older versions building04:41
odin_actuall I look at commit log and it is only doing new commit id for when files changes, so to cover 8 Ubuntu releases there are 4 commits (as many recent ubuntu all share common control files)04:42
odin_ok thanks for help I updated things and I look back tomorrow to check it04:47
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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hrwis there a way to get download statistics for PPA?15:01
jpdshrw: Yes.15:01
hrwjpds: how?15:02
hrwI would like to see were some of my packages used by someone before I will drop any kind of support for those15:02
jpdshrw: Comment #66: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/13985515:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 139855 in Launchpad itself "Display stats about PPA usage" [Low,Fix released]15:02
hrwworks great15:06
hrwhave a nice day15:06
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
aboudreaultI have packageX in my PPA. This packageX has a dependency packageY, which is not in my PPA, but only in official ubuntu repo.15:57
aboudreaultI'm upgrading a package in my PPA: packageZ. This packageZ is a dependency of packageY, which is not in my PPA.15:58
aboudreaulthow should we handle this?15:58
aboudreaultI mean... users of my ppa  will try to install packageX, this will install packageY (ubuntu repo) then packageZ (PPA), since it is higher in version15:59
aboudreaultbut the packageY will be broken. isn't it?15:59
aboudreaultlooks like  math school problem :)16:00
maxbaboudreault: Why will packageY be broken?16:03
maxbAre you saying packageY will break if the version of packageZ is too new16:03
aboudreaultmaxb, it has be built with packageZ version 4.7, and my PPA has the same package version 4.816:04
aboudreaultwell.. because of the ABI16:04
maxbI guess you will need to supply an updated packageY too then16:04
aboudreaultok, that's what I thought.. but wasn't sure.16:05
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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=== io-non-esisto is now known as mapreri

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