
Unit193ivan__: In theory, yes.  The liquorix kernels aren't supported either, and after you install you'd have to use Ubuntu kernels until you fully update as the liquorix kernels don't work on 12.04.00:30
ivan__Unit193: I've just finished to install 12.04 and now is installing the updates, after it'll go with the dist-upgrade.... after it'll finish, before reboot, I'll have to install liquorix, right? as if I reboot it'll load the new kernel and show that it can't boot (or maybe I'll be able to load the old one from grub and boot anyway..)00:34
Unit193dist-upgrade isn't a release upgrade, that would be do-release-upgrade.00:41
ivan__mmm...yeah... so after the do-release-upgrade, should I reboot and then install it, or install it before?00:43
Unit193You'll have to have a non-PAE kernel before you boot a new system.00:45
ivan__so I'll install liquorix before the final reboot... ;)00:45
Unit193It also shouldn't remove your 3.2 kernel.00:46
frankcox777anyone good at dialup02:26
frankcox777anyone alive02:29
frankcox777anyone good at dialup02:34
frankcox777anyone alive02:38
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artdriverhi, по русски говарящие есть?11:29
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:30
lubHi everyone!19:14
=== lub is now known as Guest21252
Guest21252I have a problem with battery icon19:15
Guest21252and it's that the icon doesn't display.19:16
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:20
Unit193Guest21252: The application is xfce4-power-manager, try restarting it.  Think there is a bug with some icons.19:24
Guest21252thanks Unit19319:28
Guest21252it works right now19:30
mpavelhey guys, I just did a fresh install after 4, 5 attempts - in the end I had to boot from live CD again and do the Boot Repair thing. Install kept crashing for some reason. Anyway, got it working partially, but now I have ONLY guest account to login :(21:13
mpavelis there any way to force adding a user to the system? under guest I have no sudo or anything and I'm new to this situation ...21:14
tatawhat is "debugging symbols" in video driver on my lubuntu 12.0421:23
EvilAngelis it possible to add programs to my downloaded lubuntu iso-files?21:23
Oe_edenI run 12.4 and regulary keep up with updates but now sudo apt-get upgrade wants to install 127MB of archives (including apt) does this mean that my lubuntu wants to upgrade to 12.1021:44
URABALABOOM127MB is far from 12.1021:45
Oe_edenhmm all my repos in /etc/apt/sources.list are precise repos21:46
Oe_edenso it cant be an upgrade right?21:46
URABALABOOMyou're the one who sees the list of application being updated21:46
Oe_edenyes I wont spam the channel with that list but it seemed longer than usual21:47
Oe_edenso I got suspicious :)21:47
Oe_edenalso because apt itself was in there21:47
URABALABOOMapt is quite far from perfect, it needs updates too21:48
Oe_edenIm running the upgrade now, its probably fine21:50
Oe_edeni didnt know ubuntu hosted their own pastebin... nice!21:51
Oe_edenstill good: DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS"21:54
EvilAngeldoes anyone know why VLC isn't included in lubuntu?22:09
Oe_edenbecause gnome mplayer is22:09
EvilAngelthat program sucks22:10
Oe_edenwell I thought so to at first but it does the job nicely22:10
Oe_edenand it has a small(er) memory footprint than vlc (thats probably why it is in lubuntu)22:11
Oe_edenbut apt-get install vlc is easy enough22:11
EvilAngelbut I run lubuntu as a livecd22:12
EvilAngeland I need vlc to be included in the livecd22:13
EvilAngelI also miss a program called xchat in lubuntu22:13
Oe_edenhow are you chatting right now :)22:14
EvilAngelI'm using windows 722:14
Unit193!usb | Use the second22:14
ubottuUse the second: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:14
Unit193Or if you'd rather, not hard to respin Lubuntu to meet your needs.22:15
EvilAngelwhy do linuxpeople ALWAYS say that doing things is easy when it's not?22:18
Oe_edenlinuxpeople <3 :)22:19
Oe_edenit sort of it though22:19
Oe_edenbut 1000 distros = 1000 opinions22:20
EvilAngelall I want is to create a lubuntu livecd with vlc included22:22
Oe_edenmaybe the easier path to pick out another distro that has that22:24
EvilAngelMint has both vlc and xchat but lubuntu is faster and it includes google chrome22:28
Oe_edenchromium you mean :)22:32
Oe_edenI think Mint also includes chromium22:33
Oe_edenand Mint with XFCE is pretty fast too22:33
Oe_eden(dont kick me)22:33
EvilAngelxfce is horrible22:37
Unit193!remaster | Oe_eden22:37
ubottuOe_eden: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility22:37
Oe_edenthank you Unit193 I will check that out22:38
EvilAngelyeah thnx ubottu22:40

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