
=== nveitch is now known as veryevilnveitch
=== veryevilnveitch is now known as slightlylessevil
=== mcclurmc is now known as mcclurmc_away
jtvjam: thanks for the lint review — I was going to do that myself once I'd eyeballed the lint.  I guess I didn't claim it in time.  :)11:02
=== mcclurmc_away is now known as mcclurmc
=== mcclurmc is now known as mcclurmc_away
=== mcclurmc_away is now known as mcclurmc
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=== dpb_ is now known as Guest15779
rvbaroaksoax: I'm running the image downloading script in the daily package and I'm getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1323535/ .  Does it ring a bell?13:34
roaksoaxrvba: yeah they seems to have moved the image13:38
roaksoaxDaviey: ^^13:38
roaksoaxDaviey: did you remove the squashfs from cdimage to releases?13:38
roaksoaxDaviey: can we temporarily have it back until we SRU the fix to use releases instead?13:38
rvbaroaksoax: When I open the link in my browser it works fine.13:39
roaksoaxrvba: it doens't work for me13:43
rvbaWeird, wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com//ubuntu-server/daily/current/quantal-server-amd64.squashfs13:44
roaksoaxrvba: The requested URL /ubuntu-server/daily/current/quantal-server-amd64.squashfs was not found on this server.13:44
rvbaroaksoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1323571/13:45
roaksoaxrvba: maybe some kind of dns/storage issue13:45
roaksoaxrvba: maybe they have mirrors being loadbalanced and one doesn'y have all the files?13:46
roaksoaxrvba: routing problem?13:46
roaksoaxrvba: this seems to be a server issue13:47
=== mcclurmc is now known as mcclurmc_away
=== mcclurmc_away is now known as mcclurmc
=== mcclurmc is now known as mcclurmc_away
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
cr3hi folks! how can I configure an installed maas instance with my own power templates directory as ultimately returned by app_or_default().conf.POWER_TEMPLATES_DIR16:32
cr3I tried to add POWER_TEMPLATES_DIR=/my/path to /etc/maas/maas_local_celeryconfig.py, but my template is not being called and the default one is being called instead16:33
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara

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