
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
LordOfTimedlbike76, which bug?03:20
* LordOfTime has some but not all of the scrollbacks03:20
dlbike76bug 107305903:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1073059 in lxtask (Ubuntu) "Can not sort tasks by User Name (UNAME)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107305903:21
LordOfTimeshould point out that just because upstream accepted it doesn't mean its reached the Ubuntu packages03:21
* LordOfTime looks at the bug03:21
LordOfTimeit won't get into Precise which the bug is against without an SRU03:22
LordOfTimedid this occur in Quantal as well?03:22
LordOfTimeor have you not checked?03:22
dlbike76I've looked at the code and the code wasn't changed upstream until today.03:23
LordOfTimeso then its not in Precise, QUantal, or Raring.03:23
* LordOfTime briefly disappears to commune with an SRU team member03:23
dlbike76the problem occured in precise03:24
dlbike76and i pulled down the quantal/raring version of the code to verify that it hadn't been fixed before submitting a patch upstream.03:24
LordOfTimeto the best of my knowledge, it'd need fixing in Raring, then Quantal, then Precise03:25
LordOfTimebut lemme check on that03:25
LordOfTime(hence my pinging my SRU contact)03:25
dlbike76The patched version has landed upstream, so it will eventually be fixed in raring, but not quantal or precise without an SRU.03:26
LordOfTimeisnt that what I said?03:27
LordOfTimethe chain of "fixes" is CurrentDevel -> CurrentRelease -> EarlierThanCurrentReleases03:27
LordOfTimeat least that's how i've got the understanding03:27
LordOfTimeso in this case, it'd be Raring -> Quantal -> Precise03:28
LordOfTimenow, i've nominated the bug against all 3, but i'll have to wait for a more godly user to set that on the bugs.03:28
dlbike76My question was mainly about whether the status would automatically change in launchpad since I had linked the upstream (sourceforge) tracker.03:29
dlbike76My understanding was that it would change to fix-released -- at least that's what I thought was supposed to happen.03:30
LordOfTimeit'll change for Raring03:31
LordOfTimewhen/if it hits Raring's repos03:32
LordOfTime(it will probably end up in Debian first)03:32
LordOfTimeas for upstream, i'm not sure how LP detects SourceForge bug statuses03:32
LordOfTimeit may not change there.03:32
LordOfTimein the mean time, i've nominated the bug for Precise, Quantal, and Raring.03:32
LordOfTimeso Raring will show fix released when its fixed there...03:32
LordOfTime(it may not, so i'll keep a bit of a watch there)03:32
LordOfTimeand Precise/Quantal will change once its SRU'd03:33
LordOfTimeafter I see the fix in Raring, i'll see if I can't help you on the SRU (you'll be called upon for the testing :P03:33
dlbike76thank you03:34
* LordOfTime goes back to beating on the code for a few other packages03:36
LordOfTimebleh, stupid php5 still not working with my custom module, in my custom form03:37
* LordOfTime shrugs, throws the module into /dev/null03:37
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
vibhavCan anybody nominate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grace/+bug/1068095 for precise?12:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1068095 in grace (Debian) "grace produces mangled svg" [Unknown,New]12:38
TheLordOfTimevibhav, does this happen in quantal and raring too?12:39
TheLordOfTimevibhav, if it occurs in Quantal i can mark that as well12:39
* TheLordOfTime saw about Raring being fixed12:40
vibhavTheLordOfTime: Yes, it is reproduced on quetzal12:52
TheLordOfTimei'll nominate for both12:53
TheLordOfTimesince the "backporting" on that would be R -> Q -> P12:53
TheLordOfTimedone, just wait for someone to get around to actually approving the nomination of the bug12:53
vibhavTheLordOfTime: any idea what can the impact be?13:04
TheLordOfTimeimpact of...?13:04
TheLordOfTimeare you SRUing or backporting?13:04
vibhavDont know13:05
vibhavprobably, an sru will work13:05
TheLordOfTimethe suggestion was backports, not SRus13:05
TheLordOfTimewas it a version bump or do you have targetted patches?13:05
TheLordOfTimeif its the first, backport.13:05
TheLordOfTimeif its patches or targetted code changes, either will do13:05
vibhavThere is a ptach for it, though13:05
* TheLordOfTime looks13:05
TheLordOfTimecan you attach a patch file?13:06
* TheLordOfTime hates copy-pasting patches13:06
TheLordOfTimeand i'm damned lazy today and don't want to write a patch myself :P13:06
vibhavsame here, Im supposed to be studying :P13:07
TheLordOfTimei'm in class right now :p13:07
vibhavAnyways, nominating would do it. I can have a look at it later13:08
TheLordOfTimei've nominated it, if you need someone to create debdiffs, i can try and make the patch while i'm at it and add the DEP3 tags13:09
vibhavgo ahead :)13:09
TheLordOfTimei'll wait :p13:09
* TheLordOfTime yawns and returns to coding13:09
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== tiagohillebrandt is now known as tiagoscd
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== io-non-esisto is now known as mapreri
kmicutwo monitors + usb sound card + ubuntu 12.10 = crackling,popping sounds all the way. But with only one monitor problem is gone.21:55
kmicuwhen I open Dash, noise frequency increase21:58

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