
jonocprofitt, yikes, 30 hours00:07
cprofittyeah... that is why we ende up with the c-section00:10
cprofittshe was way to tired to go through normal labor00:11
cprofittI was tired too, but did not have to endure the pain she was going through00:12
JanCjono: papayas should work00:14
jonoJanC, really?00:14
jonocprofitt, indeed00:14
jonothere is a pizza in our town called the Prego Pizza00:14
jonoshe tried that last night00:14
jononada baby so far00:14
JanCjono: actually, papayas might not be a good idea, I'm not an MD (and self-medicating is probably not a good idea)00:21
JanCjono: also, the computed "due date" is in the middle of a period that stretches up to 2 weeks to either side, as you probably know  ☺00:23
jonoheading back home from coffee shop00:23
jonoJanC, indeed00:23
jonoour baby is at term so if he comes a little early, that is fine00:23
jonomom is just getting a bit too uncomfortable00:23
jonoshe is a small woman with a big bump :-)00:23
jonothanks, folks00:23
jonoback soon00:23
stochasticHi, I've gone ahead and made an Ubuntu network for anyone interested in participating in Movember this year and wanting to do so with other fellow Ubuntu-ites http://ca.movember.com/mospace/network/Ubuntu02:37
stochasticPlease feel free to publicize this great cause02:37
stochasticand sign up yourselves02:37
stochasticthis community is predominantly male afterall02:37
Tm_Tvery good morning everyone07:26
knomemorning sunshine!07:27
knomehad breakfast already?07:27
Tm_Tan hour ago07:29
Tm_Tor so07:29
Tm_Tsunshine (=07:29
knomei'll go get grab some myself then07:30
knomesee you later07:30
stochasticI realize now I posted my announcement (and this is probably the best place for said announce) at a time when everyone at UDS was sleeping.08:13
stochasticso I'm going to re-post (please forgive me if this is poor taste)08:13
stochasticHi, I've gone ahead and made an Ubuntu network for anyone interested in participating in Movember this year and wanting to do so with other fellow Ubuntu-ites http://ca.movember.com/mospace/network/Ubuntu08:14
stochasticPlease feel free to publicize this great cause08:14
stochasticand sign up yourselves08:14
czajkowskistochastic: hy not post it to UDS annouce and loco contacts08:14
stochasticwhere do I do that?08:14
stochasticthanks czajkowski will do.08:18
doctormonWhy do I feel like the website rules are disrespectful to the community; it feels like they're based on the premise that we let _anyone_ edit _anything_ because community means _everyone_. The rules seem to lack understanding that the community is not anarchy.08:37
czajkowskidoctormon: I dont  think thats helpful, nor saying it in a channel that isnt all tuned into the session tbh08:38
doctormonczajkowski: I don't expect to be helpful, I'm typing words and helping myself to some stress relief.08:39
* pleia2 hugs doctormon 08:40
dholbachCan you all try to put in very brief sentences for your blueprints on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-R/Summaries?08:43
knomeurr. :)08:44
AlanBelldoctormon: yeah, I got that impression too from that session09:52
AlanBellwill need to grab the full video of that one I think09:55
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-R/Summaries should be a feature of summit11:53
AlanBelladd a summary field to the session and a view of it all that looks just like that page11:53
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
czajkowskipleia2: ~lisette-slegers  me and the etherpad are not getting on14:33
cjohnstonAlanBell: it is more of a high level overview, so it doesn't belong on Summit...14:34
pleia2thank you :)14:34
czajkowskipleia2: subtle aren';t I14:35
czajkowskithat's 2 more career days :)14:35
AlanBellcjohnston: ok, I just figured it could almost be generated automatically14:39
cjohnstonIt would get too low level if we put notes from each session14:41
AlanBellyeah, I see what you mean, it kind of needs to reach into the pad or something (plausible, but probably not worth it)14:46
=== tiagohillebrandt is now known as tiagoscd
IdleOneWill the closing plenary be broadcast live?15:59
IdleOneWhy do I ask! all the others were15:59
IdleOne*clap clap clap* track leads :)16:11
IdleOnelol marcoceppi16:12
czajkowskiwhoooo yay dholbach :D16:13
IdleOne*clap clap clap* Spanish Translators :)16:20
czajkowskione should not sneeze in plenary!16:29
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/uds-r/actions.html actions \o/16:38
czajkowskiAlanBell: that should keep some smart arses happy!16:39
AlanBellyeah, it was a script I wrote for last time16:43
AlanBelland a certain smart arse reminded me to run it again :)16:43
IdleOneDoes that Delorion have Mr. Fusion ?16:47
technovikingWhy no friday for UDS?16:56
AlanBellmore time for partying I think16:56
AlanBellor some people objected to flying on weekends or something16:56
technovikingahh.. so no one will miss Saturday flights, good call16:56
IdleOneSubliminal messages via song choices?16:57
bkerensaHey jono21:12
bkerensaashams and I were just talking and he has the Ubuntu Appreciation Day coming up soon21:12
bkerensaand if I remember right we had discussed the possibility of some swag for that?21:12
ashamsyep, that can help alot21:14
bkerensaashams: maybe shoot him an e-mail but yeah we should get ready to promote that21:16
ashamsbkerensa, thanks for help :)21:17
jonohey bkerensa21:31
bkerensaashams: you there ^21:31
jonojust drop me an email21:32
bkerensathank you21:32

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