
rick_h_so high all and see you all tomorrow01:45
=== monkeyjuice is now known as mydognameisrudy
=== mydognameisrudy is now known as mydogsnameisrudy
snap-lGood morning11:57
snap-lbrousch: That's a good thing, coming from you12:01
snap-lGeorge sleep through the night?12:01
brouschWell, 5:45, but close enough12:02
brouschSMBC is awesome12:03
snap-lYeah, I like it too12:06
brouschBig gay zepplin and sodomy-induced lightning strikes12:14
snap-lTHat is awesome. :)12:20
rick_h_morning from the eastern time zone12:35
brouschBack in tha D?12:38
rick_h_back home, 'working'12:42
rick_h_however don't expect many LoC from me today12:42
brouschDid you get to go trick or treating?12:43
rick_h_no, got home just after 8pm12:44
rick_h_wife kept the boy up in PJs so see me come home12:44
rick_h_but trick or treating was done and everyone that came over left by 912:45
rick_h_yea, oh well12:45
rick_h_now my wife has left for her vacation weekend so boys weekend from now until Sunday nught woot!12:46
brouschparty time!12:48
jrwrencall the hookers!13:07
brouschDo you still have to call them? Don't they have websites yet?13:09
rick_h_send a text message with the word 'fun' to 543613:10
brouschIs there not an app for that?13:12
rick_h_hah, iphone only I think13:13
brouschActually Apple would block that app due to inappropriate content. It would have to be Android13:21
snap-lThey called it "Escort Service". Got it by the Apple folks as a Ford service app13:23
jrwrenwasn't craigs list blocked for that reason for a while?13:25
cougar49good morning13:34
brouschWas that some kind of joke account based on what we were talking about?13:46
snap-lNot I14:12
snap-lbrousch: btw: Check out The Sword - Apocryphon14:33
snap-lI think it might be  up your alley.14:33
snap-lsadly not CC, but a definite favorite14:34
brouschI think you suggested it before as Black Sabbath-like14:36
snap-lAge of Winters is their first album, but they hit their stride with Warp Riders14:36
snap-lGods of the Earth is a good album overall14:36
snap-land Apocryphon is their latest, which I'm rocking to at the moment.14:37
snap-lThere's some samples.14:37
snap-lWere I to pick a track for OMC, the title track is pretty awesome14:39
snap-lEntertain me17:07
brouschFine http://imgur.com/y4mmH17:09
snap-lThis has not entertained me.17:23
Blazeixsnap-l: this should keep you entertained for a while: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLvxWNxymNc17:26
brouschBlazeix: I love it17:29
brouschI'm going to put it on the TV at my next party17:29
Blazeixthat and 'jazz nyan cat 10 hours' are probably the best 10 hour youtube videos17:29
brouschI like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09m0B8RRiEE17:31
brouschsnap-l: http://downloads.tankcrimes.com/17:35
* snap-l can't watch youtube viceos from work. :-P18:18
snap-lAdding them to my home watch list18:19
snap-lbrousch: Oh, will check those ot18:20
snap-lEspecially the Municipal Waste one18:20
brouschIf you're at work, why do you need entertaining?18:20
snap-lbrousch: Maybe I just wanted some conversation? :)18:21
jjesse-homehey guys perhaps a quick question, if unity crashes is there a quick way to restart it? or should it restart automatically?19:29
rick_h_jjesse-home: so I'd try to log into an alt terminal and restart gdm19:55
jjesse-homeok i'll try that19:59
jjesse-homethe notifications are all screwy but the launcher seemed to restart fine19:59
snap-ljjesse-home: Any reason to not log out and log in again, or are you debugging?20:00
jjesse-homeno i could totally log out and login again20:01
jjesse-homei just wondered if there was an easier way20:01
jjesse-homedidn't want to loose my place in my music :P20:01
snap-ljjesse-home: Ah, that's important. ;)20:02
jjesse-homenot really... just lazy i guess?20:02
snap-lThat's partly why I <3 the Squeezebox. Keeps my playlist between login20:02
snap-lalthough I rarely ever pick up a playlist.20:02
snap-lattention span == gnat.20:03
jjesse-homewow ok i haven't used my home laptop for like 2 weeks and had some updates, now that I'm all updated + rebooted things seem to have gone downhill (on 12.10)20:09
jjesse-homerunning Ubuntu, not Kubuntu20:10
jjesse-homeeverytime I hit the superkey i get a black screen20:10
jjesse-homeinsttead of the dash20:10
jjesse-homeor wehatever it is called20:10
jjesse-homeany idea where to start troubleshooting?20:15
tony-smlrvideo drivers?20:15
jjesse-homei'm not using the NVIDIA driver I'm using the other one20:19
greg-ganother tiling window manager user for rick_h_ http://joey.hess.usesthis.com/20:30
rick_h_greg-g: I've always said if awesome ever pisses me off I'm straight to xmonad20:31
greg-ghave you done anything with haskell, rick_h_ ?20:34
rick_h_greg-g: bought 2 books and written 20 lines, but when I ran xmonad before you could use a WM without writing much20:35
rick_h_the config is pretty much config20:35
* greg-g nods20:36
snap-lWow, having a bad tech day.20:36
snap-lPlugged in my phone into my computer and crashed it.20:36
snap-land the network at work is wonky20:36
locodir-user_anyone here?20:51
krondorhmm anyone here and then *bam* gone20:53
jupedim here.21:03
greg-gweb users don't understand IRC most times, so they think this is like an IM that pops up on someone's screen21:03
snap-lYeah, I don't quite understand the web IRC user.21:27
snap-lI think they think it's instantaneous21:27
snap-lLike SMS< where your friend goes OMGTOTOALSDFKSJDFKLJHEWLSKDJCHSDFSE21:27
jjesse-homehrmm my problems w/ the dash disappaered while i was out racking leaves21:52
jjesse-homewonder what changed21:53
snap-lMaybe it's a leaf-related bug21:56
jjesse-homemaybe but i doubt it22:07

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