
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
inetprogood morning sakhi06:30
inetprooh and good morning everyone else06:30
Kilosmorning guys and gals06:33
magespawngood morning y'all06:54
Kiloshi magespawn all good?06:55
magespawnyes and you?06:55
Kilosyes ty just put 8ta 2+1 so good for a coupla months unless something funny happens06:56
Kiloswas down to 20mB06:56
Kilosstressed some06:57
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosbut 8ta stupid like mtn. data goes till end of next calender month not 2 months from purchase date like voda06:58
Kiloshiya Trixar_za 06:58
Trixar_zaHey Kilos06:58
Trixar_zaWell 8ta's cycles aren't so bad. I still have R125 'free airtime" until Saturday. My data is nearly up, so that's a good thing06:59
Kilosyeah its just if i had got the 2+1 yesterday it would last 1 month and 1 day not 2 months07:00
Kilosgotta get at month start07:01
Trixar_zaI'd probably burn through that deal in less than a month - knowing me07:02
Trixar_zaEspecially with the prospect that I could make 1200 USD07:02
Kilosonly downloading iso's uses mine07:03
Kiloswow how?07:03
Kilosyou might have won thingie07:03
Kilosi dont trust any of them. goosie always tells me read the fine print07:04
Kiloshehe its too small for me to see07:04
Kilosthis bundle might struggle some as i wanna try 12.1007:08
Kilosi wonder why they dropped the right click format option for usb devices on 12.0407:10
Kiloslo Vince-0 07:11
Vince-0Haai Kilos07:11
* Kilos greets superfly too also as well07:11
superflymorning Kilos07:12
Kilosdag Kerbero Banlam bakuman 07:16
KilosSymmetria, you didnt answer me07:16
* Kilos cries07:16
magespawnKilos is there not someone who can download it for you07:21
Kilosmagespawn, im getting the dvd from our main chick but wanna try kubuntu and see if they fixed the little probs i have with it07:23
magespawnahh right07:24
Kilosthey say said sound will be fixed in quassel so then kde could be good for me07:25
Kilosbut still got maverick on other pc for the serious work07:25
superflyKilos: you want CDs/DVDs?07:27
Kilosof kubuntu superfly ?07:27
Kilosdvd please07:27
Kilosgot dvd on here07:28
superflyKilos: of whatever you want. Jy moet maar net sê and I'll organise07:28
Kilosai ty superfly would like a remastersys dvd of your kde07:29
Kilosthat up to date and got alla goodies installed07:29
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
inetproKilos: wb08:13
inetproby the way, there is no difference between the timeframe of a prepaid bundle of Vodacom or 8ta, they all work together 08:13
charlvngood morning08:13
charlvnMaaz: coffee on08:14
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:14
inetprothey all expire at the end of the next calendar month08:14
charlvnhi Kilos, inetpro 08:14
inetprohi charlvn08:14
Kilosno man inetpro voda is 2 months from date of purchse or have they changed that too08:14
inetproKilos: no08:14
Kilosno what?08:15
Kiloshi charlvn 08:15
Banlammybroadband did an article on this a month or two ago08:15
Banlameveryone is different08:15
Banlamvodacom is the most lenient08:15
inetprowell, no they don't last 2 months from purchase and no they have not changed08:15
Banlamir is this data specificallty?08:15
inetproBanlam: data08:16
Kilosoh yes used to be from date of purchase not just till end of next calender month08:16
inetproKilos: no08:16
Kilosok not arguing. use 8ta now08:17
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!08:18
Kilosbut still member it was 2 months from date of purchase im sure08:18
KilosMaaz, coffee please08:18
MaazKilos: There isn't a pot on08:18
KilosMaaz, swine08:18
MaazIf you call me names Kilos you will make you're own coffee and do your own googling!08:18
* inetpro have been using both Vodacom and 8ta prepaid for a long time now, they both expire at the end of the following month08:18
inetproI use Vodacom on me mobile and 8ta at home 08:19
Banlammy memories aalign with inetpro08:19
inetproyou should never buy at the end of the month!08:19
Kilosstarnge i member things like your data will expire on the 17th08:20
Kilosmust really be going bonkers08:20
inetproKilos: never08:21
inetprowell not for a very long time08:21
Kilosdefine very long08:22
inetproI don't know how long but never is just to long a time08:22
Kilosi have memories os saying voda lekker because its 2 months from purchase08:23
* inetpro 's memory is not long enough to even grok never08:23
Kiloslook in logs from 8.10 time08:23
Kilosgoogle is your friend08:23
Kilosbut its fine, gang up on me i got broad shoulders08:24
inetprogolden rule is to buy on the 1st of the month to get maximum value for money, until such time as they change the policy08:25
Kilosya but i came short so stretched last bit08:26
Kiloshi drussell tumbleweed i hope the right click format option for usb devices is gonna return08:28
drussellKilos: from the launcher?08:28
drussellKilos: btw, hiya from UDS in copenhagen :oD08:28
superflyhiya drussell! :-)08:29
inetprodrussell: wb08:29
drussellsuperfly: hiya :o)08:29
drussellinetpro: thx :o)08:29
Kilosnope on maverick you could right click a mounted device and format with a name in place of new volume08:29
tumbleweeddrussell: ohi. I'm in B3-M108:29
inetprodrussell: how many people attending this time around?08:29
drusselltumbleweed: hehe I'm in B3-M8 in an xorg session08:29
drussellinetpro: over 500 afaik08:30
tumbleweedah, we're just giving mlankhorst xorg upload rights08:30
drusselltumbleweed: cool08:30
Kilosor even from the launcher would be nice drussell not just safely remove08:31
Kiloshehe yeah i saw your info here dave@conference etc08:35
* Kilos loves xchat08:35
Kilostumbles doesnt change his info08:42
Kiloswe gotta smell where he is08:42
KilosSmilyBorg, did you say hey there this morning08:42
* Kilos forgets , these peeps chat so much08:43
SmilyBorgsorry, been rather busy08:43
Kilosyou forgiven08:45
Kiloshi Cantide 09:21
Cantidei am CanStudy right now actually09:21
Kilosgood lad09:21
charlvnhi Cantide 09:41
Cantidehello :)09:48
Cantidei have an exam in 2 hours09:49
Cantideso i'm preparing for it 'ㅁ'09:49
Kilosgood luck09:49
Cantidethanks :)09:51
charlvnCantide: ganbatte ne!09:56
Cantidetime to go actually ;_;10:05
Kiloshi Squirm where you been10:09
psydroidhi Kilos10:30
psydroidhi Squirm10:30
psydroidhi Ludo10:30
psydroidhi everyone10:30
Squirmhi psydroid 10:31
Squirmyeah Kilos, kind of busy, etc10:31
Kiloshi psydroid 10:31
Kiloslol i just thought seeing as you said hi again you came back from somewhere10:32
Kilosludo is a lurker10:32
inetproKilos: eh.... I think you chased him out of here now10:41
Kilosi think he has chatted once10:42
Kilosto me anyway10:42
Kilosmaybe im distracting him10:42
Kiloshell be back10:43
psydroidhi inetpro10:43
psydroidor not10:43
inetpropsydroid: wb10:43
Kilosna lurker are nosy peeps10:44
Kiloswhy go to a movie if you not gonna watch10:44
charlvnlol no he just got a ping timeout10:45
Kilosah for the popcorn10:45
charlvnhis connection not so good10:45
charlvnhi psydroid, long time no speak to10:45
psydroidhi charlvn, yeah, I've been pretty busy lately10:46
charlvnno problem, i had that a month or two ago, was pretty scarce myself10:46
KilosSuperhuman, at least once a week you gotta say something exciting10:46
charlvni got a new apartment that i needed to move into, had to paint the whole place out, get a floor in, etc10:46
Superhumansomething exciting10:46
charlvnthen move all my stuff... lol10:46
superflyohi Superhuman10:47
Kiloslike hi all im still standing10:47
charlvnhi Superhuman 10:47
Kilosyeah yeah yeah10:47
Superhumanhey superfly10:47
charlvnKilos: yup10:47
Superhumanhi charlvn10:47
Kilossee you are a popular oldie10:47
psydroidI'm preparing a move to another country, so finishing things here and preparing for a job hunt is most of what occupies my time10:48
psydroidhi superfly10:48
psydroidhi Superhuman10:48
superflyohi psydroid10:48
charlvnpsydroid: oh wow! you are living in the netherlands now right?10:48
Superhumanhi psydroid10:48
charlvnwell you have a telfort ip so unless it's a vpn :)10:48
* Superhuman thinks charlvn is spying on us all10:49
charlvnSuperhuman: no i use irssi so i see the hostnames of people joining / leaving :)10:49
charlvni irc through my server so nobody can see where i am :P10:49
charlvnnot that i care in any case10:50
* Superhuman quassels through a server in Germany10:51
psydroidcharlvn, yes, I'm planning to move to Poland, if not permanently as in forever then at least temporarily10:51
Kiloswhats in poland thats the attraction psydroid 10:52
Kiloswe plant them here for fencing10:52
psydroidpoles are definitely a major attraction10:53
charlvnlol Kilos 10:53
charlvnpsydroid: interesting, never been to poland myself10:53
charlvnSuperhuman: same here, i have a vps at hetzner10:53
charlvnexcept i use ssh+irssi+screen instead of quassel10:53
charlvnpsydroid: i always heard poland was a fairly poor country with terrible bandwidth10:54
charlvnpsydroid: not sure if that is still the case but i have seen some amazing pictures from there10:54
charlvnpsydroid: i heard some good things about linux desktops being sold there being quite a normal thing10:55
Superhumancharlvn: can't have worse bandwidth that here...I'm sure they have fibre at least10:55
psydroidcharlvn, I was there this summer, it's fairly poor but it's not like completely uncivilised and the country looks pretty nice indeed10:55
charlvnpsydroid: yeah that sounds about right... i know some poles, good people\10:55
charlvnsome very educated people there as well, not stupid at all10:55
SuperhumanWe do some coding outsourcing to a Polish company...no complaints from our side.10:56
psydroidcharlvn, the people there have been very good to me, even when I was out of money and didn't speak the language, I can't say much bad about them10:56
charlvnSuperhuman: south africa doesn't have fibre? i used to work for an mweb service provider, we had fibre running right into the office from telkom10:57
charlvnand this was like 8 years ago10:57
charlvnpsydroid: sounds good, people in poorer countries often have a lot more of a caring attitude towards others, in rich countries people seem to have an f-you attitude10:58
Superhumanyeah, but most European nations have fibre to the homes10:58
charlvnSuperhuman: that's BS - i do not have fibre in my home and i live in a "wealthy" eu country10:58
charlvnSuperhuman: not sure where you heard that... but i have to say, a lot of homes do in fact have fibre to the home in NL at least10:58
Superhumanthat's why I said most10:58
charlvnSuperhuman: NL is one of the better connected countries in europe so if it's not even that common here yet i doubt it would be in the rest of europe10:59
Kilosinetpro, have you sprayed your banweed yet10:59
charlvnSuperhuman: the well connected countries are mostly in northern europe and scandinavia10:59
Superhumanah ok10:59
Kilosit works slowly from the leaves back11:00
Kiloswhere the vikings come from11:00
charlvnKilos: norway, supposedly11:00
charlvnbut norway is also a super-wealthy non-EU country11:01
charlvnthey have gas they pump out of the north sea11:01
SuperhumanVikings came from Norway and Northern Germany. When it was called Celtic-Germany (if I remember my ancient history well enough)11:01
Kilossame celts that went to ireland?11:02
psydroidand originally came from a region in South East Europe and Asia Minor11:02
charlvnSuperhuman: makes sense, schleswig-holstein mostly11:02
Kilosholstein is where cows come from11:03
psydroidI was there this summer too11:03
charlvni hope you're not referring to the women :)11:03
Kilosthose you milk methinks11:03
psydroidon my way to Denmark11:03
Kilosoh no friesland11:03
charlvnoh my goodness, i _really_ hope you're not referring to the women now :D11:03
charlvnKilos: yes the fresians are largely farmers11:03
psydroidthey are nice too :D11:03
charlvnnot very well liked in the rest of NL though11:04
Kilosand great horses charlvn 11:04
Kiloshad a friesian stallion once11:04
Kilossomewhere that holstein still sticks to milk cows as well11:05
Kilosmaybe they purified the friesland cows to produce more11:06
Kiloswatery milk not lekker like jerseys11:06
Kilosbut good for peeps who sit in front of a pc all day so they dont get too fat11:07
* Superhuman doesn't sit in front of a pc all day, most of the time I scream at the screen and throw stuff around11:08
Superhumangood exercise, for you and your fellow office workers (mostly keeps their reaction times good)11:08
inetproSuperhuman: wb11:13
Superhumanhey inetpro11:13
* inetpro with the super{human,fly} both awake now has to be careful with super[tab]11:15
* Superhuman is off (half day for Doc visit)11:16
psydroidcharlvn, I had actually been thinking of going to Norway but as usual something came in between that compelled me to move to Poland instead, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of going to live there11:19
magespawnSuperhuman: some body throw something and your reaction not quick enough?11:21
psydroidhello magespawn11:22
magespawnhey psydroid11:23
mazalelo all11:57
Kiloshi mazal 12:06
mazalMiddag oom Kilos12:07
mazalI haven't heard anything back from my query from Telkom. BUT , oddly enough , last night when I got home I wanted to send mail and my isp wasn't working again12:10
mazalThis forced me to get into the router , same as Monday , and my eye caught that my router is at 1mb12:11
mazalCan you believe it. Just yesterday we talked about it and this must have happened Tuesday or yesterday12:11
Squirmmazal: we were upgraded to 1Mb about 2 weeks ago12:12
mazalWell it looks like mine happened yesterday , but my work line is still 384k ???12:12
mazalSo they might be busy now with our exchange , from what I can see at my side that is12:13
mazalSo this gives me a little bit more courage to go over to 1.1012:13
mazal12.10 even12:13
mazalJust need a build pc now , I never build on my main machine12:14
mazalSo gonna try the install to usb thing12:15
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
charlvnok back, sorry had lunch in between :)12:22
charlvnpsydroid: makes sense, as long as you can find work and a place to live, you can live anywhere for a while right?12:23
charlvnpsydroid: it's fun to get experiences in different countries / cultures / languages12:23
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
mazalApart from Gimp , what would you guys recommend to use for basic pics work (copying and pasting etc.) ?12:43
magespawnInkscape, maybe?12:48
mazalWill look into that one ta12:50
mazalBye all12:52
mazalGod bless12:52
superflymagespawn: I wouldn't use inkscape13:09
magespawnwas the only other i use regularly13:10
superflyMaaz: tell mazal you can try showfoto which is an offshoot of Digikam13:10
Maazsuperfly: Okay, I'll tell mazal on freenode13:10
charlvnwow nice, you can buy a .eu domain for 1 euro!13:28
charlvnjust bought one :)13:28
charlvnsorry, completely OT for this channel i guess :)13:28
magespawnwhere charlvn?13:29
Kiloscharlvn, what does one do with a domain13:42
Kilosno energy to google13:48
KilosMaaz, coffee on13:48
* Maaz puts the kettle on13:48
KilosMaaz, grandpas please13:49
MaazKilos: Go get it yourself!13:49
superflyKilos: you put a website on it/behind it13:49
Kilosoh ty superfly like the sites yola supply13:50
Kilosis that a domain13:50
superflyKilos: a domain is the URL of the site13:50
superflyubuntu-za.org is a domain (or rather, a domain name)13:51
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!13:52
KilosMaaz, ty13:53
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:53
charlvnmagespawn: https://www.transip.nl/13:56
charlvnKilos: you can host a website or receive email, run an irc server, etc at a nice hostname of your choosing13:58
charlvnKilos: providing it's available for registration, of course :)13:58
charlvnsorry only read superfly's reply now13:59
charlvnMaaz: coffee on13:59
* Maaz puts the kettle on13:59
magtieHi Kilos & All14:00
charlvnhi magespawn 14:00
charlvnhi magtie 14:00
Kiloshi magtie 14:00
charlvnsorry magespawn, autocomplete fail :)14:00
magespawnno worries14:00
KilosMaaz, coffee please14:01
MaazKilos: Okay14:01
KilosMaaz, with rusks14:01
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's in the cupboard Kilos help yourself14:01
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn and Kilos!14:03
KilosMaaz, baie dankie14:03
MaazPlesier Kilos14:03
magespawnlooks like we may be getting more rain again14:06
magespawncharlvn that about what you pay for a domain from google apps14:06
magespawnthrough enom or godaddy14:07
charlvnmagespawn: 1 euro? that's the cheapest i've ever seen a .eu as yet14:08
charlvnmagespawn: i paid about 10 dollar to renew my mom's .com domain recently via godaddy14:08
magespawni was working on the sa exchange rate14:08
charlvnmagespawn: ??14:09
magespawnsorry 1 euro not ten my mistake14:09
charlvnmagespawn: it's about R11,21 according to google14:09
magespawnfor some reason my brain worked on 10 euro14:10
psydroidcharlvn, I usually adapt quickly and am not bad at learning languages so I guess being in a state of motion comes natural to me :)14:15
=== Cantide is now known as CanAFK
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== CanAFK is now known as Cantide
Kilosyou home magespawn ?16:39
Kilosevening magtie 16:41
superflyhi Kilos16:41
Kiloshi superfly 16:42
* superfly is home, with new brakes on his car, but the grinding sound still there16:42
Kiloscan you pin point where16:42
Kiloswhich wheeel?16:43
Kilosevening SmilyBorg_h 16:43
Kiloswheel too superfly 16:43
superflyKilos: front left16:43
superfly(if you're sitting in the car)16:43
Kilosall the time while going straight or mainly when turning to one side superfly 16:44
superflyKilos: all the time16:45
Kilosmaybe wheel bearings16:46
Kiloscan you jack it up and spin that wheel16:46
Kilosmaybe something too close to rim or so16:46
superflyit only really makes that sound when it gets to 50kph16:47
superflyI'm taking the car in on Monday again, I'll make sure he knows about it16:47
SmilyBorg_hhey all16:47
=== SmilyBorg_h is now known as SmilyBorg
superflyhi SmilyBorg16:48
Kilosmethinks wheel bearing superfly ,  16:55
Kilosthey get noisier as they get worse till the grind all the time16:55
Kilosget worse after 5016:56
superflyKilos: I'll make sure the mechanic knows about it. He didn't driver the car far or fast enough today to hear it16:56
Kiloshaha how do you eat an elephant16:57
Kilosbite by bite16:57
Trixar_zaSomebody just watched 7de Laan17:00
Trixar_zaI always find it funny how everybody in a series or soapy end up knowing and using the same sayings17:02
Trixar_zaBad writing I suppose17:02
CantideTrixar_za, are you South African?17:03
Cantidei take that back17:03
Cantidei thought i was looking at another channel -.- where few South Africans lurk17:03
Trixar_zaYes Cantide, I'm South African :P17:04
Trixar_zaGerrit Engelbrecht17:05
Trixar_zaEk hoor daar is 'n nuwe seksposisie genaamd SHARKS; jy le die heeltyd bo en kom dan 2de hahaha <--- Bwahahaha17:05
CantideI am from Durban, so that cut deep :p17:05
Kilosyou also watch Trixar_za ?17:19
Kilosso you clever guys. i have a partition that should be /storage but somehow ended up as /_storage17:29
Kilosis there a way to rename it? 17:29
Kilosor format as /storage17:30
Kilosthey killed the right click format option17:30
Kilosin unity this is17:30
Kilosif one formats it now it changes the uuid i think then there more probs17:34
Kilosuid or uuid17:34
Kilosdaai ding17:35
Kilosgparted only gives the option of adding a label17:36
Trixar_zaumount it and then mount it again?17:37
Kiloshow will that change the _17:37
Trixar_zaWell if it's label is storage and it added the _ before it because of some issue, then remounting it should change it to /storage again/17:38
Trixar_zaAnd... instantly I think of regular expression17:39
Kilosok ill try that ty17:39
Kilosmount is stupid17:41
Kiloswants to find it in fstab17:41
Kilosmount: can't find /media/storage in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:42
Kilosmount: can't find /media/_storage in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:42
Kilosgui mounts after hunting17:43
Kiloswhen mounted from home it shows as /media/storage but cant use it unless the /_storage is used17:44
Kilosgparted showed that quirk17:44
Trixar_zaWeird :/17:47
Kilosthats my life on pcs. if it can go wrong it will17:48
Kiloshelped with the learning curve though17:48
smileE17hallo :D17:59
Kiloshi smileE17 18:00
smileE17I made a lot of "update" edits to software articles on wikipedia today :)18:01
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
smileE17it was needed :P18:01
Kiloswhats an update edit18:02
Kilosto fix edits that werent right to start with?18:02
smileE17Kilos: no :) to correct 'current' version numbers :)18:19
smileE17if firefox article is at 14.0, i edit it to say: latest version is 16.018:19
Kilosthat one good thing about kubuntu. no firefox updating every 2 weeks18:20
smileE17yeaah ;)18:24
inetproKilos: where do you get that from?18:33
Kiloswhat inetpro ?18:33
inetpro01/11 20:20:53 <Kilos> that one good thing about kubuntu. no firefox updating every 2 weeks18:33
inetprokubuntu uses the same repositories18:33
Kilosisnt firefox something you have to manually install18:34
Kilosdefaultwise i mean18:34
Kilosmy kde uses some other browser and opera18:34
inetprobut who would not want to install firefox?18:34
inetproit's still the best browser out there18:35
Kiloseven removed in unity18:35
smileE17it's default in the standard ubuntu, Kilos :p18:36
Kilosya thats why i remove it18:36
smileE17just disable the updates :p18:36
smileE17it's in about:config, I think :)18:36
smileE17btw, Midori is also a nice browser :p18:37
Kilosno opera works good enough for what i do18:37
Kilosya i used midori before and ephany18:37
Kilosopera is lekker. some sites think im onna mobile device18:38
Kilosmaverick had some beautiful screensavers hey18:41
Kilosinetpro, you work with winsucks pcs. can i download the nvidia fx5500 driver here then take it to xp and install?18:44
inetproKilos: nee ek werk nie regtig met MS Windows nie18:44
Kilosbang to go online with xp without wasting data on firewalls and antivirusses first18:44
inetpronet af en toe waar ek uithelp18:45
Kiloso is werk rekenaars linux ook?18:45
inetpromaar ek probeer wegbly so vêr as moontlik18:45
inetproKilos: yep18:45
Kilossuperfly, ^^18:45
inetproservers meestal, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Solaris...18:45
superflyKilos: ?18:46
Kilosdoen jy servers en admin 18:46
Kilos can i download the nvidia fx5500 driver here then take it to xp and install?18:46
Kiloscant even play AOE3 on it18:47
inetproKilos: jy moet net seker maak dit is presies die regte drywer 18:47
Kilosoh not this one?18:47
Kilosthat nvidia link doesnt show the card id18:50
Kilosbut that doesnt answer my question. will downloading here still work when i take it to xp?18:55
Kiloshi kodez 18:59
inetproKilos: a file is a file19:05
Kilosoh ty so winsucks will recognise it19:05
inetproall you need is the right file and the right medium to transfer it19:05
inetprowell the stick and a filesystem that is understood by both operating systems19:06
inetproI guess your stick is formated as FAT, which is readable by XP19:07
inetprothen what is your problem?19:08
Kilosi didnt wanna download 40 or 50 meg and it dont work19:08
Kilosthats why i asked19:08
Kilosyou want my mail addy?19:09
inetproKilos: this channel is not a Windows support channel19:09
Kilosi know but i have friends here19:09
inetprothere are plenty of those19:09
inetproKilos: the enemy of my enemy is my friend19:11
Kilosi cant very well go ask a windows support channel if i can download drivers to ubuntu and install on winsucks19:12
Kilosthey will say its not a ubuntu support channel19:12
Kilosand dont type winsucks with a capital w19:13
Kilosshows too much respect for the enemy19:13
Kilossjoe magtie maar jy is stil19:14
inetproKilos: shhh... sy slaap19:15
Kilosou vrou19:16
magtieja my kind..... so is die jeug van vandag!19:16
Kilosha ha ha. skuus tante19:17
magtieEk sit maar en volg julle stories19:17
Kiloshoekom sit jy nie jong inetpro in sy plek nie19:18
Kiloshy baie parmantig partykeer19:18
magtieGot my printer driver installed today 19:19
magtieSee,  Im studying Ubuntu in-between19:19
magtieTakes 'older' people longer to do the common stuff you people know already.19:20
Kilosinetpro, are you paying attention?19:24
Kilosyou must offer to help the older peeps that struggle19:25
inetprosjoe Kilos, maar asb nie Windows probleme hier bring nie19:25
Kilosdit was n vraag nie n probleem nie man19:26
inetprodie goed maak my kniee lam19:26
Kilosty magtie you made my night19:26
inetprodie mense wat daai goed gebruik het 'n onverklaarbare angs vir verandering19:26
Kilosman jy weet beter van my19:27
Kilosdis net vir n speletjie19:27
inetproja ja19:27
Kilossjoe ek gaan jou tik as ek jou weer sien19:28
Kilosmaak dit n goeie kop dag19:28
Kilossodat ek jou weer kan optel19:28
inetproai Kilos, ek kry elke dag slae van die mense wat so sukkel om verandering aan te gryp19:29
inetproso ek is gewoond daaraan :-)19:29
smileE17see ya tomorrow :)19:29
inetprosmileE17: good night19:29
Kilostoods smileE17 19:29
smileE17inetpro & Kilos: big hug :)19:29
Kilossleep tight19:29
smileE17good night :)19:29
magtieOK ek groet - Lekker slaap19:30
inetpromagtie: lekker slaap daar19:31
Kiloshmm cant even go get tea19:31
inetproKilos: en hoekom nie?19:32
Kilosthen i miss the nighting peeps19:32
Kilosand its past my crash time too19:32
inetpronee man, ek dag jy bly wakker vir die elfuur ding19:33
Kiloshet julle toe die foon geblok gekry inetpro ?19:33
inetproKilos: ai19:33
inetproek kom ook nie orals uit in die lewe nie19:33
Kilosthats not good19:34
inetprowag, ek moet vir VC vra wat om te doen19:34
Kilosja i twigged19:37
inetproek wens daar was 'n maklikke manier gewees om 'n selfoon onbruikbaar te stel19:38
Kiloshulle doen dit in 5 minute19:39
inetprodie eerste ding wat die ouens duidelik gedoen het was om die sim uit te haal 19:39
Kilosdie bel en wag om by n ops uittekom is die pyn19:39
Kilosja maar die imei nommer in die foon maak dit dood19:40
Kilosgeen sim werk meer nie19:40
inetproKilos: hoe doen ek dit?19:40
Kilosjy bel hulle en gee die imei nommer19:40
inetprobel wie?19:40
Kilos173 ek dink19:41
Kiloswag ek soek19:41
Kiloshelp my fones been stolen19:42
inetproStep 5: Please report the incident to the South African Police Services (SAPS). The SAPS will request the Blacklisting reference number in order to open a case.19:42
inetprodaai stap is nutteloos19:42
inetproen 'n verskriklikke mors van tyd19:43
Kilosvra net om die foon te dooi met die imei nommer19:44
Kilosjy het die imei nommer ne?19:44
Kilosnou bel 111 en se dis gesteel19:45
Kiloshulle blok sim en die foon self19:46
Kilosse  jy het nie tyd om ore toe te gaan nie19:46
inetproweet nie waar is die IMEI nommer nie19:48
Kiloshaha wat nou?19:49
Kilosjy moet my epos addy vat19:49
Kilosdis agter die battery in die foon  en jy is supposed to registreer dit met VC sodat jy dit vinnig kan blok19:50
inetproja ja, nou te laat19:50
Kilosmiskien is dit somewhere neer geskryf19:50
Kiloswag ek vra sus19:50
inetproons het in die boksie gekyk en pampiere deurgesoek19:51
inetproniks gevind nie behalwe serial nommers 19:51
Kiloskyk op die boks waarin die foon gekom het19:52
inetpromaar wag, miskien is daai serial nommer op die boks 'n IMEI nommer19:52
Kilosdis iewers op die boks19:52
inetprodaar staan net niks van IMEI nie19:53
Kiloslang nommer19:53
inetprobaie lank19:53
Kilos15 nommers19:53
Kilosdis buite op my nokia se box19:54
inetprosal gou bel19:54
Kilosok ek wag19:54
inetprolang wag20:03
Kilosja hulle is baie stadig20:03
inetpronog besig op die lyn20:03
Kilos8ta baie vinniger20:04
inetprodie sim is nou geblock, nou hou ek aan met 'n vieslikke musiek in die agtergrond20:04
inetprohou aan vir die volgende proses20:05
inetprolyk my hulle verifieer nou eers iets20:05
Kilosjy kan die datem gesteel sim nommer imei nommer sms na daai nommer ook20:09
Kilossus het nou kom se20:09
Kiloshet hulle al geantwoord20:11
inetprosim is beblock en nou moet ons 'n form invul vir die blacklisting20:12
Kiloswaar is die form?20:12
inetproop epos20:12
Kilosa dis ok doen dit20:12
Kilosdarem een vent wat nie score op ander se pyn nie20:13
inetproja maar nou eers dit afhandel, nie so gou nie20:15
Kilosvodacom kan ook die geld wat op die sim nog is vir jou terug gee20:25
Kilostransfer to another voda number for you20:26
inetprodaar was niks geld op de kaart nie20:26
Kilosbut crooks normally try transfer it to one of theirs first20:26
inetproseun het maar net vir ons call me sms gestuur dan bel ons20:27
Kilosja dis wat makliker is altyd20:27
Kilossus het paar 100 op haar foon gehad toe hulle kar venster breek en foon steel20:28
Kilosmaar voda het dit gou gevat vir haar20:28
inetpronou moet ek net weer daai verflakste rica proses deurgaan as ek 'n nuwe sim koop20:29
Kilossy was naby n vodashop20:29
inetpromaak my baie kwaad daai ding20:29
Kilosmaak soos ekke kry sommer drie sims ge rica one time20:29
Kilosek het 4 8tas gekry en vir ian 2 gegee20:30
Kilosdis n pyn daai rica storie20:30
Kilosen jy kan die nuwe kaart port na die ou nommer as jy wil20:31
inetpromet my skoonpa se boedel sukkel ons steeds om dinge behoorlik van sy naam af te kry20:32
inetproso ek het niks op my eie naam nie20:32
* inetpro is 'n arm kerkmuis20:33
Kilosmet n familie wat jou lief het en vriende is mens nooit arm nie20:34
inetproKilos: gelukkig :-)20:34
Kilosbangkrot ja maar nooit arm nie20:35
inetproKilos: jy moet my more weer herinner aan daai giffies20:35
inetprosomer more middag wegsluip om die goed te koop20:35
Kilossjoe nog nie gedoen nie?20:35
* inetpro sukkel om in die week tyd te kry om van die werk los te kom20:36
Kilosdit vat weke om die plante te dooi20:36
inetprooja, sal moet wag tot saterdag anyway20:36
inetpromoet 'n spuitkan ook kry20:36
Kiloskry benatter ook20:36
Kilosdan spoel die reen dit nie so maklik af nie20:36
inetprokan nie sulke groot goed met die scooter aanry nie20:37
Kilosman dis n 500ml bottel20:37
inetpromoet 'n spuitkan ook kry20:37
Kilosof 200ml ek vergeet20:37
Kiloshulle duur20:37
inetprowel, iewers moet ek seker ene kry20:38
Kilosek dink hulle het kleiners by checkers20:39
Kilosdaai tuin goed20:39
inetproai, kan nie sukkel met te klein goed nie20:40
inetprobaie gras hier20:40
inetprosal maar eers moet kyk wat die goed kos20:40
Kilosgardena of gardenia20:40
inetpro"backpack hand pump sprayer" klink vir my na wat ek nodig het20:45
Kilosdis ok dis about wat ek betaal het 10 jaar terug20:46
inetpro16 liter20:47
Kilosmaar daai backpad ding is n pyn die bottel ene is makliker vir my20:47
Kilosons het een bakpak een wat ons gebruik as ons vuur moet dooi20:48
inetprojy meen 4 of 8 liter is beter?20:48
Kilosmyne is n 10 litre bottel wat jy met een hand dra20:48
Kilosjy spuit baie onkruid met 8 liter20:49
inetprokry nou geen lokale sites met pryse op nie20:50
Kiloscheckers man20:50
Kilosek het myne by korporasie gekoop20:50
inetproja ek sal moet fisies gaan20:51
inetpromore middag gou wegsluip na die korporasie daar in die stad en kyk20:51
Kilosja dis n plan20:51
Kilosen in die kantoor inloop met groot spuit20:52
Kiloseven die 4 liter kan werk dan kan die kinders spuit terwyl jy irc20:53
Kilossien ek nie altyd dom nie20:53
inetprokinders moet nie naby daai gif kom nie20:53
Kilosjy meng dit en se gaan spuit al die dubbeltjies20:54
Kiloshoe oud is hulle?20:55
inetpro6 - 1420:55
Kilos14 is goed20:56
Kilos6 kan uiers optel20:56
inetproja ja20:56
Kilosjy moet hulle leer om te boer20:56
inetproKilos: jy praat so baie vanaand dat al die ander stilbly20:57
Kilosdie kuns van boer sterf uit20:57
Kilosis jy klaar met voda20:57
inetproai nee man20:57
inetpromy vrou sal more invul en dit afhandel20:58
* inetpro haat vorms20:58
Kilosok dan gaan slaap ek nou20:58
inetproen dis haar selfoon wat gesteel is20:58
Kiloslekker slaap julle almal20:58
Kilosasmper kersfees20:58
inetproKilos: lekker slaap 20:58
Kilosdankie jy ook20:59
Kilosnight lurkers20:59
inetpromaar ek het al die inligting vir haar gegee20:59
inetprodankie vir die hulp20:59
Kilosse vir haar jou beurt is jou beurt20:59
Kilosenige tyd20:59

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