
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
mandelhello people!!! how is everything going?02:57
mandelmmcc,  hello, is everything working?03:02
mandelor do we have any crazy problems?03:03
briancurtinmandel: no crazy problems that i know of03:12
karnimandel: yo, going good!03:27
karniTons of work done, good day (Wednesday ;P). TODO: add genre to queue, create playlist+add to playlist UI, share the apk!04:16
karni5 AM here, /me disappears04:17
gatoxgood morning11:20
gatoxback again :P11:21
gatoxralsina_, hi13:23
ralsina_So, is the house on fire already?13:23
gatoxdobey, i almost get this thing to work..... it was raising the window if minimized..... but i touch something and is not working now......13:24
gatoxfound it13:28
dobeygatox: was it actually opening a second instance? :)13:30
dobeyralsina_: sort of; read your e-mail? :)13:30
gatoxdobey, yes..... that was another problem that i was defining the signal in the wrong way.... now i'm looking why sometimes raise the windows when it is minimized..... and other times just make the icon jump13:31
ralsina_dobey: the "Design v implementation" thread?13:31
dobeyralsina_: yes13:31
ralsina_dobey: am reading it13:32
dobeygatox: well, for me, i get neither of those. the icon stays still and the window stays minimized13:32
gatoxdobey, nono.... i'm working in a new fix right now13:32
dobeygatox: great, let me know when to test :)13:33
gatoxdobey, of course13:33
ralsina_gatox: so, you are making the u1cp socket do something?13:35
gatoxralsina_, yap.... something really simple13:35
gatoxralsina_, i have a branch for that..... i'm just finishing with the part the always brings the window to the top13:35
ralsina_gatox: that's always tricky13:36
ralsina_gatox: there is code to do it in systray.py IIRC13:36
gatoxralsina_, yes, i'm doing the same: activateWindow()13:36
gatoxralsina_, but.... i'm seeing that sometimes restore the windows as it was..... and other times just make the icon in the launcher jump..... and i'm trying to figure it out why13:37
ralsina_gatox: doesn't actually bring it to the top on all platfoms though because of focus stealing prevention13:37
ralsina_gatox: if there is another window with kbd focus, you can't bring it to the top13:37
gatoxralsina_, well..... at least the icon jumping in that case is good enough13:38
ralsina_yep, as good as it gets, really.13:38
ralsina_unless there is a way I don't know, of course13:38
gatoxdobey, if you can review this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/socket-communication/+merge/132409 that should do it....... ralsina_ that the branch that do the socket communication.... just in case you want to take a look at it13:41
gatoxjust removed the commented line13:42
ralsina_gatox: taking a look13:44
briancurtinchaselivingston: would you mind working your magic to get logs from this person? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/107340413:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1073404 in Ubuntu One Client "No Syncing at all with Windows Client (Windows 8 but could affect other Windows Versions)" [Undecided,New]13:48
chaselivingstonbriancurtin: sure, i'll add a comment13:49
chaselivingstonbriancurtin: ta da13:50
briancurtinchaselivingston: ah, easy enough13:51
gatoxdobey,  i didn't see that you were blocking this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/new-share-design/+merge/13139713:51
gatoxdobey, do you still have some concers about that? i think that improves the ux a lot13:51
chaselivingstonbriancurtin: yeah, not too bad13:51
dobeygatox: yes, the language changes are a concern13:52
gatoxdobey, did you see the last email of parrino?13:52
dobeygatox: yes, and i replied asking for the rationale, and explained why it is bad :)13:53
* gatox starts to worry when he sees a lot of branch blocked..... :S13:53
gatoxdobey, parrino answered to your email13:56
ralsina_gatox: you really need to document the "protocol" for communicating with a running u1cp14:00
gatoxralsina_, right there in the code?14:01
ralsina_dobey: the change from "publish" to "share" is old news14:01
ralsina_gatox: long comment perhaps14:01
gatoxralsina_, ack! will do right now14:01
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gatoxralsina_, so..... we should move on with "Share a file" as it is, right?14:01
ralsina_gatox: yes14:01
dobeyralsina_: old or not, i didn't even know about it until now; and it's still problematic :(14:02
ralsina_dobey: if you can mail me your concerns I will be happy to address them14:02
ralsina_dobey: sorry about making you repeat yourself14:02
gatoxdobey, could you please unblock this 3 branches then? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/share-indicator/+merge/131973 - https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/new-share-design/+merge/131397 - https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/menu-new-options/+merge/13210614:02
dobeygatox: no, because the language is still wrong, even according to the latest mail.14:03
ralsina_ok, get final copy approval from Roberta14:03
ralsina_or... wait.14:03
ralsina_let's clarify things :-)14:03
ralsina_dobey: what language, specifically?14:03
gatoxnot following here...... as i understand "share" is ok14:04
* ralsina_ has a 'can't leave for a week' feeling14:04
dobeywell, even if we use 'share' every, it's not just 'share'14:04
dobeywe must differentiate correctly what is being shared14:04
dobeybut still, the language doesn't clarify *how* which is a problem :-/14:05
gatoxi really don't understand...... this is following the same convention that we are using since a while ago.... as the design documents specified..... and we already have implemented in the client and running in the users machines14:07
ralsina_dobey: the whole "share vs publish" thing we had is broken. It's share. We share by giving you a hard-to-guess URL you give people. We share folders by sending emails. Sure, we are inconsistent on how it's done, but both are "share".14:09
dobeythe inconsistency is exactly the problem14:13
dobeybut whatever14:13
dobeywho should i assign all the bugs and questions to when users have problems with it?14:13
ralsina_dobey: the team, and we'll reply14:14
ralsina_dobey: or to me, if you want.14:15
ralsina_dobey: I don't mind explaining that, just like the 10 we got about removing devices. It's like one a month :-)14:15
dobeyany more than 0 is a problem :)14:16
dobeyand having to continually explain it over and over is not a solution14:16
ralsina_dobey: sure. But I think, in my opinion, this improves the product enough that getting half a dozen users confused is not a reason to not have it.14:17
ralsina_dobey: compromises, and all that.14:17
dobeyi doubt it's half a dozen that will be confused14:17
ralsina_dobey: sure, I am making up numbers. We also don't know how many never find out that you can share/publish. When we added the new tabn in u1cp there were posts with titles like "u1 adds file sharing"14:18
ralsina_dobey: because they never saw the context menu, and never found the feature14:18
dobeyif we simply removed support for sharing folders. it would be much better14:19
ralsina_dobey: it would be *simpler*. Not sure about better. But we are not removing it.14:20
gatoxsooooo..... about the branches?14:29
* gatox don't want to be annoying.... but it seems that they shouldn't be blocked14:29
ralsina_gatox: relax a little please :-)14:30
gatoxokok :P14:31
dobeyugh, and still have the trailing cough and nastiness of a waning chest cold :(14:34
mmccgood morning folks. Hi ralsina!14:37
ralsina_Aló mmcc!14:37
briancurtinweird...ubuntu_sso.constants not being compiled/generated14:39
dobeybriancurtin: it's only built during setup.py install time14:40
briancurtinwhich we don't do on windows14:40
mmccbriancurtin - I just hit that yesterday. are you seeing this when running py2exe?14:40
gatoxmmcc, hi14:40
briancurtinmmcc: i didnt notice when running py2exe (maybe i missed a warning/error), but i did when running the resulting installer14:41
gatoxmmcc, i replied to your need fixing here: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/share-indicator/+merge/131973 that is already fixed in another branch i proposed14:41
mmccbriancurtin- dobey's recent lint-roller branch changed a 'import constants' to __import__() , which py2app didn't pick up - maybe py2exe has the same issue?14:42
briancurtinyep, just noticed that 1 second ago14:42
briancurtincould be it14:42
mmcc:D . yeah I had to add ubuntu_sso.constants to setup's includes… that fixed it for me14:42
mmccgatox, looking now14:43
briancurtinalthough i think its kind of odd that it even worked before14:43
ralsina_briancurtin: you may have had it installed14:43
briancurtinah, yeah probably14:43
mmccgatox, +1 on share-indicator then.14:49
mmccbrb, making coffee14:49
gatoxmmcc, awesome! thx14:49
ralsina_gatox, mmcc, dobey, briancurtin, mvo, joshuahoover: client-eng call in 3 minutes in mumble14:57
ralsina_who am I missing who's around today?14:57
rockstarralsina_, didn't expect you today.14:57
ralsina_karni if you are here14:57
karniralsina_: Im at grantparents, cant attend the call. Will send you and email update.14:57
rockstar(I'm already in mumble)14:57
ralsina_and rockstar of course14:57
ralsina_sorry guys, I don'thave my notepad handy :-)14:58
ralsina_rockstar: I will drop by next tuesday too14:58
rockstarOur team is eleventy billion people big now. It's understandable to forget people. :)14:58
ralsina_thursday yes. Stupid english language ;-)14:59
dobeytuesday, thursday, share, publish; they're all the same, right?14:59
ralsina_dobey: *this close*, you old troll ;-)14:59
dobeyheh :)14:59
dobeygatox: some needs fixing issues on new-share-design15:06
gatoxdobey, ack15:07
mvoralsina_: I'm in a uds session currently, but I can skip this one and try to find a quiet place to join15:19
dobeymvo: no worries15:22
ralsina_mvo: don't worry15:22
ralsina_mvo: we can talk when you come back from uds15:23
mmccis there a common known cause for a "ROOT_MISMATCH" error, like trying to use two user accounts on one system or something? I'm asking for a support question. The only thing I know of is to delete the syncdaemon metadata and start over, is that all we can do?15:25
chaselivingstonmmcc: there is an faq for ubuntu an windows, but not sure how to do it for mac15:26
mmccchaselivingston ack - I'm trying to answer your email :)15:26
chaselivingstonmmcc: haha, thanks15:26
mmccchaselivingston - the metadata is in ~/Library/Application Support/ubuntuone/ on macs15:27
mmccI think for that error, also removing the SSO credentials from the keychain is probably not required.15:27
chaselivingstonmmcc: ok cool, can you assign that ticket back to nobody and i'll reply?15:30
ralsina_mmcc: ROOT_MISMATCH means you logged in with one account, then removed the device then logged in with another, there is no other way to cause it AFAIK15:31
mmccah, thanks ralsina_.15:35
mmccso what will SD do if the user has stuff in ~/U1/ (that's from the earlier account) and starts a new SD with no metadata? do a local rescan and treat them all as added files, I guess?15:36
ralsina_mmcc: right, will merge the contents of both accounts on the new one15:37
mmccralsina_ ok, will add that to the reply15:37
mmccchaselivingston I replied via email, do you need me to re-assign it or does RT take care of that?15:42
chaselivingstonmmcc: still need to reassign it so i'll see any further replies15:42
mmccok, here we go15:43
dobeyok, i need to get some lunch; bbiab15:52
* gatox lunch16:14
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dobeygatox_lunch: did you see my comment on socket-comms branch? i am getting 2 instances of control panel with it17:26
gatox_lunchdobey, doing what? that is not happening here17:27
dobeygatox_lunch: running cp from that branch, opening another terminal from the same branch, and running it from there a second time with the first instance still running (with or without --switch-to arg)17:28
dobeyweird, now it's not doing it17:28
dobeybut it's not raising/focusing/switching tabs either17:28
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
gatoxdobey, ok..... now i'll make the video.... i thought that wasn't necessary.......17:29
gatoxdobey, are you sure you have everything up to date?17:29
dobeyand now it is opening multiple instances again17:42
gatoxdobey, this is what i see: http://youtu.be/YI79cjfdMKQ17:43
* mmcc has hit a bug in py2app regarding namespace packages. Ronald has already replied to my report, but in the meantime I'm going to have to really hack this so it'll copy a file in as a post-processing step…17:43
gatoxdobey, and http://youtu.be/hYUWCAT0cE017:43
dobeyand now it's not; wtrf17:43
dobeygatox: it doesn't help that your launcher isn't always visible17:51
dobeygatox: but i'm not saying it doesn't work for you. i'm saying it doesn't work for me17:51
dobeyso me seeing it work for you doens't help me really17:51
gatoxdobey, yes....... but what i mean, is that maybe something is not working properly on your computer17:54
dobeygatox: it's not working properly on either of my computers17:54
dobeywhich means it probably isn't going to work properly on a great number of peoples' computers17:54
gatoxdobey, the only thing that i can think of.... is that for some reason the socket communication is failing for you17:59
gatoxwe can add a try-except there to avoid opening multiple instances when it fails.... but the part that doesn't give the focus to control panel is going to keep not working for those cases18:00
dobeyit doesn't work as is18:00
gatoxdobey, this branch has been updated: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/new-share-design/+merge/13139718:00
dobeyeven when --switch-to does work for me18:00
gatoxdobey, some reason i explained above18:01
dobeygatox: yes. but if it's not working for me, it's not going to work for most people either.18:01
dobeygatox: there is nothing special about this computer; it's a new quantal isntall, with ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies18:02
gatoxdobey, i'm pretty sure that sending messages via socket is what is failing for you..... but i don't know why....18:02
dobeygatox: well, --switch-to sometimes does switch the tab; but the window doesn't get focus or anything18:03
mmccI'm about to try that branch on my precise install, just to see if we can triangulate here18:03
dobeybasically the experience is no better than it already was18:03
gatoxmmcc, please18:04
mmcchm. I think we've broken switch-to somehow… I am seeing the second invocation of CP make the window visible, but not with key focus, and it is ignoring switch-to18:09
gatoxmmcc, how are you doing it?18:10
mmccwhat's worse, even when running just one instance of CP, I'm seeing it switch back to the folders tab after showing the tab I specify in switch-to18:10
mmccI think this might be related to ralsina's change from a while back that switches to the folders tab after the credentials are found18:11
mmccIf your machine is fast enough you might not notice that it shows the tab you want while it's loading before going to the folders tab anyway18:12
ralsina_everything is my fault ;-)18:12
mmccgatox, I have no idea why it works correctly for you. maybe it's not ralsina's fault and there's a change you don't have?18:12
dobeyoh right, virtualbox is broken by default on 12.10 :(18:12
* gatox does a merge with trunk just in case18:13
mmccno, looks like all of trunk is in this branch18:14
dobeywell, i was running it without merging into trunk; just branching gatox's branch directly18:14
gatoxmmcc, nop..... merged with trunk and keep working here....18:14
dobeybut it's clearly not working right18:14
gatoxmmcc, if it's not much trouble.... can you make a short video so i can see exactly what are you seeing?18:14
gatoxor you dobey ^18:15
mmccgatox, what were you using to record? I don't have a mac screen recorder handy but maybe a linux one will work inside the vm18:17
gatoxmmcc, kazam in linux18:17
ralsina_EOD for me. I will read my email, so you know how to contact me if you need me. If you don't see you all next week!18:18
gatoxralsina_, bye.... enjoy18:19
mmccbye ralsina_ - have fun18:19
mmccawesome, I got a video of just the mouse pointer18:33
dobeygotta run a few errands. brb18:37
gatoxdobey, mmcc i think i found a hackish way to force the focus and the raising18:45
dobeygatox: hackish how?19:17
dobeygatox: and how is it currently doing? is there no window.getFocus(timestamp=0) call you can do?19:18
gatoxdobey, no.... you can grab the focus from another applicatoin..... you can grab the focus inside your application, but not steal it from other apps not related to yours19:19
gatoxdobey, i'll propose this change now..... and test it if it's ok for you19:19
dobeygatox: eh? qt itself has no control over whether or not the app itself actually gets focus; that's all the window manager's doing, based on a timestamp19:20
karniEvening folks o/19:21
* karni was on national holiday today, visiting family, etc19:21
dobeykarni: are you coming or going? :)19:23
karnidobey: I was greeting :) hehe. I want to send an e-mail update to roberto (and maybe squeeze in some hacking while my family is busy ;P)19:23
gatoxdobey, try now please19:24
dobeygatox: with that, the window moves, but still doesn't get focus19:26
gatoxdobey, no, the focus part i don't think that is going to be possible to be resolve..... but at least u1-cp should appear in front of any other window19:27
dobeygatox: it raises, and moves the window; but i think i'd rather just not have it raise, if it's going to move as well19:27
gatoxdobey, is going to move if the application is already open..... but this will ensure that is going to be raise even if it is minimized19:28
mmccwell, here's a bug I'm kind of surprised no one noticed yet - string translations are thoroughly broken on osx19:29
mmccI guess that's next19:30
dobeymmcc: broken?19:30
dobeymmcc: should just always be english19:30
mmccdobey, really? CP appears translated on linux for me…19:30
mmccby broken I mean that it ignores your language setting and is always just english. are you saying that's what we're expecting for osx? I just never tested it until today…19:31
dobeymmcc: right, because we use gettext on linux19:31
dobeymmcc: we don't support translations on windows currently; i'd imagine we won't for osx either19:32
mmcchuh, ok. I'll make it a wishlist bug19:32
dobeyqt itself doesn't use gettext; so making the translations work on mac/win will be quite a bit of work19:32
gatoxdobey, we could do something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1324578/ .....  i'm going to propose that..... i think it is the best solution19:32
mmccdobey, I'm not sure it'd be that much work, we should be able to just ship the strings in the bundle and point gettext at them (although I haven't quite gotten that working yet after 5 minutes in the console, so maybe I'm wrong)19:33
dobeygatox: hold on, lets not do that19:33
dobeymmcc: well, on osx it might be easier than on win19:34
mmccdobey maybe. my impression is it should be the same on both - just need to have a way to tell gettext where to find the files, and then ship the files in your bundle/installer19:35
karnirockstar: Around?19:35
mmccthere appears to be a way to point gettext at an arbitrary directory, but again I haven't gotten it working yet. will just braindump into this bug and move on…19:35
gatoxdobey, i just proposed..... why not?? i think with that combination is the best behavior possible19:35
dobeyis that what skype does?19:36
karniGuys, do you think we should allow enqueuing the same song in the play queue multiple times? say, songs: [A, B, C, D, A, X, Y, Z, A] ?19:36
* karni is talking about the music app for Android19:36
dobeykarni: if the user wants to do that, i don't see why not19:36
karnidobey: Shucks ;] I realized only today I keep the "now_playing" column in Songs table, rather tha PlaylistSongs ;< ;) (Queue is a specific playlist)19:37
karnidobey: I agree with you.19:37
* karni was looking for someone who'd say "no" ;D19:37
dobeygatox: proposed as in pushed it in your existing branch?19:38
gatoxdobey, yes.... i mean that19:38
dobeyit doesn't seem to work19:40
dobeyor at least, it only does anything when the window is minimized, which doesn't help i guess19:41
gatoxdobey, ok..... when it is not minimized..... is going to bring it to the front when another applicatoin DOESN'T have the keyboard focus..... if another app has the keyboard focus, is going to just make the icon jump in the launcher19:43
dobeythere has to be some way to do the right thing in qt19:44
gatoxmmmmm we might start playing with the winID..... and try to raise the running u1-cp from the one being executed before it exits.....19:45
gatoxnot sure if that will work..... but.....19:45
gatoxdobey, mmmmm..... i think..... that maybe we should need to write platform specific code using some os api to do that....... i can't find anyway to do it directly from qt19:52
gatoxdobey, i've done it in c++ on windows....... using the windows api....19:53
dobeybah, the qt documentation lies19:53
mmccok, so if I can use pyobjc to get the current preferred language (OS X doesn't set LANG for you), then adding translation support is just a couple lines of code. I addd that to the bug and that's it for now19:58
dobey+ argv = ['ubuntuone-installer', '/usr/bin/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt']20:06
dobeygatox: ^^ what the heck?20:06
gatoxdobey, that's for the tests20:07
dobeygatox: i know it's the tests, but why is 'ubuntuone-installer' in there?20:07
dobeygatox: and why a full path string for the control panel?20:07
gatoxdobey, i could add anything there..... because the first two values for those tests are actually being ignored.....20:08
gatoxdobey, for those tests we want everything from [2:]20:08
gatoxdobey, i don't have any problem if you want me to change that.......20:09
gatoxi was just clarifying that are dummy values20:09
dobeygatox: i'd change them to at least be more reasoanble dummy values. 'ubuntuone-installer' should probably be python or something; it's easier to type, and not something we've dropped :)20:10
gatoxdobey, ack....... changing it20:11
dobeyand i'd at least remove the /usr/bin/ if only to make the test slightly more readable/cross-platform friendly (even if it is ignored)20:11
rockstarkarni, I am now.20:11
karnirockstar: Do you think we should allow enqueuing the same song in the play queue multiple times? say, songs: [A, B, C, D, A, X, Y, Z, A] ?20:12
rockstarkarni, we do on the web player.20:12
karnirockstar: I agree with dobey, there's no reason we shouldn't. At the same time, is it usually intentional or a mistake to enqueue the same song on the play queue I wonder.20:12
karnirockstar: Right. Shit, I placed the now_playing column in the wrong table.20:12
karniLooks like I'll have to move it to the PlaylistSongs table from the Songs table.20:13
karnirockstar: I was laughing today when I saw more than one "now_playing" indicator on the play queue (same song, enqueued multiple times).20:13
karniIt would be too easy to disallow enqueuing same song ;)20:14
dobeyreally, the play queue (or playlist, or whatever similar thing) should just be a list of song ids, like [song1_id, song2_id, …] and it shouldn't matter if they repeat or not20:15
karnidobey: I agree. And it is in my case.20:16
karniJust persisting state in the wrong place ;)20:16
gatoxdobey, branch updated20:16
* briancurtin lunch20:21
gatoxok..... eod here........ see you tomorrow people!20:56
dobeylater all21:31
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mmcchmm, I'm getting multiple instances of control panel launched from my menu. I'm building with diego's socket-comm branch… maybe I need to update it?22:48
mmccthat's weird, now it's working correctly and all I did was add a print and rebuild the app22:53
mmccok, pyobjc menu works when packaged in the main app and run directly. now just need to change CP to run the menu at startup and not kill syncdaemon on quit, and we're in good shape. definitely took longer than expected, ran into some tools bugs along the way23:03
mmccI'm done for today. will wrap this up tomorrow23:03

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