
kaveva75I have a problem installing evolution in my xubuntu 12.0400:03
kaveva75this is the error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  evolution: Depends: evolution-common (= 3.2.3-0ubuntu6) but 3.2.3-0ubuntu6 is to be installed00:04
kaveva75how can I install this dependencies ?00:05
kaveva75can you help me ?00:06
kaveva75are there another ways to connect my xubuntu with email exchange server ?00:07
GridCube!info evolution-common00:08
ubottuevolution-common (source: evolution): architecture independent files for Evolution. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.91-0ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 1781 kB, installed size 17980 kB00:08
GridCubeit has to be = ?00:08
GridCube!info evolution-common prescise00:09
ubottu'prescise' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable00:09
GridCube!info evolution-common precise00:09
ubottuevolution-common (source: evolution): architecture independent files for Evolution. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.3-0ubuntu6 (precise), package size 1770 kB, installed size 17364 kB00:09
GridCubein 12.04 you should have that dependency satisfied kaveva7500:10
kaveva75from ubuntu software center ?00:10
GridCubekaveva75, yes00:10
kaveva75i'm trying00:10
GridCubekaveva75, you could simply do sudo apt-get install evolution-common00:11
kaveva75I'm trying , thanks GridCube00:11
GridCube:D good luck kancerman00:11
GridCube* kaveva7500:12
kaveva75dear GridCube, I have this error : xatt@xatt-Precision-M4300:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install evolution-common Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done evolution-common is already the newest version. The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   evolution-webcal linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic gnome-desktop3-data libpst4   linux-headers-3.2.000:12
GridCubethats not an error00:13
GridCuberead what its saying00:13
kaveva75I'm trying with apt-get install evolution00:15
kaveva75and I receiving this error: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:  The following pack00:15
kaveva75The following information may help to resolve the situation:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:  evolution : Depends: gnome-icon-theme-full but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.00:16
kaveva75How can i get this dependency :  gnome-icon-theme-full00:16
GridCube!info gnome-icon-theme-full00:17
ubottugnome-icon-theme-full (source: gnome-icon-theme): GNOME Desktop icon theme. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.90-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 8514 kB, installed size 9394 kB00:17
GridCube!info gnome-icon-theme-full precise00:17
ubottugnome-icon-theme-full (source: gnome-icon-theme): GNOME Desktop icon theme. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 (precise), package size 8534 kB, installed size 9396 kB00:17
GridCubewell... jus try to sudo apt-get it?00:17
kaveva75i'm trying00:17
GridCubesudo apt-get install gnome-icon-theme-full --no-install-recommends00:17
GridCubethe --no-install-recommends will prevent that package from installing all unity with it00:18
kaveva75receive this: xatt@xatt-Precision-M4300:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install gnome-icon-theme-full Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The followin00:18
kaveva75The following packages have unmet dependencies:  gnome-icon-theme-full : Depends: gnome-icon-theme (= 3.4.0-0ubuntu1) but 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.00:19
GridCubedo this: sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get update00:19
GridCube!info gnome-icon-theme precise00:20
ubottugnome-icon-theme (source: gnome-icon-theme): GNOME Desktop icon theme (small subset). In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 (precise), package size 643 kB, installed size 917 kB00:20
GridCubeyou should be able to install it, its in the repos00:20
kaveva75xatt@xatt-Precision-M4300:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install gnome-icon-theme Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done gnome-icon-theme is already the newest version. The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   evolution-webcal linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic gnome-desktop3-data libpst4   linux-headers-3.2.0-29 libgtkhtml-4.0-0 libgnome-deskt00:21
kaveva75Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:22
GridCubekaveva75, as said:00:22
GridCubedo this: sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get update00:22
kaveva75it's working00:23
kaveva75ok, finish00:23
kaveva75so, do i try with install evolution-common ?00:23
GridCubeit should pull the other things yes00:24
kaveva75don't work00:25
kaveva75 sudo apt-get install gnome-icon-theme Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done gnome-icon-theme is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:25
GridCubethat did work00:25
GridCubeDone gnome-icon-theme is already the newest version.00:26
kaveva75sudo apt-get install evolution  ??00:26
GridCubetry that yes :)00:26
kaveva75Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:  The following packages have unmet dependencies00:26
kaveva75Depends: gnome-icon-theme-full but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.00:27
GridCubetry that one then00:27
GridCubeoh... you still have broken packages00:27
GridCubethat last sentence, autoremove should have taken care of that00:28
GridCubebut try sudo apt-get install  gnome-icon-theme-ful00:29
kaveva75this error: sudo apt-get install  gnome-icon-theme-ful00:29
kaveva75ops, this error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  gnome-icon-theme-full : Depends: gnome-icon-theme (= 3.4.0-0ubuntu1) but 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.00:29
kaveva75what's 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 ?00:30
GridCubebut... thats.. it said00:30
GridCubekaveva75, the version of the program00:30
GridCubeoh its 1.1 and it wants it to be just 100:31
GridCubesorry kaveva75 but i have not the slightliest idea of what to do next :/00:31
kaveva75ok, thank you GridCube00:32
GridCubekaveva75, let me do some research please00:32
kaveva75thank, but don't worry , i'm going to sleep , my mail is kaleva75@gmail.com00:34
kaveva75by GridCube00:34
GridCubegood luck00:35
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek
hfbLooking for some help with my wireless lan card01:35
hfbwhen downloading adobe flash player for xubuntu which version do i want?01:52
Unit193hfb: Just install xubuntu-restricted-extras.01:53
hfbYUM, tar.gx, .rpm, or RPM?01:53
hfband how would i go about finding that? (im brand new to linux)01:53
Unit193Nither, you don't download stuff off sites, you use the repos.01:54
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents01:55
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek
juanantoniotengo 12.04 y quiero saber si la 12.10 ya es suficientemnte estable02:21
kyle__...It probably wasn't the best idea to start out with Xubuntu as my first distro, was it?02:50
kyle__Can anyone help me get started with it?02:51
kyle__How does one go about learning the way around Xubuntu02:57
stochastickyle__, what sort of problems are you facing?  have you looked at any online videos of xfce or Ubuntu or Xubuntu?03:03
kyle__Not really.03:03
kyle__I'm completely lost.03:03
kyle__I probably should have started with vanilla Ubuntu.03:03
kyle__What videos would you suggest, just to start?03:05
Unit193kyle__: Take a look at the docs under /usr/share/xubuntu-docs/desktop-guide/index.html03:08
Unit193(As in, paste that url into the browser)03:08
kyle__Thanks, man.03:09
xanguagood halloween, or as they used to say...hollow evening :) does the xfce panel supports the indicator menu stuff¿03:19
xubuntu475da jia hao03:28
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:32
bazhang /join #ubuntu-cn03:34
Azelphurpretty chinese characters \o/03:34
Azelphur额 this one looks weird though, it's just like a weird scribbley thing.03:35
Azelphurapparently it means "Amount", amazing how they can cram an entire word into one character03:35
bazhangEnglish here Azelphur03:37
Azelphuraww :(03:37
* Azelphur was testing out the google translate foo03:38
bazhangchit chat in #xubuntu-offtopic as well please Azelphur03:38
hfbEvery time I try to download all the updates it prompts me to it says "Failed to download package files|04:22
hfbfollowed by "check your internet connnection"04:22
holsteinhfb: have you checked your internet connection?04:22
hfbyes, works fine04:22
hfbusing it to stream TV right now04:23
hfbany ideas?04:25
holsteinhfb: i would close any update managers and/or package managers.. open the terminal.. run "sudo apt-get update" and see that no errors are reported... then run "sudo apt-get upgrade"04:25
hfbive done that before, have time to walk me thru it?04:26
hfbim brand new to linux04:26
holsteinhfb: i would open the terminal and type..04:29
holsteinsudo apt-get update04:29
hfbdid that04:29
holsteinhit the "enter" key, and see that no errors are posted04:29
holsteinhfb: if you have errors, you can share then with a pastebin04:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:30
hfbi dont see any errors just apt 0.8.6~exp12ubuntu10.2 for i386 compiled etc04:30
holsteinhfb: then, in the same terminal, type...04:30
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade04:30
holsteinshare any errors04:30
holsteinyou should have a list of packages to upgrade.. i usually skim the list as least04:31
hfbtons of error messages04:32
hfbcopy and paste them all?04:32
holsteinhfb: in a pastebin04:32
holstein!paste | hfb04:32
ubottuhfb: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:32
holsteinhfb: you can go to http://paste.ubuntu.com ,paste the text, and share the link after clicking the "paste" button04:33
holsteinhfb: run sudo apt-get update again and paste that04:36
holsteinhfb: what operating system is this?04:36
hfbumm the latest xubuntu04:37
holsteinhfb: xubuntu 12.10?04:37
hfbi believe so04:38
hfbis there any way to check to be exact?04:39
holsteinhfb: in a terminal, lsb_release -a04:39
hfb12.04.1 to be exact04:42
holsteinthats the latest lts... 12.10 is the latest regular release04:42
holsteinhfb: you have ppa's added?04:42
hfbi do not know what ppa's are ^^ sry04:42
holsteinhfb: lts = long term support04:43
holsteinhfb: have you copied and pasted anything like "sudo add-apt-repository foo" to get additional software??04:44
holsteinhfb: its odd that you are able to run one command and not the other04:44
holsteinhfb: i would try this04:44
holsteinsudo apt-get -f install04:44
holsteinhfb: ^^ run that and pastebin me any errors04:44
holsteinif no errors, try sudo apt-get upgrade again04:44
hfbno sir, i have only had linux for a few days, only explored the OS a little bit, just learning04:45
hfbok brb04:45
hfbwhat does the apt-get -f install do?04:45
holsteinhfb: hopefully fix something if its broken or missing04:45
hfbE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)04:46
hfbE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?04:46
hfbhfb@T41Geek:~$ ^C04:46
holsteinhfb: you'll need to close anything else04:46
holsteinhfb: update managers... package managers04:46
holsteinhfb: assuming you used "sudo"04:47
holsteinsudo apt-get -f install04:47
hfbhfb@T41Geek:~$ apt-get -f install04:48
hfbE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)04:48
hfbE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?04:48
hfbhfb@T41Geek:~$ ^C04:48
hfbhfb@T41Geek:~$ sudo apt-get -f install04:48
hfbReading package lists... Done04:48
hfbBuilding dependency tree04:48
hfbReading state information... Done04:48
hfb0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 158 not upgraded.04:48
holsteinok, so now try..04:49
holsteinsudo apt-get update04:49
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade04:49
hfbseems to be working this time, ill paste my results when there done04:50
holsteinhfb: when that finishes, you should be able to use the GUI updater again04:51
hfbthats the manager that prompts me to upgrade?04:52
holsteinhfb: its important to reload the cache.. and its important never to shutdown while upgrading04:52
holsteinhfb: yup04:52
hfbreload the cache?04:53
holsteinhfb: sudo apt-get update is doing that.. hitting a "reload" or "refresh" button in the GUI ones..04:53
hfbhmm this stuff is soo cool04:54
hfbis there a website that can give me a crash course on terminal commands so i dont always have to bug people?04:54
holsteinhmm... i usually just google search what im tring to do04:55
hfbok i see04:55
holsteinhfb: i started doing more and more normal everyday tasks in the CLI.. just simple stuff..04:55
hfbwhy does it says my name before your type? how did you do that?04:55
holsteinhfb: you mean < >04:56
hfbcli? that the terminal?04:56
holsteinhfb: CLI = command line interface... the terminal is a way to get to that04:56
hfbo i c ok04:56
holsteini type "h" and i hit the tab key... its tab complete.. you can cycle through the h nicks04:57
holsteinif you type hol and hit tab, youll probably get me04:57
hfbholstein, oh thats cool04:58
holsteinhfb: you can do that in the command line too.. for /path/to/file ...or commands... in the terminal, you can type 'su' and hit tab twice, and you'll see all the su* options... type sud and hit tab and sudo will auto complete04:58
holsteinfir - tab will auto complete firefox04:59
hfbauto complete?04:59
holsteinyup.. tab completion.. like with the nicknames here05:00
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro05:00
hfbit didnt work for me i tried it05:01
holsteinhfb: what? which? whats "it" ?05:01
hfbi typed <fir - tab> did do anything05:02
holsteinhfb: hol tab gets my nick...05:02
holsteinhfb: maybe you dont have firefox installed05:02
hfbi do its my defualt\05:02
holsteinhfb: whatever command you start typing, you can auto complete05:02
hfbholstein,  ooo so if i type hol then tab and types ur name got it lol sry05:03
=== hfb is now known as Guest57727
holsteinGuest57727: i think that nick is registered05:04
holstein01:03 -!- Guest57727 [~hfb@ip68-229-56-139.lv.lv.cox.net] has quit [Killed (bradbury.freenode.net (Nickname regained by  services))]05:04
Guest57727NickServ- hfb_!~hfb@cpe-98-151-249-95.socal.res.rr.com has regained your nickname.05:04
Guest57727* You are now known as Guest5772705:04
Guest57727* You have been killed by bradbury.freenode.net (regained by services))05:04
Guest57727* Guest57727 has quit (Killed (bradbury.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services)))05:04
Guest57727* Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).05:04
Guest57727* Guest57727 sets mode +i Guest5772705:04
Guest57727 No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>05:04
Guest57727what does this mean? ive always had this nick05:04
holsteinGuest57727: i would ask the bosses.. try #freenode ... thats what it looks like to me.. its being regained05:04
holsteinmaybe they wanted it for something...05:05
Guest57727its prompting me to restart05:08
holsteinGuest57727: i would expect that05:08
holsteinGuest57727: its not urgent, but i would soon05:08
Guest57727ok, no one is answering me on #freenode05:08
holsteinGuest57727: i would wait 24 hours, and if you dont hear from anyone, repost05:09
holsteinif you cant wait, you could send an email in05:09
Guest57727if i restart i lose all this chat though right?05:09
holsteindepends on the client you are using... you can copy-paste or whatever05:10
Guest57727ok i c05:11
Guest57727ok be right back im going to restart and see if it will fix05:11
Guest57727holstein, thank you for your help u are awesome05:11
holsteinGuest57727: anytime.. i might crash soon, but enjoy!05:12
Guest57727ty again05:13
CWIDEHello. Could anyone please help me out with a problem I've been having. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207898506:53
apm1CWIDE, what gpu ?06:55
CWIDEGuess I should add that let me look up the card 1 second06:56
apm1CWIDE, if you won't respond , i can't help you :(06:56
apm1CWIDE, lspci ?06:57
apm1^type that in a terminal06:57
CWIDEthanks :D06:57
apm1without the question mark06:57
CWIDEGeForce GT 43006:57
apm1go to the xubuntu (xfce) menu06:58
apm1menu>settings>additional drivers06:58
apm1or .... type "synaptic "in a terminal06:59
apm1now in the search field in synaptic type "nvidia current"07:00
apm1find/scroll to the package named "nvidia current" and left click it and select install07:00
apm1on the top menu in synaptic now click apply07:01
apm1that should do the trick07:01
apm1reboot once07:01
apm1and report how did it go07:01
CWIDEThank you very much :D07:01
CWIDEI will07:01
CWIDEIt worked great apm1 no more messed up text07:06
CWIDEThank you very much :D07:06
apm1CWIDE, glad i could help , enjoy linux07:06
CWIDEWell im going to sleep just wanted to fix that before I did. Thanks again. Good night.07:07
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek
xubuntu319Hi :D09:15
xubuntu319no one here?09:16
baizon!hi | xubuntu31909:16
ubottuxubuntu319: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:16
xubuntu319Well, I'm installing right now Xubuntu but I have some worries09:17
xubuntu319It takes too long to install09:18
baizonxubuntu319: home come?09:22
xubuntu319Well, it says "xubuntu ubiquity: Proccessing triggers for update-notifier-common" for  minutes now...09:23
xubuntu319*30 minutes09:23
baizonwhat hardware?09:23
xubuntu31916 GB of ram, an ati 6800 HD series card, an intel quad-core processor09:24
baizonou well :)09:25
xubuntu319I don't think is hardware the issue here09:25
baizonyou can the installation process to see more infomation09:25
baizoncheck there were it stuck09:25
baizondown there you have a triangle09:26
baizonclick on it09:26
xubuntu319yeah, I clicked on the arrow to see more information09:26
xubuntu319now it says09:26
baizonpost it on pastebin.ubuntu.com09:27
xubuntu319how can I copy-paste it?09:27
xubuntu319It doesn't allow me09:27
baizonmark and ctrl+c ?09:27
xubuntu319Yeah, I tryed that09:28
xubuntu319But nothing...09:28
baizonthen make a screenshot and uplaod it09:29
Touhou44Does anyone know if the bug where Nautilus is slow to load still exists in the latest Xubuntu?09:41
baizonTouhou44: you mean thunar?09:41
Touhou44Sorry, Thunar yes09:41
knomeTouhou44, unfortunately, it does. it's fixed in the development release and we're about to push it to quantal too soonish09:43
Touhou44That's good news :)09:44
nikolamTouhou44, when you say slow to load, you mean that sometimes it waits for some period of time before it runs?09:55
Touhou44Yes, a delay before appearing09:56
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
nikolamlower xfce panel that dynamically pops up, get stuc after a while on 12.04 64bit11:19
apm1nikolam, do you have compositioning enabled ?11:20
nikolamapm1, i think so, since it is enabled by default?11:20
apm1no it isn't11:21
nikolamit was here at me, window manager tweaks>compositor>enable  display compositing is checked.11:22
nikolamInly have open source graphics driver, it is amd x1250 /rs69011:22
apm1nikolam, my guess is have a look at the pannel prefrences11:22
nikolamapm1, i tried it, but after i unset and set hifing again, it just get a bit shorter and stays11:23
apm1nikolam, hifing ?11:23
nikolamdon't know how it is on 12.10.11:23
nikolamYou think I can install fresh 12.10 install on separate btrfs volume , so I can dual-boot 12.04 and 12.10 from same partition?11:24
apm1nikolam, my second guess is install fglrx drivers11:24
apm1nikolam, sure dual booting can work out11:25
nikolamno fglrx driver is available for this GPU for kernel above 8.04 LTS11:25
nikolamI like Btrfs, I got used to ZFS on openindiana before.11:26
nikolamBut they take account snapshots during upgrade, hope ubuntu will do that too.11:27
defilenikolam, do you find it to be stable?11:27
apm1nikolam, well i can't say about that11:27
nikolamdefile, I did not get to use it much just installed few days ago.11:27
defileah, okay11:27
nikolamIt does not have some great stability record, btrfs11:27
nikolamBut Zfs is already here for 10 yrs11:28
nikolamBtrfs is fresh new11:28
defileI've already learned a hard lesson being an early adapter of ext3 on Red Hat back in the day11:28
nikolamI am thinking of startin 12.10 install from alternate to see if it will offer me to choose alternate Btrfs image to install and dualboot11:30
nikolamI previously wanted zfsonlinux root for Ubuntu, it also could be done with PPA and Live CD11:31
* nikolam lunch11:32
Andy80is Xubuntu 12.10 alternate install available? Hasn't been dropped like the Ubuntu alternate?11:42
Unit193There isn't a Xubuntu 12.10 alternate, no.11:43
DonnieStuck in recovery mode. grub package thing is not fount. Will not boot past waiting for network configuration13:25
GridCubeDonnie, have you tried booting to a previous kernel?13:28
DonnieYes. Same thing about the network config13:29
nikolamxfce4-weather applet does not work again. It does not rdisplay weather data after issuing refresh. It is like that for a few last days13:38
GridCubenikolam, the service its working, you should check your internet connection13:53
nikolamthanks GridCube :P13:54
GridCubeP: you're welcome13:55
nikolamit is true I am on wifi and there is some seconds of timeout. It seems he does not lilke to wait :)13:55
GridCubeprobably, it does have to fetch updates, but you could make a bug report explaining you issue and ask for it to show the latest fetched forecast if it includes the day you are in or something like that :P13:56
nikolamGridCube, yes, I suspect also many other apps have problems if network or resolving is not responsive13:58
greasegumhas anyone had this experience? I'm on a big wifi network and everyone not running linux is getting great connectivity, while you're experiencing horrible netlag?14:01
TheSheepgreasegum: anything relevant in dmesg?14:02
greasegumyeah I was getting this one iwlwifi error, trying to find my notes14:07
greasegumsomething about could not clear tx buffer14:07
girafeecompiz is working fine on xubuntu 12.04, but how do i change theme?14:07
GridCubeask on #compiz maybe?14:09
greasegumhere it is : fail to flush all tx fifo queues14:10
greasegumbut it wasn't consistently associated with my horribly erratic ping times14:10
greasegumjust one thing I noticed14:10
greasegumTheSheep:: otherwise nothing unusual14:12
greasegumwhat could be causing my ping to be all over the place? I also checked to see if it could be an IPv6 issue, but that module isn't even loaded.14:16
greasegumsometimes ping would drop down to hundreds of msec, then I would get several, could not connect to host in a row, then it would come back for a bit14:17
greasegumnothing weird happening in 'watch dmesg...'14:18
GridCube!patience | greasegum14:32
ubottugreasegum: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:32
greasegumGridCube:: sorry, just frustrated. hopefully someone will take pity. I'm gonna try some other things meanwhile14:34
GridCube:) dont worry greasegum its understable, just have some patience, not all people here is watching the channel14:35
GridCubegreasegum, please provide details of you hardware and other related data you think its importan aswel, that might help14:36
=== Someone is now known as Guest72850
Guest72850i have a quick question about deciding between the different ubuntus14:46
Guest72850is it possible to change the color of the theme? like, in the screenshots, all the folders and files are blue, i prefer green, can i change that without redoing the art?14:47
GridCubesure, its an icon theme14:48
Guest72850btw, im doing this from standard ubuntu cause i dont really like gnome14:48
GridCubeyou mean xubuntu?14:48
Guest72850but the computer im typing this on is running regular ubuntu14:48
GridCubego to preferences there choose Appareance (or what ever its in english it has a pallete and a pencil icon)14:49
GridCubethere you have a tab named Icons14:49
Guest72850'appareance' is close enough14:49
Guest72850so in there i can pick a green theme?14:50
Guest72850ok thanks14:51
xubuntu621ciao a tutti15:14
xubuntu621ho un problema con compiz15:14
xubuntu621chi potrebbe aiutarmi?15:15
TheSheep!it | xubuntu62115:15
ubottuxubuntu621: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:15
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ner0xWhat would it take for me to tar.bz2 an entire install and be able to replicate that install on demand?16:03
[TiZ]I find myself completely unable to select text in any way at all in every pure GTK application. What do I do to fix this?16:50
ner0xGridCube: If I wanted to rsync / and be able to extract it on another volume later on, and have that volume be a root device, how would I do so?16:51
GridCubeprobably some dd magic16:52
GridCubeor a cloning software16:52
GridCubebut most probably some dd magic16:52
ner0xGridCube: I was asking more alone the lines of: what dirs do I need in /16:52
GridCubeoh, i have no idea sorry16:53
GridCubeprobably all of it except /home16:53
[TiZ]Click/drag, shift+arrows, even ctrl+a don't work. This seriously cripples my ability to use my work computer, so I *need* to have this fixed.16:54
ner0x /dev and /proc are definitely not included.16:54
GridCube[TiZ], does this happens whit the guest user aswel?16:55
[TiZ]GridCube: I haven't tried the guest user.16:57
GridCubetry that please16:57
[TiZ]GridCube: Xfce doesn't seem to have user switching, so that will have to wait for a tiny bit while I finish what I'm doing here.16:58
GridCube:) ok16:58
[TiZ]GridCube: I figured it out; it seems that x2x, which I use to communicate with the X server running on my displaylink monitor, was to blame.17:03
[TiZ]I was starting it incorrectly and for some reason that caused selecting text to just totally die off, I guess.17:03
GridCubeoh :) good luck you find that out because that would have been a real pain to figure out from half the planet away P:17:03
[TiZ]Yeah, no kidding. :b17:04
ncmccxhello guys, whats an easyway to access mynetwork shares using xubuntu17:22
ncmccxin windows 7 i just click network and they all show up17:22
GridCubencmccx, check that gvfs-backends its installed, then it should detect the network at boot, you can also use gigolo17:23
ncmccxok can you please tell me how to check17:24
ncmccxam kinda new17:24
ncmccxif i click home or file system on my desktop there isnt a network option i dont think17:24
GridCubencmccx, open a terminal, and type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gvfs-backends17:25
GridCubeit will update the software list and then install gvfs-backends if its not installed17:25
ncmccxok it says is already the newest version17:27
krishna_hello all17:27
GridCubencmccx, then open gigolo and see if your network is listed17:28
[TiZ]And now I have a new problem. I just installed the nvidia-current drivers on my work box... and now xfsettingsd crashes when I log in. I can't start xfsettingsd at all. It crashes with an X error, "BadMatch". I remember the same thing happening on 12.04, but I don't remember how I fixed it.17:28
GridCube[TiZ], you are getting send back to the lightdm greeter?17:29
ncmccxGridCube, nothing shows up in gigolo17:29
[TiZ]GridCube: No, I am able to log in successfully and stay logged in... however, I have no themes or icons.17:29
[TiZ]The wrong font is used too.17:29
GridCubencmccx, then you are probably not seeing the network17:30
GridCube[TiZ], when you log in you choose a xubuntu sesssion or a xfce session?17:30
[TiZ]GridCube: Xubuntu session.17:30
ncmccxthe command  smbtree shows my shares17:30
GridCubencmccx, :/ i dont know then, sorry17:31
ncmccxis gigolo supposed to automatically show them?17:31
GridCube[TiZ], go to prefereneces, apparence, and window manager settings, there you can set up themes and icos17:32
[TiZ]GridCube: I know how to configure my themes.17:32
[TiZ]They are already configured exactly how I like them.17:32
[TiZ]I am telling you what the problem actually is. Xfsettingsd crashes on the nvidia proprietary drivers, and thus, no theme selection at all is loaded.17:33
[TiZ]Among whatever other problems could possibly arise from the settings daemon not running... I don't know what they could be, but I'm not sure I want to find out.17:33
[TiZ]Hmm... it didn't seem to like the display configuration I had.17:36
[TiZ]I deleted my displays.xml before logging in and now xfsettingsd doesn't crash.17:36
ncmccxanyone in here have xubuntu setup to see network shares???17:36
ncmccxwhy is something so basic not supported in xubuntu?17:36
[TiZ]ncmccx: There's a bug in Thunar... it often won't properly load with the necessary libraries to see network stuff. Do this for me.17:38
[TiZ]Hit Alt+F2, and type killall Thunar.17:38
[TiZ]Then hit Alt+F2 again, and type Thunar --daemon.17:38
[TiZ]Then start up your file manager, and you will see that you now have icons for Trash and Network in your sidebar. You should be able to browse network shares from the network icon now.17:39
ncmccxhmm i dont think kill all worked17:40
ncmccxcan i run it in terminal?17:40
[TiZ]I hope you didn't put a space in it.17:40
ncmccxi think i did17:40
Aicasnout of curiousity... how do you guys handle your apt updates? don't you get sick of seeing the red icon up there all the time even though it feels like you update constantly?17:40
[TiZ]Yeah... don't put a space in it. Type it exactly as I typed it.17:40
[TiZ]Also, you won't see any output other than any file manager windows you have open closing.17:40
ncmccxno i did killall one word space thunar17:41
[TiZ]Title case Thunar.17:41
[TiZ]It's really weird, the main binary is titlecased. No other binary in linux is like that.17:41
awillsonFor filing a bug report, I found a matching report on the programs own bug reporter how would it be best to put that down, just as a comment?17:41
[TiZ]"killall Thunar". Exactly like that. And then, "Thunar --daemon".17:42
[TiZ]I don't want you to do it in a terminal, because if you do, the Thunar daemon will be in the terminal foreground, and it will die if you close the terminal. If you use the run dialog, it will work better.17:42
ncmccxit must be case sensitive17:42
[TiZ]It is case sensitive.17:42
ncmccxsweet i see network now17:43
ncmccxtrash was there all along i think not network17:43
[TiZ]Lucky. On my setup, the trash doesn't work unless I apply the fix. Which, luckily, I have done automatically whenever I log in. And which I will show you how to do now.17:43
ncmccxit goes network then windows network then work group now it hangs17:44
[TiZ]Give it some time.17:44
ncmccxwhat shares do you have?17:44
ncmccxlinux samba shares or windows shares?17:44
ncmccxi got failed to open workgroup17:44
ncmccxafter it hung for a while17:45
ncmccxi wish it would just scan for all shares on the network17:45
[TiZ]It *should* do that.17:46
ncmccxit just says windows and workgroup17:46
[TiZ]I can't very well test mine from where I am right now; I'm at work and our share system is kind of elaborate.17:46
ncmccxdoes it see them all?17:47
ncmccxwhat shares do you have? any windows 7?17:47
ncmccxis there a place i need to configure this17:48
ncmccxgees ubuntu is so not user friendly this is why windows is eating linuxs lunch17:48
[TiZ]Well, at home, I just have a samba share running on a Linux server. So that may not be the *best* test case. But where I am right now, I have the sprawling network of a university.17:48
ncmccxaceessing network shares is nothing new and should work out of the box17:48
ncmccxi see17:49
ncmccxwell i have both types of shares here17:49
[TiZ]I really love how every time there's one thing that goes wrong, every new user, without fail, goes "man, linux isn't user friendly at all! this is why windows is winning!"17:49
[TiZ]Except not really.17:49
ncmccxlinux servers running samba and windows machine17:49
ncmccxexcept really17:50
[TiZ]No, I mean I DON'T like it.17:50
ncmccxif basic networking doesnt work then sorry you have a problem17:50
ncmccxwindows 7 sees all  shares available on the network17:50
[TiZ]Okay, stop for a second.17:51
[TiZ]Get out of your tunnel vision. I know you're frustrated, and I sympathize.17:51
ncmccxdownload xubuntu and not only does it not show other shares on linux machines but its networking is actually broken out of the box17:51
[TiZ]Think about literally every other part of the system.17:51
ncmccxlol the truth is sad17:51
[TiZ]Well, that's something you might have mentioned earlier. What's wrong with the networking?17:52
ncmccxi like linux all my servers run it but no way will they get market share with crap like this17:52
ncmccxand ubuntu unity was a dumb mistake17:52
ncmccxnow im xubuntu to get away from unity and im on my network and cant bloody access any of my info17:52
[TiZ]Will you stop ranting and answer my questions so I can try to help you?17:53
ncmccxlol sorry17:53
ncmccx1 more rant17:53
ncmccxthis is linuxs chance17:53
ncmccxwindows 8 sucks17:53
ncmccxthis is a windows 8 laptop i am on i got it and wiped linux 8 immediately but now i cant recommend others do the same17:54
[TiZ]Ah... there it is.17:54
[TiZ]You have brand new hardware.17:54
ncmccxwhy dhould brand new hardware stop me from accessing my network?17:55
ncmccxlike i said i can see them17:55
ncmccxi can ssh into them17:55
ncmccxi can even use gigolo and ssh17:55
[TiZ]Then why not use Gigolo and SSH?17:55
ncmccxsmbtree shows me windows and linux shares17:56
[TiZ]Personally, I *love* that combination.17:56
[TiZ]Ah... I see... so it's a problem with Thunar.17:56
ncmccxum yeah17:56
ncmccxits not like xubuntu is new its been around for ages17:57
[TiZ]I'm gonna level with you.17:57
ncmccxi like the look i tried it once before in like 200517:57
[TiZ]You know how many people work on XFCE?17:57
ncmccxnot many?17:58
[TiZ]Maybe like five people at the very most, not counting translators. It has very little people power behind it.17:58
Aicasnmore every day17:58
Aicasnoops. thought we were talking about windows...17:58
Unit193May want to move to #xubuntu-offtopic though.17:59
ncmccxok linux mint is not much better17:59
[TiZ]Yeah, you're probably right. I'll just go ahead and get to my point.17:59
ncmccxso i bele\ieve you17:59
[TiZ]Thunar's network share browsing capability is *very* rudimentary.18:00
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:00
[TiZ]If that's an essential thing for you, you should probably consider MATE or Cinnamon.18:00
ncmccxwhat is different?18:01
[TiZ]I'm sure you could get Nautilus/Nemo/Caja installed in XFCE, but you will suck in loads of Gnome dependencies.18:01
ncmccxthis is ontopic . this channel is usually dead anyway so maybe instead of chasing people to off topic you can get retention in here first so we can help each other18:01
ncmccxif not for tiz i woudnt know that there was supposed to be a network option in thunar18:02
[TiZ]A lot is different, but the critical and relevant difference here is the file manager, Nautilus (or a fork of it).18:02
[TiZ]Nautilus is very mature, and it's had network browsing for a long time.18:02
ncmccxxfce is supposed to be lighter weight?18:03
[TiZ]Yeah. XFCE's a tiny bit heavier than LXDE, but it's more capable, more integrated.18:03
Aicasncinnamon looks interesting....18:04
[TiZ]But even so, that also means a few features fall short occasionally, especially with the little man hours behind it. I hate to be the guy in #xubuntu telling you not to use xubuntu, but it's honesty.18:04
[TiZ]Since MATE, Cinnamon, Unity, and Gnome all have the more mature Nautilus file manager, it will handle your file browsing needs better.18:04
ncmccxwe'll see18:04
[TiZ]In fact, you can make sure of that yourself, if you can brave through using Unity.18:05
ncmccxi might just ssh in18:05
ncmccxwith gigolo i didnt know i could manage files over ssh18:05
ncmccxis there a limit?18:05
[TiZ]Oh yeah, gigolo's awesome.18:05
[TiZ]No limit at all, as far as I know.18:05
ncmccxlike file size xfer?18:05
ncmccxcan i stream video?18:05
[TiZ]You should be able to, yeah.18:06
[TiZ]In fact, probably better than if you were able to use Samba anyways, lol.18:06
holsteinwith linux, the limits are typically hardware... and what you are willing to bother setting up18:06
ncmccxhow did you know there was a thunar bug?18:06
[TiZ]Same thing happened to me. I wanted to empty my trash from the file manager. I opened it up... no trash icon in the sidebar. No network icon either.18:07
[TiZ]I looked it up, found a bug report and a workaround alongside it.18:07
[TiZ]Which, by the way... the consistent fix for that is to create an autostart program in the Session and Startup section of the Settings Manager. You'll want the command to be this: bash -c "sleep 2; killall Thunar; exec Thunar --daemon"18:08
[TiZ]The bug is caused by a race condition. GVFS isn't ready when Thunar starts up... so the logical fix is to wait a bit and restart it.18:08
ncmccxi see18:09
ncmccxwhere do I add that command?18:09
[TiZ]Click your applications menu, and open the Settings Manager. Then in the System section, select Session and Startup.18:09
ncmccxim not that familiar sadly18:09
[TiZ]In that dialog, there's an Application Autostart tab. You can add the new entry there.18:10
[TiZ]And make sure to type the command exactly as I do so here:18:10
[TiZ]bash -c "sleep 2; killall Thunar; exec Thunar --daemon"18:10
[TiZ]You can name it and describe it however you want; that part doesn't matter.18:11
ncmccxcommand with " "18:12
ncmccxi left quotes in thanks18:13
[TiZ]Yes, leave the quotes in.18:13
ncmccxi probably have to configure it because it only makes an icon for windows workgroup18:14
ncmccxthat times out18:14
[TiZ]To be honest? I don't think any amount of configuration is going to fix this one.18:14
[TiZ]Like I said, Thunar's network browsing is *very* rudimentary.18:15
ncmccxis there an auto start file that this command was added to?18:15
[TiZ]Like, it's good enough for basic home networks, and that's it.18:15
ncmccxok Do you still use xfce?18:15
[TiZ]Yes, it created a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart18:15
[TiZ]Yup. I still use XFCE and I love it.18:15
holsteinone of the first things i missed about nautilus, til i found gigolo18:15
[TiZ]Fortunately, I have no need to browse between network shares in my file manager.18:16
ncmccxare the shortcuts that pop up at the bottome new?18:16
[TiZ]Like... you can still browse *inside* the shares with the file manager, once you get to them. It's just that share discovery in Thuar is kinda... bad.18:16
[TiZ]That's new with 12.04, I think. It's not standard in XFCE, it's just a bit of flair that the xubuntu team added.18:17
ncmccxyeah that is the only problem i have but i can live with it18:17
ncmccxok i like the popup itEMS18:17
[TiZ]I flip the panel layout, myself. Main panel on bottom, launchers on top. Since the only thing at the top of the screen at any time anyways is usually just title bars.18:17
[TiZ]I don't like having title bars between my panel and useful chrome. I'm weirdly OCD like that. :b18:18
[TiZ]Alright, I need to take my lunch break. Any other questions before I take off?18:20
ncmccxNo thanks man youve been a huge help18:20
[TiZ]I'm glad. Alright, take care.18:20
ncmccxu 2 :)18:20
ner0xAny cronjob entires that will fire on startup shutdown?18:29
jsphillips86Gotta say, loving Xubuntu. Regular Ubuntu kept crapping out on me, this runs a lot better19:10
CigamHey all. I am new to this IRC channel but was wondering can someone tell me how to change my Xubuntu 12.04 color depth to 32 bit? the videos and pictures are banded since I think I am on 24 bit19:12
jsphillips86Debconf keeps popping up though. Any way to figure out why? It just flashes and then disappears19:13
Picijsphillips86: What Windows calls 32 bit color is actually 24 bit color with 8 bits of alpha.19:18
jsphillips86Pici, I think you meant that for Cigam19:18
Picijsphillips86: I did, sorry.19:18
jsphillips86Pici, No problem19:19
Cigamjsphillips86 when I do: xdpyinfo it shows that there is a 32 bit depth I could be on but am not currently, thats why I wondered, but if 24 is true color then why do I have bands and not a smooth gradient?19:29
Cigamoops Pici :P19:29
Cigami meant that for you19:30
jsphillips86Cigam, Lol. Glad to be a part of your conversation! :D19:30
Cigamlol yeah ;) im glad too19:31
ner0xCan you someone rsync / and in the future copy that to a hd and boot to it?19:48
xubuntu087bonjour tt le monde, on peut parler français ?21:47
GridCube!fr | xubuntu08721:50
ubottuxubuntu087: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:50
hhhzzzarnwho else have the volume icon missing?21:50
GridCubehhhzzzarn, everyone using 12.1021:50
hhhzzzarnIt was there a couple of days ago. :(21:50
GridCubeon 12.10?21:51
hhhzzzarnMaybe it went missing after an update or something that I did.21:52
hhhzzzarnWhat is the shortcut to exist fullscreen window mode again? Testing some windows options22:02
unnieis there anyone online that's using 12.04? I just have a quick question :]22:04
pleia2ask away :)22:05
hhhzzzarnwhat is the shortcut to exist fullscreen window mode again (from memory)? I am stuck :)22:06
unnieI'm just curious as to what kernel you're running, as well as if you're using a desktop or laptop22:06
pleia2unnie: I've been traveling for about 4 weeks without good internet, so I'm on 3.2.0-31-generic and probably have a kernel update pending, on a netbook22:07
pleia2hhhzzzarn: no need to repeat your question, if someone knows they will answer22:07
unnieWhat is the average battery life for your netbook?22:08
hhhzzzarnposted on same channel.22:08
pleia2unnie: only 1.5 hr, old battery (4 year old netbook)22:09
pleia2was more like 4.5 when it was new ;)22:09
unnieI guess it's time for me to invest in a new battery then! I get 40 minutes on a laptop from 2011, and a BIOS warning about my battery being in poor shape haha22:11
pleia2yeah, I'd suggest a new battery22:12
unnieI've found some nice 12 cell ones, so I guess I'll have to drop the $60 for one :) Thanks for the answer in regards to kernel + battery life!22:13
pleia2good luck :)22:13
unnieThank you :) Have a pleasant night!22:14
hhhzzzarnmy netbook has 7 hours22:15
GridCubemy netbook 15 minutes22:15
hhhzzzarnbut 5 hours now since it is old22:15
hhhzzzarni guess it was 6 anyways to start with and not 722:16
GridCubehhhzzzarn, fullscreen of what?22:16
hhhzzzarngridcube, i found the shortcut key. alt+f1122:16
GridCubefor what?22:16
hhhzzzarnfullscreen for any window22:17
GridCubeoh... would you look at that!22:17
GridCubeok you teach me a new trick ill teach you one too, move your mouse pointer to the tittle bar of a window and scroll over it, if you have composition ON you will see how the window goes transparent! :D22:18
hhhzzzarncomposition on, let me see if i can find it.22:46
GridCubeif you see transparencies than its on :P22:47
hhhzzzarnits not. It just rolls up the window22:47
hhhzzzarnhow do I activate composition?22:47
hhhzzzarni have: enable windows compositing on. Checking sub options22:48
GridCubethats it22:48
GridCubehhhzzzarn, yes, press alt while scrolling22:48
hhhzzzarnoh :)22:48
GridCubeif you dont then it just rolls the window22:48
hhhzzzarnI tried this once before in compiz22:49
GridCube:P no compiz needed22:49
hhhzzzarnbut that was years ago22:49
hhhzzzarnI am going to use my xubuntu in lecture rooms. I sit in front row so everyone behind me sees my desktop.22:50
hhhzzzarnI will make sure i try that trick next time.22:50
hhhzzzarnOpacity of window during move -> 0. Teleportation.22:53
GridCubedrag windows to the borders, see it rezise to take exactly half the screen22:56
GridCubepress alt-f5 and alt-f6 to the same effect22:57
unheedingdrag it to the top for maximized22:57
hhhzzzarnI see23:01
hhhzzzarnI know the drap and snaps :)23:01
hhhzzzarnI especially like xubuntu as it divides the top half and bottom half, right half and left half.23:01
GridCubeunless you are one of those crazy people with more than one virtual desktop, then you can drag windows trhough desktops that way, i dont see the point of that, but hey!23:03
hhhzzzarnI don't have two desktops so I need to divide it top half and bottom half, pdf lecture slides on one half, taking notes on the other. or reading articles on one half and taking notes on the other.23:04
hhhzzzarnI mostly use my snap to move files between two folders, easier if they side by side.23:05
nantouwhenever I plug in an external HDD I get 2 entry points in thunar (left part of the screen) as if they were 2 different HDD23:30
nantouwhy is that?23:30
unheedingit's a known issue23:34

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