
bjsnideralright, more people probably know something about linux because of it, for better or worse00:06
JanCbjsnider: Phoronix hasn't been a reliable source for information for quite some time now...00:24
bjsniderwell, there goes that idea00:28
bjsniderwell, i think accuracy or no accuracy the site is important because it gets the word out00:43
bjsniderno press organization is ever 100% accurate00:43
bandit-ledrandom lockups with latest kernel ivy bridge and latest nvidia drivers suggestions??02:38
bandit-ledi am leaning towards kernel issues as the video continues to work but i cant use keyboard or mouse and no ssh in02:39
* mlankhorst slaps Sarvatt around a bit with a large trout!06:21
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bjsniderricotz, i'm trying to submit a bug report for the nautilus-search-provider thing, but the log says the issue has already been reported, so it doesn't submit the issue18:06
=== udsslayer is now known as shadeslayer
ricotzbjsnider, i guess you are running quantal, wait for the nautilus 3.6.2 build in gnome3-ppa18:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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