
cfhowlettanyone here11:59
cfhowlettNeed help.  Writing a faux ransom note.  Which font to use?  Pretty sure there's one for this purpose ....12:53
ubuntu-studiohej all13:20
smartboyhwHi ubuntu-studio13:21
=== ubuntu-studio is now known as monfis
monfisi not remeber to cange my nick13:21
smartboyhwmonfis, no problems13:21
monfissory for my english13:22
smartboyhwmonfis, it is OK13:22
monfisyou work in it13:22
smartboyhwmonfis, Quality Assurance mainly13:24
smartboyhwmonfis, so what is the problem?13:25
smartboyhwor question:D13:25
monfisi not have problem13:25
smartboyhwmonfis, LOL13:25
monfismy hdd is bored well i use os of dvd13:26
smartboyhwmonfis, !?13:27
monfisyou know, my pc have crash  end hdd hawe bat sectors13:29
smartboyhwmonfis, oh ok13:29
smartboyhwSo you are now using live dvd right?13:29
monfiswell i dont drink, i cant drinkig rusian girl13:35
monfisist to math for me13:36
smartboyhwmonfis, !?13:37
monfisi dont undestand i reset computer when it start13:40
monfismaby it destroy start sectors13:41
monfisyou know, sametime  i use windows it can install grub f fllopy13:42
monfissuse can it bat i dont know what is it of windows13:44
monfissory its oficjal canel or czat calel ?13:50
monfis<smartboyhw> i look for wikipedia i read you is warior13:53
smartboyhwmonfis, what?13:53
monfisWartime production13:53
monfisAt the time of the First World War, manufacturing processes typically became more complex with larger numbers of workers being supervised. This period saw the widespread introduction of mass production and piece work, which created problems as workmen could now earn more money by the production of extra products, which in turn occasionally led to poor quality workmanship being passed on to the assembly lines. To counter bad workmanship, full-time13:53
monfisinspectors were introduced to identify, quarantine and ideally correct product quality failures. Quality control by inspection in the 1920s and 1930s led to the growth of quality inspection functions[citation needed], separately organised from production and large enough to be headed by superintendents.13:53
monfisof sory13:54
smartboyhwmonfis, !?13:54
smartboyhwmonfis, eh I am not13:54
monfisi mast lern to harest13:56
monfisi lern laglage in the computer game13:58
contrapunctusWhat is this? I don't even?14:01
monfissory for my laglage14:01
ubottumonfis:: Help! jussi01, joejaxx, luisbg, tsmithe or _MMA_14:02
smartboyhwWho the?14:02
smartboyhwActually this needs an update I think14:03
monfisupdate on live14:03
monfisit work bat it ...14:04
PeterACHello @all.14:15
monfishaj peter14:15
smartboyhwHello PeterAC14:15
PeterACJust as a short intro: I am a long-term Ubuntu (standard) user and try to set up an ubuntustudio box for software synthesizing, to play an Akai EWI-USB.14:16
PeterACI downloaded the 12.04.1 version, but during install the system seems to hang several times until I move the mouse or press return. Is this normal?14:18
smartboyhwPeterAC, hmm it shouldn't hang14:18
PeterACI would agree, but it does. It is on a Lenovo IdeaPad that worked flawlessly for several years before with Ub. 10.0414:19
smartboyhwPeterAC, ouch. I thought Lenovo IdeaPad had bad rep on installing Ubuntu14:19
monfistrain use 12.1014:20
cfhowlettsmartboyhw: I don't know about reputation of lenovo, but I'm here in beijing.  Installed Edubuntu on the local issue, low spec Lenovo laptop provided me.  Everything installed flawlessly including wifi.  Out of box functionality 100%14:21
monfistrain it of live usb14:21
smartboyhwcfhowlett, oh ok14:21
smartboyhwmonfis, train what?14:21
monfissory i stupyd samtaimi reape same words14:23
monfisbat i lern if ai hawe time14:24
PeterACWell, after booting anew (first real boot into the new system) the same effect is observed: I need to shove the mouse around partially for the system to continue visibly.14:25
monfisok, you mast configure os of your preferets ?14:27
smartboyhwHi werto14:28
* smartboyhw wonders why so many people came to the channel today14:28
cfhowlettwerto: greetigns14:28
wertohi smartboyhw, hi cfhowlett o/14:29
monfis\o/ hi werto14:29
* cfhowlett LTS install only means no heartache every 6 months. Just sayin'14:29
wertohi monfis \o\14:30
contrapunctus+1 cfhowlett14:30
wertoI'm not an ubuntustudio user, but i'm glad of being in here14:31
smartboyhwwerto, oh?14:31
wertoi was searching for some interesting chans on freenode and I also found ubuntustudio14:32
smartboyhwwerto, oh?14:33
wertosmartboyhw, I'm sorry, I don't understand your monovocal question14:33
smartboyhwwerto, I mean like "Oh really?"14:33
wertooh, thank you, new to me, I'm not a good english writer14:34
wertoI'm not well informed, but in Ubuntu studio now, about complete music composition (with midi notations), there's only lmms, ardour and a notation program or I'm wrong?14:38
smartboyhwwerto, no I think14:38
wertoI'm going to check the site14:39
wertoi've seen there's no lmms14:41
smartboyhwwerto, we can't include it, licensing issues I think14:42
wertooh, you're a developer/maintainer so14:43
wertoI should understand, it's probably releated to the fact that lmms is a kind of clone of fruity loops14:43
smartboyhwwerto, I don't do coding normally, I do testing:D14:43
contrapunctussmartboyhw? Licensing issues in LMMS?14:43
smartboyhwcontrapunctus, ask holstein he mentioned that I think (or stochastic)?14:44
contrapunctuswerto, that doesn't mean that the user can't install LMMS, just that it can't come pre installed ;)14:44
wertothank you contrapunctus, yes i did know14:44
wertoI was curious about the licensing issue14:45
wertoI don't really like lmms but I like the kind of efforts they've done to make something working and free on linux14:45
wertosmartboyhw, nice thing. So are you a musician or a 360° like artist? :)14:46
smartboyhwwerto, neither. I use it for video production mainly14:46
wertosmartboyhw: nice! I've seen that openshot guys did a really brilliant work14:47
smartboyhwwerto, yes they do:D14:47
wertoI've never seen a so clean made, easy to use and powerful video production program on linux14:48
monfisbay all14:57
studio-user407sto installando ubuntu studio :D15:17
MishHello people. This isn't ubuntustudio related, but I just wanted some help with something. Now, I am a complete audio noob, so when I drag and drop an midi into Qtractor and hit play, I don't hear anything. I tried after starting JACK and still I can't hear anything. Can someone point out my noobish error? thanks18:33
contrapunctusMIDI is not audio, as you might know. It's just info - note on, velocity, and note off. Needs to be fed into a sampler or synth to get sound.18:39
Mishdoes that mean I would need to run the virtual MIDI keyboard with a virtual cable?18:40
contrapunctusEven the virtual MIDI keyboard won't makes sounds on its own. Needs to go into a synth or sampler.18:41
contrapunctusYou have any synth installed? Yoshimi, ZynAddSubFX, AmSynth, Aeolus, something?18:41
Mishhmm.. And may I know how do I do that (sorry for asking really basic questions)18:41
Z0oMinstall things using the software center18:42
contrapunctusBlue button in the top left corner > multimedia >18:42
Mishum yes I have Aeolus (although it doesn't seem to open when I click on the menu item), Foo YC20, PHASEX I think...18:43
contrapunctusIs JACK running?18:43
contrapunctusDunno about Aeolus, but some things don't open without it.18:43
Mishok Aeolus opened now18:44
Mish(sheesh I'm dumb)18:44
contrapunctusAha :)18:44
contrapunctusWe were all there once. ^^18:44
MishI suppose18:45
contrapunctusOpen patchage, or connections in qjackctl.18:45
contrapunctusOpen a terminal, type a2jmidid18:45
Mishok done18:45
Z0oMcontrapunctus, can do the connections from qtractor18:45
contrapunctusand hit enter18:45
Z0oMeven alsa midi18:45
contrapunctusTrue, ZOom...in fact it's better if you help, I'm no expert myself :S18:46
Z0oMI'm just a noob18:46
Z0oMbut, let me open aeolus too, just a sec18:46
contrapunctusSame =S18:46
Mishok I did that, says Jack midi - alsa sequencer bridge18:47
contrapunctusMish - connect qtractor's MIDI output to aeolus' MIDI input.18:48
contrapunctusPreferably in patchage (less confusion).18:48
contrapunctusNow see the connections in qjackctl or patchage.18:48
Z0oMMish, how are you doing?18:53
Mishum...in patchage, qtractor has a master tab and aeolus has an 'in'18:54
Mishand I connect both of them right?18:54
contrapunctusone sec18:54
Z0oMin my patchage blue means audio, and green and red means MIDI18:55
contrapunctusOkay, for me, the MIDI output of qtractor is greeen18:55
contrapunctusLol ZOom :)18:55
Mishyes the Master shows up in green18:55
Z0oMaeolus has two green ports, one in and the other out18:56
Mishyes i see that18:56
contrapunctusSo connect the qtractor green out to aeolus green in.18:57
Mishok i did it18:57
contrapunctusIn Patchage, green = ALSA MIDI, red = JACK MIDI, I think.18:57
Z0oMcontrapunctus, that is correct18:57
contrapunctusNow play the MIDI notes in qtractor.18:57
contrapunctusOh wait, first click on some stops in aeolus.18:57
Z0oMMish, connect the the blue outputs from aeolus to the sistem's playback ports so you can hear aeolus18:58
contrapunctus^Yeah, I was gonna say that18:58
Mishdid that....i'll try to play something now....19:00
contrapunctusI think aeolus is a bit too confusing for starters =S19:01
Mishum no still can't hear anything19:01
contrapunctusOne sec Mish19:01
Z0oMhave you selected voices in aeolus?19:01
Mishyes I have principal 8 and oboe selected19:02
Z0oMand have you enabled midi in aeolus?19:02
Z0oMin the bottom right corner you have a MIDI button19:02
Mishyes there is a midi off and a midi button19:03
Z0oMclick on it and you will see keyboards 1 2 3 and p19:03
Z0oMselect a keyboard, so aeolus knows in wich keyboard of the organ you want to play :-)19:03
Z0oMnow try again.19:03
Mishyes I can hear stuff now19:04
contrapunctusZOom, *I* am not getting any sound! Lol!19:04
Mishthanks a lot for the help guys19:04
Z0oMcontrapunctus, have you tried the midi thing I just told Mish?19:04
Z0oMMish, unless you want organ sounds, I would try some samplers, like qsynth or qsampler, with some soundfonts... it's easier than aeolus to work with... at least for me!19:06
Mishum yes I would like some piano samples....19:06
Mishok i studio has qsynth installed19:06
Z0oMcontrapunctus, have you made aeolus sound?19:07
contrapunctusIn the sense?19:08
contrapunctusI've picked some stops yeah19:08
Z0oMI don't understand "In the sense?"19:08
contrapunctusIn the sense  = what does 'have you made aeolus sound' mean?19:10
Z0oMah, ok. You said you weren't getting any sound from aeolus, I was asking if you already solved it19:11
contrapunctusNo, no sound from aeolus, and oddly enough, not from Yoshimi either?!19:12
Z0oMI don't know Yoshimi19:12
Z0oMuse Gmidimonitor to see if they get midi messages19:13
contrapunctusYoshimi is showing output in its meters19:13
contrapunctusno sound19:13
Z0oMstupid question, have you connected the outputs correctly to the system's playback inputs?19:14
contrapunctusOkay, cadence-session-start -s, working now :)19:14
Mishi have connected qtractor master green output to fluid synth input port.19:16
contrapunctusI think my speakers had lost power :))19:16
Z0oMwhat is cadence? a ladish frontend?19:16
Mishwhat are the 'Midi through' things floating around?19:16
Z0oMMish, I use the Midi through as bridges between JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI19:17
Z0oMthe green and red connectors19:17
Mishoh ok19:18
contrapunctusCadence = jack toolbox...like qjackctl but better.19:19
contrapunctusAeolus...all stops on, all manuals combined...even one note sounds like a frigging orchestra. Organs pwn.19:20
contrapunctusWish classical guitar could be as powerful :(19:20
Mishdo I use Qsynth the same way I do with Aeolus?19:21
contrapunctusQsynth...is a SF2 player I think...get some SF files first...lots of free ones on the net.19:21
Z0oMyes, the connections are the same for any instrument19:21
Z0oMit's the same as if you were on the studio with some cables and instruments.19:22
contrapunctusZOom, are there more good SF2s on the net than SFZs or GIGs?19:22
Mishum sorry for asking but what are SFs?19:22
Z0oMdon't know19:23
MishI mean what are soundfronts?19:23
contrapunctus.SF2 = soundfont format, .SFZ = sforzando format, .GIG = gigasampler format...these are formats for samples.19:23
contrapunctusaka 'instrument files'.19:23
Z0oMI am making a collection of soundfonts, and I am finding some realistic sounds out there, if I find some sfz, or GIG file that I want to test, just test them with qsampler19:24
Mishoh ok19:24
contrapunctusZOom, I asked because there seem to be more SF2 players on Linux...and they seem to be better integrated - for example, LMMS and Muse have internal SF2 players, I think, while only qtractor supports LV2 usage of linuxsampler.19:26
contrapunctus...and Louigi Verona uses SF2s... :(19:26
Z0oMHere is where I get lost. Who is Luigi Verona?19:27
Z0oMmmm is a soundcloud user...19:29
Z0oMi think I am going to listen to it...19:29
Mishfor doing midi stuff do I always have to us a2jmidid in terminal?19:38
contrapunctusZOom - He's a great musician...uses Linux...likes HarmonySEQ, din, giada, LADISH, ardent supporter of LMMS and a plugin/IME-based workflow for Linux.19:39
Z0oMMish, I use Ubuntu, and I dont use a2jmidid in any terminal.19:43
Z0oMcontrapunctus, thank you for the info. Interesting.19:44
Mishcontrapunctus told me to use that in terminal although I don't know what that does19:44
len-dtMish, no, but it's nicer than alternatives.19:45
MishHi there Len19:45
Z0oMI think it is alsa to Jack midi daemon or something like that19:45
len-dtYa, sort of a bridge.19:45
len-dtIt makes all the alsa midi ports available in jack midi.19:45
contrapunctusMish, if you install KXStudio and use Cadence instead of qjackctl, it'll autostart a2jmidid (as well as PulseAudio-JACK bridges) for you.19:45
len-dtSo if you use some apps that only do jack midi or use a firewire device you need it.19:46
len-dtEven with qjackctl you can have it start automatically with jack.19:46
Mishexecute script on startup?19:47
contrapunctusAh yeah, the run script on jack start, right?19:47
Z0oMin wich repository of kxstudio is it?19:47
len-dtUse the -e option if you want the hw ports as well19:47
contrapunctusZOom ...?19:48
len-dtIf you are using a FW midi port you don't need to do that.19:48
Z0oMI mean: in what repository of kxstudio is cadence? I can't find it...19:49
Z0oMI think I have all the kxstudio repositories added... let me check...19:49
contrapunctusZOom? If you installed KXStudio properly it should already be ready to run O_o19:50
Z0oMmy system is a bit special...19:50
contrapunctusI just installed Ubuntu Studio 12.04 then followed the steps here... http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Documentation:Ubuntu:Upgrade19:52
contrapunctusIf something didn't work properly, I went through the steps again - usually its because the internet barfed and some package or the other was skipped.19:53
Z0oMI haven't installed the meta packages, just the software I need19:53
Z0oMbut the music repository was dead when I added the repos... maybe that is the problem...19:54
contrapunctusDunno, ZOom, never tried a non-standard install. Ask Mr. F himself. :)19:58
Z0oMI have a lot to discover with the system I already have... for now I think I all works as I need, so I'll continue using qjackctl and patchage... maybe in the next ubuntu upgrade...19:59
Z0oMthe only thing that is driving me crazy is the swing thing in Hydrogen... I can't find the solution...20:00
Z0oMwell, I solved it partially with the solution you gave me20:00
Z0oMthe 8T resolution.20:01
contrapunctusAha :) What _is_ the problem?20:01
Z0oMthe problem is that I want to make a rythm that has swing, so I write it on Hydrogen, and it plays correctly with even 8ths, but if I go to the mixer window, and turn the swing knob up, it does not affect the 8ths... later I discovered that it affect the 16th or semiquavers (¿?¿?¿?¿?) and you told me that I could make a workarround writing the swing as if it were "tresillos" (this is the spanish word, as I don't know the engli20:04
Z0oMsh word for the figure you use when you write down three quavers in the space of two quavers).20:04
contrapunctusAh, triplets.20:06
Z0oMok, thanks.20:06
contrapunctusWell, that's usually how it's written...20:06
contrapunctusI suppose the drawback is having to write out parts again if you want/don't want swing.20:06
MishThank's for all the help guys. I'll be leaving now20:06
contrapunctusCome back again, Mish ^^20:06
contrapunctusShare your music sometime :)20:06
Z0oMGood luck Mish20:06
Z0oMthe thing that annoys me is that I allways saw the swing in the quavers, and this program applies it to the semiquavers...20:07
Z0oMand google gives me nothing about it... the fact that I am the only person looking for this issue makes me think that I am doing something wrong...20:09
contrapunctusWell, no harm in having a word with the devs and/or community.20:09
Z0oMthat is true...20:09
Z0oMI have to go. contrapunctus thank you for your help once again. Hope to read you again.20:10
contrapunctusTalk on the forums and tell me about it20:11
contrapunctusCiao :)20:11
Z0oMok, bye.20:11
almondigahi / hola22:41
holsteinalmondiga: o/22:42
almondigaalguien puede ayudarme a enrutar 2 redes desde un ubuntu studio? / could someone help me to route between 2 networks using ubuntu studio?22:42
holsteinalmondiga: route between 2 networks?22:44
holsteinelaborate, and i'll try and help, or send you to the right place22:45
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:45
holsteinalmondiga: also, remember that ubuntustudio is ubuntu... so for more non-ubuntustudio related queries, such as advanced networking, you can try the other more popular channels...22:46
almondigaholstein: yes, thank you, i'm know asking at #ubuntu channel22:46

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