
jelmerI remember seeing it, but I'm not sure which version of it that was00:02
felipecjelmer: I'm wondering if I should depend on bzr-fastimport or not... I'm not sure if it's reliable00:02
jelmerfelipec: what else should it depend on?00:02
felipecjelmer: nothing... write my own00:04
jelmerah, sure00:04
felipecjelmer: that's what I did for mercurial00:05
felipecjelmer: the first push works fine... but not the second: http://pastie.org/517445400:06
felipecsmells to me like an issue in bzr-fastimport00:06
jelmerfelipec: apart from the _find_ancestors bug (which is an issue in core bzr) bzr-fastimport's exporter works really well, and has been around for a long time00:06
felipecjelmer: I see... but that bug is rather important00:07
jelmerfelipec: sure, but probably easier to fix than to NIH bzr-fastimport00:12
jelmer... and it doesn't seem unlikely you'll hit it too if you implement your own exporter00:13
felipecjelmer: yeah, but how long has it been there? It seems like several years00:15
felipecjelmer: and yeah, maybe I'll hit it... but maybe not :)00:15
jelmerfelipec: I think it's mostly the git-bzr folks that have hit it; I certainly have never come across it00:16
felipecjelmer: well, I hit it00:21
felipec100% reproducible00:22
felipecjelmer: http://pastie.org/517465501:07
felipecer, rather check the raw one: http://pastie.org/pastes/5174655/text01:08
felipec./test.sh bzr-fastimport01:09
jelmerfelipec: sorry, I meant I never hit it when using bzr-fastimport myself; I did manage to reproduce it after reports from users01:13
jelmerI've never had the time to investigate further though, and have since moved on to other things01:14
felipecso there's no hope of somebody actually fixing this bug01:15
felipecalso: fastimport.errors.UnknownFeature: Unknown feature 'done' - try a later importer or an earlier data format01:15
jelmerfelipec: it's a bug in bzr core, I think there were people working on that01:16
felipecjelmer: how do you know it's a bug there?01:17
jelmerfelipec: I debugged this stuff earlier; bzr-fastimport is using the appropriate APIs, it's breaking deep in the bzr index handling code.01:18
felipecjelmer: can you point me the the point where bzr-fastimport is using those APIs?01:21
jelmerfelipec: it should be in the backtrace01:21
felipecjelmer: the backtrace only shows trying to access something on the index01:24
felipecnot what puts things there01:24
felipecjelmer: also, if this is not related to bzr-fastimport, there should be a standalone test  that reproduces this... and where is the bug report?01:35
jelmerfelipec: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/54162601:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 541626 in git-bzr-ng "'BTreeBuilder' object has no attribute '_find_ancestors'" [Undecided,New]01:36
felipecjelmer: that says the fix is released01:40
jelmerfelipec: there is some talk at the bottom of that bug report refuting that01:41
jelmerfelipec: also, this was fixed pretty recently - are you running bzr from trunk?01:41
felipecjelmer: and all the comments after that saying that the bug is still there were ignored01:41
felipecjelmer: 2..5.101:41
jelmerfelipec: that's definitely from before the change that claimed to fix it (which was 3 months ago)01:41
felipecjelmer: so you want me to download the lastest when in fact the people in there say the problem is  still there?01:42
jelmerfelipec: It's worth a shot - I don't know if the people who are saying that are running the latest version.01:43
felipeclets see01:43
felipecjelmer: do you have any comments in how the bzr-fastimporter API is used? http://pastie.org/517476501:48
felipecexport_branch() and do_export()01:48
felipecalso, you shouldn't assume the prefix is 'refs/heads', I see some temporary branches are created where they shouldn't01:51
jelmerfelipec: that's not my code :-)01:52
felipecjelmer: 'you' as 'you guys'01:57
jelmerfelipec: I'm no longer really involved.02:00
jelmerfelipec: anyway, what would you suggest as alternative place for termporary branches?02:01
felipecjelmer: well, I don't know what are temporary branches, but they should use the same namespace02:03
felipecjelmer: for example, I pass ref='refs/bzr/origin/master', and I would expect 'refs/bzr/origin/tmp'02:04
felipechmm, bzrlib/_static_tuple_c.c:35:33: fatal error: _simple_set_pyx_api.h: No such file or directory02:06
felipecall right, hacked setup.py to disable that warning02:13
felipecjelmer: still fails02:15
felipeca shorter version of this? bzr log -r X --show-ids | grep 'revision-id:' | sed -e 's/revision-id: //'02:29
fullermdbzr version-info --custom --template '{revision_id}\n' -rX02:32
felipecfullermd: thanks02:33
felipecjelmer: hmm, fatal: Missing > in ident string:  <Alexander Belchenko <bialix@ukr.net>> 1172879596 +020002:38
felipecjelmer: fatal: Path bzrlib/tests/per_repository/test_merge_directive.py not in branch02:46
felipechow can I go back to a previous version?03:26
felipecbzr update -r bzr-2.4.0 leaves the whole working directory in a bad state03:26
felipecis there shallow clone support?03:46
fullermdTo the former, update pull or revert, depending on just what you want in "go back".  If the changes end up running across unclean bits of the tree, "bad state" is not unexpected.03:53
fullermdFor the latter, that would be stacking.  But I'm not sure you want to mess with that.03:53
felipecjelmer: how am I supposed to export only a subset of revisions? bzr fast-export --baseline bzr-2.3.4 -r "bzr-2.3.4..bzr-2.4.2" <- this is definitely not working worrectly04:13
felipecfullermd: bzr revert -r bzr-2.3.4; bzr pull -r bzr-2.3.4; bzr status <- I still see a lot of stuff there04:15
fullermdI said 'or', not 'and'   ;p04:18
fullermdAnd yes, doing backwalks from a non-pristine tree is likely to lead to fewmets lying around.04:19
felipecfullermd: I know, but I tried both to make sure :)04:22
felipecbzr update -r X && bzr revert04:25
felipecdamn it, I don't inderstand why bzr log -r bzr-2.3.4..bzr-2.4.0 wouldn't show bzr-2.3.404:43
fullermdYou need -n0 since the 2.3.4 tag doesn't wind up on the mainline.04:47
felipecfullermd: thx04:54
felipecfullermd: the first revision I see is 5609, the second is 5609.48.405:01
felipecbut there's tons of changes in between05:01
fullermdI don't.  Bottom of the list is 5609.51.2, which is the one with the bzr-2.3.4 tag on it.05:09
felipecfullermd: do a diff05:38
fullermdOf the tags?  That's not gonna tell me much about any revs...05:40
felipecfullermd: bzr diff -r 5609..5609.48.405:41
felipecbut I guess this is what I want: bzr log --exclude-common-ancestry -n0 -r bzr-2.3.4..bzr-2.4.005:41
fullermdWell, that tells me "here's a big diff", but I'm not sure what else to take from it   :p05:43
felipecfound the bug05:51
felipecjelmer: it was you05:51
felipecjelmer: the bug was in bzr-fastimport: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/121914657/bzr-fastimport.patch07:19
felipecit has to repack on every run? that seems like overkill07:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Fandekasphi there12:23
FandekaspI have a big issue with yum. basically I need bazaar>=2.4.1 to use the -d option, and the best version I find through all my repositories is 2.1.2 : http://sprunge.us/KHcg12:24
FandekaspAny yum/rpm user here who knows what's going on ?12:25
bob2not a yum or rpm issue12:47
bob2you can just install it from source if you like12:47
felipecjelmer: found the bug22:23
felipecthis time for real :)22:24

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