
jbicha_stgraber: hey, Edubuntu has extra space on the images right?01:55
jbicha_because I'm going to have gnome-session-fallback recommend gnome-user-guide since I'm "fixing" the help links in Nautilus & System Settings to point to gnome-help when run in "GNOME"01:57
jbicha_unfortunately, we don't have a different environment variable for GNOME Classic from GNOME Shell but I guess someone could do some magic dbus sniffing or something if they cared01:59
jbicha_oh, I guess it's only 1.5MB; I misread that as a lot higher number02:00
k4m3h4t3somebody help. i have a problem about epoptes in edubuntu 12.04. how using epoptes04:32
k4m3h4t3notice error user root must be a member of group epoptes to run epoptes04:34
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...04:38
k4m3h4t3somebody help04:41
=== bencer_ is now known as bencer
Tm_TI recall I volunteered to be in contact with upstream educational application projects like kde-edu regarding touchscreen-friendly development but I couldn't find that action item anymore, where's my failure? (:10:27
Tm_Talso hi the awesome team (:10:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
k4m3h4t3somebody can help me13:21
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha

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