
yofelozzzy: stale lock files? for firefox it would be ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/lock00:00
simplewyofel: after i save series, i need to run again quilt?00:00
yofelsimplew: just run debuild00:01
ozzzytks... lemme check00:01
yofelozzzy: that would be my first guess if it's really not running00:01
simplewyofel: debuild or dpkg-buildpackage?00:02
yofeljust use debuild as it's less to type...00:03
simplewyofel: but whats the difference?00:03
yofelsimplew: please read the debuild manpage00:04
yofelesp. the DESCRIPTION00:04
simplewyofel: continues not building, but before, i have changed sources to raring, dont i need to change the distro version anywhere also?00:10
yofelwhat does it fail with this time?00:11
yofeland no, it will simply build using what you have and for the release you are running00:11
yofelnormally the release is set in the changelog file, but that's only when you upload to debian or launchpad00:12
simplewyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132789000:12
yofeldid you really disable the patch? doesn't look like it00:12
yofelthat's your old paste00:13
simplewyofel: yes i did disabled the patch00:13
simplewlet me check again00:13
simplewyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132791300:13
yofelyou modified these files by hand, which isn't allowed unless done by quilt:00:14
yofel network-manager-
yofel network-manager-
simplewyofel: i did not00:14
yofelyou did, by accident, by wrongly applying a patch or however else00:15
simplewyofel: so whats my chances now? i need to do all over again from the beggining?00:15
yofeljust unpack the source somewhere else again and copy the original files over00:15
simplewyofel: to check the  patches is to run with quilt push -a ?00:19
ozzzyanother stupid question.... why might dolphin NOT want to go to details mode00:20
ozzzyactually... it won't change view modes at all except for 'root'00:21
simplewyofel: quilt has to be run from what dir?00:23
yofelsource dir00:24
yofelas it'll look in debian/patches/ for the patches00:24
simplewbut im inside network-manager- and says cant find series file00:25
yofeldid you set QUILT_SERIES?00:26
simplewups, sorry :)00:26
yofel(as I said, put that in your .bashrc, you'll need it ;) )00:26
simplewalso done00:26
simplewyofel: this is the first output i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/132794300:27
simplewyofel: so those are the patches i need to disable, correct?00:28
yofelsimplew: only dhcpv6-duid-support.patch fails, the others are fine00:28
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simplewyofel: ok now quilt is happy, im gg to debuild00:31
simplewyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132795100:32
yofelsame issue as before, and same fix00:33
simplewok is commencted that patch00:33
simplewyofel: im having the same problem as before00:34
simplewand i did erased the previous files, got a new ones and made the all process all over00:34
simplewhavent touched in any files manually00:34
simplewonly in series00:34
yofeltry running 'dpkg-source --commit'00:35
simplewyofel: the problem seams to be caused by i have runned "quilt refresh" like was specified in the first build error00:38
simplewso i got a new source file, changed series and run debuild, and now is building00:38
simplewyofel: because when i run quilt refresh it did said some about those 2 files00:39
simplewyofel: rpm build its far more simple00:39
yofela few years ago the patch management in debian was rather sloppy, and patch systems were optional. But that made some packages rather hard to maintain00:40
yofelnow patch management is really strict. you just have to get used to it00:40
simplewhere i go again with another build error00:40
simplewyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132797000:41
yofelsimplew: delete and .symbols file in debian/00:41
xixoryo, anyone use mutt for their mail program?00:42
simplewyofel: symbols?00:43
simplewah ok00:43
simplewyofel: and now?00:43
yofelthose files contain library symbols so you can track ABI changes when updating a package00:43
yofelnow just build again00:43
simplewfor exmaple now in rom i could just run "rpm -ba --short-circuit foo.spec" to get the binaries build since the make part was already done, is possible that with debuild?00:44
yofeldebuild -nc00:45
xixormy next linux project will be to configure mutt to send and receive email from two custom google apps domains, and my gmail account.  This will be my biggest and most difficult project.  My past triumphs include getting *both* my sound, and graphics cards working00:46
simplewyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132798400:47
yofellooks fine, it just failed because -us -uc was missing00:47
yofelthe build went fine though00:48
xixorI estimate that this project may be impossible00:49
simplewyofel: now regarding the other subject, if i want to move to devel, i changed the sources to raring like you told me, but isnt there anything else to do?00:50
yofelnothing except 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'00:51
yofeli.e. just installing updates as usual00:51
simplewyofel: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:52
yofellsb_release -r  says what?00:52
simplewRelease:        12.1000:52
yofelcan you please pastebin your sources.list?00:53
xixorbut still, I shall try, even though I suspect it is a fools errand00:54
simplewyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132799400:54
yofelxixor: you won't know until you try ;P00:54
* yofel never used mutt, but needs to fix the mail relay setup on his server too one of these days00:55
xixorI liken mail configuration on linux to a Brazilian airport.  A chaotic mishmash of ignored standards, and none of the involved parties communicating with one another, yet, somehow, mail (or passengers), get delivered.00:56
yofelsimplew: you didn't switch everything. Try it with 'sudo sed 's/quantal/raring/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list'00:56
simplewyofel: i changed what was possible to change from muon sources00:57
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yofelthat's not everything00:57
simplewyofel: i didnt knew, as you know im new to deb00:57
yofelsimplew: if you ever have system issues later, support and discussion for +1 is in #ubuntu+100:58
simplewyofel: yeap i know, so your not running raring00:58
yofelsimplew: I did tell you to edit /etc/apt/sources.list - I intentionally mentioned the filename00:58
* yofel has: Release: 13.04, so yes I am00:58
simplewyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/132800701:00
simplewseams the extras for raring are with problems01:00
yofelah, comment the lines for that out (line 49 and 50 in you sources.list)01:01
yofelthe partner and extras archive don't really exist for devel. As one is 3rd party stuff and one is for new packages that are added post-release01:01
yofelthey're initialized a few weeks before release01:02
simplewyofel: when doing an upgrade isnt possible to put apt listing the new packages but also showing the versions (instead just showing packages names)?01:03
yofelapt-get can't do that, you can try aptitude's ncurses UI if you want01:04
simplewyofel: yes, how?01:04
yofel'sudo aptitude', you might need to install it01:04
simplewyofel: yes i get it, so isnt possible to have by default apt-get showing also the version instead just packages names?01:11
yofelnot that I know of, maybe you'll find something in the manpage or so01:11
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simplewok :)01:21
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douglahelp - something happened to  my 12.10 install? all my fonts are tiny, any suggestions?02:59
xixordougla: I don't have kubuntu handy, but maybe try changing the DPI/font settings in system settings?03:00
xixorI can't remember where it is... workplace appearance, or application appearance, or some junk03:00
douglaxixor, looking - thanks...03:03
douglathing is system is too tiny to use.03:04
xixorha ha, tha tsucks03:05
xixordougla: maybe do a mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old and reboot?03:05
ssasorihey guys03:16
ssasorii have seen people using kubuntu 12.10 with a kind of flip thru preview function, of windows open, anyone know how to set that up??03:16
OerHeksssasori, move your mouse left upper corner03:18
xixoryes, it's in one of the system setting menus03:18
xixorsetup the hot corners03:18
ssasoriOerHeks: top left doesnt work, my menu bar is at the top.  so that is where kmenu is now03:18
ssasorixixor: where is hot corners?03:19
ssasorisorry, havent been back on kde long.  1 day. been years since i have been on here, was on gnome03:19
xixorIt's in the corn-maze that is called system settings03:19
ssasoriwindow behavior?03:20
xixorI am on windows 7 right now... I can't remember where it is.  One of the dozen or so places in system settings where you configure kwin03:20
ssasoriwow found video wall.... nice... but not the thing was looking for.  lol03:22
douglxixor, gott er back now - lol that was hell03:28
xixordougl: what did you have to do?03:28
xixorssasori: sup03:29
xixorSergioAD: sup03:29
douglapplication appearance and then config the individual applications03:29
douglxchat and konsole03:29
SergioADI need help: after upgrading my system the user management kcm has been disappeared how can I reinstall it?03:30
ssasorixixor: not much, checking online to see if i can find it.  found a whole bunch of other cool stuff.  not what i am looking for though.  very happy to be back on kde tho, so much better than before03:31
SergioADbelieve me I'm really desperate :(03:32
SergioADsomebody can help me please? :(03:36
SergioADthe PC where I use Kuuntu is a shared PC so I need three users: my KDE version is the 4.9.2 thanks to Kubuntu backports03:37
xixorshit, I just spent 60 minutes explaining, and justifying twitter to my mother in law, but I am not a twitter use, or ever really used it03:47
xixorand I gotta say, I made a pretty good sell03:48
OerHeksmothers in law are always offtopic03:48
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BluesKajHey all10:41
oneadventhi, i have a fun one: I enabled guest account but the screen lock means that they can't get in without a password. sup wit that?11:33
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myounisHi everyone.. Is anyone there?13:21
lordievadermyounis: Yes, it is quiet though. Do you have a question?13:21
tobiasBoraHello !13:24
tobiasBoraI've a small problem :13:24
lordievader!ask| tobiasBora13:24
ubottutobiasBora: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:24
myounishey lordievader.. Nice to see you. I don't think you'd be rememering my problem last time. It's same. it solved for that time but when I rebooted the system it became slow again.. So I again went to Desktop settings and switched the compositing type to xrender and than to opengl..13:24
myounisand I have to do it everytime I reboot the system13:24
lordievadermyounis: Ah yes, you had installed the driver for your card right?13:25
tobiasBoraI updated recently in Kubuntu 12.10 and some programs are in french (my language), but others are in English, like Amarok or my network manager. In 12.04, they were in french, so I don't understand why they are in english now...13:25
tobiasBora(sorry lordievader for the several lines)13:26
myounisno.. i didn't.. probelm started when I changed teh desktop setting to desktop cube13:26
lordievadertobiasBora: Don't worry, it's better than using <enter> as punctuation :)13:26
yofeltobiasBora: the translation handling changed a bit in 12.10, can you check if frensh is in the list of preferred languages in the locale settings?13:27
lordievadermyounis: What does the jockey say? "jockey-kde" in a terminal.13:27
tobiasBorayofel: yes I've put "french" in the left window part in "favorite language"13:29
yofeltobiasBora: try to add it on the right side13:29
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tobiasBoraeuh sorry right (writting mistake)13:29
yofeldid that install anything?13:30
tobiasBorayofel: yes13:30
tobiasBorayofel: I don't remember the packages name, but if my memory is good yes13:30
yofelis amarok translated now?13:31
yofelok, let me check something13:31
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tobiasBorayofel: And in Amarok I tried to go in "Help/Switch language", but French isn't in the big list ! It's very strange : serbe language is present but not french...13:34
myounislordievader. It think you're talking about the yellow splat symbol with an exclamation mark in it.. It just says taht Ubundu has experienced an internal error. and tells to restart the computer13:35
yofeltobiasBora: true, amarok 2.6 is missing any french translations13:36
lordievadermyounis: No I'm not actually. Do you know how to open a terminal?13:37
tobiasBorayofel: but in kubuntu 12.04, french was present... I'm sure because before I typed "note:>2" and now I've to write "rating:>2"13:38
tobiasBoraDon't you think it's a more general problem ? Because a second application has the same problem : network manager13:39
myounisOh.. are you talking about terminal/shell.. of course I do.. I got confused with jocky and thought you are asking about the thing that shows errors13:39
myounisBut don't know how to use KDE-jocky in terminal13:40
yofeltobiasBora: amarok 2.5 still had french translations, 2.6 dropped them and I don't offhand know why13:40
yofelthe amarok developers simply didn't ship them13:40
lordievadermyounis: No the jockey is a gui for installing gfx drivers. So run "jockey-kde" in a terminal.13:40
tobiasBorayofel: Oh ok... So I've to wait for an other release ?13:41
tobiasBoraI'm going to try to write to the developper to see if it's normal13:41
myounislordievader, it says that no proprietary drivers are in use on this system..13:43
lordievadermyounis: Ok, are there drivers available?13:43
ziziHi i want an app for remote control  like teamviewer any suggestions?13:43
zizii dont like teamviewer because it depends on wine13:44
lordievadermyounis: What does the command "lspci -v|grep VGA" spit out?13:44
tobiasBorathanks yofel13:44
lordievaderzizi: Take a look at the VNC or RDP protocols.13:44
BluesKajzizi, http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux.aspx , no wine required for the deb package13:45
myounisIt came out with this..:13:45
myounis00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])13:45
ziziyeah i installed the deb package still needs wine13:46
BluesKajwhere does it say it needs wine in the dependency list ?13:46
zizijust starts wine13:47
ziziwhen i start teamviewer13:48
lordievadermyounis: That explains why there aren't any drivers. Let's put your cpu in performance mode, perhaps that helps. sudo cpufreq-set -g performance (you might need to install some package for this).13:48
BluesKajzizi, ok , then there's no real linux version , it has the emulator built in ...this borders on a scam.13:50
myounislordievader what packages.. and do I have to install them before running this command or after?13:50
tsimpsonWine Is Not an Emulator ;)13:51
yofeltobiasBora: no problem, I can only tell you that theoretically there are french translations. But amarok 2.6 Final doesn't include them.13:51
lordievadermyounis: Simply run the command, if it misses something it will complain about it.13:51
tobiasBorayofel: and you don't know if there is a package to install it ?13:51
ziziso is there any other app?13:52
yofeltobiasBora: all translations that we have are part of the amarok-common package. You'll have to ask the amarok developers what happened to the french ones13:52
BluesKajtsimpson, what's the prper term  then, if quacks like duck , walks like duck, looks like duck ..it's duck :)13:52
myounislordievader. it says command not found. can you type the command again?13:53
tsimpsonit's an API compatibility layer, it just "translates" the WinAPI calls to native OS (Linux) calls13:53
tobiasBorayofel: I just asked in #amarok and this is the answer : the french translation wasn't complete enough to include for 2.6 unfortunately, due to manpower issues on the kde french team. should be back for the next version13:53
yofeltobiasBora: once amarok 2.7 is out it'll be backported to 12.10, so you'll have to wait13:54
lordievadermyounis: Ah, server command is different from the command on my laptop: sudo cpufreq-selector -g performance13:54
myounislordievader..still.. command not found13:55
tobiasBorayofel: what backported really mean ? It'll be in a ppa, or in the main kubuntu repositories ?13:55
yofeltobiasBora: first in the kubuntu backports ppa, but it should end up later in the official repositories13:56
lordievadermyounis: So it isn't something in the base install: sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils, then try the commadns again.13:57
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myounislordievader.. it's installing.. whta's cpufrequtils btw?13:59
lordievadermyounis: Tools for changing the clock frequency of your cpu :)14:00
myounisOh.. okay..14:00
myounislordievader. I ran the command.. but the commands you gave earlier still don't work..14:01
tobiasBorayofel: a long time after ?14:02
lordievadermyounis: What do you get when you type: cpufreq <tab> (let bash autocomplete)14:02
yofeltobiasBora: hard to say, depends on who does it, that it's not forgotten, and on how responsive the ubuntu backports team is14:03
myounislordievader. bash doesn't autocomplete14:03
myounisI tried14:03
yofeltobiasBora: there will be an announcement on kubuntu.org when 2.7 is out which will tell where you can find it14:04
tobiasBorayofel: ok, thanks for your help !14:04
lordievadermyounis: That is very odd, does it autocomplete for other commands?14:05
myounislordievader. no it doesn't autocomplete but when I press tab a coupld of time it give back options..14:07
lordievadermyounis: Does it give options for cpufreq <tab>?14:07
myounishere is what I got for sudo cpufreq-...14:07
myouniscpufreq-aperf  cpufreq-info   cpufreq-set14:07
lordievadermyounis: Ah so it is the command from my server: sudo cpufreq-set -g performance14:08
myounislordievader. it gave an error... "Error setting new values. Common errors:"14:09
myounisand there were couple things that followed14:10
lordievadermyounis: Can you pastebin the errors?14:10
myounislordievader. check this id 37511 on http://www.letscopypaste.com/14:15
lordievadermyounis: There is an easier way to pastebin:14:18
lordievader!paste | myounis14:18
ubottumyounis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:18
lordievadermyounis: But that aside, can you pastebin the outcome of sudo cpufreq-info?14:19
douglis there a ncurses gpu monitor for my nvidia card?14:25
douglcan anyone explain why after having trouble with my fonts my e-mail printout are like printzilla (huge font and a few line email prints across several pages)?14:26
myounissorry for late.. I tried pastebin, but I don't know why the stupid telecom authority of my country has blocked the site.. I'll tryy ubuntupaste14:30
myounislordievader check it out here.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1329281/14:31
lordievadermyounis: Could you include sudo cpufreq-info too please?14:33
myounislordievader here is the result of sudo cpufreq-info http://paste.ubuntu.com/1329293/14:34
lordievadermyounis: Hehehe, there is the problem.14:36
myounis:) where?14:36
lordievadermyounis: This error  might also relate to the slow performance of the system.14:36
lordievadermyounis: "no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU" <- that line.14:36
myounisoh.. so how can i get rid of it?14:37
myounishow can I sovle this problem?14:37
BluesKajdougl, what are looking to monitor on your gpu ?14:37
lordievadermyounis: Do you know what cpu is running in your system by any chance?14:39
douglBluesKaj, the useage and temp if I can but mostly usage thru ssh while I play a 1080p movie in xbmc.14:39
douglBluesKaj, is a fanless asus nvidia gt52014:40
douglmy microsoft remote just worked (almost) with my 12.10 install... controlled xbmc right out of the box except for an ok key or a select key - anyone have any thots on where to start to look for config for remote?14:41
DarthFrogdougl: I don't know anything about xmbc but you will have a .lircrc directory in your home directory.  LIRC is the IR control program.  Likely the button assignments will be somewhere under that dir.14:43
douglDarthFrog, good show... thanks I will start digging there.14:44
DarthFrogActually, it's .lirc not .lircrc.  And my button assignments for MythTV are there.14:44
douglDarthFrog, you run mythfrontend and desktop same time dual head?14:45
DarthFrogdougl:  You will also want to look at /etc/lirc/14:45
DarthFrogdougl:  Not anymore.  My backend server is downstairs, with my NFS box (11 TB total storage).  My frontend machine in the living room runs off an 8 GB USB stick.  And I have the frontend running on both mine and my wife's computers.14:46
myounislordievader.. I'm using  dell optiplex 280.. I don't know what cpu it uses'14:46
DarthFrogmyounis:  "cat /proc/cpuinfo" will tell you.14:47
DarthFrogmyounis:  Or "dmesg | less".14:47
douglDarthFrog, wierd no lirc config dirs on 12.10 install14:47
DarthFrogdougl: Then it must not be using lirc.14:48
lordievadermyounis: Probably a Pentium 4, but run DarthFrog's command.14:48
douglif not lirc then what - lol14:48
myounisvendor_id       : GenuineIntel. model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz14:48
myounisi did run the command.. it came out with info that i just shared14:49
DarthFrogdougl:  Now you're going to have to read the instructions for xmbc.  Or go on their IRC channel and ask.14:49
douglDarthFrog, very well then - thanks for the help :)14:50
lordievadermyounis: Did you try out the live-cd/dvd/usb? Did it have the same performance penalty?14:52
myounislordievader.. I'm running dual boot.. with windows.. and window work fine..14:54
lordievadermyounis: Have you tried the live-cd?14:55
myounisi think i haven't..14:56
lordievadermyounis: Then I advise you to test it, perhaps something changed that is lowering the performance.14:57
myounisokay.. i'll do it14:58
myounislordievader.. thanks14:59
lordievadermyounis: No problem, hope this test will give you some insight into the problem.15:00
myounislordievader.. hope so.. :)15:02
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douglwhat is going on with  my 12.10 install installed mplayer or mplayer2 and my fonts went tiny (unreadable) butchered them back to normal size now I have some huge fonts some normal font and some microscopic fonts - this 12.10 feels alot like a microsoft experience - any help would be appreciated.15:33
brijeshhow to install nvidia driver 12.1015:34
bazhang!find jockey15:34
ubottuFound: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde15:34
bazhang!info jockey-kde15:34
ubottujockey-kde (source: jockey): KDE user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-0ubuntu11 (quantal), package size 9 kB, installed size 112 kB15:34
bazhangbrijesh, ^15:35
brijeshok sir let me try -_-15:35
heinkel_111dougl mplayer  isnt really that much kubuntu, maybe check your gtk settings panel?15:36
douglheinkel_111, in system settings?15:36
heinkel_111dougl yes15:36
heinkel_111not sure if the problem is there15:37
heinkel_111most kubuntu users can do withhout mplayer (amarok, dragonplayer, kaffeine) are som alternatives that play better with our desktop, which means it doesnt do unexpected things to our settings15:38
brijeshbazhang, done thanks15:40
bazhangwelcome brijesh15:41
douglheinkel_111, I cannot find my gtk settings pannel - is there another way to get to those settings?15:50
lordievaderheinkel_111: Maybe yofel already mentioned it to you, the download page is updated, CD is now DVD15:52
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spidytrouble upgrading kubuntu using update-manager -d and even iso image17:30
spidyI use Kubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 version17:30
spidyhey anybody?17:35
spidyI searched whole internet17:35
spidyno words about this17:35
Obsidian1723You are updating or upgrading?17:36
spidyUpgrading to Kubuntu 12.1017:36
spidyDon't know17:36
Obsidian1723I wouldn't recommend it.17:37
spidyEven iso bootable doesn't show upgrade opiton17:37
Obsidian1723No, I mean why do you want to upgrade?17:37
spidyCan telepathy be installed in 12.04 with KDE 4.9.1?17:38
Obsidian1723that I don't know. I guess it would depend on the version of the program you want to install.17:39
Obsidian1723Still, I don't recommend upgrading to an Non-LTS version of Ubuntu.17:40
Obsidian1723LTS or Long Term Support releases are more stable than the non-LTS releases are. The non-LTS releases are really alphas and betas for the next LTS. Ubuntu (and all Ubuntu forks) come from Debian. Debian uses 3 repos ... debian-unstable where the newest software is at, then once it's matured, it goes into debian-testing, from there once the next version of Debian is set to be released and the distro is frozen, everything is moved into17:40
Obsidian1723debian-stable, and this is where all final Debian releases come from. Ubuntu LTS (and thus its' forks) are ultimately sourced from debian-testing whereas the NON-LTS releases of Ubuntu (and it's forks), ultimately come from debian-unstable --- which is called "unstable" for a reason... it's unstable. 12.10 is an unstable release.17:40
WineQQhi guys,  i tried to install the game 'guild wars' with wine ... im ingame right now but 21 frames per second and when im turning left or right they drop to 1-2 ... the wine setup is Win XP ( dx8 / noshaders) .. my hardware : i5 @ 3 ghz, Radeon hd 6870, 4 GB ram17:43
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tsimpsonWineQQ: you'll get more/better help in #winehq than in here17:45
WineQQok thx then i ll try that :)17:46
yofelif spidy ever comes back tell him/her that ktp 0.5.1 is in https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa for precise17:48
oneadventif i am in guest and i switch to a regular user and switch back the screen is locked and i can't unlock it17:50
oneadventany ideas?17:51
giordano_vincenzo ci sei?17:54
giordano_vincenzo scrivi /join#ubuntu-it e batti enter17:57
giordano_vincenzo scrivi /join#ubuntu-it e batti enter17:59
vincenzoma dove sto?!18:02
giordano_vincenzo tu mi vedi?18:02
giordano_vincenzo scrivi /join#ubuntu-it e batti enter18:03
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Marius80excuse me please, I'd need help with KDE418:34
Marius80sup xixor18:35
lordievader!ask | Marius8018:35
ubottuMarius80: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:35
Marius80KDE4 is actually playing "Eastern" with me, wherein KDE4 is the easterbunny18:35
Marius80means:  There is a task manager showing "buttons" referring to all the opened windows, right?18:35
Marius80in the panel...18:35
Marius80hard to explain,  but actually it's pretty simple as well18:36
Marius80the "buttons" change places all the time18:36
lordievaderMarius80: Perhaps a screenshot can help.18:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:36
Marius80so if I think to know where for example "firefox" is or "kwrite", the next time it will be on an other place18:36
Marius80lordievader, I am typing, not pasting18:36
lordievaderMarius80: It was more for if you wanted to post a screenshot...18:37
Marius80actually I would need to make a video18:37
Marius80it's so crazy,  you need to see that18:37
Marius80I even know the reason for the problem18:38
Marius80but I cannot find a way to solve it without recompiling kde18:38
Marius80lordievader, I am going to explain it:18:39
lordievaderMarius80: What are the settings for your task-manager? Specifically Grouping and Sorting (and maybe the filters)18:39
Marius80No grouping18:39
Marius80and the most important thing causing the problem:18:39
Marius80[x] Force row settings18:39
Marius80Maximum rows [2]18:39
Marius80normally,  KDE4 would place the windows from the left to the right,  row-based,18:40
Marius80since I tell KDE4 to force my row settings,  it starts like in kde3 (what I want) and does it column based18:40
Marius80[ window 1]18:40
Marius80[ window 2]18:40
Marius80then I open a 3rd window,  and now it happens:18:41
Marius80[ window 1]18:41
Marius80sorry, forget about that18:41
Marius80I start from new:18:41
Marius80[ window 1 ]       [ window 3]18:41
Marius80no, wrong again18:41
Marius80It made my head go crazy18:42
Marius80[ window 1]     [ window 2 ]18:42
Marius80[ window 3]18:42
Marius80heh,  thats it18:42
Marius80do you get the problem?18:42
lordievaderMarius80: That is your begin situation?18:43
Marius80no,  I am going to make a post at pastebin18:43
Marius80one moment please18:43
Gnosis-How do I get my Realtek 8723 WiFi to work?18:47
Gnosis-it was not automatically detected...18:47
Marius80lordievader, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Zm6DeMK218:48
lordievaderMarius80: Ah I see, have you played with the sorting options? The "Do Not Sort" option might work.18:49
Marius80lordievader, it's not a problem of sorting18:50
Marius80I've tried all of those sorting stuff18:50
Marius80the problem is,  that the option "[x] Force row settings"  does not work as expected18:51
lordievaderMarius80: For me when I force the row setting a new window opens at the position of firefox.18:53
lordievaderMarius80: I think this too is not what you want?18:53
Marius80at the position of firefox?!18:53
Marius80how ugly is this!18:53
Marius80it should be like this:18:54
Marius80[ window 1 ]    [ window 3 ]18:54
Marius80[ window 2 ]    [ window 4 ]18:54
lordievaderMarius80: Hold on, I disabled the sorting, and now it opens at the end, under your kwrite.18:54
Marius80of course... and now open 1 more window18:54
Marius80just a 5th one18:54
lordievaderMarius80: Like that, yes.18:54
Marius80got the bug again, right?18:55
lordievaderMarius80: Yes, he is shuffling the windows... :(. File a bug is the best way to go, I suppose.18:55
Mitchell92can someone give me advice? How is the new kubuntu release on netbooks?18:56
Marius80lordievader, I found bug reports which are over a year old18:56
Marius80I hoped there is a workaround already18:57
lordievaderMarius80: Not any that I know of, perhaps someone else knows though...18:57
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:57
Obsidian1723Mitchell92: I don't use netbooks, but they are netbooks, not really powerhouse workhorses... KDE may be a bit heavy for that. I'd recommend XFCE or LXDE vs KDE.18:57
Marius80lordievader, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21523118:58
ubottuKDE bug 215231 in widget-taskbar "Task Manager setting "Force row settings" changes button sort order from row-major to column-major" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]18:58
Mitchell92Obsidian1723, it ran opensuse with the kde environment just fine.18:58
Mitchell92i want to get rid of unity and go back to gnome 218:59
Obsidian1723gnome 2 is dead18:59
Obsidian1723I used gnome 2 and loved it, but when gnome 3 came out, I switched for KDE.19:00
Obsidian1723You cpould always install MATE, but it's really not the same.19:00
lordievaderMarius80: There are a few suggestions on how to fix this see comment 29.19:02
Marius80lordievader, yep,  but nothing for my KDE version and my distro19:03
xixoryo, anyone get mutt working on kubuntu?  I'm trying to get it going with my  imap mail accounts19:03
Gnosis-_just an update on my problem: I found the solutions at http://askubuntu.com/questions/139632/wireless-card-realtek-rtl8723ae-bt-is-not-recognized and http://askubuntu.com/questions/203078/wireless-card-realtek-rtl8723ae-bt-driver-not-compiling-on-quetzal19:04
lordievaderMarius80: Comment 32 states it is working in kde 4.919:05
lordievaderMarius80: Kubuntu 12.04 with backports.19:05
Marius80there is no #3219:05
Marius80#31,  then #3419:05
lordievaderMarius80: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215231#c3219:05
ubottuKDE bug 215231 in widget-taskbar "Task Manager setting "Force row settings" changes button sort order from row-major to column-major" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]19:06
Marius80lordievader, oh sorry...  I searched for #32  ... there was no # at the beginning19:06
Marius80lordievader, you might be right,  I need to try that out19:08
Marius80lordievader, I hoped that there is an option to set rather than to patch19:09
Marius80lordievader, one last question:19:09
Marius80I tried really hard,  but I could not get KDE 4.9 installed from the backports19:09
Marius80I had 4.8.419:09
Marius80when I tried to upgrade,  I got 4.8.519:09
Marius80I changed the pin (priority)19:10
Marius80and then I only got offered 4 more kde programs to install19:10
Marius80the backports are in my sources.list and I use apitutude19:10
lordievaderMarius80: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade?19:11
Marius80dist-upgrade would give me kubuntu 12.10 then, right?19:11
lordievaderMarius80: Unless you pinned some version you should be fine.19:11
Marius80I would like to stay at 12.0419:11
lordievaderMarius80: No that is a do-release-upgrade.19:11
lordievaderMarius80: I know how confusing it can be...19:11
Marius80what is aptitude "upgrade" then?!19:11
Marius80don't tell me I misunderstood that for over 10 years of debian and ubuntu?19:12
Marius80lordievader, will aptitude dist-upgrade also work or do I need to use apt-get?19:13
BluesKajalways use apt-get , aptitude is depracated19:14
lordievaderMarius80: I don't use Aptitude, however I can tell you the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade for aot-get. Upgrade will only upgrade packages, it will not remove any packages or make major changes to the system, dist-upgrade does remove packages and installs packages that change the system in a major way. For example kernel-updates is something the regular upgrade wont do dist-upgrade will.19:14
Marius80BluesKaj, what?!  I've read so much about the differences between  aptitude and apt-get,  and  aptitude was always  mentioned to be the better choise19:15
BluesKaj!aptitutde > Marius8019:15
Marius80BluesKaj, nothing happend19:15
BluesKaj!aptitude > Marius8019:16
ubottuMarius80, please see my private message19:16
Marius80lordievader, and a dist-upgrade (which sounds very dangerous) is the only way to get KDE 4.9 ?19:16
BluesKajdist-upgrade is not dangerous19:16
Obsidian1723yeah, it is19:16
BluesKajoh lord , here we go again19:17
Obsidian1723better to unmount /home, nuke and pave, install, remount19:17
lordievaderIt can be, kernel-upgrades kill a lot of gfx drivers19:17
Marius80BluesKaj,  wasn't this the text of a techno song of my youth?19:17
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Marius80on the other hand:  Will I need KDE 4.9 ?19:18
Marius80I feel comfortable with KDE 4.8.5 actually19:18
BluesKajthe levels of paranoia are becoming silly now19:18
Obsidian1723Marius80: only if you want or need the latest and greatest.19:18
Marius80KDE 4.9 will not change the shuffling problem, right?19:18
lordievaderMarius80: But in most cases it is safe, might be that a simple apt-get upgrade will work, but with dist-upgrade you upgrade all the packages.19:18
Obsidian1723BluesKaj: Not paranoid....experience.19:18
lordievaderMarius80: Euhh, no... It is still present here.19:18
BluesKajMarius80, Im , not into techno so iwouldn't know19:19
Marius80heh, I see19:19
BluesKajObsidian1723, maybe bad experience for yoy , but not for me19:19
Marius80comming back to apt-get  vs aptitude19:20
Marius80I tried to install trinity-desktop  some days ago19:20
Marius80aptitude told me about broken dependencies19:20
Obsidian1723BluesKaj: not just for me, for many. Yes, there are those who don't have issues, but isthe risk worth it? Not in my opinion.19:20
Marius80I told the developers,  they thanked me and solve the problem now19:20
Marius80apt-get did not even know about the broken dependencies!!19:20
Marius80that was one more proof for me that aptitude ins more intelligent....19:21
Marius80even when it comes to removing installed software19:21
Obsidian1723lordievader: when you do a dist-upgrade, you are going to go to go from an LTS version to a non-LTS, if you're running 12.04.1LTS..19:21
lordievaderMarius80: Isn't aptitude a frontend for apt-get?19:22
lordievaderObsidian1723: Even without the backports?19:22
Marius80I use it in the shell19:22
Marius80aptitude might use apt-get,  but it solves dependencies much better19:22
Obsidian1723lordievader: correct.19:22
Marius80and when removing packages,  it is also much "better" since it reminds the dependencies19:23
Obsidian1723you can use snaptic as well, if you want a gui.19:23
lordievaderObsidian1723: That is surprising, why? Is that no longer the LTS?19:23
Obsidian172312.10 is a non-LTS19:23
Obsidian1723updates will keep the distro the same, upGRADES will not.19:23
lordievaderObsidian1723: I know... but a dist-upgrade doesnt go 12.04 -> 12.10... so why is it no longer LTS?19:24
lordievaderJust for clarity with dist-upgrade I am talking about the apt-get dist-upgrade.19:24
Obsidian1723lordievader: 12.10 isnt an LTS version.19:24
Obsidian1723I wrote back a bit ago on the differences between LTS and non LTS and why you really want to avoid non LTS if you want stability.19:25
lordievaderObsidian1723: Apt-get dist-upgrade will not upgrade you to 12.10.19:25
lordievaderObsidian1723: I think we have a misunderstanding.19:26
Obsidian1723what one am I thinking of then?>19:26
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.19:27
lordievaderObsidian1723: Well what I think is you think that I mean with a dist-upgrade a upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10, however I am refering to the apt-get dist-upgrade. The second will not upgrade you to 12.10, just update packages more agressively.19:28
lordievaderObsidian1723: As I said earlier I can see why it is confusing.19:28
Marius80lordievader, the patch does not work19:28
BluesKajsudo do-release-upgrade if you want to upgrade to the next release19:28
Obsidian1723BluesKaj: thanks. THAT'S the one I was thinking of.19:29
lordievaderMarius80: Ai, then I am afraid I cannot be of further help. Send a bug report (or see if you can reopen the earlier one).19:29
lordievader!bug | Marius8019:29
ubottuMarius80: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:29
Marius80ok I see19:29
Marius80thank you so far19:29
BluesKajthat command should be rewritten , I agree it is confusing  because it used to upgrade to the next release19:29
Obsidian1723lordievader: So apt-get dist-upgrade just updates packages more agressively, correct?19:30
Obsidian1723BluesKaj: agreed.. back i nthe says of 8.04 etc19:30
Obsidian1723I'm a big fan of stabiloity19:31
lordievaderObsidian1723: Yes for example, apt-get upgrade will not install kernel-updates and apt-get dist-upgrade will.19:31
lordievaderMarius80: There where some comments about the cmake failing, you might want to read the full bug-report.19:31
Marius80I saw them... my cmake error is an other one19:34
Marius80Thank you guys so far...19:36
Marius80I need to leave19:36
Marius80thank you very much!19:36
tbruff13I need some help please my kubuntu is hung upgrading dropbox20:08
tbruff13while doing a dist upgrade20:08
tbruff13it is 64 percent of the way through and i am afraid that if I close it and restart it it will mess things up20:08
tbruff13Is anyone here at all20:09
Sk-Wallyeah but no idea20:10
BluesKajtbruff13, I had to relogin to dropbox for some reason ,and afterwards it loaded ok20:14
tbruff13BluesKaj, ok20:14
tbruff13so just reopen it up20:14
BluesKajlogin at the dropbox site20:14
tbruff13BluesKaj, I just hit launch dropbox site20:15
tbruff13from the panel20:15
BluesKajno with a browser20:15
tbruff13I am now in a browser20:15
tbruff13I just hit open dropbox website from the icon on the panel20:15
BluesKajwell I suppose you could launch the browser fro panel dialog20:16
tbruff13BluesKaj, nothing is happening20:18
tbruff13BluesKaj, Is there anyway I can end and restart the upgrade safely20:20
BluesKajwhat's the error tbruff13 ?20:23
BluesKajdid you install dropbox from a ppa ?20:24
tbruff13BluesKaj, can you teach me to use aptfix20:29
tbruff13i dont know what else to do the upgrade is frozen20:29
BluesKajtbruff13, how are you upgrading  , with muon?20:30
tbruff13with the distrubiont upgrade utility20:31
tbruff13but it is frozen i need to know how to safely kill it and fix the mess that will be left behind20:31
tbruff13because this is my college laptop20:32
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BluesKajI'm not quite sure what you mean by distribution upgrade utility , update-manager ? or dist-upgrade in the terminal?20:34
tbruff13BluesKaj, look http://imagebin.org/23449220:35
jemandHi all!20:43
jemandAfter Upgrading to 12.10 Kaffeine says: Cannot find input plugin for MRL "fifo:/home/werner/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/dvbpipe.m2t"20:43
jemandAny clues?20:43
BluesKajkaffeine ?20:43
BluesKajwhynot dragon player , it's the default20:44
yofelsounds like he's trying to use a DVB card or so, dragon can't do that, kaffeine can20:47
jemandjep, that's why20:48
BluesKajjemand, that url doesn't load20:48
yofelBluesKaj: that's a local file20:49
yofelor rather pipe20:49
BluesKajyeah just notice fifo20:49
BluesKajtuner card jemand ?20:49
jemandterratec cinergy hybrid20:51
jemandthe card is working20:54
jemandKaffeine tries to open this file as stream20:54
=== thelionroars is now known as thelionkingroars
OpenSorceKubuntu 12.04, after trying to install drivers from nvidia.com kde will not start without doing sudo killall kdm && apt-get install nvidia-current && sudo kdm at every reboot. Any suggestions?21:46
OpenSorce*kdm will not start21:46
OpenSorceOr are you guys sleeping?21:50
sithlord48hows it going OS?21:50
=== thelionkingroars is now known as thelionreclines
OpenSorcePretty good, dealing with some issues on a Kubuntu machine in the other room :-P21:52
sithlord48can i help you?21:52
sithlord48would be my honor!21:52
OpenSorceKubuntu 12.04, after trying to install drivers from nvidia.com kdm will not start without doing sudo killall kdm && apt-get install nvidia-current && sudo kdm at every reboot. Any suggestions?21:52
sithlord48can you use the open driver?21:52
OpenSorceEww... I *could* but it worked fine before this an my son plays games on this box21:53
sithlord48kernel upgrade?21:53
BluesKajOpenSorce, kdm is no longer the default for 12.10 .lightdm is21:53
sithlord48anything useful in your logs?21:54
OpenSorceIt's my fault for trying to shove drivers from Nvidia down it's throat when the nvidia-current drivers were working fine21:54
OpenSorceBluesKaj, did you see the part where I said I was using 12.04?21:54
sithlord48lol i know i get this when i try to use ATI drivers from their site , lucky for me open drivers are working very nice for my card now.21:54
BluesKajOpenSorce, maybe 12.10 might work better for you unless you need a LTS21:55
OpenSorcesithlord48, yeah it's giving me the driver mismatch error. I guess I just need to figure out how to completely uninstall the 310 drivers21:55
sithlord48OS i would start by removing your nvidia driver completely . and try a fresh install21:55
sithlord48OpenSorce:  you can use 'jockey-text' perhaps to do it21:56
OpenSorceYep, I figured. I was just hoping in this channel someone would say "oh yeah just edit kderetardfile.conf..." lol21:56
sithlord48OpenSorce:  im not sure but the ati driver comes w/ a script that will do it when jockey wont, not sure if there is same for nvidia driver.21:57
OpenSorcesithlord48, I'm looking now21:57
OpenSorcesithlord48, btw I'm talking to you from a Comaq TC1000 with a Transmeta Crusoe chip :-P21:58
sithlord48Kubuntu on it i hope :P21:59
OpenSorceNah, Kubuntu is too heavy... not  gonna tell you what I had to put on it to make it work21:59
BluesKajOpenSorce, do you have nvidia-xconfig ?22:00
sithlord48oh i mised the Pentium M part... ouch.. i recently made a Razbuntu install for my headless (server) box. worked nicely22:00
sithlord48that would be ubuntu-server with razor-qt for DE and Kde parts like dolphin.22:00
OpenSorceBluesKaj, yep tried that22:00
=== thelionreclines is now known as thelionroars
OpenSorcesithlord48, not Pentium M, Transmeta Crusoe... with a code morphing designed by Linus himself22:01
sithlord48oh the 1100 has the p4m22:01
OpenSorceLinux anastasia 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i586 GNU/Linux22:02
OpenSorceUbuntu 9.10 is the only distro that makes the stylus work right without lots and lots of coding22:02
sithlord48a good friend of mine has a tablet like that the wacom was a PITA to get working right..22:03
OpenSorcesithlord48, I know you don't I?22:03
sithlord48OpenSorce:  just from KFN22:03
BluesKajOpenSorce, also nvidia-current-updates is buggy , removing it should prevent future problems , just do a dist-upgrade more oftten22:04
sithlord48im just a penguin no one special .22:04
OpenSorceBluesKaj, probably a good idea... may just want to update to 12.10 getting rid of kdm sounds like reason enough22:05
sithlord48the lack of user icons in lightdm is annoying me22:05
sithlord48i like to see my tux when i log in .22:05
BluesKajOpenSorce, unless you are in workplace and need LTS support22:06
BluesKajanyway , gotta go ..later22:06
OpenSorceBluesKaj, thanks man22:07
OpenSorcesithlord48, Thanks for the input, think I'll try dist-upgrade and see if it fixes it22:08
sithlord48OpenSorce:  good luck22:08
sithlord48OpenSorce:  i would for sure remove the nvidia driver before doing that..22:08
OpenSorcesithlord48, With a doubt, yeah. Great talking to you :-)22:09
sithlord48OpenSorce:  happy to help22:10
sithlord48seams #launchpad is quite anyone here know about launchpad stuffs?22:12
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bhaydenso is this basically like a chat room utility?23:49
monkeyjuicethis is the real world23:58
SIR_Tacois it?!23:58

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