
tdignanwhats ugly about it :)?00:01
tdignanit's called a theme00:01
bandit-ledagain he says that cause he has been programing in qt since 9900:01
tdignanqt is nice too, but eh00:01
bekkswho said that?00:01
tdignanI'd use Qt if I wanted to write a cross-platform desktop app, because I like pyqt400:02
tdignanbut if I was going to write for the linux desktop, I'd use GTK, because that's what I typically use.00:02
bandit-ledoh and gtk doesnt ship on most recent distros i think the whole qt gtk thing died years ago looks like i was mistaken00:02
tdignangtk doesn't ship on recent distros!?00:03
tdignanThat makes so little sense. I'm fairly certain I'm staring at much GTK right now00:03
bandit-ledit was a joke ;)00:03
tdignanoh ok :)00:03
bandit-ledmost of the required files are installed for both qt and gtk now its really a mute point00:04
* tdignan cranks it up to 1100:04
tdignanSo guys, Linus uses Gtk00:04
tdignanalso, he hates C++00:04
tdignanand you should follow him blindly00:04
tdignanso Qt is out, see ya00:04
bandit-ledoh lord00:06
bandit-ledthis is so 9900:06
tdignandesktop apps are something like steam engines now :)00:07
tdignangotta use HTML5, obviously.00:07
bandit-ledpeople are here good maybe you can help00:09
bandit-ledi keep getting complete lockups with latest kernel00:10
bandit-ledlatest video drivers as well00:10
bandit-ledscreen does does not crash but i cant use kyb or mouse00:10
bandit-ledno killing and no ssh00:10
bandit-ledhave to hard reset00:11
tdignansysrq magic works though, right00:12
tdignanI'd confirm that it's indeed a kernel issue and not a hardware one00:12
bandit-ledi have been having this issue for 6 months and kept hoping it will be fixed00:13
bandit-ledthats what i need the help with00:13
tdignanI used to have a computer that froze to deadlock, and it was caused by an overheating hdd00:13
bandit-ledwouldnt that through a warning with hddtemp00:14
tdignanit didn't00:14
bandit-ledno no errors00:14
tdignanif you use a livecd does this problem happen?00:14
bandit-ledits baffiling my00:14
bandit-ledsome times yes tdignan00:14
bandit-ledthis is an ivy bridge build00:14
tdignani'd put my money on hardware00:15
bandit-ledyes but what would lock it up and not allow a sysrq?00:15
bandit-ledand no obvious errors00:15
tdignananything that undermines the system beneath the kernel, such as overheating hardware, or cosmic rays00:16
tdignanboot into the bios next time it happens and check the temp of things00:16
bandit-ledi have temps are normal00:16
tdignankey the key to00:17
bandit-ledi keep Hardware Sensors Indicator running and every thing is normal00:17
tdignanwhat if you switch your video driver to vesa00:17
tdignani had a system lock up from some bad options in an nvidia driver once00:17
bandit-ledthats what i run in the livecd and it will lock up as well00:18
bandit-ledthere are tons of bugs with these same problems but no one has any ideas00:18
bandit-ledi even removed my fbconsole to make sure that was not the issue00:18
bandit-ledthere have been bug reports for months with this issues and i cant seem to narrow anything down and no one else can either00:19
tdignanwell sorry to hear it man. good luck. I had systems before that locked up, throwing them away was satisfying.00:20
tdignanthis laptop has a couple very minor issues, one of which I can fix soon.. a loose headphone jack.. Other of which I'll just deal with.. a flaky left USB port.00:21
tdignanI got what I paid for.00:21
bandit-ledsure i waited 4 years for a new build and i have no more money i will just buy a mac :P00:21
tdignancheapest laptop in the store, but with Linux it's blazing fast and lean on memory. Even when I'm using eclipse.00:21
tdignanfigure out what's wrong with it and replace the offending hardware00:22
bandit-ledhmm thats an idea where to start00:22
bandit-lednothing in any logs any where and no warnings or errors00:22
tdignanopen the box and look for bad capacitors, they will look round on top00:23
tdignanperhaps be leaking acid or rusty00:23
tdignancheck the power supply00:23
bandit-ledi dont have a side on my box and there are no bulging caps00:23
tdignantake it to the geek squad00:23
bandit-ledi like the bog report from 10-26-2012 where they asked the person to bisect from 3.2.0-23.36 to 3.5.0-17.28 and find the problem00:25
tdignanyeah, that's a common response to bug reports00:57
tdignan"where's the patch?"00:58
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gnomefreaknot a wholw lot of updates this week04:37
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BluesKajHey all10:41
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