
=== pi-rho is now known as pi-rho|away
foodI am having same problem like http://askubuntu.com/questions/203465/ubuntu-12-04-12-10-keeps-on-freezing I need some help for preventing this kind of issue.06:51
foodMy Ubuntu all windows , panel get ugly if it is continuing for more than 12 hours06:52
foodI installed KDE and removed compize some other Gnome application, xorg is perhaps up to date. Even i upgraded the Kernel to 3.4 . Still i am having this problem06:54
foodIf it freezes then i can't click on any menu , So hard reboot(power button).06:54
foodIs it Graphics card problem or Kernel problem ?06:55
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* penguin42 can't quite see why bug 907196 is showing a 'Fix Committed' from the debian bug18:04
ubot2`Launchpad bug 907196 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Cinnamon" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90719618:04
yofelpenguin42: the pending tag maybe18:27
yofelthat was the last change18:27
penguin42ah I see that - yes, thanks18:29
mspencerI'm new to bug fixing and want to fix a bug reported for 12.10, which version of the package (12.10 or 13.04) do I work on?22:21
maxbIt is generally very much preferred to fix bugs in the development release first22:29
maxbUnless of course the bug only appears in a stable release22:30
mspencermaxb: how do I upgrade to the development release?22:30
maxbOf course, you may choose to do most of the investigation and fixing on the latest stable release first22:30
maxbIt's generally not a good idea to run the development release on a machine you actually need to work on, especially this early in the development cycle22:32
mspencermaxb: can I upload the version for 12.10 for reviewing or does it need to be the latest version of the package (for 13.04)?22:32
maxbWell, you can certainly ask for comments on either, but you'll need to target 13.04 for actually getting the fix into Ubuntu initially22:33
maxbOnce that's out of the way you can read about the Stable Release Updates process and pursue geting the fix into updates for older releases22:34
maxbIt depends on the kind of package you're working on, but people would probably use chroots or VMs or an additional installation set up to dual-boot for work on raring22:35
mspencermaxb: how do I build the version for 13.04 using pbuild-dist? I can't create a build environment for raring.22:35
maxbI've never used pbuilder-dist, I ended up crafting my own .pbuilderrc for that sort of thing22:36
maxbBut I'll guess the reason you can't create it is because your debootstrap version is too old22:36
mspencermaxb: I'm using 12.04, would 12.10 have a new enough version?22:37
maxbApparently not yet22:38
maxbsudo ln -s gutsy /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/raring22:39
maxbwill probably be a sufficient workaround until an actual backport package of 1.0.43 is done22:39
maxbBut anyway, what's the package?22:40
mspencermaxb: software-properties, bug LP #105805922:41
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1058059 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Menus are misaligned: "When there are other updates" and "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version"" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105805922:41
maxbPersonally I'd see whether the bug reproduces in quantal, fix it there, and then once the fix is proven just double-check the fix works in raring too before submitting it22:42
mspencerI've tested it in precise, and am still working on getting the package into my quantal  vm.22:43
mspencerhow would I test the fix in raring? I can't figure out how to upgrade to raring.22:44
mspencerupdate-manager -d in 12.10 says there are no new versions.22:45
mspencersince the bug also occurs in precise, would I need to change the bug report (such as tagging it with precise) to show this?22:50
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