
synthmescI dont see them there00:00
bandit-ledno they should be in the folder that you built from00:00
bandit-ledwhere ever you ran the sudo cmd from00:00
synthmescthey arent there00:01
bandit-ledwhat folder is the kernel deb in?00:01
bandit-ledquestion why are you building a kernel in the first place?00:03
synthmescI am re-running "AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs"00:03
synthmescI need support for something00:03
synthmescthat generates the packages into the dir?00:04
synthmescit doesnt seem like there is any problem when I build it from source00:05
synthmescI have all the tools installed00:05
bandit-ledcheck in /usr/src00:07
synthmescIm not using sudo to compile00:09
bandit-ledso you are running as root?00:09
synthmescI think it generated00:11
synthmescI just saw it fly by00:11
bandit-ledThe debs are placed in your kernel directory's parent directory. 00:12
synthmescit has an images-extra00:13
synthmescdo I want to install that?00:13
synthmescalso, when I install the headers/image, is that it?  reboot?00:13
synthmescI dont see grub stuff00:14
bandit-ledyou need to install the extras yes00:14
bandit-ledtry the instructions at http://blog.avirtualhome.com/compile-linux-kernel-3-2-for-ubuntu-11-10/00:17
synthmescit worked00:23
synthmescthanks for the help00:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bizhanMonaHI I am running kernel 3.0.5 on my system, how could I reserve about 250 M bytes for my kernel modules? thx13:29
magn3tsWhy is there no v3.7-rc3-quantal build here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/19:16
magn3tsoh well Ill build it myself19:32
dejurenmagn3ts: you don't need to. install raring variant, it's the same20:41

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