
pleia2knome: I think something is wonky with html generation of our docs, guide-desktop.html for instance is empty00:04
pleia2(it's also possible I pulled down the wrong branch or something :))00:05
Unit193bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu/quantal/xubuntu-docs/  ?00:09
pleia2just grabbed lp:xubuntu-docs00:11
Unit193Isn't that the 2008 outdated ones?00:30
pleia2the theme is quite different, and the 2008 version wouldn't be mentioning 12.04 precise :P00:33
Unit193Try  lp:ubuntu/quantal/xubuntu-docs  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/xubuntu-docs/quantal00:35
xnoxpleia2: you made me cry with your talk.... "field trip to see the computer" and no deployments "because they have no electricity"00:35
pleia2xnox: it is pretty sad00:36
xnoxpleia2: I think between all my gadgets I had 12 CPU cores in my bag during your talk =/00:36
pleia2I was carrying a few the day we visited that school, was tempting to pull out my netbook there but I think it would have caused the teachers more chaos than it was worth00:38
xnoxpleia2: yeah.... that would be a bit cruel.00:39
xnoxpleia2: how does it feel to be gods? Heck, after all, we do spin up clouds these days...00:40
pleia2xnox: I meant to show the kids a computer, not to show off00:41
pleia2chaos in that they would all be fighting to use it00:41
xnoxpleia2: yeah, I got that.00:41
pleia2I don't think that would be "cruel" :\00:41
pleia2just didn't want to interrupt lessons00:41
xnoxpleia2: but it would be a shock. Well they would not be able to keep it.00:42
xnoxpleia2: nore use it. I am guessing if they go to school that has no electricity, their homes don't have electric either.00:42
pleia2I don't think exposing kids to technology is cruel, any exposure is good even if they can't keep it for themselves00:43
pleia2I had plenty of exposure to computers as a kid before we had one at home, or one that I could use at school, mostly at friend's houses and things00:43
pleia2I was thankful for the opportunities I had :)00:43
xnoxyeah... =)00:44
pleia2Unit193: that worked better, thanks00:51
Unit193Sure, I'm pulling in the raring one, but I don't know what one we'd actually be working on or I'd switch to that.00:52
knomedid somebody update the xubuntu summary for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-R/Summaries ? <309:20
knomejust a note for everybody developing xubuntu09:35
knomein the R cycle, most of the freezes are later than previously, but getting freeze exceptions is harder09:36
knomeso please MAKE SURE you have your work done WELL BEFORE THE FREEZES09:36
Unit193So with automated testing, does that mean human testing will be harder?09:46
knomeUnit193, nope.09:46
Unit193Deja vu.09:46
Unit193Alright, my guess was so because it's already doing the basics, but I know it does't have eyes.09:46
knomeyeah, and there's no reason to make human testing harder09:47
Unit193Thinking that it would be pointless to duplicate work, but alrightyo.09:48
knomei can't see how that would be a problem09:49
knomein testing, the more tests you can do with different setups... the better09:49
Unit193Updated sync script.09:52
knomeshould get something to eat09:53
Unit193I already checked, there's only the banana bread.  (Which is rather good)09:55
knomewe have lots of food in the fridge09:56
astraljavaYeah but your fridge isn't here.10:18
Unit193Nor here.10:20
ochosiknome: wb from uds!10:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Unit193[xubuntu-team] See if we ship the Pidgin IRC client by default: TODO   We already ship pidgin IM client by default unit193@Sigma:~$ apt-cache show pidgin | grep Task  >  Task: xubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop17:23
knomeGridCube, you still up to writing the top faq for 12.10?19:33
GridCubeknome, I've asked several times for help on topics19:33
knomeGridCube, i know19:34
GridCubeno answer whatsoever, i've been seen recuring questions lately tho19:34
knomeGridCube, we all have a bit more time now19:34
knomeGridCube, and less stress over the release :)19:34
GridCubethe ones about gigolo for example19:34
GridCube:) ok ill ask again19:34
knomemaybe you could send an email to the -devel list?19:34
knomei'll try to follow up ASAP19:34
Unit193Covered by release notes, but you still get the indicator and dupe ones.19:35
knomewe can definitely add stuff that's been in the release notes, since some people just dismiss them anyway19:35
knomeailo, old nick :)19:35
Unit193Seen the non-PAE issue a few times, but pretty sure none were in #xubuntu >_>19:36
GridCubeive seen it in xubuntu aswel19:38
GridCubeoh. i meant the new bios replacement, not non pae19:39
GridCubethat uefi thing19:39
GridCubethat might need a whole article by itself19:39
GridCubepointing the gazillion manuals and stuffs it needs to work most of the time19:40
knomemaybe, but maybe not from xubuntu19:40
GridCubetrue that19:40
GridCubeas said, not particularly a xubuntu thing, its a huge ubuntu thing though19:40
knomeyup, some ubuntu docs people should step up for that maybe19:41
Unit193knome: See comment above about pidgin?19:41
knomeUnit193, does that mean IRC is supported by default?19:42
knomeUnit193, i mean we knew we ship pidgin, but irc...19:42
Unit193It works pretty much as well as it's going to with IRC.19:43
knomei can't remember why we wanted to check that19:44
knomebut ok :D19:44
knomeUnit193, can you add your own nick to the work item and mark it done? :P19:44
knomeUnit193, and maybe add information in the roadmap that we have "pidgin with irc" in the def apps section19:45
GridCubemister k, do i send the mail to users aswel?20:00
knomeGridCube, hmh, i'd say devel only for now20:00
knomebut feel free to send -users too if you think it's useful20:01
* knome thinks that people can the micro-level decision making themselves too :)20:02
GridCubeknome, do i link them to the pad http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/QyW3FDrQcv ?20:04
GridCubeoh... it seems down20:04
knomewhatever you see fit20:09
GridCubeit doesnt seem to work so i wont use it, people should just post to the mailing list20:10
Unit193https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-r-xubuntu-development Done, but the other?20:11
knomeUnit193, i can do that20:12
GridCubeAs like the past few releases we are compiling a FAQ for our website.20:12
GridCubeThis release brings many new things, with the inclusion of xfce 4.10 and the slightly hard problems of compatibility between xfce using gtk2 and mainbuntu using mainly gtk3.20:12
GridCubeIf you have any tip or recurrent circumstance you happen to know how to solve, and think that might help new comers please share it with us.20:12
GridCubeIts easy to oversee things when you are used to a system, things we might have internalized as a procedural might not be so obvious to others. If you feel like you know something that can help the community we are here so asking you to share it :D.20:12
GridCubeThanks for your time.20:12
GridCubefail paste20:12
Unit193knome: Alright, I don't remember where the roadmap is, and don't have FF open.20:13
knomeUnit193, did that already. and it's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/ :)20:13
GridCubewell its here now, do you think thats ok? i just dont like to post things whitout consulting20:14
knomeGridCube, that looks fine20:15

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