[00:13] * TheLordOfTime yawns [00:14] maxb, did you ever resolve mspencer's question about marking it as affects:preicse ? [00:14] precise* [00:20] anyone remind me how you mark a bug as affecting a previous release - i.e. you mark current as fixed released but someone is saying they'd like it fixed in an older one? Is that nominate for series? [00:20] nominate for the older release, mark it fix released there? [00:21] nominate for series is how bugs that're filed against a package can be set in multiple releases [00:21] (such as precise, quantal, and raring) [00:22] but if you're not a member of a group that can actually approve the nomination of the series, you'll just have to wait a while after you've nominated... [00:22] TheLordOfTime: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/okular/+bug/1070685 hmm that doesn't look right - I thought you often see it with a separate thing on the left something like okular (Precise) or something similar? [00:22] Launchpad bug 1070685 in okular (Ubuntu) "pdf does not print correctly, and ps generated from pdf shows errors when viewing" [Medium,Fix released] [00:23] penguin42, did you fail to set this right? [00:23] :P [00:23] penguin42, you don't change the bug until AFTER its set that it affects precise. [00:23] TheLordOfTime: Right, but how do I set it that it affects precise - that's my question [00:23] you hit "Nominate for series" [00:24] choose "Precise" [00:24] and wait [00:24] are you bugcontrol? [00:24] yes [00:24] ah - that's got it, thanks [00:24] this was fixed in quantal? [00:24] TheLordOfTime: Well....it works in Quantal [00:24] the question was whether the bug affects quantal [00:24] if not, then it was likely fixed in the interim [00:25] TheLordOfTime: The original reporter is reporting it affects precise, it doesn't affect Quantal - where it was fixed is difficult to know [00:25] if it doesn't affect quantal, then i'd assume it was fixed somewhere between the precise and quantal versions [00:25] maybe in the Debian version of the package, if it exists? [00:26] TheLordOfTime: Which as per my comments is difficult, but it's reasonable that the reporter would want a precise fix [00:26] indeed. [00:27] i never touch the milestone, though *shrugs* [00:27] normally i leave that to the more fluent bug gods ;P [00:27] TheLordOfTime: Yeh the milestone was my mistake [00:27] * penguin42 has undone that [00:28] i've commented that we've nominated the bug to be marked as affecting Precise [00:28] TheLordOfTime: The tricky thing is tracking down exactly which package causes his bug, without doing that it wouldn't be possible to SRU it [00:28] indeed. [00:28] if the bug's not in okular but some ancillary package, then the bug isnt actually *in* ocular [00:28] s/ancillary/supporting or dependency/ [00:28] TheLordOfTime: Agreed, but it's the current best bet [00:29] making the okular bug invalid, and the bug'll need filing against whatever the other package is ;P [00:29] indeed. [00:29] i did add a comment that we nominated it for precise, so they should be less naggy ;P [00:29] YOU EVIL THING, WHY DO YOU NOT COMPILE RIGHT! [00:29] * TheLordOfTime kicks his php5 fork [00:30] php5's inherently evil, but... *shrugs* [00:30] yeh; the tricky thing now is how the heck to ask the end user to help track down where it broke [00:30] i'll betcha if it is fixed in the version in quantal there's a bug somewhere on it [00:30] either on LP, Debian, or upstream [00:30] and that bug was marked as fixed. or marked as invalid and information was staqted in that bug where it was fixed [00:31] brb, reboot for linux :) [00:31] TheLordOfTime: I suspect there are so many pdf rendering fixes that it's going to be a bit nasty to find; coupled with it could actually be any bit of pdf/postscriptism down the chain [00:34] mhm [00:34] (fast reboots, for the win) [00:36] *sigh* i'll be glad when this is fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1074239 [00:36] Launchpad bug 1074239 in Launchpad itself "Timeout error when trying to view any user profile page." [Critical,In progress] [00:36] its a pain to have that there :/ [00:38] *sigh* penguin42, you know what I hate... [00:38] i hate packages that depend on a given web server :/ [00:38] TheLordOfTime: Erk, like what? [00:38] dokuwiki [00:39] erm, that may just be the system actually [00:39] * TheLordOfTime dissects the package [00:39] oh, you know what... i think its one of its php dependencies [00:39] or the recommendations... [00:40] TheLordOfTime: I'm sure there's a reason you like fixing php stuff, I can't imagine why.... [00:40] its pulling php5-cli and libapache2* stuff as Recommends and Suggests [00:40] penguin42: actually i despise the package [00:40] i just try and help confirm things ;P [00:40] and get things closer to Triaged [00:40] as for php5, i SRU the severe things that'd also impact nginx ;P [00:40] nod; I try and stick to things I've got some idea about [00:40] i have semi-decent knowledge to fix some php5 bugs [00:40] but its SRUing them that people fial to do :p [00:41] and i only get involved with ones which impact my setups :P; [00:41] otherwise, my focus is nginx [00:41] what's nginx? [00:41] ubottu's not in here right? [00:41] nginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-2.2 (quantal), package size 7 kB, installed size 86 kB [00:41] yep [00:41] its not. [00:41] its a wbe server in universe. [00:41] ah ok [00:41] * TheLordOfTime despises apache [00:42] nginx is easier to understand ;P [00:42] at least to me. [00:42] less cruft in the way, IMO [00:42] * penguin42 isn't really a web servery person; I've only done relatively simple stuff with webservers [00:43] yeah, apparently some of the nginx people would rather have an Ubuntu-fluent person handle their SRUs [00:43] * TheLordOfTime ended up being that person :/ [00:43] ah, didn't run fast enough :-) [00:43] :P [00:44] i mean, its not a problem for me, i know the package pretty well. most bugfixes are handled upstream, so then i just SRU the patch :p [00:46] its pretty bug-free in Ubuntu right now. either that or nobody's using it. [00:50] yeh that's not too bad once you're used to the sequence [00:56] i've done a couple of SRUs, only needed to SRU nginx once, though. [00:57] although if we look only at that package, i've had fixes for security bugs pushed too by the security team [00:57] that was a bit ago, that's the first true work on the package i've done outside of a couple of bug reports [00:57] since then, there hasnt been much of a need for a lot of SRUs [00:58] being on the server team, though, i end up seeing all the php5 bugs. [00:58] it gets annoying after a while ;P === pi-rho|away is now known as pi-rho === pi-rho is now known as pi-rho|away === pi-rho|away is now known as pi-rho === yofel_ is now known as yofel