
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Alexey_prostakovHello friends! I have questions about empathy, can I talk about it here?16:26
jbichadesrt: ping17:13
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Hey there, sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye at SIngapore. When it comes to people like myself, airport staff can be quite overprotective, and communication broke down anyway so...23:19
jasoncwarner_hey TheMuso no worries! RAOF and I looked for you a bit, but comm lines got crossed. glad you made it home alright. hopefully you aren't too wiped out!23:21
TheMusoFeeling better today thanks, will probably still sleep a fair amount tonight though.23:21
TheMusoYesterday was very much a vedge day, once I got unpacked and had a shower.23:21
* RAOF will probably sleep a bit today, too :)23:22
TheMusoRAOF: Hey there, hope you are feeling ok too.23:22
RAOFjasoncwarner_: You'll be happy to learn that fsharp is only slightly unredistributable. It shouldn't take too much effort to straighten that out and make it packageable ☺23:26
jasoncwarner_RAOF: :)23:28
jbicharobert_ancell: hey, do you have time to sponsor gnome-bluetooth for me?23:29
robert_ancelljbicha, sure23:30

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