
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
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ESphynxhey guys, what's the deal with the jpeg8 libraries? they seem to be mutually exclusive with the jpeg62 dev headers?08:29
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
mohamedalaa98Can you please review th propose https://code.launchpad.net/~m-alaa8/ubuntu/raring/im-switch/fix-for-621204/+merge/13203112:35
mohamedalaa98thank you :)12:35
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
alo21hi all17:00
alo21I would like to upgrade some packages. I have no upload right, so the only way is to make a request.17:01
obounaimHello everybody,17:02
alo21My question is: How should I act? I mean... when I find a package to upgrade in LP (like: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zpaq/+bug/1074840), what are the steps?17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1074840 in zpaq (Ubuntu) "Zpaq package isnt up to date (wasnt updated over 2 years)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:02
alo21obounaim: hi17:03
jtayloralo21: the first step should probably be forwarding the issue to debian17:03
alo21jtaylor: you mean if there's an upgrated package there?17:04
jtaylorthe maintainer is still active, so best contact him17:04
alo21jtaylor: this mean I will never find a package without a maintainer17:05
jtaylorin debian no17:05
jtaylorbut sometimes the maintainer is not active anymore, then it gets complicated17:05
alo21jtaylor: once time I forward the issue?17:06
alo21jtaylor: if the package will be upload in Debian, should I make a sync request?17:11
jtaylorit will likely go into experimental which needs manual sync17:11
alo21jtaylor: what do you mean with 'manual sync'?17:12
jtaylorstuff from unstable is synced automatically17:13
jtayloruntil some point in the cycle17:13
jtaylorafter that or when its in experimental you need to request a sync17:13
alo21jtaylor: ok... just one more question. Here (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zpaq) there is jary aalto as maintainer. The name shows there is the debian's maintainer or the Ubuntu's one?17:18
jtaylorits the debian maintainer17:18
jtaylorubuntu does rarely have maintainers17:18
jtaylorif the version has no ubuntuX its definitely a debian maintained package17:19
maxb....mostly :-017:21
maxber, :-)17:21
maxbThe exception would be the few packages that are developed specifically for Ubuntu17:21
jtaylorthose have -0ubuntuX as version17:21
maxb!info upstart17:22
ubottuupstart (source: upstart): event-based init daemon. In component main, is required. Version 1.5-0ubuntu8 (quantal), package size 284 kB, installed size 1000 kB17:22
jtaylorthere are only very few were this is not true17:22
jtaylormostly very old ones17:22
maxbhm, I'm sure there's a few examples somewhere17:22
jtayloronly few17:22
siretart!info udev17:22
ubottuudev (source: udev): rule-based device node and kernel event manager. In component main, is required. Version 175-0ubuntu10 (quantal), package size 310 kB, installed size 946 kB17:22
maxbOK, cheating slightly, but:17:23
maxb!info ubuntu-docs17:23
ubottuubuntu-docs (source: ubuntu-docs): Ubuntu Desktop Guide. In component main, is optional. Version 12.10.2 (quantal), package size 1415 kB, installed size 38049 kB17:23
siretart!info libav-extra :-)17:23
ubottu':-)' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable17:23
siretart!info libav-extra17:23
ubottuPackage libav-extra does not exist in quantal17:23
siretartubottu: am i imagining https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/libav-extra then?17:24
ubottusiretart: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:24
maxbOK, my knowledge of upstart versioning is evidently a bit out of date, it got the 0ubuntuX treatment in oneiric17:24
micahgsiretart: the bot doesn't know about source packages17:26
jtaylorit didn't have it before oneiric because it was in sync with debian17:29
jtaylorbut still its one of the packages maintained in ubuntu, stuff in universe is normally debian maintained17:29
alo21jtaylor: the maintainer told me that he could not upgrade the package because 'Zpaq after 1.10 are complete rewrites'.17:33
alo21what should I do?17:33
siretartmicahg: oh, i see. thanks17:34
jtaylordid he say why that prevents updating?17:34
siretartmicahg: what do you think about uploading libav to raring?17:34
jtayloralso did you file a bug?17:34
micahgsiretart: well, as we discussed before release, sooner is better as soon as it's ABI stable17:35
siretartmicahg: it is supposed to be now.17:35
alo21jtaylor: I sent him the bug's link, and he told me what I wrote you before17:36
jtaylorask him to explain it in more detail, preferably in a bug report so its public17:37
jtaylorI just saw he answered in the ubuntu bug17:50
alo21jtaylor: yes18:05
alo21jtaylor: here is another upgrade-request (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipmitool/+bug/1074443), and it seems to be noticed yet (http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/ipmitool.html), Haven'i I to send an email to debian's maintainer. Right?18:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1074443 in ipmitool (Ubuntu) "Please upgrade ipmitool to 1.8.12 for 13.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:14
jtayloralo21: file a bug in debian18:19
alo21jtaylor: but it is in TODO list yet18:20
alo21have I to do this anyway?18:21
jtaylorwhich todo list?18:22
alo21here http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/ipmitool.html18:23
jtaylorits still better to request it18:24
jtayloras debian is frozen it would need to go into experimental, the maintainer may only want to do that if there is a request for it18:25
alo21jtaylor: have I attach the debian's bug in LP?18:41
jtayloralo21: click on affects distribution -> select debian and paste the bug url18:48
jtayloryou should also be more verbose in the debian bug, at least link to the ubuntu bug18:49
jtayloralso remember to subscribe to debian b ugs18:51
jtaylorits not done by default18:51
tumbleweedbut one generally CCs the reporter when replying to a bug, if their input is desired18:53
jtayloryes but that can be forgotten18:53
tumbleweedyeah, "generally" :)18:53
alo21jtaylor: thanks18:55
zhurHello!  I don't know if this is the right channel but can someone help me with a package creating?  I've got a project sources where one of the build dependencies is bundled with the project.  How do I write a rules file that runs build of the subproject first and then the project itself (both are cmake-based)?19:13
rigidcan anyone tell me what I is needed (besides a webserver) to host a deb repository? (so the user can just add it like described here http://deb.opera.com/ for example)21:14
rigidunder the estimation that this is the best way to provide 3rd-party software in ubuntu...21:14
maxbrigid: Besides a webserver you just need software to write the appropriate index files which tell apt what's available in the repository21:24
maxbI find reprepro to be a good tool for managing a repository like this21:25
maxbThough it is a tool you should expect to spend some time learning21:25
rigidmaxb: ah ok, so I need another program to do that...21:26
maxbAlternatively there are various ways to generate indexes for just an assortment of .deb files thrown in a directory, but I don't recommend that approach for anything but the smallest most ad-hoc repository21:27
rigidmaxb: it's a very small repo, really... i would like to keep it at a minimum21:28
maxbIs it going to be hosted on a Debian/Ubuntu server?21:29
rigidit will be hosted on gentoo21:30
maxbHmm. It can be tricky to sort out the index generation if you don't at least have an installation of dpkg21:30
rigidi have dpkg21:31
rigidi also have http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/debianutils.html and http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/debhelper.html available21:31
maxbhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1333265/ is a script I wrote to do some very basic repositorymaking for a handful of local temporary packages in build environments21:32
maxbI would expect you need to tweak it, but it should give you some inspiration and lead you in the right directions21:32
rigidah cool... thanks21:32
rigidi have dpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources ... i guess i'll give it a try21:33

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