
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosmorning all06:48
psydroidmorning Kilos06:50
Kiloshiya psydroid howzit06:50
psydroidI'm fine, I'm going to back to sleep actually06:51
psydroidand you?06:52
Kiloslol good here ty06:53
Kilossorry for waking you06:54
psydroidno problem06:55
Kiloshi Squirm07:02
Kiloshi Cantide07:41
Cantidemorning '-'07:41
* Cantide is relaxing07:44
Cantidei should study .-.07:44
Kilosi need to restart07:56
Kilosstudy while relaxing07:59
Cantidenot sure if that's possible xD08:01
magespawnmorning all08:10
Maazmagespawn: By the way, bakuman on freenode told me "tell magespawn http://goo.gl/zllEf flashed with openWRT" 18 hours, 49 minutes and 24 seconds ago08:10
magespawnty Maaz08:11
magespawnMaaz ty08:11
MaazYou are welcome magespawn08:11
Squirmoff to Durban08:13
CantideSquirm, amazing weather here today08:21
Cantideenjoy :)08:21
magespawnthe east coast summer coming through at lst08:24
magespawnat last even08:24
Cantidetook its time this year08:24
Cantidebut i want winter to last another 2 weeks08:24
Kiloshi magespawn08:31
Kilosscalpel is another one08:31
Kilosremember just before sleeping08:32
Kilostheres one more will let you know when i find my blog sometime08:33
magespawnhi Kilos ty forgot about that08:40
Kilosyw you got photorec hey08:40
Kilosmethinks i need to start a new blog08:41
Kilosthen save all the useful info there08:41
magespawni have that yes08:51
Kilosmagespawn: you here?09:27
Kiloslo ludo09:28
Kiloshmm google blogger dont like opera browser09:31
KilosThe browser we detected is unsupported and may result in unexpected behaviour. 09:32
Kilos Please choose from our list of  supported browsers  for the best experience.09:32
CantideOpera is usually awesome .-.09:39
magespawnyup stil here but working on cleaning the shop junk out09:41
magespawnstill even09:41
Kiloshehe enjoy magespawn09:43
magespawnabd the probable want you to use chrome09:43
Kilosof course they want their products used09:44
Kiloslotsa links showing to link to g+ as well09:45
KilosYou need a Google+ profile to share a post. Click on the Google+ tab to learn more.09:48
magespawni have one, but i do not post very often, more read what other people post09:50
Kilosno man thats what it tells me09:52
Kilosi cant even remember who i am at g+09:53
Kilosit ate data09:53
Kilosmethinks the fly needs to finish his blog engine09:53
magespawnit does eat the data09:58
Kilosso is it better to use chrome or chromium?10:21
Symmetriafor interests sake10:21
Symmetriahttp://www.alstonnetworks.net/presentations/ufs-ipv6-2012.pdf <=== the final version of that presentation, but whats interesting, is slide 2510:21
Symmetriawhich is a major "screw you" to anyone who says there is no v6 content on the internet10:21
KilosSymmetria: you gotta always be diplomatic10:23
KilosMaaz: diplomat10:23
MaazA diplomat is a person who can tell others to go to hell in such a nice way that they look forward to the trip10:23
Symmetrialol kilos, the graph just proves them wrong10:23
charlgood morning10:29
charlsorry, afternoon in .za :)10:29
charlhi Kilos 10:29
charlMaaz: coffee on10:29
* Maaz washes some mugs10:29
KilosMaaz: coffee please10:29
MaazKilos: Okay10:29
charlMaaz: what? dirty mugs again? yuck!10:30
Maazcharl: What?10:30
charlso how's it going Kilos 10:30
Kilosits the late night peeps that mess and leave10:30
charlheh ja10:30
Kilosok ty and you charl10:30
charlgood good, no complaints10:30
charlnice sunny weather today after the rainy weather yesterday10:30
charli want to go outside but i have to stay inside and clean my apartment :D10:31
Kiloslol thats life10:31
Kilosget an active chick10:31
charllol, yeah so that she can help me clean :P10:32
Kiloswell if you clever she will do all the cleaning and moan when you mess10:32
charlhahaha! :D10:32
charlyeah totally10:33
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!10:33
KilosMaaz: ty10:33
MaazYou are welcome Kilos10:33
charlMaaz: me gusta10:34
Maazcharl: Sorry...10:34
charlMaaz: thanks!10:34
Maazcharl: No problem10:34
Kiloswhats me gusta10:34
charlit's spanish for "i like" or "i'm satisfied"10:34
Kiloshaha tell him that now10:35
charlhmm, but he should have a good reply10:36
charllemme think something up...10:36
Kilostell him man10:36
charlMaaz: me gusta is "I like" or "I'm satisfied" in Spanish.10:36
Maazcharl: I already know stuff about me gusta10:36
charlMaaz: what is me gusta?10:36
MaazYou better be charl10:36
charlwhen somebody says "me gusta" it should actually reply with "feliz :D"10:38
charlor "estoy feliz"10:38
Kilosno man then i dont understand it10:38
Kilosand maaz is my buddy10:39
Kilosso he thinks of me10:39
charli should start playing with ibid10:39
charli'll look into it10:40
Kilosare you on ubuntu?10:40
Kilosvery simple , aptitude install ibid10:42
charlyes i'm on ubuntu10:50
charlsorry if my replies are slow, i am busy cleaning in the meantime ;)10:50
Kiloslol go ahead10:52
Kilosothers are slow with no excuse10:52
magespawnKilos just starting the upgrade from 10.04 to 12.0412:02
magespawnsay 2 hours 23 min12:02
magespawnnow 1 hour 55 min12:03
Kilosi thought you got a tick working and installed 12.0412:03
magespawnvaries a lot, the kids are here too12:04
Kiloswhat varies a lot?12:04
magespawnno that was on the laptop without the harddrive12:04
magespawnthe time12:04
Kilosoh ya12:04
magespawnthe kids are playing online games12:04
Kiloslekker with no cap hey?12:04
magespawnso everytime they start a new level and it loads it slows down12:05
Kilosoh you mean your download speed12:05
magespawnthe no cap is like the midas touch12:05
Kilosyou shoulda just borrowed a cd fromanother machine and clean installed man12:06
Kilosbig change from 10.04 to 12.0412:06
Kilosgonna have lotsa stuff that doesnt work anymore12:07
Kilosjust rides along12:07
Kilosonly way i could get kde to see 3g was install unity forst then kubuntu-full on top12:08
Kilosnow not sure if its safe or better to remove the unity stuff12:09
Kiloson boot there no options just straight into kde12:09
magespawnwell we will see what happens12:11
SymmetriaThe ANC should change its symbol to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the party's political stance.... A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of dicks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed. Damn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that!12:20
Kiloshi kodez12:25
kodezunle kilos12:26
Kilosunle yourself12:26
Kilosyou too fast12:26
kodezi have a headache and am losing myself12:28
Kiloslosing yourself?12:31
KilosSymmetria: Dont forget some host space for us hey?12:32
Kilosi gonna hound you till its easier to say here you are12:32
kodezlet's chat again later. i want to take a walk maybe i will be better.12:36
Kilossomeone with a bb again12:59
charllol Symmetria 13:14
charli just saw a video on al jazeera about the development near zuma's house13:14
Kilosunreal hey. 20 mill upgrade13:15
charlyeah and a whole town that is going to be constructed nearby13:15
Kiloson every news bulletin here13:15
charlyeah even made international news :)13:15
Kilossome comeuppance from a herd boy13:16
Kiloshes getting like mugabe13:17
charlsounds more like a corruptance :)13:17
Kilosaw i actually had a lekker blog 13:51
Kilosone quote13:51
KilosSaw an interesting quote the other day about geeks. Geeks are the guys you bully and tease in school and end up working for later in life.13:51
charli should find this film: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revenge_of_the_Nerds13:55
Kiloshow do i find the link to my new blog14:06
Kilosi only see the one i use to go edit it14:06
Kilosblogspot.com has changed so much14:07
Kiloswhere the monkey and fly and pro14:10
Kilosonly 21 here not showing grayed out14:11
Kilosmy poor poor channel14:11
Kilosand nuvolari is most likely playing with his helicopter14:12
Kiloscharl, do you g+14:12
Kilosmagespawn, another one is foremost. found my blog and posted the data recovery bit i got online somewhere14:14
Kilosbut dunno how to give the link14:14
charlKilos: nope, i don't use any social networks atm14:26
charlonly irc ;)14:26
Kilosthen write a blog engine for irc14:26
Kilosthe new google one is too fulla14:27
Kiloscharl, you see this  http://blogofkilos.blogspot.com/15:13
Kilosno one else to ask so you're it15:13
Kiloshad to get a google dashboard thing to find that link15:14
charli can open it15:15
charlsomething about data recovery15:15
Kilosyay ty15:21
=== Vincent_ is now known as Vince-0
charlhi psydroid 16:11
charlhi Cantide 16:11
Cantidehello '-'16:11
charlCantide: how long before you go to korea?16:11
psydroidhi charl16:13
Cantide2 weeks '-'16:13
Cantidei leave on the 17th16:13
psydroidhi Cantide16:13
charlCantide: nice16:13
Cantidehello psydroid :)16:13
Kiloshi psydroid 16:14
psydroidhi Kilos16:14
KilosCantide, for how long16:14
Cantide3 weeks only :'(16:15
Cantideit's not enough16:15
Cantidebut it will have to do16:15
Kilosah ok16:15
Kilosfix your dads pc before you go16:15
Kiloswinsucks pc?16:15
Cantidei will fix it when i get back16:17
Cantideand i put Ubuntu 12.04 on there16:17
Cantidejust before it died -.-16:17
Kilosdoyou know what died?16:19
Kiloshi Guest3437 16:19
Cantidei think it's the CPU heatsink not making proper contact with the CPU16:19
Cantidethe bracket cracked last year16:19
Cantideand we used some cable ties haha16:19
Kilosh and the paste is R50 a tube that does one sink16:20
Guest3437molweni guys16:20
Guest3437yes ndiyabulisa gud ppl16:21
Kiloslol what language is that?16:21
CantideKilos, i've got thermal paste :) the issue is getting the heatsink to apply pressure to the CPU and not simply float above it16:22
Kilosyour first time here Guest3437 16:22
Guest3437xhosa/south Africa16:22
Cantidecool :)16:23
Kilosi did one also with cable ties but drilled where mb had nothing for ties to go through16:23
Guest3437yes ts 4 the frst tym,why?16:23
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za Guest3437 16:23
Cantidei was considering that, but it seemed like a crazy idea, Kilos :) perhaps i'll give it a shot :)16:23
Kilosjust be careful you dont damage tracks16:24
Guest3437thank u kilos16:24
KilosGuest3437, you using ubuntu?16:24
Kilosor you on a cellphone16:25
Guest3437um on ma cellfone16:25
Kilosah so its hard to type full words16:26
Cantideyeah :-S i often chat on my phone - it irritates me!! but i have no other way to use those chat clients :'(16:26
KilosGuest3437, you in the transkei?16:27
Kilosbb cell16:27
Kilosi wish blackberry would remove us from their fones16:28
Kiloseven all of irc16:28
Cantidei dislike blackberry :'(16:28
Cantideanything with android <316:29
KilosCantide, try jedirc on fone16:30
Kilosbut still texting onna fone sucks16:30
Cantidei use androirc16:30
Cantidebut i use my PC for IRC unless i have to use my phone16:30
Cantideit's clients like whatsapp and kakao that i can't use on my PC16:31
Kilosi wonder if magespawn won with his upgrade16:31
Cantideso i'm forced to use them on my phone16:31
Kilosi tried whatsapp here but all the android stuff was too much16:31
Cantideit's very handy :)16:32
charli hardly use my android phone, i hate typing on the damn thing16:32
charlthe touch screen keyboard is a suck16:32
Cantidei like it16:32
Cantidei can change keyboards by pressing a button16:32
charli can't stand it, but perhaps it's because my phone's screen is too small16:32
Cantidemaybe, yeah..16:32
charlit's an huawei ideos16:32
charlthat is handy yes, for typing european languages or japanese for example16:32
Cantidei also have a huawei.. useless phone it is :)16:32
Cantideyes, i switch between the standard Latin alphabet and Korean all the time on it16:33
Cantidei will get a new phone when i can :)16:33
charlthing is, even when you type in japanese, you have multiple character sets - hiragana and katakana and kanji16:34
Cantidemust be a nightmare on a phone :D16:34
charlbut there are "special" ways of typing those on smaller keyboards16:34
charlwhere you press more than one button to get one character16:35
charlbut i don't have time to learn it, i just type in romanji and then use a romanji-to-hiragana/katakana converter16:35
charli never really use kanji (sorry for the purists) :)16:35
Cantideit's impressive but impractical16:36
Cantidekanji is what halted my learning of Japanese :p16:36
charlyup i don't even bother16:36
Cantidemy brother typed his wife's name in kanji earlier16:37
Cantideand i only knew what he had said because of the context16:37
Cantidei immediately forgot the characters16:37
charlah he's married to a japanese girl?16:37
Cantide3 years now16:38
Cantideand he also hasn't learnt much Japanese16:38
charlbecause kanji is unrelated to the pronunciation people typically explain how to write their names in kanji when they introduce themselves16:38
Cantidekanji needs to be forgotten, but then again it's part of their culture and heritage16:39
charlyes, well kanji is based on the chinese "han" writing system16:39
charlit's an ancient writing system in asia16:39
charlit won't disappear soon16:39
Cantidei mean, a system designed to be overly complex so that peasants couldn't learn it is totally impractical in today's world16:39
charlyeah it's beyond stupid16:39
Cantideit's embedded in them now16:39
Cantideit does look really cool and is fascinating to me as a foreigner16:40
Cantidebut i have no desire to learn it, which is unfortunate :<16:40
charli think mao tse tung had an idea to drop it entirely  at some point16:40
charlbut then again, who cares what he thinks :P16:40
charlhe was an oppressor in any case16:40
Cantidei don't think most Chinese people would agree with him16:40
Cantidei do like Hangul though16:40
charlthat's like saying "english people are bad because mugabe said so"16:41
charlwho cares what mugabe thinks :P16:41
CantideKing Sejong  was a smart man :)16:41
Cantidedoes Mugabe think, that is the question16:41
charlthat too16:42
charlok i need to bugger off and get some dinner16:42
Cantidebye bye '<16:43
superflyhi kodez17:26
Kiloshi kodez superfly 17:26
kodezhi superfly and kilos17:26
Kiloslol you on a cell?17:27
Kilosor no tabs complete17:27
superflyhi Kilos17:28
kodezi am using my laptop17:28
Kilosand what irc client kodez 17:29
kodezwhy whew?17:30
Kilosi tried irc and facebook but was too much for me17:31
Kilosmine is set to see offline buddies so window was tooo small 17:31
Kiloslike here are 34 guys17:32
Kilos8 offline17:32
kodezi see17:34
Kilossuperfly, whats happening with your blog engine?17:39
Kilosnew blogger too involved and tied to g+17:40
superflyKilos: life.17:44
Kilostough in africa hey17:45
charlnn all18:15
Kilosnight charl 18:17
Kilossleep tight18:17
Kilosinetpro, ping18:36
hubxhey there I have a traffic limit here. Is it possible to monitor the traffic I make per ssid?18:41
inetproKilos: uh, pong18:41
Maazinetpro: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell inetpro Los uit die benatter as dit nie later gaan reen nie." 1 day, 14 hours, 29 minutes and 4 seconds ago18:41
hubxextra points if you an app for android18:42
Kiloshi inetpro het jy al gesprooi18:42
inetproKilos: ek't alles weggesprooi18:43
inetprowat is gesprooi?18:43
Kilosdie dubbeltjies18:43
Kiloswat? ai18:44
inetpro200ml weggespuit18:44
Kilosmet benatter?18:44
Kilosmaak nie saak nie18:44
Kilosdit klou net beter18:44
inetpromet die spuitpomp ja18:44
inetprohoe moet ek anders spuit?18:45
Kilosnee man benatter is iets wat jy in die water gooi saam met gif18:45
Kiloswat nou?18:45
inetproniks op die pamflet gesien daarvan nie18:45
superflyhubx: not a clue18:45
Kiloshulle dink mense ken van18:46
Kilosmaar dis net nodig as dit gaan reen binnekort18:46
hubxsuperfly, any idea who should I ask then?18:46
Kilosas jy spuit innie oggend en reen nie daai dag nie is jou kop deur18:46
inetproja ek glo nie dit gaan nou reen nie18:47
Kilosmaar onthou die benatter as jy moet spuit eendag net n paar uur voor dit reen18:47
inetproKilos: hoe lank vat dit voor jy iets sien gebeur?18:48
Kilosefekto G49 wetter/benatter18:48
Kilosmeer as n week18:48
Kilosgras word eers geel18:48
inetprothanks, ek sal volgende keer onthou 18:48
Kilosmaar dis goeie goed dit werk van die blare af in die sisteem in tot by die wortels18:49
inetpro200ml kom in elk geval nie so vêr nie18:49
Kiloswat kos dit nou?18:49
inetprosal nog moet kry, maar gaan eers wag om te sien18:49
inetproek dink dit was R44 vir 200ml18:50
Kilosnee man maak eers klaar voor dit saad maak18:50
Kilosdis goedkoop18:50
inetprook, miskien moet ek more nog kry18:50
Kilosseker n groot stuk gedoen18:50
inetproja redelik maar nog nie alles nie18:51
Kilosprobeer more nog kry18:51
superflyhubx: The Google18:51
Kilosas dit eers saad maak ontkim daai saad volgende jaar al vrek die plant nou18:51
superflyit's like The Oracle, except it knows more...18:52
Kiloshi hubx sorry i know nothing about them things or i would try help18:52
Kilosontkiem inetpro 18:53
Kilossorry hubx we gardening in the taal18:53
inetproubuntu gardening18:54
inetprowb nlsthzn18:54
Kilosthe taal=local language18:54
Kiloshi nlsthzn 18:54
Kilosdid the gautengers give you feed back on their party18:55
inetprohubx: what's the problem?18:55
nlsthznoh yes today is the 4th already...18:56
* nlsthzn wil update the report tomorrow morning seeing as I am swithcing to nightshift18:56
Kilossuperfly, say hi to the family for me please18:56
superflyKilos: sal so maak. ek is moeg, ek gaan bed toe.18:57
Kilossmall ones wont know but mrs knows me18:57
Kiloslekker slaap superfly 18:57
inetprosuperfly: lekker slaap18:58
hubxinetpro, my hosts has a capped internet connection. therefore i want to monitor how much traffic I use on his Wifi18:59
inetprohubx: just install vnstat on you machine18:59
Kilosthere was someone here yesterday that has all that worked out hubx 19:00
Kilosmonitors all data use19:00
hubxinetpro, the problem with that is that is just can track traffic per interface, not ssid19:00
inetproit's very basic but does the job19:00
Kiloswho was it that monitored data use in case telkom was stealing his data19:00
* Kilos forgets19:01
* bakuman !19:01
Kilosbakuman, help bietjie hubx  in engels please19:01
inetprohubx: please explain19:01
inetproyou want to monitor at the router/switch?19:02
hubxno not monitor such count the traffic of my machine in a specific wifi (ssid)19:03
inetprossid = Service Set Identifier ?19:03
hubxso vnstat would do the job if it was to only wifi I connect. but it not necessarily the case19:04
hubxinetpro, yes or just the name19:04
hubx*if there was only one wifi I connect to19:04
inetprovnstat can track eth0, wlan0, ppp0 or any other interface19:05
inetproand you could even force one wireless network to be wlan0 and another wlan1 if you wanted19:05
inetpronot sure how you would do that right now, but I have definitely done that for ppp19:06
bakumanyou could write a script to check ssid name and the start/stop vnstat?19:07
hubxinetpro, yes that might be possible but that is not what I want. I don't want to setup the traffic counter every time i connect to a different wifi. then I could just use vnstat und sum it up by myself19:07
hubxlook, I know I can write it myself. but I thought you maybe know some software which does the job19:08
inetprohubx: man vnstat19:08
inetpro       -u, --updat             Update all enabled databases or only the one specified with -i parameter.19:09
inetprooops 19:09
inetpro-u, --update  Update all enabled databases or only the one specified with -i parameter.19:09
inetproyou just do that once19:09
Kiloshi magtie 19:09
inetpromagtie: wb19:09
magtieHi Everyone19:10
Maazmagtie: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell magtie Aw girl, just found this http://blog.sudobits.com/2012/04/13/how-to-install-printer-driver-on-ubuntu-12-04/" 12 hours, 4 minutes and 49 seconds ago19:10
Kiloswas looking up something else and saw that and thought of you magtie 19:11
hubxinetpro, I don't think this will work19:12
inetprowell if you find a different solution let me know19:12
nlsthzn:( the current ubuntu-ae loco is just about completely hi-jacked currently... guess I will be focussing on other Ubuntu projects from now on19:13
inetprohubx: I haven't seen an elegant monitoring solution per SSID19:13
Kiloswhat you mean nlsthzn ?19:13
Kiloswho hijacked it19:13
hubxinetpro, yeah me neither thats why I asked ;)19:13
magtieThanks Kilos updated Canon printer driver from launchpad for ubuntu 13-1019:14
Kilosi was late i nkow19:14
inetprohubx: sorry, I only fully understand your problem now :-)19:14
nlsthznthere was this one guy that had registered the ubuntu-ae launchpad account and was thus seen to be the contact person for the loco... but nothing happened he wasn't doing anything... then we prompted the loco council to remove him...19:14
nlsthznthat spurred him into action and he said he had another group of people who are the loco for the UAE... and now he has already gotten access to all rights to all things and they started having there little private club meetings19:15
nlsthznour guys are so discouraged most have quit all activity19:15
Kiloseish sorry nlsthzn 19:15
Kilosonly here peeps work together19:16
inetprohubx: you have different users using the same machine on different  networks or just yourself?19:16
nlsthznthing is he is most probably doing it for business interests and if I see all of his core group they could all have vested interest ...19:16
Kilosleave them and stay with us19:17
Kilosyou will have more time19:17
hubxinetpro, nope. I have my laptop, but on one specific SSID I don't want to use more than lets say 500mb/d.19:17
Kiloskeep your bot19:17
smileE17Kilos: :D19:17
Kiloshi smileE17 19:17
smileE17hi all :p19:17
smileE17everything fine? ;)19:18
inetprohubx: hmm... 19:19
inetprohubx: and those WiFi networks in the same physical location?19:19
nlsthznthx uncle Kilos 19:19
Kilosyou one of us nlsthzn \19:20
nlsthznsure I know... still want to do what I can where I am ...19:20
hubxinetpro, I don't this is getting us anywhere ;)19:20
inetprohubx: perhaps you need a proxy server 19:21
Kilosif peeps put more value in making money thats their prob when they get stuck19:21
nlsthznthis country is all about the money sadly19:21
Kilosmost places are nlsthzn 19:21
Kilosits our community here that helps for the pleasure of it19:22
Kilosand the friendship19:22
hubxinetpro, no! I definitely not gonna do that. maybe I will write it myself when the pressure is big enough19:22
Kiloshi aquarat 19:22
aquaratlol, i kilos19:22
* nlsthzn can't get record my desktop to record sound... haven'19:22
nlsthznhaven't struggled to do that in years :/19:23
inetprohubx: np, was just trying to help19:23
hubxinetpro, yes thanks ;)19:23
* inetpro would love to be able to track bandwidth utilisation up to application level19:23
inetprolike android does it19:23
Kilosinetpro, did you see bakuman s graphs19:24
inetproKilos: uh, no?19:24
Kiloseven checks cellphones data use19:24
Kilosbakuman, link?19:25
aquaratso who here is running xchat on an arm cpu ? ;)19:25
Kilosyou having probs aquarat 19:26
Kilosthere inetpro 19:26
aquaratjust bragging :(19:26
bakumanif you klink on usage and traffic it gives per MAC usage and traffic19:27
bakumanaquarat, which device?19:27
aquaratI got debian going on an A13 too19:28
aquaratbut the mali gpu is an obstacle19:28
aquaratmind you this also has a mali19:28
bakumanI see they are pushing hard for Ubuntu on nexus 719:28
aquaratA13 is more difficult at the moment19:28
aquarathope gpu/arm support improves :D19:28
smileE17aquarat: it will. one day :p19:30
inetproKilos, bakuman: that still won't solve hubx's problem19:30
bakumanyea i knoe19:30
smileE17Goodbye, see ya all soon :) tomorrow :D19:30
inetprosmileE17: good night19:30
Kiloswell i didnt know 19:30
Kilostoods smile19:31
smileE17thank you :)19:31
smileE17see ya, Kilos 19:31
Kilosnot if i see you first19:31
Kilosthen ill hide19:31
* inetpro would love something like this: https://plus.google.com/114254397525521567468/posts/djrDbvyQadA19:36
inetproon (K)Ubuntu19:36
Kiloswhats that thing a fone?19:38
inetproKilos: that's a screenshot from my phone19:38
Kilosno wonder you cant afford weed killer19:39
* Kilos ducks19:39
bakumanyea that would be cool inetpro 19:39
Kilosbakuman, you like kubuntu19:40
Kilosits so bloated19:40
* Kilos ducks lower19:40
bakumannever really used it Kilos, I use Ubuntu, but might switch. 19:41
Kilosits actually very lekker19:41
bakumanBut that would be cool on any linux distro Kerbero 19:41
bakumanoops Kilos 19:41
Kiloswas pulling legs19:41
* inetpro agrees with bakuman19:42
Kilosi better go sleep before i get kick/banned19:43
inetproKilos: why?19:43
Kiloswhy do you sleep?19:44
inetproKilos: good night oom19:44
bakuman/kick Kilos, cause I can't19:44
bakumannag oom!19:44
Kilosnag julle19:44
Kilosnight tannie magtie 19:45
Kilossee you all tomorrow19:45

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