
Predictabilityhi, im having a pretty bad problem with my laptop, can someone help?  whenever i try to boot up, i get these error messages: http://pastebin.com/upUpttFQ00:08
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birdontophatI'm having difficulty with persuading smplayer to use VDPAU01:15
birdontophatIf I run mplayer off the command line, I get this error "Forced video codec: ffmpeg12vdpau01:15
birdontophatCannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x31637661."01:15
birdontophatI'm definitely using the nvidia driver01:16
birdontophatany ideas?01:16
=== dave is now known as Guest72070
OxDeadC0dewell, first thing first is the realization that codecs and drivers don't need to touch. They can, but don't need to. A codec determines how the data is read and turned into a visual&audio solution. Your mplayer is saying it's missing a codec, try finding codec packages..01:46
* OxDeadC0de was to late01:47
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george_kampPlease help me install kubuntu 12.10 from an already downloaded Live DVD.  I can boot into a Live Session, or run OEM Install (which wants to use the whole hard disk!), but I just want to install to a new empty 400GB partion I've made.02:46
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skomorokhhow do I let other users mount devices? for some reason only my user can mount the kindle. a usb stick can be used by the other user but not the kindle. and when device manager mounts it for me, /media/Kindle is owned by me with mode 70002:51
skomorokhthere is nothing special in /etc/fstab for it02:51
skomorokhand i have "enable automounting unchecked" so i don't think my user is grabbing it02:51
skomorokhto be sure i tried rebooting and not logging in at all, only logging in as the appropriate user02:52
skomorokhther is some policykit stuff for udisks but that applies to everything, couldn't see anything kindle specific02:52
skomorokhother user also is in the plugdev group and allowed to use external storage under the user config panel02:53
skomorokhwhere else might it be weirdly constricting the umask for one particular device?02:54
skomorokhor where could i override it--i'd just add a line to fstab and be done with it but it seems kindles don't have uuids02:54
skomorokhi find | xargs grep -i kindle'd /etc/udev.d or whatever but nothing there seemed to be messing with it.02:55
george_kampdoes anyone know how to install the new kubuntu? it seems to only have a Live DVD now.  been using Linux for 15 years, this is the first time I was stopped cold doing an install02:59
george_kampgoogling takes me to kubuntu sites that say "use the Live DVD" (but how?), or I end up at ubuntu sites whose boot menu has an install option (not OEM install)03:00
george_kampwill install ubuntu first if thats what i have to do (waste of bandwidth downloading the kubuntu dvd, though)03:01
george_kampskomorokh: i use automounting for my nook, and it works fine that way (no fstab, it just plain works when i plug it in)03:03
radar__hello, can someone tell me if there is an apt-get command to install ubuntu server on a system already running ubuntu desktop?03:26
OerHeksradar__, all you need is tasksel, when you run "sudo tasksel" you get the choices to install LAMP, SSH and such03:33
radar__thank you03:39
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Alex-Zionhi everyone...., I have a probem on a 12.04 upgraded from 11.10... I cannot find anymore the user management tool .... , and I don't know the command to open it  someone can help me ?06:13
andrew____guten morgen06:22
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skramer_I have a problem with Kontact, especially Korganizer. Whenever I start Kubuntu, I get this notification: "KDE Calendar (traditional): Loading the calendar failed". Going to Korganizer settings & clicking on "Change" once, the status goes to  "Available". Unfortunately, I could not find anything helpful in the internets yet...09:25
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cphushello there! anyone willing to help with an issue regarding git plugin for Dolphin ?11:23
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BluesKajHi all12:07
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Guest36528i m using boot-repair via live cd of kubuntu15:30
Guest36528but problem occuring in dual booting15:31
Guest36528my windows do not response15:31
Guest36528every time it sendes a message ALT+Ctrl+del to restart15:32
Guest36528please tell me what should i do>?15:32
Guest36528grub installed successfully15:32
Guest36528ubuntu runs successfully but windows shows error15:33
Guest36528i m using boot-repair via live cd of kubuntu15:34
Guest36528but problem occuring in dual booting15:34
Guest36528my windows do not response15:34
Guest36528every time it sendes a message ALT+Ctrl+del to restart15:34
Guest36528please tell me what should i do>?15:34
FloodBotK1Guest36528: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:34
Guest36528grub installed successfully15:34
lordievaderGuest36528: I think you'll have more succes in #windows.15:34
Guest36528but on runtime windows do not boot15:34
Guest36528it shows error after grub bootloader15:35
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BluesKaj!nomodeset | Guest3652815:59
ubottuGuest36528: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:59
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noaXessseams xorg since 12.10 does need more cpu then in 12.0416:07
Guest36528then what should i do?16:07
spawn57use xfce?16:08
spawn57or disable a buncha things16:08
noaXessspawn57: you talk to me?16:08
Guest36528i m using boot-repair via live cd of kubuntu16:12
Guest36528but problem occuring in dual booting16:12
Guest36528my windows do not response16:12
Guest36528every time it sendes a message ALT+Ctrl+del to restart16:12
Guest36528please tell me what should i do>?16:12
FloodBotK1Guest36528: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
Guest36528grub installed successfully16:12
Guest36528is anyone alive?16:14
lordievaderGuest36528: Did you try BluesKaj's suggestion?16:15
BluesKajis there any method to enable the browser like FF to use the gpu on heavy graphics like on line game sites rather than loading the cpu up to 90%16:20
BluesKajis there any method to enable the browser like FF to use the gpu rather than loading the cpu up to 90% with higher graphics loads16:31
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Peace-BluesKaj: mm i dunno but BluesKaj i ma testing qupzilla16:37
Peace-BluesKaj: and it's a very good browser16:37
noaXessgrrrrrrr... firefoy and flash... both latest but i can't watch any youtube videos.. wtf?16:47
Peace-noaXess: :D16:49
Peace-noaXess: why ?16:49
noaXessdon't know..16:49
noaXessor my ff profile is damaged..16:49
Peace-noaXess: you acn try to reset it16:50
=== kubuntu is now known as KUbuntuLiveUser
Peace-noaXess: btw like said before i am given a try to qupzilla16:50
noaXessa lot of work to get it back like it is16:50
Peace-i am giving16:50
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KUbuntuUser500is there a command prompt in KUbuntu16:51
KUbuntuUser500how do I get to a DOS like command prompt16:53
xixorKUbuntuUser500: you can run the program called Konsole to get a terminal emulator within KDE16:53
KUbuntuUser500ok, thanks, is it already setup as a shortcut anywhere in kunbutu?16:53
xixorKUbuntuUser500: or you can use the keyboard shortcut: CNTRL+ALT+F1  to get to the first tty shortcut16:53
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KUbuntuUser500thats not gonna re-boot my system or anything is it? :)16:54
KUbuntuUser500those 3 keys look powerful16:54
xixorbut to get back to KDE use contrl+ALT+F716:54
KUbuntuUser500i need to looks like an alt-f4 on windows16:54
xixoror maybe it's contrl+ALT+F6, I can't remember16:54
KUbuntuUser500im scared to hit that many keys at once now16:54
xixorif you just want access to the terminal from within KDE, just run konsole16:55
KUbuntuUser500ok, thanks, ill do it that way16:55
xixorUse the krunner launcher.  Type ALT+F216:55
xixorthen type: konsole, then hit enter.16:55
KUbuntuUser500thanks,, that worked16:55
KUbuntuUser500windows 8 has me looking at linux just in case. :)16:56
xixorJI like windows 816:56
KUbuntuUser500if they dont fix that crap in windows 9, i may not go back16:56
KUbuntuUser500i think its windows for dummies16:56
KUbuntuUser500too simplified16:56
KUbuntuUser500if valve gets all their steam games working on linux like they appear to be doing, maybe windows will die a slow death, who knows16:57
noaXessPeace-: seems i got flash working back ;).. just restart in safe mode and disable/enable flash hardware acceleration... now.. in normal mode flash works16:58
KUbuntuUser500the easier something is to use, the less power and flexibility you have in using it, thats why i dont like windows 8 and where its headed16:59
OerHeksKubuntu is easy to use, so ?17:00
KUbuntuUser500its not an operating system for dummies though, it looks pretty complex to me17:00
OerHeksstop the ranting, KUbuntuUser500, this is a support channel.17:00
xixorKUbuntuUser500: complaining that windows is too hard and you needed help to run the command prompt in linux? lol.17:01
xixorer, windows too easy.  Je suis fail.17:01
KUbuntuUser500yeah, first time I booted into KUbuntu, maybe I didn't mention that. :)17:02
BluesKajKUbuntuUser500, there are plenty of ppl here who also use windows , you don't have to be a MS hater to use Linux17:02
KUbuntuUser500I dont hate Windows. I have Windows 7 Ultimate on my computer now. :) But I won't be upgrading to 8. That's all I said. It's not hate, its just my preferences17:03
BluesKajok , but there aren't any brownie points for bashing windows :)17:04
KUbuntuUser500wasn't trying to score any. just offering an opinion.17:04
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xixorKUbuntuUser500: have you used linux much before?\17:32
KUbuntuUser500how do i turn off closed connection notifications17:45
KUbuntuUser500in Quaseel17:46
xixorno idea, I've never used Quassel17:47
bazhangtry in #quassel17:47
KUbuntuUser500me either, first time, its the irc client that comes with KUbuntu by default, so I thought since this is a KUbuntu channel someone might know17:47
KUbuntuUser500anyone know why FireFox isn't installed by default? It looks like its just a shortcut17:50
KUbuntuUser500to an installer17:51
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: because kubuntu devs want you try rekonq17:52
KUbuntuUser500well the plan is working, i did try it out, it seems pretty decent17:52
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: rekonq sucks and users can install firefox without all the junk fo gnome17:52
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: i have removed rekonq and i use qupzilla that is stable works better17:53
KUbuntuUser500is gupzilla better than firefox and chrome17:53
KUbuntuUser500people give software the craziest names on this linux platform17:54
Peace-qupzilla is webkit but it seems firefox in some ways17:54
Peace-it's this oone17:54
KUbuntuUser500webkit, thats what chrome is made with i think17:55
KUbuntuUser500i'll have to try that sometime17:55
Peace-webkit is made by apple and open-sourced because it's based on khtml that is the engine of konqueror btw  http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/05/plasma-desktopwAN356.png KUbuntuUser50017:55
KUbuntuUser500Peace-: linux is pretty cool, i hope it continues to improve and becomes serious competition to windows17:59
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: well for me linux is the only os so :D18:00
KUbuntuUser500Peace-:  have you ever tried windows...what versions...how long have you been using linux?18:00
Peace-5 years18:01
Peace-i use the computer since 20 btw18:01
KUbuntuUser500Peace-:  have you ever used any windows operating systems?18:01
Peace-sure i used from dos 4 or 3 to windows 718:02
KUbuntuUser500Peace-: so you like linux even over windows 7?18:02
Peace-i can do the annoying thing faster18:02
xixorKUbuntuUser500: I've been using linux since 1997, been using windows since 1994.  Been programming since 1996 in various languages and various operating systems18:03
KUbuntuUser500xixor: what drives you to use linux, choice or job, do you just like variety?18:04
Peace-when i was using windows i had to fit to the system18:04
Peace-in linux is the system that fits you18:04
Peace-to you18:04
KUbuntuUser500Peace-:  never more true in the just released Windows 8, i do not like it at all, haven't even tried it18:05
Peace-first of all , then i am not scared about virus18:05
KUbuntuUser500Peace-:  windows 8 is slowly taking user choices away, microsoft is making all the decisions for the user18:05
Peace-i was pissed of antivirus anti-stuff money to buy a decent antivirus \ i don't crack softwares i just use free stuff and i am ok with it18:06
xixorKUbuntuUser500: I prefer windows.  When I was 16 and had tons of time, spending the time to tweak operating systems seems fun.  When you are 31, have clients, deadlines, and bills to pay, sometimes you just want to work in an environment you are used to. For me, I prefer windows.  I use linux for some servers, so they don't have any GUI software, just command line.  I've used linux as my desktop day-to-day OS for many years, but now I just use lin18:06
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: since 5 year i don't care of virus i don't need to defrag18:06
xixorKUbuntuUser500: on a daily basis I use OSX, Windows, or Linux, depending on which tool is best for a given job18:06
Peace-but yea i could buy a mac too18:07
KUbuntuUser500xixor: i like windows 7 alot, it is a very good operating system, just seems like windows 8, microsoft is dumbing it down and making it less customizable and more easy to use for people who don't care about technical stuff, which is good for them, but not so good for people who like to customize everything and know how everything works18:08
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: windwos is not a system like that18:08
Peace-you can't undestand how it works18:09
KUbuntuUser500Peace-:  i like to know how everything works too18:09
xixorThe only real change is that windows removed the start menu.  All the control panels are still there.  The command prompt is still there.  Windows explorer is basically the same.  There are dozens of start menu replacements.  It is trivial to change the full page metro task chooser.  I don't really see how windows 8 is dumbed down18:10
xixorNow, is it just me, or is arranging widgets on a panel a seemingly impossible task?18:11
Peace-xixor: on kde?18:11
xixorPeace-: yes18:11
Peace-xixor: it's you18:12
KUbuntuUser500xixor: its a tablet os for the masses, they didn't take all the toys power users love away, but they clearly added a UI to make it more appealing to everyday people, if they continue on this trend, windows 9 will be nothing more than a tablet OS on a desktop, which I think it is half there already18:12
SIR_Tacolol Peace- you beat me to it18:12
Peace-xixor: i did  a panels collections btw18:12
xixorhow do you move the widgets around?  I have them unlocked?  is there some magic keystroke to hold down while you try to drag them around?18:12
xixorKUbuntuUser500: list for me the power applications that they removed18:13
SIR_Tacoxixor: click the little caschew thingy in the corner of the taskbar, then you can move things around18:13
Peace-xixor: you need to click on the right18:13
xixorah, there we go, thanks18:13
xixorPeace-: what is a panels collections?18:14
KUbuntuUser500xixor: you misread, I said they 'didn't take all the power toys, yet, but who knows, it seems they are slowly creeping towards dumbing down the OS, they can't just rip everything out, then it wouldn't fail all together.18:14
Peace-xixor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzEty1TYAE18:14
KUbuntuUser500am i still connected?18:15
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: sure18:15
Peace-xixor: you can find this stuff here http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=14758918:15
Peace-there is even a debian for it18:16
xixorPeace-: cool18:16
Peace-xixor: it's a simple project made in javascript18:17
KUbuntuUser500hey, can one of you gurus tell me how I would go about burning multiple flavors of linux to a DVD or possibly even a BD-R so that I could boot into all of them off the DVD without installing. I like being able to try without installation. That's what I am doing now.18:17
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: dvd ?18:18
KUbuntuUser500Peace-:  yes dvd or bd-r, i think they work the same way18:18
xixorKUbuntuUser500: I would recommend using virtual box and running the various flavours in a VM18:18
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/18:18
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: have you a nice computer ? if yes you should use what xixor said18:19
KUbuntuUser500xixor: okay, thanks, I'll give that a try18:19
KUbuntuUser500Peace-: i got a core i3-2105 with 16 GB memory18:20
Peace-KUbuntuUser500: ok you can use VM18:20
xixorKUbuntuUser500: It'll take you some time to get used to do doing things.  You have to setup a Virtual Machine, install the extension pack, and then install the Guest Additions on any "Guest" operating system to get good performance18:20
SIR_Tacothere are also scripts which will let you place the ISO files for however many distros will fit on your media, and they will mount and play through a list18:20
xixorKUbuntuUser500: but once you get used to using virtual machines, they are awesome.  I am using Kubuntu 12.10, full screen, across 3 monitors right now, on my laptop running windows 718:21
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xixorKUbuntuUser500: and it works very fast, I cannot tell that I am in a "virtual" machine, and not a regular linux installation18:21
Peace-xixor: :D i have a 5 years old computer and VM is not good :D18:21
KUbuntuUser500xixor: that sounds nice, i'll have to do some research on that, plus get me a second monitor, only have 1 monitor now on windows 718:21
xixorKUbuntuUser500: My main linux server uses debian, and it too runs as a virtual machine, www.xixor.net is hosted on a virtual machine.  The entire server can be backed up and moved to another machine by simply copying a single file.  If my computer crashes, I can have a full copy of my entire server up and running in a different virtualbox machine in minutes18:22
xixorPeace-: Yes.. I'm lucky, I have pretty modern hardware18:23
xixorKUbuntuUser500: what type of computer do you have, and how much memory?18:23
SIR_Tacohttp://forums.justlinux.com/showthread.php?150078-How-to-boot-several-CD-iso-files-in-a-DVD  (if you really want to use a DVD/Blu-ray18:23
KUbuntuUser500xixor: i have an Intel core i3-2105 with 16GB of ddr3 memory18:23
KUbuntuUser500SIR_Taco:  thanks for the link, yes, i'll check that out too, sounds interesting18:24
xixorKUbuntuUser500: yeah, you will be able to run virtual machines just fine18:24
KUbuntuUser500one thing I did learn, booting off a live CD runs a hell of a lot faster than booting linux off a USB flash drive, I wanted to hang myself when I tried that, it was so slow18:25
KUbuntuUser500not even sure why they promote trying it that way18:25
KUbuntuUser500maybe USB 3.0 is better, i was using a USB 2.0 drive18:25
xixorVirtual machines have really simplified and improved my computing life18:28
SIR_Tacoxixor: they're great for web developing18:29
xixoryeah I bet18:30
SIR_Tacothe android vm provided with the SDK is alright... just wish it could do GL. Would save me having to keep a bunch of devices hooked up :P18:33
xixorSIR_Taco: in the android vm, can you do things like specify different screen resolutions and such?18:39
SIR_Tacoxixor: yes, resolution, ram size, os versions18:40
xixorah, neat18:46
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brijesh_how to write "next line in java".........System.out.println("hello /n world") ?20:04
Picibrijesh_: You'd get better java programming support in ##java20:05
Pici(psst, also you probably want \n not /n20:05
brijesh_sorry sir did't get you20:05
Picibrijesh_: You are in #kubuntu now.  We support Kubuntu.  ##java supports Java.20:05
brijesh_kindly guide me , what is it?20:06
brijesh_or just give me a instruction link20:07
tsimpsonbrijesh_: /join ##java20:07
tsimpsonand ask there20:07
SIR_Tacobrijesh_: system.out.println("hello\nworld");         but yes, for java support join the java channel20:08
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ed875676hi, does anyone know how to connect to to adhoc wireless network in kubuntu? (my phone which is set on wifi tether)/20:09
SIR_Tacodougl: did you get your printer sorted?20:14
xixorprinting.... linux... lol20:15
SIR_Tacoxixor: it was a print share20:15
xixorusing samba?20:15
moiseyздравствуйте. здесь есть русские?20:20
BluesKaj!ru | moisey20:20
ubottumoisey: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:20
SIR_Tacoed875676: haven't tried it, but it should be as easy as connecting to a normal access point20:21
moisey /join #ubuntu-ru20:21
ed875676SIR_Taco: yes but the laptop doesnt see it20:22
SIR_Tacoed875676: have you tried entering the essid manually? (maybe it's hiding the essid... I wouldn't want just anyone trying to connect to my phone for tethering)20:24
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markus_dwhere did kivio go?21:02
markus_dI need a flowchart editor21:02
markus_ddia sucks21:02
markus_dcan' find any info on that :(21:03
SIR_Tacomarkus_d: seems to be replace by Calligra Office21:06
SIR_Taco"calligraflow" to be exact21:07
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markus_dSIR_Taco: Found its website. trying to install it21:09
markus_dadding the ppa did not help :(21:10
markus_dmaybe because this is linuxmint here? damn21:12
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asfyxiamarkus_d: If you run 12.04, it must be in the repos21:13
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=== Kvaks is now known as Kvakz
=== Kvakz is now known as Kvaks
=== Kvaks is now known as Kvakz
=== Kvakz is now known as Kvaks
=== Kvaks is now known as Kvakz
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IRCAppletlol, sorry I am setting up a chat widget22:44
BarkingFishevening guys - quicky question for you.  I'm looking at a package called Aegisub which we have, which we've not been able to update since 2.1.9 due to the fact that debian doesn't have wxwidgets 2.922:44
BarkingFishare we able to totally bypass debian and package wxwidgets 2.9 for (k)ubuntu?22:45
SIR_Tacohaave you went through this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12303820    ?22:50
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: ^^22:50
barcodeHi. I've instaed Kubuntu 12.04 on an eMachines 420, bought in 2004. Every now and then, but this happens at least once when I login, the screen goes black and then the text on some applications are different colors, especially on firefox. Could this be a video issue?22:54
barcodeam I using the correct driver for this card? http://pastebin.com/gAqgSKf922:56
BarkingFishSIR_Taco, I have aegisub working fine on here now - the problem is that Aegisub is now on version 3.0.1 - a long way off from where we left it - 2.1.9 was around before raring was out22:56
simplewyofel: ping22:57
BarkingFish3.0.1 can't be packaged into Kubuntu/Ubuntu while debian don't have wxwidgets at 2.9 or higher - 3.0.1 is dependent on it22:57
SIR_Tacoah ok, I see22:58
BarkingFishI tried the "preconfigured" thing mentioned on that thread, it  doesn't work here.22:58
tilgoviI'm trying to set my akonadi up to use my standalone postgresql. After configuring with the kcm panel, I notice that "akonadictl start" gives an error message which includes the wrong port number (it includes the default port number for postgres, which is *not* the default as configured by the kubuntu repository packages)22:58
tilgoviI suspect akonadi (or some database component it uses) is ignoring the port option22:59
tilgoviAnyone have recommendations?22:59
BarkingFishWhat i'm asking is, would debian be annoyed at us if we just went ahead and sorted out wx2.9 without waiting for them, SIR_Taco?22:59
tilgoviI've verified now that starting akonadi after switching postgres to the default port works.22:59
yofelsimplew: pong, I won't be on for long though23:00
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: there's nothing stopping anyone from making a PPA for anything they want.... whether the Kubuntu  team will do it? I'm not sure23:00
BarkingFishThe problem is that there are wxwidgets packages available, but they're all amd64, no i386 stuff.23:01
BarkingFishI wonder if I could run the source code through bazaar and see if it would rebuild it for i38623:02
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: possibly talk with the maintainer of those packages?23:02
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
BarkingFishapparently, people have tried, SIR_Taco - his name is Sebastian Reichel, and the last time he did anything to Aegisub was March, when he imported the old version from Raring, into Quantal.23:04
BarkingFishThat's mostly the last anyone's seen of him23:04
tilgovifiled a bug. sorry for the noise.23:05
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: ah ok23:07
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: Note: We currently do not have prebuilt binaries for any Linux systems. Many distributions now have packages for Aegisub; if yours does not consider requesting or creating one.23:30
BarkingFishWe do have a prebuilt one, SIR_Taco :)  That's how I got it on here now.  The only problem is, it's about a good couple of years out of date!23:43
SIR_TacoBarkingFish: and the wrong arch23:44
BarkingFishno, we have an i386 one on Kubuntu :)23:45
BarkingFishI installed it a day or two back23:45
=== david is now known as Guest5397
simplewi made a debuild but the build had an error, now i run again debuild and the build doesnt go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1336196   can anyone tell me what i need to do?23:57
simplewRiddell: ping23:57

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