
coolbhavidpm, hey06:51
coolbhavigood morning06:51
dpmmorning coolbhavi, how are you?06:53
dpmdid you get back home all right?06:53
coolbhavidpm, yup a long flight though06:53
coolbhavidpm, I have mailed few UADW session ideas to you06:54
dpmcoolbhavi, yeah, I saw them, thanks06:55
coolbhavino mention06:55
coolbhavidpm, how was your travel btw?06:56
dpmnot too bad, but the flight was delayed and I only arrived Saturday evening06:56
dpmcoolbhavi, if you think you've finished the action for the UADW session, would you mind marking it as DONE in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-r-app-developer-week-on-air ? Thanks!06:57
coolbhavidpm, done06:58
coolbhavihey jvrbanac06:58
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, howdy!06:58
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, thanks again for pushing up that update!06:59
dpmthanks coolbhavi06:59
coolbhavijvrbanac, m fine. how about you? no mention.. still a long way to clear up the queue though07:00
coolbhavidpm, btw I had my check in baggage damaged at bangalore thats the only thing which sucked on the trip back07:01
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, I'm doing well, just trying to finish up a few things before I head to bed. I wish I could help more with the queue. Between full-time work and school (I went back to school a few years ago), and trying to help a little with the Developer Network... I'm exhausted lol.07:04
coolbhavijvrbanac, thats perfectly alright! btw you in school? thats great!07:06
jvrbanacYeah, I've I decided a few years ago that I would go back and finish up my degree. I'll be finished in Dec. FINALLY!07:06
coolbhavigreat to hear that :) all the best!07:08
jvrbanaccoolbhavi, Thanks! It's been a long time coming and i'll be happy to see it go. I would much rather help with open-source projects with my spare time then write papers and take exams lol!07:09
coolbhavicool :)07:10
coolbhavidpm, btw I can help with other app dev items too07:12
coolbhavion the spec07:13
jvrbanacBtw, coolbhavi and dpm, if you were open to suggestions, I would highly recommend spending some time around translation support. I know it was on the list, but that was one of the areas that I had the hardest time figuring out how it worked and how I could test it.07:20
coolbhavijvrbanac, sure. thanks for your suggestion07:21
dpmjvrbanac, indeed, it's on our list of topics for sessions at the next Ubuntu App Developer Week - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-r-app-developer-week-on-air07:33
* ajmitch waves09:23
dpmhey ajmitch, did you get home all right?09:32
ajmitchnot home yet09:34
ajmitchsitting in hong kong airport, boarding for flight to NZ in ~90 min09:34
ajmitchthen another few hours waiting for the final flight after that09:36
highvoltageajmitch: hope it's easy and uneventful10:05
ajmitchmore likely to just be tedious & far too long10:05
ajmitchthis is one of the few times I regret living in NZ :)10:05
highvoltageyes sounds tough10:06
ajmitchinternet data caps are the other reason, but I see my cap was doubled while I was away10:08
* dpm hugs ajmitch10:26
dpmcoolbhavi, would you mind adding your App Developer Week session proposals to the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek/Prep ?10:27
coolbhavidpm, done11:58
dpmthanks coolbhavi :)11:58
dpmnice work in adding the descriptions for each proposal as well :)11:59
coolbhavino mention :)12:01
coolbhavihighvoltage, hey12:25
coolbhaviplease subscribe to the list again as I dont need to approve your posts then :)12:26
highvoltagehey coolbhavi12:31
highvoltagecoolbhavi: heh, ok12:31
coolbhavithanks highvoltage :)12:33
coolbhavihey cwayne13:14
cwayneheya coolbhavi, hows it goin?13:14
coolbhavicwayne, good recovered from UDS.. how about you?13:15
cwaynecoolbhavi: could be worse, still have a bit of a cold leftover from UDS13:15
coolbhaviah thats bad :( take ample rest13:16
coolbhavihope you get well soon13:16
cwaynethanks!  i'll be all right soon enough :)13:16
cwayneajmitch: how about a final +1 for the github lens :P13:49
coolbhavicwayne, heh :)13:50
coolbhavicwayne, btw changed the icon? :)14:00
cwaynecoolbhavi: yep :)14:12
coolbhavigood night all!15:07

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