
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
dholbachgood morning07:21
philballewmorning dholbach07:22
philballewrecovered from uds?07:22
dholbachhey philballew07:23
dholbachphilballew, right now it feels like it, but I know I'm going to feel different once I have an overview over all my new work items :)07:23
dholbachhow are you?07:23
philballewOverall relaxed, but as well all know, the week will have unexpected surprises. I need to go over my items as well. I have a bunch to keep me busy.07:26
philballewneed to look over exactly what I can do to help with the videos.07:35
dholbachit's going to be a great cycle :)07:36
philballewthats for sure. last cycle went really quick07:37
bkerensadholbach: what was the name of that package for forwarding patches to debian?07:51
dholbachbkerensa, I'm not sure I understand your question - can you elaborate?07:52
bkerensadholbach: I think it was submittodebian we were using for the Bug Fix Initiative list last cycle to submit fixes upstream to debian?07:52
dholbachyes, submittodebian is the tool to forward patches to Debian - it's part of the ubuntu-dev-tools package07:53
bkerensadholbach: time to start housekeeping up string-fix and bitesize :)08:01
dholbachsounds good :)08:01
bkerensadholbach: have u seen "ERROR: Revision {package-import@ubuntu.com-20120711113620-v800iu2gzawm21xx} not present in "Graph(StackedParentsProvider(bzrlib.repository._LazyListJoin(([CachingParentsProvider(None)], []))))""08:01
bkerensaI got that when trying to bzr branch08:02
dholbachno, but maybe Launchpad has a bug about it?08:02
* bkerensa searches some08:03
dholbachor maybe ask in #launchpad or #bzr?08:11
dholbachhey dpm08:11
dpmmorning dholbach08:11
philballewMark just gave a good juju talk once again.08:51
khildin_jcastro_ I took the liberty to send you an email. I hope you can help me out with that...09:49
khildin_<- robb from Zentyal community09:50
=== TheGrimSqueaker is now known as nothingspecial
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 11:33
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back :)11:33
* nigelb ducks from popey 11:48
mhall119czajkowski: see G+13:48
czajkowskiglad you got it13:50
mhall119the irony, he got his RedHat hat *and* Unity on his computer on the same day13:51
=== jrgifford is now known as jrgifford_away
jcastro_hah man14:18
jcastro_my inbox is a wreck14:19
cprofitthey jcastro_ they have an app for that :-)14:19
dholbachI have a button for that :)14:31
dakerdholbach: http://www.northafricaunited.com/World-Travel-Awards-Marrakech-voted-best-African-destination-of-the-year_a2579.html14:36
dholbachit IS a very nice place :)14:41
dpmhi mhall119, when you've got a minute, could you update the whiteboard and work items on the Quickly blueprints?15:14
dpmgreat, thanks :)15:15
dholbachczajkowski, my fingers are hurting now: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2012/11/report-leadership-mini-summit-at-uds/ :)15:23
cjohnstonmornin all15:24
IdleOnehave you folks listened to jono's latest video?15:24
* IdleOne links15:26
cprofittIdleOne: thanks... good song... never knew Jono playes Acoustic15:42
cprofittI am still struggling to learn15:42
nigelbmhall119: http://bindersfullofburgers.tumblr.com/15:42
nigelbmhall119: You'll love it! :)15:42
IdleOnecprofitt: I have seen him play acoustic once or twice on ustream iirc.15:43
IdleOnecprofitt: his usual stuff is much harder hitting though15:43
SergioMenesesdholbach, +1 Im going to write soon15:44
SergioMenesescjohnston, mornin15:44
dholbachSergioMeneses, what are you going to write?15:45
SergioMenesesdholbach, some ideas about the community15:45
dholbachah nice - thanks! :)15:45
SergioMenesesdholbach, I did something but in Spanish https://sergioandresmeneses.wordpress.com/2012/11/04/mi-participacion-en-la-ubuntu-developer-summit-r/15:46
dholbachnice one15:47
dholbachI like Mark in the Ubuntu Colombia shirt :)15:47
cprofittSergioMeneses: just G+'d that15:47
SergioMenesescprofitt, hey man! ty a lot ;)15:48
SergioMenesesdholbach, yeeeah15:48
SergioMenesesyou can see my photo gallery, It is in the post... but Im going to write something for the planet15:48
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: hey, RT tells me I don't have enough permission to see the ticket15:59
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, yes, it's not accepted/assigned yet - that's when you get messages like this - you should be able to just reply to the RT mail I sent15:59
dholbachhey jono15:59
JoseeAntonioRso, instead of OpenID we would be getting Ubuntu SSO, then?15:59
jonohey dholbach16:00
jonodholbach, all set?16:00
dholbachjono, yes16:00
jonocool, setting it up :-)16:00
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, I replied to your mail16:00
jonodholbach, invite sent16:01
jcastro_SergioMeneses: your photos are pretty awesome16:05
SergioMenesesjcastro_, hey! thanks16:06
dpmSergioMeneses, nice blog post, no sabía que eras de Colombia!16:25
SergioMenesesdpm, si, soy miembro fundador del concilio de ubuntu colombia16:27
dpmqué bueno16:28
jonodpm, ok to go now?16:28
SergioMenesesy trabajo con el classroom en español16:28
dpmjono, yep!16:28
jonodpm, invite sent16:28
dpmcoming in...16:29
SergioMenesesdpm, we can talk later...16:30
dpmSergioMeneses, sure16:39
cprofittjono: nice song on youtube.17:35
IdleOneSome band named Derek and the Dominos covered Layla by Eric Clapton.17:41
dholbachalright my friends - see you all tomorrow17:49
dholbachbig hugs17:49
jonothanks cprofitt!17:56
jonomhall119, all set?17:59
jonomhall119, invite sent18:00
jonomhall119, lost you18:18
mhall119yeah, trying to re-join but Google is having trouble18:18
=== jrgifford_away is now known as jrgifford
mhall119czajkowski: what's the difference between Maintainer and Driver when it comes to an LP project?19:05
czajkowskimaintainer maintains the project,so i t has the permissions necesary for keeping data correct, driver is responsible for the developement, eg setting milestones, setting bugs/codes to bp etc19:21
czajkowskimhall119: ^^^19:21
mhall119perfect, thanks czajkowski19:21
jonoballoons, I have been on the phone solid all morning, can we delay our call a little so I can eat?19:22
cjohnstonI thought you were a machine and didnt need to eat19:24
jonocjohnston, LOL19:24
mhall119cjohnston: no, that's jcastro_19:24
balloonsjono, realized I didn't say yes back in chat :-)19:33
mhall119balloons: did you just nod your head to him?19:34
balloonsmhall119, I said it vocally19:34
mhall1191/w 10820:05
jonojcastro_, all set?20:34
jonomhall119, free now?20:41
mhall119jono: yup20:41
jonomhall119, setting it up20:41
jonomhall119, invite sent20:42
jonoballoons, sorry, you might get bumped to tomorro20:42
jonoa bunch of urgent things to do today20:42
jonoballoons, we will speak tomorrow for sure though20:42
balloonsjono.. no worries mate20:55
jonoballoons, thanks20:55
jonojcastro_, around?21:15
jonojcastro_, free to chat?21:18
jonofiring it up21:18
jcastro_did my IRC client just spam the channel with something?21:18
jcastro_[jcastro_ back: gone 00:39:27]21:18
jonojcastro_, no21:18
jcastro_or was that just on mine21:18
jcastro_ok, whew21:18
jonojcastro_, invite sent21:19
marcoceppiSpamapS this is what I was thinking:21:33
marcoceppiwrong chanel'21:34
cjohnstonbkerensa: what are you sending on FB?22:07
mhall119cjohnston: spam :(22:13
mhall119guess it wasn't just me22:13
mhall119hope I didn't spam people by clicking it22:13
dakerhhh be carefull22:22
jonoballoons, hey22:33
jonoFYI, I just did an intro to you and the Nexus 7 team22:33
jonoI want us to get a solid set of manual testings in place for our community to help with22:34
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: what would Analytical/Statistical include?22:42
=== jrgifford is now known as jrgifford_away
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: number-crunching23:13
JoseeAntonioRoh, that's cool23:13
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: remember the plenary at UDS where the guy was building statistics about LP bugs?  That kind of thing23:13
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston, mhall119: how do I get a LP BP ID?23:56
cjohnstondepends on your purpose23:58
JoseeAntonioRfor example, the ID of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-ubuntuonair23:59
cjohnstonyou would have to look in the lp export23:59

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