
rtgapw, pushed raring rebased on v3.7-rc4, build testing now12:48
ckingrtg, I'll be happy to give it a test spin on various boxes13:06
rtgcking, I had a docs build failure that I'm still tracking down, but the kernel binary builds OK if you want to give it a go13:08
ckingrtg, have you any .debs that I can download?13:10
rtgcking, working on it. the docs failure stops the build before the kernel binaries are packaged. should have them in 10 mins or so (on gomeisa)13:11
ricotzrtg, hi, i ran into having broken input (keyboard/mouse) earlier (raring master-next with rc4 merged)13:13
rtgricotz, I've only _just_ [ushed -rc4. are you sure it wasn't an earlier version ?13:14
ricotzrtg, i merged it myself yesterday13:15
rtgricotz, well, if you have a kernel version that does work, then how about starting a bug report and working with jsalisbury to bisect the issue ?13:16
ricotzrtg, i am not sure if this is something real, i guess i will try to reproduce it with the new rebased branch13:16
ricotzalso having nvidia-blob around might be doing this13:17
ricotzjust wanted to mention it, but you probably not running it yet13:17
rtgnope, haven't tested it. I've asked Alberto to have a look13:18
ricotzpatched nvidia works fine with the rc313:19
rtgcking, I turned on signed modules. do you have an external module you could build and install to make sure the kernel complains ? Isn't there something in fwts ?13:46
ckingrtg, I will give it a spin13:47
rtgcking, we decided to not make requiring signed modules the default, but there some Xen folks that would like to use it.13:48
ckingrtg, the skarkbay laptop works so much batter with that 3-7rc4 kernel14:52
rtgcking, haswell ?14:53
ckingrtg, yep14:53
rtgI guess thats a good thing14:53
ckingwell, I get get a desktop now that works, and 3D games render OK w/o it dying14:54
* ogasawara back in 2015:39
bjfrtg, got that -rc4 kernel somewhere handy16:16
rtgbjf, gomeisa.buildd:~rtg/ukb/raring/amd64/master-next16:17
apwbjf, i need to drop an patch for the linux-lts-quantal package on the branch see any issues with that?16:37
bjfapw, you need to commit a patch to quantal master-next branch ?16:37
apwbjf, nope specially to the lts-quantal version in precise, to the branch specific machinary, to enabled signed kernels there16:38
bjfapw, ah! i see no problem there16:39
bjfapw, you are free to maneuver16:39
apwbjf, thrusters to one half indeed16:39
bjfrtg, how come only the -generic headers were built and not the -all?16:41
rtgbjf, likely because of the way I built. lemme check16:41
apwbjf, herton, does shankbot know about when -signed is needed yet.  if not we likely need to codify that too17:46
bjfapw, i believe it is already on heron's todo list17:46
apwwe probabally talked about it over beer, and that is what i am blaming for me not remembering17:47
infinitybjf, herton: While we're talking shankbot wishlists, it's getting unwieldly for people who aren't intimately familiar with the process to hunt down all related/dependant packages.  Maybe the description should list them all, so we don't miss any on promotions? (linux, lbm, meta, signed, etc)17:47
infinitybjf, herton: Granted, that can be worked out from the prepare-* tasks (well once there's a prepare-signed), so maybe it would be duplicate info, I dunno.17:47
infinityNone of this is a huge deal while I'm the one doing the AA side of all of this, cause I know what's up, but I imagine it'll make someone's head explode if they have to cover for me on vacation.17:48
bjfinfinity, i'm not sure what you'd like to see .. a wiki page explaining the relationships?17:48
infinitybjf: No, a list in the description of "these are the packages involved in this SRU".17:48
bjfinfinity, ah, ok, that seems reasonable17:49
infinitybjf: Since the bug is (technically) only against linux (or linux-flavour), it's not immediately obvious that "promoting this also means promoting meta, lbm, signed...)17:49
bjfinfinity, wouldn't they get "the idea" when we pocket copy those packages?17:50
infinitybjf: Well, I tend to do all the PPA copies too.  But, even if that weren't the case, you/me doing the PPA copy today, and someone else doing the promotion in two weeks, is a fair bit of disconnect.17:51
* infinity shrugs.17:52
infinityIt's not a huge deal, and I'd like to think I'll train someone a bit before they cover for me anyway.17:52
infinityAnd, to me, the relationships are obvious.17:53
bjfinfinity, i'm not disagreeing, i'm just thinking about it17:53
infinityBut I can see how the list on sru-report.html would be mind-bending to someone who's not used to reading it. ;)17:53
infinityActually, maybe we could just make the report more clever.17:53
bjfi was thinking that as well17:54
infinityIf it could group things in related units, so the base/meta/lbm/signed were always together.17:54
* rtg -> lunch19:08
hertonapw, yes shank bot should be covering the signed packages only for quantal and later now19:17
hertonwe will need to update this though on the backport for precise and may be precise when it's done there too19:18
infinityapw: When is the first kernel upload for raring going to happen, BTW?  Trying to decide if I should care about copying qunatal SRU kernels to raring, or just leave it be.19:22
infinityogasawara: ^19:23
ogasawarainfinity: I say just leave it be, we just rebased to v3.7-rc4 today so I suspect we'll attempt an upload of this soon baring anything catastrophic19:24
infinityogasawara: Shiny, thanks.19:24
infinityogasawara: If some dreadful security vuln shows up in the next SRU cycle and R still doesn't have its own kernel, I'll reevaluate. :P19:25
bjfrtg, rc4 working ok on my macbook air19:27
bjfrtg, also on SandyBridge HEDT19:36
jdstrandjjohansen: hey, so this linux-lowlatency, is that a supported kernel (ie, it gets USNs)?20:03
jjohansenjdstrand: no, its community supported20:04
jdstrandjjohansen: so, how does that work with the process?20:04
jdstrandie, the cadence process20:04
jjohansenjdstrand: its just not part of the process, they rebase on our kernels20:05
jdstrandoh I see. it is entirely driven by them. cool20:05
jdstrandjjohansen: thanks20:06
argesjsalisbury, hi20:15
jsalisburyarges, hey20:27
argesjsalisbury,  were you able to re-open the upstream bug for bug 92290620:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 922906 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Oops - BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000009c; EIP is at __ticket_spin_lock+0x8/0x30" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92290620:27
argesjsalisbury, i was going to start investigating this a bit more20:28
jsalisburyarges, I wasn't able to, I didn't have the appropiate premissions20:28
argesjsalisbury, ok should i reopen after i take a look at it a bit?20:29
jsalisburyarges, I noticed Ben Hutchings requested that it get reopened as well, but never got a respnse20:29
argesi mean file a new bug not re-open20:29
jsalisburyarges, sure, that may get it moving again20:29
jsalisburyarges, there were a couple of discussions on LKML about it as well, but none ever went anywhere.20:31
jsalisburyarges, I think it was left off around March of 201120:32
jsalisburymaybe april20:32
argesok i'll get more data first20:32
jsalisburyarges, I think henrix and apw also looked at this for a while and there was even a test kernel.20:34
jsalisburyarges, Actually there was a fix upstream on fsdevel: http://marc.info/?t=130806561400010&r=1&w=2  I don't think it was ever picked up in mainline though.20:37
argesjsalisbury, yea i'll have to dig on this a bit more20:40
* rtg bugs out20:51
bjfogasawara, i just boot tested rc4 on two server systems, it's up on both however, the emerald ridge system has no video and lots of backtrace in the dmesg21:11
ogasawarabjf: ack21:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
akhileshssHi, I am trying to add a new system call to kernel 3.6.5. I followed the steps here: http://goo.gl/f0hk7 . But I hit the error "arch/x86/built-in.o: …: undefined reference to "sys_foo".  I am trying to put new sys call foo. Can anyone help me figure out what is missing ?21:38
bjfogasawara, i tested rc4 on 7 systems, only the one had any issues22:01
ogasawarabjf: ok good to know.  are you able to pull the logs from that emerald ridge?22:02
bjfogasawara, sure, it's up and running if anyone wants to also poke at it22:02
ogasawarabjf: I'll sync with rtg in the morning about debugging it22:03
bjfogasawara, it's "statler" in the lab22:04
ogasawarabjf: ack22:04

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