nobuto | dpm: Could you take a look at ? | 11:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1074663 in ubufox (Ubuntu) ""You should restart Firefox now" popup is not translated" [Undecided,New] | 11:19 |
nobuto | There are some options to fix this. I would like to consult you which way should we take. | 11:19 |
dpm | hi nobuto, looking... | 11:39 |
dpm | nobuto, so what are your ideas? | 11:40 |
nobuto | ideal solution is make ubufox integrated with LP. | 11:40 |
nobuto | but for now, | 11:41 |
nobuto | 1. gather translation on Wiki or somewhere and make merge proposal at one by proxy. | 11:42 |
nobuto | 2. call for merge propossal per language/locale. | 11:43 |
nobuto | Those are possible ideas, I think. | 11:43 |
nobuto | How do you think? | 11:43 |
dpm | nobuto, we've done that approach (wiki) in the past, and in my experience it's too much manual work. I'd rather have translations converted to gettext format and put in Launchpad, the way the webapps team do with their extension. It's not only neater, but also much less of a hassle. | 11:45 |
nobuto | I agree with you in a Wiki way. | 11:47 |
nobuto | consulting ubuntu-mozillateam first is the best? | 11:47 |
nobuto | whether they can take a way the same as webapps. | 11:47 |
dpm | nobuto, yeah, I'd suggest consulting them first. I assume they'll agree, but they will probably expect someone else to implement it and submit it to them as a merge proposal | 11:50 |
nobuto | dpm: thanks. I will go #ubuntu-mozillateam and try. | 11:50 |
dpm | thanks nobuto | 11:51 |
nobuto | dpm: let me please consult you about another bug. | 12:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 982924 in Ubuntu Translations ""Record you passphrase" notification untranslated" [Medium,Triaged] | 12:25 |
dpm | nobuto, yep, I'm familiar with that one. What's the question? | 12:26 |
nobuto | I worked on it as branch, and now it loads translation of the title of the dialogue. but it does not load translations of the description. | 12:26 |
nobuto | but removing line break of the description makes loading the translation. | 12:27 |
nobuto | Is it OK just removing line break to fix this bug on the short-term basis? | 12:27 |
dpm | let me have a look... | 12:29 |
dpm | nobuto, I think it should be fine to remove the line break, but I'd double-check with kelemengabor, as he's got more experience in internationalizing such Debian files. Or another good place to ask might be on the #debian-i18n channel on the OFTC network | 12:45 |
nobuto | dpm: thanks. I'm not so sure, but update-notifier seems handling translations by itself. | 12:50 |
kelemengabor | dpm: nobuto: I think it is okay. the problem is that update-notifier does not entirely work according to the spec, while intltool does. but we have only a few such notes, so fixing those could be an easier way. | 12:51 |
dpm | nobuto, kelemengabor, it might be worth filing a bug against update-notifier specifying the way it should work, and as a workaround until it's fixed, then remove the line breaks of the description | 12:52 |
nobuto | dpm: kelemengabor: OK. I will report it as a bug of update-notifier and see how it works for a week. Until then it's not fixed, I will make a merge propossal to ecryptfs-utils with removing the line breaks. | 12:54 |
dpm | thanks nobuto | 12:56 |
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